def histogram_of_stop_point_elbow(self, subjects, labels): fig1 = plt.figure(4) fig2 = plt.figure(5) labels = ['good'] stop_locations = [] arm_lengths = [] for num, label in enumerate(labels): for subj_num, subject in enumerate(subjects): subject_stop_locations = [] paramlist = rosparam.load_file(''.join([data_path, '/', subject, '/params.yaml'])) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) arm_length = rosparam.get_param('crook_to_fist')/100. # fig1 = plt.figure(2*num+1) ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_xlim(0.2, .4) # ax1.set_ylim(-10.0, 1.0) ax1.set_xlabel('Stop Position (m)', fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel('Number of trials', fontsize=20) ax1.set_title(''.join(['Difference between arm length and stop position at the elbow']), fontsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=20) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(431+subj_num) ax2.set_xlim(0.2, .4) # ax1.set_ylim(-10.0, 1.0) ax2.set_xlabel('Position (m)') ax2.set_ylabel('Number of trials') ax2.set_title(''.join(['Stop position for "Good" outcome']), fontsize=20) vel = 0.1 directory = ''.join([data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel),'mps/', label, '/']) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: # print directory+file_name loaded_data = load_pickle(directory+file_name) stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1])-arm_length) subject_stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1])-arm_length) arm_lengths.append(arm_length) vel = 0.15 directory = ''.join([data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel),'mps/', label, '/']) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: loaded_data = load_pickle(directory+file_name) stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1]-arm_length)) subject_stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1])-arm_length) ax2.hist(subject_stop_locations) mu = np.mean(stop_locations) sigma = np.std(stop_locations) print 'The minimum arm length is: ', np.min(arm_lengths) print 'The max arm length is: ', np.max(arm_lengths) print 'The mean arm length is: ', np.mean(arm_lengths) print 'The mean of the stop location is: ', mu print arm_lengths print 'The standard deviation of the stop location is: ', sigma n, bins, patches = ax1.hist(stop_locations, 10, color="green", alpha=0.75) points = np.arange(0, 10, 0.001) y = mlab.normpdf(points, mu, sigma) l = ax1.plot(points, y, 'r--', linewidth=2)
def __init__(self, end_effector_length): # create joint limit dicts self.joint_lim_dict = {} self.joint_lim_dict["right_arm"] = { "max": np.radians([120.00, 122.15, 77.5, 144.0, 122.0, 45.0, 45.0]), "min": np.radians([-47.61, -20.0, -77.5, 0.0, -80.0, -45.0, -45.0]), } self.joint_lim_dict["left_arm"] = { "max": np.radians([120.00, 20.0, 77.5, 144.0, 80.0, 45.0, 45.0]), "min": np.radians([-47.61, -122.15, -77.5, 0.0, -122.0, -45.0, -45.0]), } end_effector_length += 0.0135 + 0.04318 # add wrist linkange and FT sensor lengths self.setup_kdl_mekabot(end_effector_length) q_guess_pkl_l = ( os.environ["HOME"] + "/svn/gt-ros-pkg/hrl/hrl_arm_control/hrl_cody_arms/src/hrl_cody_arms/q_guess_left_dict.pkl" ) q_guess_pkl_r = ( os.environ["HOME"] + "/svn/gt-ros-pkg/hrl/hrl_arm_control/hrl_cody_arms/src/hrl_cody_arms/q_guess_right_dict.pkl" ) self.q_guess_dict_left = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl_l) self.q_guess_dict_right = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl_r)
def display(self, succ_pickle, fail_pickle): # load in pickle print 'loading...' successes = ut.load_pickle(succ_pickle) failures = ut.load_pickle(fail_pickle) print 'Enter the topic number:' for i, k in enumerate(successes[0].keys()): print i, k topic = successes[0].keys()[int(raw_input())] red = np.matrix([1., 0, 0, 1.]).T green = np.matrix([0., 1., 0, 1.]).T print 'construct_pressure_marker_message(successes, topic, green)' #succ_marker, succ_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(successes, topic, green) succ_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(successes, topic, green) print 'construct_pressure_marker_message(failures, topic, red)' #fail_marker, fail_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(failures, topic, red) fail_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(failures, topic, red) print 'publishing...' r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.succ_pc_pub.publish(succ_pc) self.fail_pc_pub.publish(fail_pc) r.sleep()
def display(self, succ_pickle, fail_pickle): # load in pickle print 'loading...' successes = ut.load_pickle(succ_pickle) failures = ut.load_pickle(fail_pickle) print 'Enter the topic number:' for i, k in enumerate(successes[0].keys()): print i, k topic = successes[0].keys()[int(raw_input())] red = np.matrix([1.,0, 0, 1.]).T green = np.matrix([0.,1., 0, 1.]).T print 'construct_pressure_marker_message(successes, topic, green)' #succ_marker, succ_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(successes, topic, green) succ_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(successes, topic, green) print 'construct_pressure_marker_message(failures, topic, red)' #fail_marker, fail_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(failures, topic, red) fail_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(failures, topic, red) print 'publishing...' r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.succ_pc_pub.publish(succ_pc) self.fail_pc_pub.publish(fail_pc) r.sleep()
def display(self, succ_pickle, fail_pickle): # load in pickle print 'loading...' successes = ut.load_pickle(succ_pickle) failures = ut.load_pickle(fail_pickle) topics = ['/pressure/l_gripper_motor', '/pressure/r_gripper_motor'] topic = topics[0] red = np.matrix([1., 0, 0, 1.]).T green = np.matrix([0., 1., 0, 1.]).T blue = np.matrix([0., 0, 1., 1.]).T #data_dict [state number] [topic] [trial number] ['t' 'left' 'right'] succ_avg = average_reading_over_trials(successes, topic) fail_avg = average_reading_over_trials(failures, topic) diff_avg = subtract_records(succ_avg, fail_avg, topic) succ_marker, succ_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(succ_avg, topic, green) fail_marker, fail_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(fail_avg, topic, red) diff_marker, diff_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message(diff_avg, topic, blue) r = rospy.Rate(10) print 'publishing...' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.succ_marker.publish(succ_marker) self.fail_marker.publish(fail_marker) self.succ_pc_pub.publish(succ_pc) self.fail_pc_pub.publish(fail_pc) self.diff_marker.publish(diff_marker) self.diff_pc_pub.publish(diff_pc) r.sleep()
def set_position_data_from_saved_movement_profile(self, subject, input_classes, output_classes): print 'Now editing files to insert position data.' position_profile = None for vel in [0.1, 0.15]: if vel == 0.1: print ''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_1mps.pkl']) position_profile = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_1mps.pkl'])) print 'Position profile loaded!' elif vel == 0.15: position_profile = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/data/position_profiles/position_combined_0_15mps.pkl'])) print ''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_15mps.pkl']) print 'Position profile loaded!' else: print 'There is no saved position profile for this velocity! Something has gone wrong!' return None for class_num in xrange(len(input_classes)): i = 0 while os.path.isfile(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/', str(vel), 'mps/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(i), '.pkl'])): ft_threshold_was_exceeded = False print ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(i), '.pkl']) # current_data = np.array([map(float,line.strip().split()) for line in open(''.join([self.pkg_path, '/data/', subject, '/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(i), '.log']))]) current_data = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(i), '.pkl'])) # if np.max(current_data[:, 2]) >= 10. or np.max(current_data[:, 3]) >= 10. \ # or np.max(current_data[:, 4]) >= 10.: # ft_threshold_was_exceeded = True for j in current_data: j[2] = -j[2] j[3] = -j[3] j[4] = -j[4] if j[0] < 0.5: j[1] = 0 else: if np.max(np.abs(j[2:])) > 10. and not ft_threshold_was_exceeded: time_of_stop = j[0] ft_threshold_was_exceeded = True for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: position_of_stop = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) if ft_threshold_was_exceeded: j[1] = position_of_stop else: for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: new_position = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) j[1] = new_position save_number = 0 while os.path.isfile(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted/', str(vel),'mps/', output_classes[class_num], '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl'])): save_number += 1 print 'Saving with number', save_number save_pickle(current_data, ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted/', str(vel),'mps/', output_classes[class_num], '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl'])) i += 1 print 'Done editing files!'
def create_model(self, succ_pickle, fail_pickle): print 'creating model...' topic = '/pressure/l_gripper_motor' SEGMENT_LENGTH = 1.0 VARIANCE_KEEP = .7 # load in pickle print 'loading pickles' successes = ut.load_pickle(succ_pickle) failures = ut.load_pickle(fail_pickle) #chop data set into little chunks # data_sets[state][chunk_idx]['data', 'time'][chunk_record] print 'preprocess pickles' success_data_sets, failure_data_sets, chunk_params = self.preprocess_pickles(successes, \ failures, topic, SEGMENT_LENGTH) # turn each set of records into a matrix combined_sets = {} for dset_name, datasets in zip(['success', 'failure'], [success_data_sets, failure_data_sets]): #merge the two matrices from mat_set mat_set = self.create_matrix_from_chunked_datasets(datasets) for state in range(len(datasets.keys())): if not combined_sets.has_key(state): combined_sets[state] = {} for chunk_idx in range(len(datasets[state])): if not combined_sets[state].has_key(chunk_idx): combined_sets[state][chunk_idx] = {} combined_sets[state][chunk_idx][dset_name] = mat_set[state][chunk_idx]['data'] combined_sets[state][chunk_idx]['time'] = mat_set[state][chunk_idx]['time'] # run PCA over the entire set models = {} for state in range(len(combined_sets.keys())): models[state] = [] for chunk_idx in range(len(combined_sets[state])): print 'building model for state', state, 'chunk idx', chunk_idx # pdb.set_trace() data_chunk = np.column_stack((combined_sets[state][chunk_idx]['success'], \ combined_sets[state][chunk_idx]['failure'])) num_pos = combined_sets[state][chunk_idx]['success'].shape[1] num_neg = combined_sets[state][chunk_idx]['failure'].shape[1] labels = np.column_stack((np.matrix(np.ones((1, num_pos))), np.matrix(np.zeros((1, num_neg))))) projection_basis, dmean = dimreduce.pca_vectors(data_chunk, VARIANCE_KEEP) print 'pca_basis: number of dimensions', projection_basis.shape[1] reduced_data = projection_basis.T * (data_chunk-dmean) models[state].append({'time': combined_sets[state][chunk_idx]['time'], 'project': projection_basis, 'reduced': reduced_data, 'labels': labels, 'mean': dmean, 'data': data_chunk #'tree': sp.KDTree(np.array(reduced_data.T)) }) self.models = {'models':models, 'chunk_params': chunk_params}
def plot_all_data(self, subjects, labels): fig1 = plt.figure(1) for num, label in enumerate(labels): for subject in subjects: # fig1 = plt.figure(2*num+1) ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(221 + 2 * num) ax1.set_xlim(0., .85) ax1.set_ylim(-0.40, 0.40) ax1.set_xlabel('Position (m)') ax1.set_ylabel('Force_x (N)') ax1.set_title(''.join([ 'Force in direction of movement vs Position for: ', label, ' type' ])) # fig2 = plt.figure(2*num+2) ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(222 + 2 * num) ax2.set_xlim(0, .85) ax2.set_ylim(-0.40, 0.40) ax2.set_xlabel('Position (m)') ax2.set_ylabel('Force_z (N)') ax2.set_title(''.join([ 'Force in upward direction vs Position for: ', label, ' type' ])) vel = 0.1 directory = ''.join([ data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel), 'mps/', label, '/' ]) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: # print directory+file_name loaded_data = load_pickle(directory + file_name) X1 = loaded_data[:, 1] Y1 = loaded_data[:, 2] surf1 = ax1.plot(X1, Y1, color="blue", alpha=1) X2 = loaded_data[:, 1] Y2 = loaded_data[:, 4] surf2 = ax2.plot(X2, Y2, color="green", alpha=1) vel = 0.15 directory = ''.join([ data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel), 'mps/', label, '/' ]) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: # print directory+file_name loaded_data = load_pickle(directory + file_name) X1 = loaded_data[:, 1] Y1 = loaded_data[:, 2] surf1 = ax1.plot(X1, Y1, color="blue", alpha=1) X2 = loaded_data[:, 1] Y2 = loaded_data[:, 4] surf2 = ax2.plot(X2, Y2, color="green", alpha=1)
def compare(file1, file2): f1 = ut.load_pickle(file1 + '.pkl') f2 = ut.load_pickle(file2 + '.pkl') force1 = f1['force'] force2 = f2['force'] fmag1 = [] fmag2 = [] for i in range(len(force1)): fmag1.append(np.linalg.norm(force1[i])) for i in range(len(force2)): fmag2.append(np.linalg.norm(force2[i])) res = st.ttest_ind(fmag1, fmag2) print res
def compare(file1,file2): f1=ut.load_pickle(file1+'.pkl') f2=ut.load_pickle(file2+'.pkl') force1 = f1['force'] force2 = f2['force'] fmag1 = [] fmag2 = [] for i in range(len(force1)): fmag1.append(np.linalg.norm(force1[i])) for i in range(len(force2)): fmag2.append(np.linalg.norm(force2[i])) res = st.ttest_ind(fmag1,fmag2) print res
def histogram_of_stop_point_fist(self, subjects, labels): fig1 = plt.figure(3) labels = ['caught_fist'] stop_locations = [] for num, label in enumerate(labels): for subject in subjects: # fig1 = plt.figure(2*num+1) ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_xlim(0.2, .5) # ax1.set_ylim(-10.0, 1.0) ax1.set_xlabel('Stop Position (m)', fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel('Number of trials', fontsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=20) ax1.set_title(''.join([ 'Stop position when caught on fist, when started at tip of fist' ]), fontsize=20) vel = 0.1 directory = ''.join([ data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted/', str(vel), 'mps/', label, '/' ]) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: # print directory+file_name loaded_data = load_pickle(directory + file_name) stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:, 1])) vel = 0.15 directory = ''.join([ data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted/', str(vel), 'mps/', label, '/' ]) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: loaded_data = load_pickle(directory + file_name) stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:, 1])) mu = np.mean(stop_locations) sigma = np.std(stop_locations) print 'The mean of the stop location is: ', mu print 'The standard deviation of the stop location is: ', sigma n, bins, patches = ax1.hist(stop_locations, 10, color="green", alpha=0.75) points = np.arange(0, 10, 0.001) y = mlab.normpdf(points, mu, sigma) l = ax1.plot(points, y, 'r--', linewidth=2)
def load_task_scores(self, task, model, type): # file_name = ''.join([self.pkg_path, '/data/', task, '_', model, '_subj_', str(subj), '_score_data.pkl']) split_task = task.split('_') if 'shaving' in split_task: file_name = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', task, '/', model, '/', task, '_', model, '_', type, '_score_data']) elif 'scratching' in split_task: if 'upper' in split_task: file_name = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', split_task[0], '/', model, '/', split_task[1], '_', split_task[2], '_', split_task[3], '/', task, '_', model, '_subj_0', '_score_data']) elif 'chest' in split_task: file_name = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', split_task[0], '/', model, '/', split_task[1], '/', task, '_', model, '_subj_0', '_score_data']) else: file_name = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', split_task[0], '/', model, '/', split_task[1], '_', split_task[2], '/', task, '_', model, '_subj_0', '_score_data']) else: file_name = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', task, '/', model, '/', task, '_', model, '_subj_0', '_score_data']) # return self.load_spickle(file_name) # print 'loading file with name ', file_name try: if type == 'cma' or 'shaving' in split_task: print 'loading file with name ', file_name+'.pkl' return load_pickle(file_name+'.pkl') else: print 'loading file with name ', file_name return joblib.load(file_name) except IOError: print 'Load failed, sorry.' return None
def store_raw_data_from_file(filename): print '>> loading and storing', filename r = ut.load_pickle(filename) cur.execute('INSERT INTO raw_data (id, surface_id, surface_height, unrotated_points, normal, labels, image, intensities, points) '\ + 'values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',\ (r['id'], r['surface_id'], r['surface_height'], r['unrotated_points'], r['normal'], np.matrix(r['labels']), r['image_name'], r['intensities'], r['points']))
def delete_autobed_configuration(self, req): """ Is the callback from the GUI Interaction Service. This service is called when a user wants to delete a saved position. This function will update the autobed_config_data.yaml file by removing the data corresponding to the string specified. If successful, it will return a boolean value""" try: #Get Autobed pickle file from the params directory into a dictionary current_autobed_config_data = load_pickle(self.autobed_config_file) except: #return zero return update_bed_configResponse(False) #Delete present Autobed positions and angles from the dictionary try: current_autobed_config_data.pop(req.config) except KeyError: update_bed_configResponse(False) print "Autobed Configuration Database is already empty" try: #Update param file save_pickle(current_autobed_config_data, self.autobed_config_file) #Publish list of keys to the abdout1 topic self.abdout1.publish(current_autobed_config_data.keys()) #Return success if param file correctly updated return update_bed_configResponse(True) except: return update_bed_configResponse(False)
def interp_data_plot(task_name, processed_data_path, nSet=1, save_pdf=False): target_file = os.path.join(processed_data_path, task_name + '_dataSet_' + str(nSet)) if os.path.isfile(target_file) is not True: print "There is no saved data" sys.exit() data_dict = ut.load_pickle(target_file) visualization_raw_data(data_dict, save_pdf=save_pdf) # training set trainingData, param_dict = extractLocalFeature(data_dict['trainData'], feature_list, local_range) # test set normalTestData, _ = extractLocalFeature(data_dict['normalTestData'], feature_list, local_range, \ param_dict=param_dict) abnormalTestData, _ = extractLocalFeature(data_dict['abnormalTestData'], feature_list, local_range, \ param_dict=param_dict) print "======================================" print "Training data: ", np.shape(trainingData) print "Normal test data: ", np.shape(normalTestData) print "Abnormal test data: ", np.shape(abnormalTestData) print "======================================" visualization_hmm_data(feature_list, trainingData=trainingData, \ normalTestData=normalTestData,\ abnormalTestData=abnormalTestData, save_pdf=save_pdf)
def compute_mean_std(pkls, bin_size): c_list = [] f_list = [] max_config = math.radians(100.) typ = 'rotary' for pkl_nm in pkls: pull_dict = ut.load_pickle(pkl_nm) pr2_log = 'pr2' in pkl_nm h_config, h_ftan = force_trajectory_in_hindsight( pull_dict, typ, pr2_log) #h_config, h_ftan = online_force_with_radius(pull_dict, pr2_log) c_list.append(h_config) f_list.append(h_ftan) max_config = min(max_config, np.max(h_config)) leng = int(max_config / bin_size) - 1 ff = [] for c, f in zip(c_list, f_list): #c, f = maa.bin(c, f, bin_size, max, True) c, f = maa.bin(c, f, bin_size, np.mean, False, empty_value=np.nan) f, c = truncate_to_config(f, c, max_config) f =, np.isnan(f)) f = f[:leng] c = c[:leng] ff.append(f) arr = np.array(ff) mean = arr.mean(0) std = arr.std(0) return mean, std, c, arr
def __init__(self, arm): HRLArmKinematics.__init__(self, n_jts=7) # create joint limit dicts if arm == 'r': max_lim = np.radians([120.00, 122.15, 77.5, 144., 122., 45., 45.]) min_lim = np.radians([-47.61, -20., -77.5, 0., -80., -45., -45.]) else: max_lim = np.radians([120.00, 20., 77.5, 144., 80., 45., 45.]) min_lim = np.radians( [-47.61, -122.15, -77.5, 0., -122., -45., -45.]) self.joint_lim_dict = {} self.joint_lim_dict['max'] = max_lim self.joint_lim_dict['min'] = min_lim wrist_stub_length = 0.0135 + 0.04318 # wrist linkange and FT sensor lengths self.setup_kdl_chains(arm, wrist_stub_length) if arm == 'r': pkl_nm = 'q_guess_right_dict.pkl' else: pkl_nm = 'q_guess_left_dict.pkl' pth = roslib.rospack.rospackexec(['find', 'hrl_cody_arms']) q_guess_pkl = pth + '/src/hrl_cody_arms/' + pkl_nm self.q_guess_dict = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl)
def run_slip_trial(self, i, f_thresh, t_impulse, goal): self.rosbag_srv('slip_impact_'+str(i).zfill(3)+'_f_thresh_'+str(f_thresh).zfill(2)+'_delta_t_impulse_'+str(t_impulse).zfill(3)+'_') self.skin_record_srv('slip_impact_'+str(i).zfill(3)+'_f_thresh_'+str(f_thresh).zfill(2)+'_delta_t_impulse_'+str(t_impulse).zfill(3)+'_') self.ft_and_humanoid_record_srv('slip_impact_'+str(i).zfill(3)+'_f_thresh_'+str(f_thresh).zfill(2)+'_delta_t_impulse_'+str(t_impulse).zfill(3)+'_') goal_ls = goal[0].A1.tolist() goal_str_buf = [str(goal_ls[0])+', '+str(goal_ls[1])+', '+str(goal_ls[2])] goal_str = ''.join(goal_str_buf) controller =['python', '', '--darci', '--t_impulse='+str(t_impulse), '--f_thresh='+str(f_thresh), "--goal="+goal_str]) time.sleep(1.0) self.rosbag_srv('') self.skin_record_srv('') self.ft_and_humanoid_record_srv('') data = ut.load_pickle('./result.pkl') self.reaching_right_results.append(data['result']) return data['result']
def compute_mean_std(pkls, bin_size): c_list = [] f_list = [] max_config = math.radians(100.) typ = 'rotary' for pkl_nm in pkls: pull_dict = ut.load_pickle(pkl_nm) pr2_log = 'pr2' in pkl_nm h_config, h_ftan = force_trajectory_in_hindsight(pull_dict, typ, pr2_log) #h_config, h_ftan = online_force_with_radius(pull_dict, pr2_log) c_list.append(h_config) f_list.append(h_ftan) max_config = min(max_config, np.max(h_config)) leng = int (max_config / bin_size) - 1 ff = [] for c, f in zip(c_list, f_list): #c, f = maa.bin(c, f, bin_size, max, True) c, f = maa.bin(c, f, bin_size, np.mean, False, empty_value = np.nan) f, c = truncate_to_config(f, c, max_config) f =, np.isnan(f)) f = f[:leng] c = c[:leng] ff.append(f) arr = np.array(ff) mean = arr.mean(0) std = arr.std(0) return mean, std, c, arr
def __init__(self, name, fname, arm='right'): self.arm = arm = name rospy.logout('TrajPlayback: Initializing (%s)' % try: rospy.init_node('traj_playback_' + except: pass dat = hrl_util.load_pickle(fname) self.q = np.mat(dat[0].T) # subsample self.q = self.q[:, 0::30] # smooth self.t = np.linspace(1.3, 1.3 + (self.q.shape[1] - 1) * 0.3, self.q.shape[1]) self.vel = self.q.copy() self.vel[:, 1:] -= self.q[:, 0:-1] self.vel[:, 0] = 0 self.vel /= 0.3 self.pr2 = PR2() self.__service = rospy.Service('traj_playback/' + name, TrajPlaybackSrv, self.process_service) rospy.logout('TrajPlayback: Ready for service requests (%s)' %
def __init__( self, name, fname, arm = 'right' ): self.arm = arm = name rospy.logout( 'TrajPlayback: Initializing (%s)' % ) try: rospy.init_node('traj_playback_' except: pass dat = hrl_util.load_pickle( fname ) self.q = np.mat( dat[0].T ) # subsample self.q = self.q[:,0::30] # smooth self.t = np.linspace( 1.3, 1.3 + (self.q.shape[1]-1)*0.3, self.q.shape[1] ) self.vel = self.q.copy() self.vel[:,1:] -= self.q[:,0:-1] self.vel[:,0] = 0 self.vel /= 0.3 self.pr2 = PR2() self.__service = rospy.Service( 'traj_playback/' + name, TrajPlaybackSrv, self.process_service ) rospy.logout( 'TrajPlayback: Ready for service requests (%s)' % )
def get_traj_pkl(self, pkl_file): data = ut.load_pickle(pkl_file) self.all_trajs = data['all_trajs'] self.aStart = data['start'] self.aGoal = data['goal'] self.all_discret_trajs = self.discretize_traj(self.all_trajs) return data
def __init__(self): pth = os.environ[ 'HRLBASEPATH'] + '/src/projects/modeling_forces/handheld_hook/' blocked_thresh_dict = ut.load_pickle( pth + 'blocked_thresh_dict.pkl') # ['mean_charlie', 'mean_known_mech'] # Get data self.semantic = blocked_thresh_dict[ 'mean_charlie'] # each category has (n_std, mn, std) <= force profiles self.second_time = blocked_thresh_dict[ 'mean_known_mech'] # (Ms(mn_mn, var_mn, mn_std, var_std), n_std)=(tuple(4),float) self.force_table = None # discrete force table self.force_max = 0.0 self.force_resol = 0.5 self.trans_size = None self.trans_mat = None self.trans_mat = None self.trans_prob_mat = None self.start_prob_vec = None self.means = None self.vars = None pass
def robot_trial_plot(cls, mech, pkl_nm, one_pkl_nm, start_idx=None, mech_idx=None, class_idx=None, plt_st=None, plt_mech=None, plt_sem=None): # pkl_nm : collision pickle # one_pkl_nm: perfect_perception one_d = ut.load_pickle(one_pkl_nm) one_trial = np.array(one_d['vec_list'][0:1]) # ee force_profile ? 4xN #one_trial = one_trial.reshape(1,len(one_trial)) dt = second_time[mech] # Applied force (collision) plot_trial(pkl_nm, math.radians(len(dt[0][0])), start_idx, mech_idx, class_idx, plt_st, plt_mech, plt_sem) # Operating 1st time # semantic: human and robot data in where each category has (n_std, mn, std) <= force profile # 'RAM_db/*.pkl' 'RAM_db/robot_trials/perfect_perception/*.pkl' 'RAM_db/robot_trials/simulate_perception/*.pkl' # mechanism anlyse RAM with blocked option generates semantic data test_known_semantic_class(semantic[cls]) # Expected force and operating 2nd time test_known_mechanism(dt, one_trial) ## pp.title(mech) mpu.legend(display_mode='normal')
def plot_all_angle_force(dirName, human=True): # Plot results fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') plt.xlabel("$x_1$") plt.ylabel("$x_2$") lFile = getAllFiles(dirName) for f in lFile: strPath, strFile = os.path.split(f) if strFile.find('_new.pkl')>=0: try: data = ut.load_pickle(f) except: continue print data.keys() if human: if strFile.find('close')>=0: plt.plot(data['mechanism_x']*180.0/np.pi, data['force_tan_list'], "r-") else: plt.plot(data['mechanism_x']*180.0/np.pi, data['force_tan_list'], "b-") else: print data.keys() plt.plot(data['config_list']*180.0/np.pi, data['ftan_list'], "b-") fig.savefig('/home/dpark/Dropbox/HRL/mech.pdf', format='pdf')
def run_foliage_trial(self, i, f_thresh, t_impulse, goal, num_reach, record = True): if record == True: self.rosbag_srv('foliage_goal_'+str(num_reach).zfill(3)+'_trial_'+str(i).zfill(3)+'_f_thresh_'+str(f_thresh).zfill(2)+'_delta_t_impulse_'+str(t_impulse).zfill(3)+'_') self.skin_record_srv('foliage_goal_'+str(num_reach).zfill(3)+'_trial_'+str(i).zfill(3)+'_f_thresh_'+str(f_thresh).zfill(2)+'_delta_t_impulse_'+str(t_impulse).zfill(3)+'_') self.ft_and_humanoid_record_srv('foliage_goal_'+str(num_reach).zfill(3)+'_trial_'+str(i).zfill(3)+'_f_thresh_'+str(f_thresh).zfill(2)+'_delta_t_impulse_'+str(t_impulse).zfill(3)+'_') goal_ls = goal goal_str_buf = [str(goal_ls[0])+', '+str(goal_ls[1])+', '+str(goal_ls[2])] goal_str = ''.join(goal_str_buf) controller =['python', '', '--darci', '--t_impulse='+str(t_impulse), '--f_thresh='+str(f_thresh), "--goal="+goal_str]) time.sleep(1.0) if record == True: self.rosbag_srv('') self.skin_record_srv('') self.ft_and_humanoid_record_srv('') data = ut.load_pickle('./result.pkl') return data['result']
def kinematics_test(self): success_list, failure_list = util.getSubjectFileList(self.record_root_path, [self.subject], self.task) for fileName in failure_list: d = ut.load_pickle(fileName) print d.keys() time_max = np.amax(d['kinematics_time']) time_min = np.amin(d['kinematics_time']) ee_pos = d['kinematics_ee_pos'] x_max = np.amax(ee_pos[0,:]) x_min = np.amin(ee_pos[0,:]) y_max = np.amax(ee_pos[1,:]) y_min = np.amin(ee_pos[1,:]) z_max = np.amax(ee_pos[2,:]) z_min = np.amin(ee_pos[2,:]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot(ee_pos[0,:], ee_pos[1,:], ee_pos[2,:])
def __init__(self, arm): HRLArmKinematics.__init__(self, n_jts = 7) # create joint limit dicts if arm == 'r': max_lim = np.radians([ 120.00, 122.15, 77.5, 144., 122., 45., 45.]) min_lim = np.radians([ -47.61, -20., -77.5, 0., -80., -45., -45.]) else: max_lim = np.radians([ 120.00, 20., 77.5, 144., 80., 45., 45.]) min_lim = np.radians([ -47.61, -122.15, -77.5, 0., -122., -45., -45.]) self.joint_lim_dict = {} self.joint_lim_dict['max'] = max_lim self.joint_lim_dict['min'] = min_lim wrist_stub_length = 0.0135 + 0.04318 # wrist linkange and FT sensor lengths self.setup_kdl_chains(arm, wrist_stub_length) if arm == 'r': pkl_nm = 'q_guess_right_dict.pkl' else: pkl_nm = 'q_guess_left_dict.pkl' pth = roslib.rospack.rospackexec(['find', 'hrl_cody_arms']) q_guess_pkl = pth + '/src/hrl_cody_arms/'+pkl_nm self.q_guess_dict = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl)
def interp_data_plot(task_name, processed_data_path, nSet=1, save_pdf=False): target_file = os.path.join(processed_data_path, task_name+'_dataSet_'+str(nSet) ) if os.path.isfile(target_file) is not True: print "There is no saved data" sys.exit() data_dict = ut.load_pickle(target_file) visualization_raw_data(data_dict, save_pdf=save_pdf) # training set trainingData, param_dict = extractLocalFeature(data_dict['trainData'], feature_list, local_range) # test set normalTestData, _ = extractLocalFeature(data_dict['normalTestData'], feature_list, local_range, \ param_dict=param_dict) abnormalTestData, _ = extractLocalFeature(data_dict['abnormalTestData'], feature_list, local_range, \ param_dict=param_dict) print "======================================" print "Training data: ", np.shape(trainingData) print "Normal test data: ", np.shape(normalTestData) print "Abnormal test data: ", np.shape(abnormalTestData) print "======================================" visualization_hmm_data(feature_list, trainingData=trainingData, \ normalTestData=normalTestData,\ abnormalTestData=abnormalTestData, save_pdf=save_pdf)
def __init__(self, end_effector_length): # create joint limit dicts self.joint_lim_dict = {} self.joint_lim_dict['right_arm'] = {'max': np.radians([ 120.00, 122.15, 77.5, 144., 122., 45., 45.]), 'min': np.radians([ -47.61, -20., -77.5, 0., -80., -45., -45.])} self.joint_lim_dict['left_arm'] = {'max': np.radians([ 120.00, 20., 77.5, 144., 80., 45., 45.]), 'min': np.radians([ -47.61, -122.15, -77.5, 0., -122., -45., -45.])} end_effector_length += 0.0135 + 0.04318 # add wrist linkange and FT sensor lengths self.setup_kdl_mekabot(end_effector_length) q_guess_pkl_l = os.environ['HOME']+'/svn/gt-ros-pkg/hrl/equilibrium_point_control/epc_core/src/cody_arms/q_guess_left_dict.pkl' q_guess_pkl_r = os.environ['HOME']+'/svn/gt-ros-pkg/hrl/equilibrium_point_control/epc_core/src/cody_arms/q_guess_right_dict.pkl' self.q_guess_dict_left = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl_l) self.q_guess_dict_right = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl_r)
def kinematics_test(self): success_list, failure_list = util.getSubjectFileList( self.record_root_path, [self.subject], self.task) for fileName in failure_list: d = ut.load_pickle(fileName) print d.keys() time_max = np.amax(d['kinematics_time']) time_min = np.amin(d['kinematics_time']) ee_pos = d['kinematics_ee_pos'] x_max = np.amax(ee_pos[0, :]) x_min = np.amin(ee_pos[0, :]) y_max = np.amax(ee_pos[1, :]) y_min = np.amin(ee_pos[1, :]) z_max = np.amax(ee_pos[2, :]) z_min = np.amin(ee_pos[2, :]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot(ee_pos[0, :], ee_pos[1, :], ee_pos[2, :])
def audio_test(self): success_list, failure_list = util.getSubjectFileList( self.record_root_path, [self.subject], self.task) for fileName in failure_list: d = ut.load_pickle(fileName) print d.keys() time_max = np.amax(d['audio_time']) time_min = np.amin(d['audio_time']) self.azimuth_max = 90.0 self.azimuth_min = -90.0 power_max = np.amax(d['audio_power']) power_min = np.amin(d['audio_power']) time_list = d['audio_time'] azimuth_list = np.arange(self.azimuth_min, self.azimuth_max, 1.0) audio_image = np.zeros((len(time_list), len(azimuth_list))) print "image size ", audio_image.shape for idx, p in enumerate(d['audio_power']): azimuth_idx = min(range(len(azimuth_list)), key=lambda i: \ abs(azimuth_list[i]-d['audio_azimuth'][idx])) audio_image[idx][azimuth_idx] = (p - power_min) / (power_max - power_min) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.imshow(audio_image.T) ax1.set_aspect('auto') ax1.set_ylabel('azimuth angle', fontsize=18) y = np.arange(0.0, len(azimuth_list), 30.0) new_y = np.arange(self.azimuth_min, self.azimuth_max, 30.0) plt.yticks(y, new_y) #------------------------------------------------------------ n, m = np.shape(d['audio_feature']) last_feature = np.hstack( [np.zeros((n, 1)), d['audio_feature'][:, :-1]]) feature_delta = d['audio_feature'] - last_feature ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.imshow(feature_delta[:n / 2]) ax2.set_aspect('auto') ax2.set_xlabel('time', fontsize=18) ax2.set_ylabel('MFCC derivative', fontsize=18) #------------------------------------------------------------ plt.suptitle('Auditory features', fontsize=18)
def __init__(self, connect=True, right_arm_settings=None, left_arm_settings=None, end_effector_length=0.12818): ''' connect - connect to the robot or not. can do FK and IK without connecting. right_arm_settings, left_arm_settings: objects of class MekaArmSettings ''' if connect: self.arm_settings = {} # dict is set in set_arm_settings self.initialize_joints(right_arm_settings, left_arm_settings) #self.initialize_gripper() self.left_arm_ft = {'force': np.matrix(np.zeros((3,1),dtype='float32')), 'torque': np.matrix(np.zeros((3,1),dtype='float32'))} self.right_arm_ft = {'force': np.matrix(np.zeros((3,1),dtype='float32')), 'torque': np.matrix(np.zeros((3,1),dtype='float32'))} self.fts_bias = {'left_arm': self.left_arm_ft, 'right_arm': self.right_arm_ft} # create joint limit dicts self.joint_lim_dict = {} self.joint_lim_dict['right_arm'] = {'max':[math.radians(a) for a in [ 100.00, 60., 77.5, 144., 122., 65., 65.]], 'min':[math.radians(a) for a in [ -47.61, 0., -77.5, 0., -80., -65., -65.]]} self.joint_lim_dict['left_arm'] = {'max':[math.radians(a) for a in [ 100.00, 20., 77.5, 144., 80., 65., 65.]], 'min':[math.radians(a) for a in [ -47.61, -122., -77.5, 0., -125., -65., -65.]]} self.setup_kdl_mekabot(end_effector_length) q_guess_pkl_l = os.environ["HRLBASEPATH"] + "/src/libraries/mekabot/q_guess_left_dict.pkl" q_guess_pkl_r = os.environ["HRLBASEPATH"] + "/src/libraries/mekabot/q_guess_right_dict.pkl" self.q_guess_dict_left = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl_l) self.q_guess_dict_right = ut.load_pickle(q_guess_pkl_r) self.jep = None # see set_joint_angles # kalman filtering force vector. (self.step and bias_wrist_ft) self.Q_force, self.R_force = {}, {} self.xhat_force, self.P_force = {}, {} self.Q_force['right_arm'] = [1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3] self.R_force['right_arm'] = [0.2**2, 0.2**2, 0.2**2] self.xhat_force['right_arm'] = [0., 0., 0.] self.P_force['right_arm'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.Q_force['left_arm'] = [1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3] self.R_force['left_arm'] = [0.2**2, 0.2**2, 0.2**2] self.xhat_force['left_arm'] = [0., 0., 0.] self.P_force['left_arm'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
def audio_test(self): success_list, failure_list = util.getSubjectFileList(self.record_root_path, [self.subject], self.task) for fileName in failure_list: d = ut.load_pickle(fileName) print d.keys() time_max = np.amax(d['audio_time']) time_min = np.amin(d['audio_time']) self.azimuth_max = 90.0 self.azimuth_min = -90.0 power_max = np.amax(d['audio_power']) power_min = np.amin(d['audio_power']) time_list = d['audio_time'] azimuth_list = np.arange(self.azimuth_min, self.azimuth_max, 1.0) audio_image = np.zeros( (len(time_list), len(azimuth_list)) ) print "image size ", audio_image.shape for idx, p in enumerate(d['audio_power']): azimuth_idx = min(range(len(azimuth_list)), key=lambda i: \ abs(azimuth_list[i]-d['audio_azimuth'][idx])) audio_image[idx][azimuth_idx] = (p - power_min)/(power_max - power_min) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.imshow(audio_image.T) ax1.set_aspect('auto') ax1.set_ylabel('azimuth angle', fontsize=18) y = np.arange(0.0, len(azimuth_list), 30.0) new_y = np.arange(self.azimuth_min, self.azimuth_max, 30.0) plt.yticks(y,new_y) #------------------------------------------------------------ n,m = np.shape(d['audio_feature']) last_feature = np.hstack([ np.zeros((n,1)), d['audio_feature'][:,:-1] ]) feature_delta = d['audio_feature'] - last_feature ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.imshow( feature_delta[:n/2] ) ax2.set_aspect('auto') ax2.set_xlabel('time', fontsize=18) ax2.set_ylabel('MFCC derivative', fontsize=18) #------------------------------------------------------------ plt.suptitle('Auditory features', fontsize=18)
def plot_trial(pkl_nm, max_ang, start_idx=None, mech_idx=None, class_idx=None, start=None, mech=None, sem=None): pull_dict = ut.load_pickle(pkl_nm) typ = 'rotary' pr2_log = 'pr2' in pkl_nm h_config, h_ftan = atr.force_trajectory_in_hindsight(pull_dict, typ, pr2_log) h_config = np.array(h_config) h_ftan = np.array(h_ftan) h_ftan = h_ftan[h_config < max_ang] h_config = h_config[h_config < max_ang] # cut bin_size = math.radians(1.) h_config_degrees = np.degrees(h_config) ftan_raw = h_ftan # resampling with specific interval h_config, h_ftan = maa.bin(h_config, h_ftan, bin_size, np.mean, True) pp.plot(np.degrees(h_config), h_ftan, 'yo-', mew=0, ms=0, label='applied force', linewidth=2) ## pp.xlabel('Angle (degrees)') ## pp.ylabel('Opening Force (N)') if start != None: x = start[0] y = start[1] pp.plot([x], [y], 'ko', mew=0, ms=5) #pp.text(x, y-1.5, '1', withdash=True) # cody_kitchen_box #pp.text(x-1, y+1.0, '1', withdash=True) # cody_fridge_box #pp.text(x, y-4., '1', withdash=True) # cody_fridge_chair #pp.text(x+1.0, y-0.5, '1', withdash=True) # locked_pr2 #pp.text(x+1.0, y-0.5, '1', withdash=True) # locked_cody x = mech[0] y = mech[1] pp.plot([x], [y], 'ko', mew=0, ms=5) x = sem[0] y = sem[1] pp.plot([x], [y], 'ko', mew=0, ms=5) if start_idx != None: pp.plot([h_config_degrees[start_idx]], [ftan_raw[start_idx]], 'ko', mew=0, ms=5) pp.plot([h_config_degrees[mech_idx]], [ftan_raw[mech_idx]], 'ko', mew=0, ms=5) pp.plot([h_config_degrees[class_idx]], [ftan_raw[class_idx]], 'ko', mew=0, ms=5) print 'Time with mechanism known:', (mech_idx-start_idx) * 100. print 'Time with class known:', (class_idx-start_idx) * 100. print '' print 'Force increase with known mechanism:', ftan_raw[mech_idx] - ftan_raw[start_idx] print 'Force increase with known class:', ftan_raw[class_idx] - ftan_raw[start_idx] print '' print 'Angle increase with known mechanism:', h_config_degrees[mech_idx] - h_config_degrees[start_idx] print 'Angle increase with known class:', h_config_degrees[class_idx] - h_config_degrees[start_idx]
def load(self, path, filename): self.filename = filename self.path = path #try: dict = ut.load_pickle(self.path+'/'+self.filename) #except: # print 'loading of '+self.path+'/'+filename+' failed. WARNING: it will be overwritten on save()!' # return self.datasets = dict['datasets']
def get_discrete_test_from_mean_dict(pkl_file): data = ut.load_pickle(pkl_file) mean_charlie = data['mean_charlie'] mean_known_mech = data['mean_known_mech'] print mean_charlie['ikea_cabinet_noisy_cody'] # Force profile (mean * 0.0, mean, std) print mean_known_mech['ikea_cabinet_noisy_cody']
def _load_database(self): # tree dict #indexes of locations in tree => ids list => location data if not os.path.isfile(self.saved_locations_fname): return d = ut.load_pickle(self.saved_locations_fname) self.ids = d['ids'] self.centers = d['centers'] = d['data'] self.tree = sp.KDTree(np.array(self.centers).T)
def test_dict(fname): dict = ut.load_pickle(fname) firenze = ar.M3HrlRobot(connect=False) rot = tr.rotY(math.radians(-90)) p = np.matrix([0.4,-0.42,-0.2]).T c = find_good_config(p,dict) res = firenze.IK(p,rot,q_guess=c) print 'IK soln: ', [math.degrees(qi) for qi in res]
def ft_test(self): success_list, failure_list = util.getSubjectFileList( self.record_root_path, [self.subject], self.task) for fileName in failure_list: d = ut.load_pickle(fileName) print d.keys() fig = plt.figure()
def test_dict(fname): dic = ut.load_pickle(fname) firenze = cak.CodyArmKinematics('r') rot = tr.rotY(math.radians(-90)) p = np.matrix([0.4,-0.42,-0.2]).T c = find_good_config(p, dic) res = firenze.IK(p, rot, q_guess=c) print 'IK soln: ', [math.degrees(qi) for qi in res]
def ft_test(self): success_list, failure_list = util.getSubjectFileList(self.record_root_path, [self.subject], self.task) for fileName in failure_list: d = ut.load_pickle(fileName) print d.keys() fig = plt.figure()
def test_dict(fname): dict = ut.load_pickle(fname) firenze = ar.M3HrlRobot(connect=False) rot = tr.rotY(math.radians(-90)) p = np.matrix([0.4, -0.42, -0.2]).T c = find_good_config(p, dict) res = firenze.IK(p, rot, q_guess=c) print 'IK soln: ', [math.degrees(qi) for qi in res]
def create_dict(fname): firenze = ar.M3HrlRobot(connect=False) good_configs_list = ut.load_pickle(fname) cartesian_points_list = [] for gc in good_configs_list: cartesian_points_list.append(firenze.FK('right_arm', gc).A1.tolist()) m = np.matrix(cartesian_points_list).T print 'm.shape:', m.shape dict = {'cart_pts_mat': m, 'good_configs_list': good_configs_list} ut.save_pickle(dict, ut.formatted_time() + '_goodconf_dict.pkl')
def density_plot(pickle_file_name): BIN_SIZE = 20 #PICKLE_FOLDER = 'pickle_files' data_dict = ut.load_pickle(pickle_file_name) #pdb.set_trace() orig_pickle_folder, _ = pt.split(pickle_file_name) folder_name, img_name = pt.split(data_dict['image']) nimg_path = pt.join(orig_pickle_folder, img_name) img_obj = w, h = img_obj.size pb.imshow(img_obj, origin='lower') data_dict['neg_pred'][1, :] = h - data_dict['neg_pred'][1, :] data_dict['pos_pred'][1, :] = h - data_dict['pos_pred'][1, :] all_pts = np.column_stack((data_dict['neg_pred'], data_dict['pos_pred'])) Hall, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(all_pts[0, :].A1, all_pts[1, :].A1, bins=num_bins(all_pts, BIN_SIZE)) Hneg, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(data_dict['neg_pred'][0, :].A1, data_dict['neg_pred'][1, :].A1, bins=[xedges, yedges]) extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[-1], yedges[0]] Himage = (Hall - Hneg).T max_val, min_val = np.max(Himage), np.min(Himage) Hrgba = np.zeros((Himage.shape[0], Himage.shape[1], 4), dtype='uint8') Hrgba[:, :, 0] = 0 Hrgba[:, :, 1] = 255 #Himage*80 Hrgba[:, :, 2] = 0 Hrgba[:, :, 3] = 255 r, c = np.where(Himage == 0) Hrgba[r, c, 3] = 0 print 'max', max_val, 'min', min_val pb.imshow(Hrgba, extent=extent, interpolation='spline36', origin='upper', alpha=.7) #pdb.set_trace() #pb.plot(data_dict['neg_pred'][0,:].A1, data_dict['neg_pred'][1,:].A1, 'rx') #pb.plot(data_dict['pos_pred'][0,:].A1, data_dict['pos_pred'][1,:].A1, 'x') min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = minmax(all_pts) pb.axis([ max(min_x - 100, 0), min(max_x + 100, w), max(min_y - 100, 0), min(max_y + 100, h) ]) #pb.axis([0, w, 0, h]) name, extension = pt.splitext(img_name) pb.savefig(pt.join(orig_pickle_folder, name + '_plot.png'))
def create_dict(fname): firenze = cak.CodyArmKinematics('r') good_configs_list = ut.load_pickle(fname) cartesian_points_list = [] for gc in good_configs_list: cartesian_points_list.append(firenze.FK(gc).A1.tolist()) m = np.matrix(cartesian_points_list).T print 'm.shape:', m.shape dic = {'cart_pts_mat':m, 'good_configs_list':good_configs_list} ut.save_pickle(dic,ut.formatted_time()+'_goodconf_dict.pkl')
def compress_pkl(surf_path_complete): features_list = ut.load_pickle(surf_path_complete) rospy.loginfo('making matrix') fmat = features_mat(features_list) rospy.loginfo('compressing') reduced_features = features_mat_compress(fmat, 1000) small_pickle_fname = gen_pkl_name(path_complete, '.surf_sm_pkl') ut.save_pickle(reduced_features, small_pickle_fname) rospy.loginfo('saved to %s' % small_pickle_fname)
def __init__(self, surf_name, contacts_name): forearm_cam_l = '/l_forearm_cam/image_rect_color' self.bridge = CvBridge() rospy.loginfo('loading %s' % surf_name) self.surf_data = ut.load_pickle(surf_name) rospy.loginfo('loading %s' % contacts_name) self.scene, self.contact_points = ut.load_pickle(contacts_name) self.surf_idx = None cv.NamedWindow('surf', 1) self.tflistener = tf.TransformListener() self.camera_geo = ROSCameraCalibration('/l_forearm_cam/camera_info') self.lmat0 = None self.rmat0 = None = False self.contact_stopped = False #rospy.Subscriber('/pressure/l_gripper_motor', pm.PressureState, self.lpress_cb) rospy.Subscriber(forearm_cam_l, sm.Image, self.image_cb) print 'ready'
def test(self, feature_data = None): #test on current scan: print getTime(), 'test on:', if feature_data == None: filename = self.processor.get_features_filename() dict = ut.load_pickle(filename) else: dict = feature_data baseline_labels = self.classify_baseline_code() return baseline_labels, self.test_results(dict, baseline_labels)
def getCalibration(self, filename='bowl_frame.pkl'): if os.path.isfile(filename) == False: return False d = ut.load_pickle(filename) self.bowl_cen_frame_off = d['frame'] self.bowl_calib = True print "------------------------------------" print "Calibration complete! - bowl_cen offset" print "------------------------------------" print "P: ", self.bowl_cen_frame_off.p print "M: ", self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M print "------------------------------------" return True
def display(self, succ_pickle, fail_pickle): # load in pickle print 'loading...' successes = ut.load_pickle(succ_pickle) failures = ut.load_pickle(fail_pickle) topics = ['/pressure/l_gripper_motor', '/pressure/r_gripper_motor'] topic = topics[0] red = np.matrix([1., 0, 0, 1.]).T green = np.matrix([0., 1., 0, 1.]).T blue = np.matrix([0., 0, 1., 1.]).T #data_dict [state number] [topic] [trial number] ['t' 'left' 'right'] succ_avg = average_reading_over_trials(successes, topic) fail_avg = average_reading_over_trials(failures, topic) diff_avg = subtract_records(succ_avg, fail_avg, topic) succ_marker, succ_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message( succ_avg, topic, green) fail_marker, fail_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message( fail_avg, topic, red) diff_marker, diff_pc = construct_pressure_marker_message( diff_avg, topic, blue) r = rospy.Rate(10) print 'publishing...' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.succ_marker.publish(succ_marker) self.fail_marker.publish(fail_marker) self.succ_pc_pub.publish(succ_pc) self.fail_pc_pub.publish(fail_pc) self.diff_marker.publish(diff_marker) self.diff_pc_pub.publish(diff_pc) r.sleep()
def load_state(self): try: rects = ut.load_pickle(self.save_filename) srects = [] for r in rects: start, end, name = r srect = SelectRect(start, end, self.axes) srect.set_name(name) srects.append(srect) self.rects = srects self._set_active(0) self.state = 'TWO_POINTS' self.figure.canvas.draw() except IOError, e: print 'INFO: was not able to load', self.save_filename
def getCalibration(self, filename='mouth_frame.pkl'): if os.path.isfile(filename) == False: return False d = ut.load_pickle(filename) print d.keys() self.mouth_frame_off = d['frame'] self.head_calib = True print "------------------------------------" print "Calibration complete! - mouth offset" print "------------------------------------" print "P: ", self.mouth_frame_off.p print "M: ", self.mouth_frame_off.M print "------------------------------------" return True