  def test_delRef(self):
    model.keepRef(1, int, 0xcafecafe)
    model.keepRef(2, float, 0xcafecafe)
    model.keepRef(3, str, 0xcafecafe)

    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(int,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(float,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(str,0xcafecafe))

    model.delRef(str, 0xcafecafe)
    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(int,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(float,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertFalse( model.hasRef(str,0xcafecafe))

    model.delRef(str, 0xcafecafe)
    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(int,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(float,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertFalse( model.hasRef(str,0xcafecafe))

    model.delRef(int, 0xcafecafe)
    self.assertFalse( model.hasRef(int,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertTrue( model.hasRef(float,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertFalse( model.hasRef(str,0xcafecafe))

    model.delRef(float, 0xcafecafe)
    self.assertFalse( model.hasRef(int,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertFalse( model.hasRef(float,0xcafecafe))
    self.assertFalse( model.hasRef(str,0xcafecafe))
    def test_delRef(self):
        model.keepRef(1, int, 0xcafecafe)
        model.keepRef(2, float, 0xcafecafe)
        model.keepRef(3, str, 0xcafecafe)

        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(int, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(float, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(str, 0xcafecafe))

        model.delRef(str, 0xcafecafe)
        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(int, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(float, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertFalse(model.hasRef(str, 0xcafecafe))

        model.delRef(str, 0xcafecafe)
        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(int, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(float, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertFalse(model.hasRef(str, 0xcafecafe))

        model.delRef(int, 0xcafecafe)
        self.assertFalse(model.hasRef(int, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertTrue(model.hasRef(float, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertFalse(model.hasRef(str, 0xcafecafe))

        model.delRef(float, 0xcafecafe)
        self.assertFalse(model.hasRef(int, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertFalse(model.hasRef(float, 0xcafecafe))
        self.assertFalse(model.hasRef(str, 0xcafecafe))
def _HEAP_SEGMENT_loadMember(self, attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings,
    #log.debug('_loadMember attrname : %s'%(attrname))
    if attrname == 'LastValidEntry':
        # isPointerType code.
        _attrType = model.get_subtype(attrtype)
        attr_obj_address = utils.getaddress(attr)
        memoryMap = utils.is_valid_address(attr, mappings, _attrType)
        if (not memoryMap):
            log.debug("LastValidEntry out of mapping - 0x%lx - ignore " %
            return True
        from haystack.model import getRef, keepRef, delRef  # TODO CLEAN
        ref = getRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address)
        if ref:
            #log.debug("%s %s loading from references cache %s/0x%lx"%(attrname,attr,_attrType,attr_obj_address ))
            #DO NOT CHANGE STUFF SOUPID attr.contents = ref
            return True
        #log.debug("%s %s loading from 0x%lx (is_valid_address: %s)"%(attrname,attr,attr_obj_address, memoryMap ))
        ##### Read the struct in memory and make a copy to play with.
        ### ERRROR attr.contents=_attrType.from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType ))
        contents = memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType)
        # save that validated and loaded ref and original addr so we dont need to recopy it later
        keepRef(contents, _attrType, attr_obj_address)
        #log.debug("%s %s loaded memcopy from 0x%lx to 0x%lx"%(attrname, attr, attr_obj_address, (utils.getaddress(attr))   ))
        # recursive validation checks on new struct
        if not bool(attr):
            log.warning('Member %s is null after copy: %s' % (attrname, attr))
            return True
        # go and load the pointed struct members recursively
        if not contents.loadMembers(mappings, maxDepth):
            log.debug('member %s was not loaded' % (attrname))
            #invalidate the cache ref.
            delRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address)
            return False
        return True
        return super(_HEAP_SEGMENT, self)._loadMember(attr, attrname, attrtype,
                                                      mappings, maxDepth)
def _HEAP_SEGMENT_loadMember(self, attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings, maxDepth):
    # log.debug('_loadMember attrname : %s'%(attrname))
    if attrname == "LastValidEntry":
        # isPointerType code.
        _attrType = model.get_subtype(attrtype)
        attr_obj_address = utils.getaddress(attr)
        memoryMap = utils.is_valid_address(attr, mappings, _attrType)
        if not memoryMap:
            log.debug("LastValidEntry out of mapping - 0x%lx - ignore " % (attr_obj_address))
            return True
        from haystack.model import getRef, keepRef, delRef  # TODO CLEAN

        ref = getRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address)
        if ref:
            # log.debug("%s %s loading from references cache %s/0x%lx"%(attrname,attr,_attrType,attr_obj_address ))
            # DO NOT CHANGE STUFF SOUPID attr.contents = ref
            return True
        # log.debug("%s %s loading from 0x%lx (is_valid_address: %s)"%(attrname,attr,attr_obj_address, memoryMap ))
        ##### Read the struct in memory and make a copy to play with.
        ### ERRROR attr.contents=_attrType.from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType ))
        contents = memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType)
        # save that validated and loaded ref and original addr so we dont need to recopy it later
        keepRef(contents, _attrType, attr_obj_address)
        # log.debug("%s %s loaded memcopy from 0x%lx to 0x%lx"%(attrname, attr, attr_obj_address, (utils.getaddress(attr))   ))
        # recursive validation checks on new struct
        if not bool(attr):
            log.warning("Member %s is null after copy: %s" % (attrname, attr))
            return True
        # go and load the pointed struct members recursively
        if not contents.loadMembers(mappings, maxDepth):
            log.debug("member %s was not loaded" % (attrname))
            # invalidate the cache ref.
            delRef(_attrType, attr_obj_address)
            return False
        return True
        return super(_HEAP_SEGMENT, self)._loadMember(attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings, maxDepth)
  def _loadMember(self,attr,attrname,attrtype,mappings, maxDepth):
    # skip static basic data members
    if not self._isLoadableMember(attr, attrname, attrtype):
      log.debug("%s %s not loadable  bool(attr) = %s"%(attrname,attrtype, bool(attr)) )
      return True
    # load it, fields are valid
    elif isStructType(attrtype) or isUnionType(attrtype): # DEBUG TEST
      offset = offsetof(type(self),attrname)
      log.debug('st: %s %s is STRUCT at @%x'%(attrname,attrtype, self._orig_address_ + offset) )
      # TODO pydoc for impl.
      attr._orig_address_ = self._orig_address_ + offset
      if not attr.loadMembers(mappings, maxDepth+1):
        log.debug("st: %s %s not valid, erreur while loading inner struct "%(attrname,attrtype) )
        return False
      log.debug("st: %s %s inner struct LOADED "%(attrname,attrtype) )
      return True
    elif isBasicTypeArray(attr):
      return True
    if isArrayType(attrtype):
      log.debug('a: %s is arraytype %s recurse load'%(attrname,repr(attr)) )#
      if attrLen == 0:
        return True
      for i in range(0,attrLen):
        # FIXME BUG DOES NOT WORK - offsetof("%s[%d]") is called, and %s exists, not %s[%d]
        #if not self._loadMember(attr[i], "%s[%d]"%(attrname,i), elType, mappings, maxDepth):
        if not self._loadMember(attr[i], attrname, elType, mappings, maxDepth):
          return False
      return True
    # we have PointerType here . Basic or complex
    # exception cases
    if isCStringPointer(attrtype) : 
      # can't use basic c_char_p because we can't load in foreign memory
      attr_obj_address = getaddress(attr.ptr)
      if not bool(attr_obj_address):
        log.debug('%s %s is a CString, the pointer is null (validation must have occurred earlier) '%(attrname, attr))
        return True
      memoryMap = is_valid_address_value(attr_obj_address, mappings)
      if not memoryMap :
        log.warning('Error on addr while fetching a CString. should not happen')
        return False
      ref = getRef(CString,attr_obj_address)
      if ref:
        log.debug("%s %s loading from references cache %s/0x%lx"%(attrname,attr,CString,attr_obj_address ))
        return True
      log.debug("%s %s is defined as a CString, loading from 0x%lx is_valid_address %s"%(
                      attrname,attr,attr_obj_address, is_valid_address(attr,mappings) ))
      txt,full = memoryMap.readCString(attr_obj_address, MAX_SIZE )
      if not full:
        log.warning('buffer size was too small for this CString')

      # that will SEGFAULT attr.string = txt - instead keepRef to String
      keepRef( txt, CString, attr_obj_address)
      log.debug('kept CString ref for "%s" at @%x'%(txt, attr_obj_address))
      return True
    elif isPointerType(attrtype): # not functionType, it's not loadable
      _attrType = get_subtype(attrtype)
      # memcpy and save objet ref + pointer in attr
      # we know the field is considered valid, so if it's not in memory_space, we can ignore it
      memoryMap = is_valid_address( attr, mappings, _attrType)
      if(not memoryMap):
        # big BUG Badaboum, why did pointer changed validity/value ?
        log.warning("%s %s not loadable 0x%lx but VALID "%(attrname, attr,attr_obj_address ))
        return True

      ref = getRef(_attrType,attr_obj_address) 
      if ref:
        log.debug("%s %s loading from references cache %s/0x%lx"%(attrname,attr,_attrType,attr_obj_address ))
        #DO NOT CHANGE STUFF SOUPID attr.contents = ref. attr.contents will SEGFAULT
        return True
      log.debug("%s %s loading from 0x%lx (is_valid_address: %s)"%(attrname,attr,attr_obj_address, memoryMap ))
      ##### Read the struct in memory and make a copy to play with.
      #### DO NOT COPY THE STRUCT, we have a working readStruct for that...
      ### ERRROR attr.contents=_attrType.from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType ))
      contents=memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, _attrType )
      # save that validated and loaded ref and original addr so we dont need to recopy it later
      keepRef( contents, _attrType, attr_obj_address)
      log.debug("keepRef %s.%s @%x"%(_attrType, attrname, attr_obj_address  ))
      log.debug("%s %s loaded memcopy from 0x%lx to 0x%lx"%(attrname, attr, attr_obj_address, (getaddress(attr))   ))
      # recursive validation checks on new struct
      if not bool(attr):
        log.warning('Member %s is null after copy: %s'%(attrname,attr))
        return True
      # go and load the pointed struct members recursively
      if not contents.loadMembers(mappings, maxDepth):
        log.debug('member %s was not loaded'%(attrname))
        #invalidate the cache ref.
        delRef( _attrType, attr_obj_address)
        return False
      return True
    return True