    def test_read_frame_file(self):
        start_time = 0
        end_time = 10
        channel = "H1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN"
        N = 100
        times = np.linspace(start_time, end_time, N)
        data = np.random.normal(0, 1, N)
        ts = TimeSeries(data=data, times=times, t0=0)
        ts.channel = Channel(channel)
        ts.name = channel
        filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, "test.gwf")
        ts.write(filename, format="gwf")

        # Check reading without time limits
        strain = gwutils.read_frame_file(
            filename, start_time=None, end_time=None, channel=channel
        self.assertEqual(strain.channel.name, channel)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(strain.value == data[:-1]))

        # Check reading with time limits
        start_cut = 2
        end_cut = 8
        strain = gwutils.read_frame_file(
            filename, start_time=start_cut, end_time=end_cut, channel=channel
        idxs = (times > start_cut) & (times < end_cut)
        # Dropping the last element - for some reason gwpy drops the last element when reading in data
        self.assertTrue(np.all(strain.value == data[idxs][:-1]))

        # Check reading with unknown channels
        strain = gwutils.read_frame_file(filename, start_time=None, end_time=None)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(strain.value == data[:-1]))

        # Check reading with incorrect channel
        strain = gwutils.read_frame_file(
            filename, start_time=None, end_time=None, channel="WRONG"
        self.assertTrue(np.all(strain.value == data[:-1]))

        ts = TimeSeries(data=data, times=times, t0=0)
        ts.name = "NOT-A-KNOWN-CHANNEL"
        ts.write(filename, format="gwf")
        strain = gwutils.read_frame_file(filename, start_time=None, end_time=None)
        self.assertEqual(strain, None)
from numpy import (random, testing as nptest)

from gwpy.table import EventTable
from gwpy.timeseries import (TimeSeries, StateVector)
from gwpy.spectrogram import Spectrogram
from gwpy.segments import (Segment, SegmentList)

from gwsumm import (archive, data, globalv, channels, triggers)

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <*****@*****.**>'

TEST_DATA = TimeSeries([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], epoch=100,
                       unit='meter', sample_rate=1, channel='X1:TEST-CHANNEL',
                       name='TEST DATA')
TEST_DATA.channel = channels.get_channel(TEST_DATA.channel)

# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------

def empty_globalv():
    globalv.DATA = type(globalv.DATA)()
    globalv.SPECTROGRAMS = type(globalv.SPECTROGRAMS)()
    globalv.SEGMENTS = type(globalv.SEGMENTS)()
    globalv.TRIGGERS = type(globalv.TRIGGERS)()

def create(data, **metadata):
    SeriesClass = metadata.pop('series_class', TimeSeries)
    d = SeriesClass(data, **metadata)
    d.channel = channels.get_channel(d.channel)
from gwpy.table import EventTable
from gwpy.timeseries import (TimeSeries, StateVector)
from gwpy.spectrogram import Spectrogram
from gwpy.segments import (Segment, SegmentList)

from .. import (archive, data, globalv, channels, triggers)

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <*****@*****.**>'

TEST_DATA = TimeSeries([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                       name='TEST DATA')
TEST_DATA.channel = channels.get_channel(TEST_DATA.channel)

# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------

def empty_globalv():
    globalv.DATA = type(globalv.DATA)()
    globalv.SPECTROGRAMS = type(globalv.SPECTROGRAMS)()
    globalv.SEGMENTS = type(globalv.SEGMENTS)()
    globalv.TRIGGERS = type(globalv.TRIGGERS)()

def create(data, **metadata):
    SeriesClass = metadata.pop('series_class', TimeSeries)
    d = SeriesClass(data, **metadata)
    d.channel = channels.get_channel(d.channel)