def propagate_downwards(G: NNGraph):
    for node in G.dfs():
        # First propagate the in dim hints to the out dim hints
        # Any node that does not want this to happen should set its out dim hints

        if node.in_dims_hint is not None:
            if isinstance(node, ReshapeParameters):
                if len(node.old_shape) == len(node.in_dims_hint[0]):
                    LOG.debug("set reshape %s in dims hint %s", node.name,
            elif isinstance(node, GlobalPoolParameters):
                if node.keep_dims:
                    node.out_dims_hint = deepcopy(node.in_dims_hint)
            elif isinstance(node, MatrixBroadcastedLinearOpParameters):
                max_hint = None
                for hint in node.in_dims_hint:
                    if hint is not None and (max_hint is None
                                             or len(hint) > len(max_hint)):
                        max_hint = hint
                if max_hint is not None:
                    node.out_dims_hint = [max_hint]
            elif isinstance(node, ConcatParameters):
                # if any incoming edge of the concat doesn't have a hint
                # set it the same as the others
                any_in_hint = next(
                    (hint for hint in node.in_dims_hint if hint is not None),
                if any_in_hint:
                    LOG.debug("set concat %s in dims hint %s", node.name,
                    for edge in G.in_edges(node.name):
                        if not node.in_dims_hint[edge.to_idx]:
                            node.in_dims_hint[edge.to_idx] = any_in_hint
                    node.out_dims_hint = [any_in_hint]
                if node.out_dims_hint is None:
                    node.out_dims_hint = deepcopy(node.in_dims_hint)

        # if we have an out dim hint then propagate it to downstream nodes
        if node.out_dims_hint is not None:
            LOG.debug("propagate down hint from %s", node.name)
            for edge in G.out_edges(node.name):
                hint = node.out_dims_hint[edge.from_idx]
                if hint is None:
                if edge.to_node.in_dims_hint is None:
                    edge.to_node.in_dims_hint = SparseList()
                if edge.to_node.in_dims_hint[edge.to_idx] is None:
                    edge.to_node.in_dims_hint[edge.to_idx] = hint
def propagate_downwards(G: NNGraph):
    for node in G.dfs():
        # First propagate the in dim hints to the out dim hints
        # Any node that does not want this to happen should set its out dim hints

        if node.in_dims_hint is not None:
            if isinstance(node, ReshapeParameters):
                assert len(node.old_shape) == len(node.in_dims_hint[0]), "reshape doesn't match input"
                if node.out_dims_hint is None:
                    node.out_dims_hint = deepcopy(node.in_dims_hint)

        # if we have an out dim hint then propagate it to downstream nodes
        if node.out_dims_hint is not None:
            for edge in G.out_edges(node.name):
                hint = node.out_dims_hint[edge.from_idx]
                if edge.to_node.in_dims_hint is None:
                    edge.to_node.in_dims_hint = SparseList()
                if edge.to_node.in_dims_hint[edge.to_idx] is None:
                    edge.to_node.in_dims_hint[edge.to_idx] = hint