    def initialize(self, density, hamiltonian, wfs, occupations):
        self.xc.initialize(density, hamiltonian, wfs, occupations)
        self.nspins = wfs.nspins
        self.setups = wfs.setups
        self.density = density
        self.kpt_u = wfs.kpt_u

        self.gd = density.gd
        self.kd = wfs.kd
        self.bd = wfs.bd
        if self.bd.comm.size > 1:
            raise ValueError('Band parallelization not supported by hybridk')
        self.wfs = wfs

        self.world = wfs.world

        self.fd = logfile(self.fd, self.world.rank)

        N = self.gd.N_c.prod()
        vol = self.gd.dv * N

        if self.alpha is None:
            # XXX ?
            self.alpha = 6 * vol**(2 / 3.0) / pi**2

        if self.ecut is None:
            self.ecut = 0.5 * pi**2 / (self.gd.h_cv**2).sum(1).max() * 0.9999

        self.bzq_qc = self.kd.get_bz_q_points()
        qd = KPointDescriptor(self.bzq_qc)
        q0 = self.kd.where_is_q(np.zeros(3), self.bzq_qc)

        self.pwd = PWDescriptor(self.ecut, self.gd, complex, kd=qd)

        G2_qG = self.pwd.G2_qG
        G2_qG[q0][0] = 117.0
        self.iG2_qG = [1.0 / G2_G for G2_G in G2_qG]
        G2_qG[q0][0] = 0.0
        self.iG2_qG[q0][0] = 0.0

        self.gamma = (vol / (2 * pi)**2 * sqrt(pi / self.alpha) *

        for q in range(self.kd.nbzkpts):
            self.gamma -= np.dot(np.exp(-self.alpha * G2_qG[q]),

        self.iG2_qG[q0][0] = self.gamma

        self.ghat = LFC(self.gd, [setup.ghat_l for setup in density.setups],

        self.log('Value of alpha parameter:', self.alpha)
        self.log('Value of gamma parameter:', self.gamma)
        self.log('Cutoff energy:', self.ecut, 'Hartree')
        self.log('%d x %d x %d k-points' % tuple(self.kd.N_c))
    def initialize(self, dens, ham, wfs, occupations):
        assert wfs.bd.comm.size == 1

        self.xc.initialize(dens, ham, wfs, occupations)

        self.dens = dens
        self.wfs = wfs

        # Make a k-point descriptor that is not distributed
        # (self.kd.comm is serial_comm):
        self.kd = wfs.kd.copy()

        self.fd = logfile(self.fd, self.world.rank)

    def initialize(self, dens, ham, wfs, occupations):
        assert wfs.bd.comm.size == 1

        self.xc.initialize(dens, ham, wfs, occupations)

        self.dens = dens
        self.wfs = wfs

        # Make a k-point descriptor that is not distributed
        # (self.kd.comm is serial_comm):
        self.kd = wfs.kd.copy()

        self.fd = logfile(self.fd, self.world.rank)
