def find_or_create_site(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str,
                        details: dict) -> Any:
    Select encounter site by *identifier*, or insert it if it doesn't exist.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up site «{identifier}»")

    site = db.fetch_row(
        select site_id as id, identifier
          from warehouse.site
         where identifier = %s
        """, (identifier, ))

    if site:
        LOG.info(f"Found site {site.id} «{site.identifier}»")
        LOG.debug(f"Site «{identifier}» not found, adding")

        data = {
            "identifier": identifier,
            "details": Json(details),

        site = db.fetch_row(
            insert into warehouse.site (identifier, details)
                values (%(identifier)s, %(details)s)
            returning site_id as id, identifier
            """, data)

        LOG.info(f"Created site {site.id} «{site.identifier}»")

    return site
def find_or_create_target(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str,
                          control: bool) -> Any:
    Select presence_absence test target by *identifier*, or insert it if it doesn't exist.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up target «{identifier}»")

    target = db.fetch_row(
        select target_id as id, identifier
          from warehouse.target
         where identifier = %s
        """, (identifier, ))

    if target:
        LOG.info(f"Found target {target.id} «{target.identifier}»")
        LOG.debug(f"Target «{identifier}» not found, adding")

        data = {"identifier": identifier, "control": control}

        target = db.fetch_row(
            insert into warehouse.target (identifier, control)
                values (%(identifier)s, %(control)s)
            returning target_id as id, identifier
            """, data)

        LOG.info(f"Created target {target.id} «{target.identifier}»")

    return target
def update_sample(db: DatabaseSession,
                  identifier: str = None,
                  collection_identifier: str = None,
                  additional_details: dict = None) -> Any:
    Find sample by *identifier* and update with any *additional_details*.

    The provided *additional_details* are merged (at the top-level only) into
    the existing sample details, if any.

    Raises an :class:`SampleNotFoundError` if there is no sample known by
    if identifier:
        LOG.debug(f"Looking up sample with identifier «{identifier}»")
        sample = db.fetch_row("""
            select sample_id as id, identifier, details
              from warehouse.sample
            where identifier = %s
              for update
            """, (identifier,))
    elif collection_identifier:
        LOG.debug(f"Looking up sample with collection_identifier «{collection_identifier}»")
        sample = db.fetch_row("""
            select sample_id as id, collection_identifier as identifier, details
              from warehouse.sample
            where collection_identifier = %s
              for update
            """, (collection_identifier,))

    if not sample:
        LOG.error(f"No sample found with identifier «{identifier}» or collection identifier «{collection_identifier}»")
        raise SampleNotFoundError(identifier)

    LOG.info(f"Found sample {sample.id} «{sample.identifier}»")

    if additional_details:
        LOG.info(f"Updating sample {sample.id} «{sample.identifier}» details")

        update_details_nwgc_id(sample, additional_details)

        sample = db.fetch_row("""
            update warehouse.sample
               set details = coalesce(details, '{}') || %s
             where sample_id = %s
            returning sample_id as id, identifier
            """, (Json(additional_details), sample.id))

        assert sample.id, "Updating details affected no rows!"

    return sample
def update_sample(
        db: DatabaseSession,
        encounter_id: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[MinimalSampleRecord]:
    Update sample's encounter_id.
        f"Updating sample {sample.id}, linked to encounter {encounter_id}")

    if sample.encounter_id:
        assert sample.encounter_id == encounter_id, \
            f"Sample {sample.id} already linked to another encounter {sample.encounter_id}"
        return None

    sample = db.fetch_row(
        update warehouse.sample
            set encounter_id = %s
        where sample_id = %s
        returning sample_id as id, identifier
        """, (encounter_id, sample.id))

    assert sample.id, "Updating encounter_id affected no rows!"

    LOG.info(f"Updated sample {sample.id}")

    return sample
def find_sample(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str, for_update=True) -> Any:
    Find sample by *identifier* and return sample.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up sample «{identifier}»")

    query_ending = ""

    if for_update:
        query_ending = "for update"

    sample = db.fetch_row(
        select sample_id as id, identifier, encounter_id
          from warehouse.sample
         where identifier = %s or
               collection_identifier = %s
        """ + query_ending, (

    if not sample:
        LOG.info(f"No sample with identifier «{identifier}» found")
        return None

    LOG.info(f"Found sample {sample.id} «{sample.identifier}»")
    return sample
def upsert_sample(db: DatabaseSession, collection_identifier: str,
                  encounter_id: int, details: dict) -> Any:
    Upsert collected sample by its *collection_identifier*.

    The provided *details* are merged (at the top-level only) into
    the existing sample details, if any.
    LOG.debug(f"Upserting sample collection «{collection_identifier}»")

    data = {
        "collection_identifier": collection_identifier,
        "encounter_id": encounter_id,
        "details": Json(details),

    sample = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.sample (collection_identifier, encounter_id, details)
            values (%(collection_identifier)s, %(encounter_id)s, %(details)s)

        on conflict (collection_identifier) do update
            set encounter_id = excluded.encounter_id,
                details = coalesce(sample.details, '{}') || %(details)s

        returning sample_id as id, identifier, collection_identifier, encounter_id
        """, data)

    assert sample.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

        f"Upserted sample {sample.id} with collection identifier «{sample.collection_identifier}»"

    return sample
def upsert_individual(db: DatabaseSession,
                      identifier: str,
                      sex: str = None) -> Any:
    Upsert individual by their *identifier*.
    LOG.debug(f"Upserting individual «{identifier}»")

    data = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "sex": sex,

    individual = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.individual (identifier, sex)
            values (%(identifier)s, %(sex)s)

        on conflict (identifier) do update
            set sex = excluded.sex

        returning individual_id as id, identifier
        """, data)

    assert individual.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

    LOG.info(f"Upserted individual {individual.id} «{individual.identifier}»")

    return individual
def find_or_create_sequence_read_set(
        db: DatabaseSession, document: dict,
        sample: MinimalSampleRecord) -> SequenceReadSetRecord:
    Find sequence read set given a *sample* and consensus genome record
    *document*, inserting the sequence read set if it does not exist.
    Return the sequence read set.
    urls = document['metadata']['urls']
    Looking up sequence read set with sample ID «{sample.id}» and urls {urls}

    sequence_read_set: SequenceReadSetRecord = db.fetch_row(
        select sequence_read_set_id as id, sample_id, urls
          from warehouse.sequence_read_set
         where sample_id = %s
          and urls @> %s
          and %s @> urls
        """, (sample.id, urls, urls))

    if sequence_read_set:
        LOG.info(f"Found sequence read set {sequence_read_set.id}")
        Sequence read set not found for sample id «{sample.id}» and urls {urls}

        data = {
            "sample_id": sample.id,
            "urls": urls,

        sequence_read_set = db.fetch_row(
            insert into warehouse.sequence_read_set (sample_id, urls)
                values (%(sample_id)s, %(urls)s)
            returning sequence_read_set_id as id, sample_id, urls
            """, data)

        LOG.info(f"Created sequence read set {sequence_read_set.id}")

    return sequence_read_set
文件: kit.py 项目: sonali-mhihim/id3c
def find_kit(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str) -> KitRecord:
    Look for kit using *identifier* within the database
    kit: KitRecord = db.fetch_row(
        select kit_id as id, identifier, encounter_id, rdt_sample_id, utm_sample_id
          from warehouse.kit
         where identifier = %s
            for update
        """, (identifier, ))

    return kit
def find_or_create_individual(db: DatabaseSession,
                              identifier: str,
                              sex: str,
                              details: dict = None) -> Any:
    Select indinvidual by *identifier*, or insert it if it doesn't exist.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up individual «{identifier}»")

    individual = db.fetch_row(
        select individual_id as id, identifier
          from warehouse.individual
         where identifier = %s
        """, (identifier, ))

    if individual:
        LOG.info(f"Found individual {individual.id} «{individual.identifier}»")
        LOG.debug(f"individual «{identifier}» not found, adding")

        data = {
            "identifier": identifier,
            "sex": sex,
            "details": Json(details),

        individual = db.fetch_row(
            insert into warehouse.individual (identifier, sex, details)
                values (%(identifier)s, %(sex)s, %(details)s)
            returning individual_id as id, identifier
            """, data)

            f"Created individual {individual.id} «{individual.identifier}»")

    return individual
def upsert_presence_absence(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str,
                            sample_id: int, target_id: int, present: bool,
                            details: dict) -> Any:
    Upsert presence_absence by its *identifier*.

    Confirmed with Samplify that their numeric identifier for each test is stable
    and persistent.
    LOG.debug(f"Upserting presence_absence «{identifier}»")

    data = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "sample_id": sample_id,
        "target_id": target_id,
        "present": present,
        "details": Json(details)

    presence_absence = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.presence_absence (
            values (

        on conflict (identifier) do update
            set sample_id = excluded.sample_id,
                target_id = excluded.target_id,
                present   = excluded.present,
                details = coalesce(presence_absence.details, '{}') || excluded.details

        returning presence_absence_id as id, identifier
        """, data)

    assert presence_absence.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

    LOG.info(f"Upserted presence_absence {presence_absence.id} \

    return presence_absence
def upsert_encounter(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str, encountered: str,
                     individual_id: int, site_id: int, age: Optional[str],
                     details: dict) -> Any:
    Upsert encounter by its *identifier*.
    LOG.debug(f"Upserting encounter «{identifier}»")

    data = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "encountered": encountered,
        "individual_id": individual_id,
        "site_id": site_id,
        "age": age,
        "details": Json(details),

    encounter = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.encounter (
            values (
                %(encountered)s::timestamp with time zone,

        on conflict (identifier) do update
            set individual_id = excluded.individual_id,
                site_id       = excluded.site_id,
                encountered   = excluded.encountered,
                age           = excluded.age,
                details       = excluded.details

        returning encounter_id as id, identifier
        """, data)

    assert encounter.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

    LOG.info(f"Upserted encounter {encounter.id} «{encounter.identifier}»")

    return encounter
def insert_fhir_bundle(db: DatabaseSession, bundle: dict) -> None:
    Insert FHIR bundles into the receiving area of the database.
    LOG.debug(f"Inserting FHIR bundle «{bundle['id']}»")

    fhir = db.fetch_row("""
        insert into receiving.fhir(document)
            values (%s)

        returning fhir_id as id
        """, (Json(bundle),))

    assert fhir.id, "Insert affected no rows!"

    LOG.info(f"Inserted FHIR document {fhir.id} «{bundle['id']}»")
def insert_sequence_read_set(db: DatabaseSession, sample_id: int, urls: list):
    Insert sequencing read set directly into warehouse.sequence_read_set,
    with the *sample_id* and *urls*.
    LOG.debug(f"Inserting sequence read set for sample {sample_id}")

    data = {"sample_id": sample_id, "urls": urls}

    sequence_read_set = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.sequence_read_set (sample_id, urls)
            values (%(sample_id)s, %(urls)s)
        returning sequence_read_set_id as id
        """, data)
    assert sequence_read_set.id, "Insert failed"
    return sequence_read_set
def find_location(db: DatabaseSession, scale: str, identifier: str) -> Any:
    Find a location by *scale* and *identifier*.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up location {(scale, identifier)}")

    location = db.fetch_row(
        select location_id as id, scale, identifier, hierarchy
          from warehouse.location
         where (scale, identifier) = (%s, %s)
        """, (scale, identifier))

    if not location:
        LOG.error(f"No location for {(scale, identifier)}")
        return None

    LOG.info(f"Found location {location.id} as {(scale, identifier)}")
    return location
def find_sample(db: DatabaseSession, nwgc_id: str) -> Optional[int]:
    Find sample within warehouse that has *nwgc_id* in the sample details.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up sample with NWGC ID: «{nwgc_id}»")

    sample = db.fetch_row(
        select sample_id as id
          from warehouse.sample
         where details @> '{"nwgc_id": [%s]}'
        """, (int(nwgc_id), ))

    if not sample:
        LOG.error(f"No sample with NWGC ID «{nwgc_id}» found")
        return None

    LOG.info(f"Found sample {sample.id}")
    return sample.id
def set_use_create(use, description):
    Create a new identifier set use.

    <use> is the name of the new use.
    <description> is a comment explaining the purpose of the use.
    session = DatabaseSession()

    with session:
        use, = session.fetch_row("""
            insert into warehouse.identifier_set_use (use, description)
            values (%s, %s)
            returning use
            """, (use, description))

        "Created identifier set use " +
        click.style(use, bold = True))
def find_organism(db: DatabaseSession,
                  lineage: str) -> Optional[OrganismRecord]:
    Find organism by *lineage* and return organism.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up organism «{lineage}»")

    organism = db.fetch_row(
        select organism_id as id, lineage
          from warehouse.organism
         where lineage ~ %s
        """, (lineage, ))

    if not organism:
        LOG.error(f"No organism with lineage «{lineage}» found")
        return None

    LOG.info(f"Found organism {organism.id} «{organism.lineage}»")
    return organism
def find_sample_by_id(db: DatabaseSession, sample_id: int) -> Any:
    Find sample by *sample_id* and return sample.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up sample «{sample_id}»")

    sample = db.fetch_row(
        select sample_id as id, identifier, encounter_id
          from warehouse.sample
         where sample_id = %s
            for update
        """, (sample_id, ))

    if not sample:
        LOG.error(f"No sample with id «{sample_id}» found")
        return None

    LOG.info(f"Found sample {sample.id} «{sample.identifier}»")
    return sample
def upsert_genome(db: DatabaseSession,
                  sequence_read_set: SequenceReadSetRecord,
                  organism: OrganismRecord, document: dict) -> GenomeRecord:
    Upsert consensus genomes with the given *sequence_read_set*, *organism*,
    and consensus genome *document*.
    Upserting genome with sequence read set {sequence_read_set.id},
    organism {organism.id} «{organism.lineage}»"""))

    data = {
        "sample_id": sequence_read_set.sample_id,
        "organism_id": organism.id,
        "sequence_read_set_id": sequence_read_set.id,
        "additional_details": Json(document['summary_stats'])

    genome: GenomeRecord = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.consensus_genome (sample_id, organism_id,
            sequence_read_set_id, details)
          values (%(sample_id)s, %(organism_id)s, %(sequence_read_set_id)s,

        on conflict (sample_id, organism_id, sequence_read_set_id) do update
            set details = %(additional_details)s

        returning consensus_genome_id as id, sample_id, organism_id, sequence_read_set_id
        """, data)

    assert genome.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

    Upserted genome {genome.id} with sample ID «{genome.sample_id}»,
    organism ID «{genome.organism_id}», and sequence read set ID «{genome.sequence_read_set_id}»

    return genome
def set_create(name, description):
    Create a new identifier set.

    <name> is the name of the new set.
    <description> is a comment explaining the purpose of the set.
    session = DatabaseSession()

    with session:
        identifier_set_id, = session.fetch_row("""
            insert into warehouse.identifier_set (name, description)
            values (%s, %s)
            returning identifier_set_id
            """, (name, description))

        "Created identifier set " +
        click.style(name, bold = True) +
        f" (#{identifier_set_id})")
文件: kit.py 项目: sonali-mhihim/id3c
def find_encounter(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str) -> Any:
    Given an *identifier* find the corresponding encounter within the
    relational warehouse.
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up encounter with identifier «{identifier}»")

    encounter = db.fetch_row(
        select encounter_id as id,
               encounter.identifier as identifier,
               site.identifier as site
          from warehouse.encounter
          join warehouse.site using (site_id)
         where encounter.identifier = %s
        """, (identifier, ))

    if not encounter:
        return None

    LOG.info(f"Found encounter «{encounter.id}»")
    return encounter
def upsert_location(db: DatabaseSession, scale: str, identifier: str,
                    hierarchy: str) -> Any:
    Upserts a location by its *scale* and *identifier*.

    If *hierarchy* is None, it will be set to the location's
    `scale => identifier`. Otherwise, the location's `scale => identifier`
    will be appended to the *hierarchy*.

    On update, new hierarchy and existing hierarchy are concatenated, with
    new hierarchy taking precedence if there is overlap of keys.
    LOG.debug(f"Upserting location {(scale, identifier)}")

    # Always includes the new location's own scale => identifier in hierarchy
    location_hierarchy = f"{scale} => {identifier}".lower()
    if hierarchy is None:
        hierarchy = location_hierarchy
        hierarchy = hierarchy + "," + location_hierarchy

    location = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.location (scale, identifier, hierarchy)
        values (%s, %s, %s)

        on conflict (scale, identifier) do update
            set hierarchy = coalesce(location.hierarchy, '') || excluded.hierarchy

        returning location_id as id, scale, identifier, hierarchy
        """, (scale, identifier, hierarchy))

    assert location.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

        f"Upserted location {location.id} as {(location.scale,location.identifier)}"

    return location
def set_create(name, use, description):
    Create a new identifier set.

    <name> is the name of the new set.
    <use> is the use classification for this set, valid values can be found using `id3c identifier set-use ls` command.
    <description> is a comment explaining the purpose of the set.
    session = DatabaseSession()

    with session:
        identifier_set_id, = session.fetch_row("""
            insert into warehouse.identifier_set (name, use, description)
            values (%s, %s, %s)
            returning identifier_set_id
            """, (name, use, description))

        "Created identifier set " +
        click.style(name, bold = True) +
        f" (#{identifier_set_id})")
def upsert_genomic_sequence(db: DatabaseSession, genome: GenomeRecord,
                            masked_consensus: dict) -> Any:
    Upsert genomic sequence given a *genome* record and some information from a
    given *masked_consensus*.
    sequence_identifier = "".join([
        masked_consensus['sequence_identifier'], "-",
    LOG.info(f"Upserting genomic sequence «{sequence_identifier}»")

    data = {
        "identifier": sequence_identifier,
        "segment": masked_consensus['sequence_segment'],
        "seq": masked_consensus['genomic_sequence'],
        "genome_id": genome.id,

    genomic_sequence = db.fetch_row(
        insert into warehouse.genomic_sequence (identifier, segment, seq, consensus_genome_id)
            values (%(identifier)s, %(segment)s, %(seq)s, %(genome_id)s)

        on conflict (identifier) do update
            set seq = excluded.seq,
                segment = excluded.segment

        returning genomic_sequence_id as id, identifier, segment, seq, consensus_genome_id
        """, data)

    assert genomic_sequence.consensus_genome_id == genome.id, \
        "Provided sequence identifier was not unique, matched a sequence linked to another consensus genome!"
    assert genomic_sequence.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

    LOG.info(f"Upserted genomic sequence {genomic_sequence.id}»")

    return genomic_sequence
文件: kit.py 项目: sonali-mhihim/id3c
def find_sample(db: DatabaseSession,
                identifier: str) -> Optional[SampleRecord]:
    Given an *identifier* find the corresponding sample within the
    LOG.debug(f"Looking up sample with identifier «{identifier}»")

    sample = db.fetch_row(
        select sample_id as id,
               details ->> 'sample_type' as type
           from warehouse.sample
          where sample.identifier = %s
        """, (identifier, ))

    if not sample:
        return None

    LOG.info(f"Found sample «{sample.id}»")
    return sample
def find_sample_origin_by_barcode(db: DatabaseSession,
                                  barcode: str) -> Optional[str]:
    Given an SFS *barcode* return the `sample_origin` found in sample.details
    sample = db.fetch_row(
        select details ->> 'sample_origin' as sample_origin
        from warehouse.sample
        join warehouse.identifier on sample.identifier = identifier.uuid::text
        where barcode = %s
    """, (barcode, ))

    if not sample:
        LOG.error(f"No sample with barcode «{barcode}» found.")
        return None

    if not sample.sample_origin:
            f"Sample with barcode «{barcode}» did not have sample_origin in details"
        return None

    return sample.sample_origin
文件: kit.py 项目: sonali-mhihim/id3c
def upsert_kit_with_sample(db: DatabaseSession, identifier: str,
                           sample: SampleRecord,
                           additional_details: dict) -> Tuple[KitRecord, str]:
    Upsert kit by its *identifier* to include link to a sample.

    An existing kit has its *sample_id* updated and the provided
    *additional_details* are merged (at the top level only into)
    the existing kit details, if any.
    LOG.debug(f"Upserting kit «{identifier}»")

    data = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "sample_id": sample.id,
        "additional_details": Json(additional_details)

    if sample.type == 'utm':
        sample_type = "utm_sample_id"
    elif sample.type == 'rdt':
        sample_type = "rdt_sample_id"

    # Look for existing kit
    kit = find_kit(db, identifier)

    # Nothing found → create
    if not kit:
        LOG.info("Creating new kit")
        status = "created"
        kit = db.fetch_row(
            insert into warehouse.kit (identifier, {}, details)
            returning kit_id as id,
                        sql.Identifier(sample_type)), data)

    # Found kit → update
        status = "updated"
        kit_sample_id = getattr(kit, sample_type)
        # Warn if kit is already linked to a different sample!
        if (kit_sample_id and (sample.id != kit_sample_id)):
                f"Kit «{kit.id}» already linked to another " +
                f"{sample_type} «{kit_sample_id}», linking with «{sample.id}» instead"

        kit = db.fetch_row(
            update warehouse.kit
               set {} = %(sample_id)s,
                   details = coalesce(details, {}) || %(additional_details)s

             where kit_id = %(kit_id)s

            returning kit_id as id,
            """).format(sql.Identifier(sample_type), sql.Literal(Json({})),
                        sql.Identifier(sample_type)), {
                            **data, "kit_id": kit.id

    assert kit.id, "Upsert affected no rows!"

    LOG.info(f"Upserted kit {kit.id} with identifier «{kit.identifier}» " +
             f"linked to {sample_type} «{getattr(kit, sample_type)}»")

    return kit, status
文件: fhir.py 项目: andysodt/id3c
def process_diagnostic_report_bundle_entry(db: DatabaseSession, bundle: Bundle, entry: BundleEntry):
    Given an DiagnosticReport resource *entry* from a given *bundle*, processes
    the relevant information into the database.
    resource, resource_type = resource_and_resource_type(entry)

    if resource_type != 'DiagnosticReport':

    LOG.debug(f"Processing DiagnosticReport Resource «{entry.fullUrl}».")

    for reference in resource.specimen:
        barcode = None

        if not reference.identifier:
            specimen = reference.resolved(Specimen)
            barcode = identifier(specimen, f"{INTERNAL_SYSTEM}/sample").strip()

        elif matching_system(reference.identifier, INTERNAL_SYSTEM):
            barcode = reference.identifier.value.strip()

        if not barcode:

        LOG.debug(f"Looking up collected specimen barcode «{barcode}»")
        specimen_identifier = find_identifier(db, barcode)

        if not specimen_identifier:
            LOG.warning(f"Skipping collected specimen with unknown barcode «{barcode}»")

        # By default, assume that the incoming barcode is for a collection identifier
        is_collection_identifier = True

            assert specimen_identifier.set_name in EXPECTED_COLLECTION_IDENTIFIER_SETS, \
                f"Specimen with unexpected «{specimen_identifier.set_name}» barcode «{barcode}»"

        except AssertionError:
            assert specimen_identifier.set_name in EXPECTED_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER_SETS, \
                f"Specimen with unexpected «{specimen_identifier.set_name}» barcode «{barcode}»"

            is_collection_identifier = False

        sample = find_sample(db, specimen_identifier.uuid)
        if not is_collection_identifier and not sample:
            raise SampleNotFoundError("No sample with identifier «{specimen_identifier.uuid}» found.")

        # Sometimes the Ellume samples come in faster than the specimen manifest
        # is updated. In this case, create a new collection identifier that will
        # be filled in later.
        if not sample:
            LOG.debug(f"Creating sample with collection identifier «{specimen_identifier.uuid}»")

            sample = db.fetch_row("""
                insert into warehouse.sample (collection_identifier)
                    values (%s)
                returning sample_id as id, collection_identifier
                """, (str(specimen_identifier.uuid),))

            LOG.info(f"Created sample {sample.id} with collection identifier «{sample.collection_identifier}»")

        process_presence_absence_tests(db, resource, sample.id, barcode)
def upsert_sample(db: DatabaseSession,
                  identifier: str,
                  collection_identifier: Optional[str],
                  collection_date: Optional[str],
                  additional_details: dict) -> Tuple[Any, str]:
    Upsert sample by its *identifier* and/or *collection_identifier*.

    An existing sample has its *identifier*, *collection_identifier*,
    *collection_date* updated, and the provided *additional_details* are
    merged (at the top-level only) into the existing sample details, if any.

    Raises an exception if there is more than one matching sample.
    data = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "collection_identifier": collection_identifier,
        "collection_date": collection_date,
        "additional_details": Json(additional_details),

    # Look for existing sample(s)
    with db.cursor() as cursor:
            select sample_id as id, identifier, collection_identifier, encounter_id
              from warehouse.sample
             where identifier = %(identifier)s
                or collection_identifier = %(collection_identifier)s
               for update
            """, data)

        samples = list(cursor)

    # Nothing found → create
    if not samples:
        LOG.info("Creating new sample")
        status = 'created'
        sample = db.fetch_row("""
            insert into warehouse.sample (identifier, collection_identifier, collected, details)
                values (%(identifier)s,
            returning sample_id as id, identifier, collection_identifier, encounter_id
            """, data)

    # One found → update
    elif len(samples) == 1:
        status = 'updated'
        sample = samples[0]

        LOG.info(f"Updating existing sample {sample.id}")
        sample = db.fetch_row("""
            update warehouse.sample
               set identifier = %(identifier)s,
                   collection_identifier = %(collection_identifier)s,
                   collected = date_or_null(%(collection_date)s),
                   details = coalesce(details, '{}') || %(additional_details)s

             where sample_id = %(sample_id)s

            returning sample_id as id, identifier, collection_identifier, encounter_id
            { **data, "sample_id": sample.id })

        assert sample.id, "Update affected no rows!"

    # More than one found → error
        raise Exception(f"More than one sample matching sample and/or collection barcodes: {samples}")

    return sample, status