def view_tracking_on_rviz(demo_type, demo_name, tps_model_fname, freq=30.0, speed=1.0, use_smoother=True, prompt=False, verbose=False): """ Visualizes demo after kalman tracking/smoothing on rviz. @demo_type, @demo_name: demo identification. @freq: basically measure of fine-ness of timesteps. @speed: how fast to replay demo. @main: which sensor to display the marker for @prompt: does the user hit enter after each time step? """ demo_dir = osp.join(demo_files_dir, demo_type, demo_name) bag_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.bag_name) traj_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.traj_name) calib_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.calib_name) with open(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_types_name),'r') as fh: cam_types = yaml.load(fh) if not osp.isfile(traj_file): yellowprint("%s does not exist for this demo. Running kalman filter/smoother now with default args."%demo_names.traj_name) data_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.data_name) if not osp.isfile(data_file): yellowprint("%s does not exist for this demo. Extracting now."%demo_names.data_name) ed.save_observations_rgbd(demo_type, demo_name) filter_traj(demo_dir, tps_model_fname=tps_model_fname, save_tps=True, do_smooth=True, plot='', block=False) with open(traj_file, 'r') as fh: traj = cp.load(fh) # get grippers used grippers = traj.keys() if rospy.get_name() == "/unnamed": rospy.init_node("visualize_demo") # data rgbd_dirs = {cam:osp.join(demo_dir,demo_names.video_dir%cam) for cam in cam_types if cam_types[cam] == 'rgbd'} pc_pubs = {cam:rospy.Publisher('/point_cloud%i'%cam, PointCloud2) for cam in rgbd_dirs} cam_frames = {cam:'/camera%i_rgb_optical_frame'%cam for cam in rgbd_dirs} cam_tfms = get_cam_transforms (calib_file, len(cam_types)) for cam in rgbd_dirs: if cam != 1: publish_static_tfm(cam_frames[1], cam_frames[cam], cam_tfms[cam]) # Remove segment "done", it is just a single frame segs = sorted(traj[grippers[0]].keys()) if 'done' in segs: segs.remove('done') sleeper = rospy.Rate(freq) T_far = np.eye(4) T_far[0:3,3] = [10,10,10] for seg in segs: if prompt: raw_input("Press enter for segment %s."%seg) else: yellowprint("Segment %s beginning."%seg) time.sleep(1) # Initializing data streams: traj_strms = {} pot_strms = {} tfms_key = 'tfms_s' if use_smoother else 'tfms' for lr in grippers: traj_strms[lr] = streamize(traj[lr][seg][tfms_key], traj[lr][seg]['stamps'], freq, avg_transform, speed=speed) # HACK pot_strms[lr] = streamize(traj[lr][seg]['pot_angles'][:len(traj[lr][seg]['stamps'])], traj[lr][seg]['stamps'], freq, np.mean, speed=speed) tmin, tmax, nsteps = relative_time_streams(traj_strms.values() + pot_strms.values(), freq, speed) pc_strms = {cam:streamize_rgbd_pc(rgbd_dirs[cam], cam_frames[cam], freq, tstart=tmin, tend=tmax,speed=speed,verbose=verbose) for cam in rgbd_dirs} prev_ang = {'l': 0, 'r': 0} dat_snext = {lr:{} for lr in grippers} for lr in grippers: dat_snext[lr]['traj'] = stream_soft_next(traj_strms[lr]) dat_snext[lr]['pot'] = stream_soft_next(pot_strms[lr]) for i in xrange(nsteps): if prompt: raw_input("Hit enter when ready.") if verbose: print "Time stamp: ", tmin+(0.0+i*speed)/freq ## show the point-cloud: found_pc = False for cam in pc_strms: try: pc = pc_strms[cam].next() if pc is not None: if verbose: print "pc%i ts:"%cam, pc.header.stamp.to_sec() pc.header.stamp = pc_pubs[cam].publish(pc) found_pc = True else: if verbose: print "pc%i ts:"%cam,None except StopIteration: pass tfms = [] ang_vals = [] for lr in grippers: if lr == 'r': continue tfm = dat_snext[lr]['traj']() ang_val = dat_snext[lr]['pot']() if ang_val != None and not np.isnan(ang_val): prev_ang[lr] = ang_val ang_val = ang_val else: ang_val = prev_ang[lr] ang_val *= 2 if tfm is None: tfms.append(T_far) else: tfms.append(tfm) ang_vals.append(rad_angle(ang_val)) handles = draw_trajectory(cam_frames[cam], tfms, color=(1,0,0,1), open_fracs=ang_vals) time.sleep(1.0/freq)
with open(demo_master_file, 'r') as fh: demos_info = yaml.load(fh) if args.demo_name == '': for demo in demos_info["demos"]: demo_dir = osp.join(demo_type_dir, demo["demo_name"]) # Wait until current demo is done recording, if so. while osp.isfile(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.record_demo_temp)): time.sleep(1) # Some other node is extracting data currently. if osp.isfile(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.extract_data_temp)): yellowprint("Another node seems to be extracting data already for %s."%demo["demo_name"]) continue # Check if data file already exists if not osp.isfile(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.data_name)): ed.save_observations_rgbd(args.demo_type, demo["demo_name"]) else: yellowprint("Data file exists for %s. Not overwriting."%demo["demo_name"]) else: demo_dir = osp.join(demo_type_dir, args.demo_name) if osp.exists(demo_dir): # Wait until current demo is done recording, if so. while osp.isfile(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.record_demo_temp)): time.sleep(1) # Check if some other node is extracting data currently. if not osp.isfile(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.extract_data_temp)): # Check if data file already exists if osp.isfile(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.data_name)): if yes_or_no('Data file already exists for this demo. Overwrite?'):
def view_demo_on_rviz(demo_type, demo_name, freq, speed=1.0, main='h', prompt=False, verbose=False): """ Visualizes recorded demo on rviz (without kalman filter/smoother data). @demo_type, @demo_name: demo identification. @freq: basically measure of fine-ness of timesteps. @speed: how fast to replay demo. @main: which sensor to display the marker for @prompt: does the user hit enter after each time step? """ demo_dir = osp.join(demo_files_dir, demo_type, demo_name) bag_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.bag_name) data_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.data_name) calib_file = osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.calib_name) with open(osp.join(demo_dir, demo_names.camera_types_name),'r') as fh: cam_types = yaml.load(fh) if not osp.isfile(data_file): yellowprint("%s does not exist for this demo. Extracting now."%demo_names.data_name) ed.save_observations_rgbd(demo_type, demo_name) with open(data_file, 'r') as fh: dat = cp.load(fh) # get grippers used grippers = [key for key in dat.keys() if key in 'lr'] # data rgbd_dirs = {cam:osp.join(demo_dir,demo_names.video_dir%cam) for cam in cam_types if cam_types[cam] == 'rgbd'} cam_frames = {cam:'/camera%i_rgb_optical_frame'%cam for cam in rgbd_dirs} tfm_pubs = {} cam_dat = {} hydra_dat = {} pot_dat = {} _, cam_dat['l'], hydra_dat['l'], pot_dat['l'] = load_data(data_file, 'l', freq, speed) _, cam_dat['r'], hydra_dat['r'], pot_dat['r'] = load_data(data_file, 'r', freq, speed) all_cam_strms = [] for lr in 'lr': for cam in cam_dat[lr].keys(): all_cam_strms.append(cam_dat[lr][cam]['stream']) tmin, _, nsteps = relative_time_streams(hydra_dat.values() + pot_dat.values() + all_cam_strms, freq, speed) if rospy.get_name() == "/unnamed": rospy.init_node("visualize_demo") ## publishers for unfiltered-data: for lr in grippers: tfm_pubs[lr] = {} for cam in cam_types: tfm_pubs[lr][cam] = rospy.Publisher('/%s_ar%i_estimate'%(lr,cam), PoseStamped) tfm_pubs[lr]['h'] = rospy.Publisher('/%s_hydra_estimate'%(lr), PoseStamped) ## get the point-cloud stream pc_strms = {cam:streamize_rgbd_pc(rgbd_dirs[cam], cam_frames[cam], freq, tstart=tmin,speed=speed,verbose=verbose) for cam in rgbd_dirs} pc_pubs = {cam:rospy.Publisher('/point_cloud%i'%cam, PointCloud2) for cam in rgbd_dirs} # import IPython # IPython.embed() cam_tfms = get_cam_transforms (calib_file, len(cam_types)) for cam in rgbd_dirs: if cam != 1: publish_static_tfm(cam_frames[1], cam_frames[cam], cam_tfms[cam]) sleeper = rospy.Rate(freq) T_far = np.eye(4) T_far[0:3,3] = [10,10,10] handles = [] prev_ang = {'l': 0, 'r': 0} dat_snext = {lr:{} for lr in grippers} for lr in grippers: dat_snext[lr]['h'] = stream_soft_next(hydra_dat[lr]) dat_snext[lr]['pot'] = stream_soft_next(pot_dat[lr]) for cam in cam_types: dat_snext[lr][cam] = stream_soft_next(cam_dat[lr][cam]['stream']) for i in xrange(nsteps): if prompt: raw_input("Hit enter when ready.") if verbose: print "Time stamp: ", tmin+(0.0+i*speed)/freq ## show the point-cloud: found_pc = False for cam in pc_strms: try: pc = pc_strms[cam].next() if pc is not None: if verbose: print "pc%i ts:"%cam, pc.header.stamp.to_sec() pc.header.stamp = pc_pubs[cam].publish(pc) found_pc = True else: if verbose: print "pc%i ts:"%cam,None except StopIteration: pass next_est = {lr:{} for lr in grippers} tfms = [] ang_vals = [] if main != 'h': main = int(main) for lr in grippers: next_est[lr]['h'] = dat_snext[lr]['h']() for cam in cam_types: next_est[lr][cam] = dat_snext[lr][cam]() ang_val = dat_snext[lr]['pot']() if ang_val != None and not np.isnan(ang_val): prev_ang[lr] = ang_val ang_val = ang_val else: ang_val = prev_ang[lr] ang_val *= 2 tfm = next_est[lr][main] if tfm is None: tfms.append(T_far) else: tfms.append(tfm) ang_vals.append(rad_angle(ang_val)) handles = draw_trajectory(cam_frames[1], tfms, color=(1,1,0,1), open_fracs=ang_vals) for lr in grippers: for m,est in next_est[lr].items(): if est != None: tfm_pubs[lr][m].publish(conversions.pose_to_stamped_pose(conversions.hmat_to_pose(est), cam_frames[1])) else: tfm_pubs[lr][m].publish(conversions.pose_to_stamped_pose(conversions.hmat_to_pose(T_far), cam_frames[1])) sleeper.sleep()