    def modify_lvars(self, lvars):
        def log(msg):
            print("modify_lvars: %s" % msg)
        log("len(lvars.lvvec) = %d" % len(lvars.lvvec))
        log("lvars.lmaps.size() = %d" % lvars.lmaps.size())
        log("lvars.stkoff_delta = %d" % lvars.stkoff_delta)
        log("lvars.ulv_flags = %x" % lvars.ulv_flags)

        for idx, one in enumerate(lvars.lvvec):
            def varlog(msg):
                log("var #%d: %s" % (idx, msg))
            varlog("name = '%s'" % one.name)
            varlog("type = '%s'" % one.type._print())
            varlog("cmt = '%s'" % one.cmt)
            varlog("size = %d" % one.size)
            varlog("flags = %x" % one.flags)
            new_type = self.new_types.get(one.name)
            if new_type:
                tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
                ida_typeinf.parse_decl(tif, None, new_type, 0)
                one.type = tif
            one.name = self.name_prefix + one.name
            one.cmt = self.cmt_prefix + one.cmt

        return True
def force_variable(ea, type, name):
    t = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
    ida_typeinf.parse_decl(t, None, '{} a;'.format(type), 0)
        ea, ida_bytes.DELIT_EXPAND | ida_bytes.DELIT_DELNAMES
        | ida_bytes.DELIT_NOCMT, t.get_size())
    ida_name.set_name(ea, name, ida_name.SN_CHECK)
    idc.apply_type(ea, idc.parse_decl('{} a;'.format(type), 0),
def force_array(ea, type, name, count=None):
    t = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
    ida_typeinf.parse_decl(t, None, '{} a;'.format(type), 0)
        ea, ida_bytes.DELIT_EXPAND | ida_bytes.DELIT_DELNAMES
        | ida_bytes.DELIT_NOCMT,
        t.get_size() * (1 if count is None else count))
    ida_name.set_name(ea, name, ida_name.SN_CHECK)
            '{} a[{}];'.format(type, '' if count is None else str(count)), 0),
	def _parse_c_name(self):
		if self.tif is not None:
			raise RuntimeError("May not call _parse_c_name twice")

		# use ida_typeinf.parse_decl to obtain a tinfo_t object
		tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
		decl = "{} x;".format(self.c_name)

		ida_typeinf.parse_decl(tif, None, decl, ida_typeinf.PT_TYP)
		if tif.empty():
			raise RuntimeError("Could not parse type '{}'".format(self.c_name))
		self.tif = tif

    def declaration(self, decl):
        Changes the declaration of the function internally.
        # Ensure ends with ';'
        if not decl.endswith(";"):
            decl += ";"

        tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
        til = ida_typeinf.get_idati()
        func_type_data = ida_typeinf.func_type_data_t()
        ida_typeinf.parse_decl(tif, til, decl, ida_typeinf.PT_SIL)
        self._tif = tif
        self._func_type_data = func_type_data
文件: biptype.py 项目: xcode2010/bip
    def from_c(cstr, flags=0x401):
            Function which convert a C string declaration into a object which
            inherit from a :class:`BipType` . If there is no ``;`` at the end
            of the string provided, one will be added automatically.

            This is made for parsing **one** declaration and can create
            problem if several declarations are in the string.

            :param str cstr: A string representing a declaration in C.
            :param int flags: ``PT_*`` flags from IDA (see typeinf.hpp).
                The default is ``0x401`` (``PT_RAWARGS | PT_SIL``) should be
                enough in most case.
            :return: An object which inherit from :class:`BipType` equivalent
                to the C declaration.
            :raise RuntimeError: if the function was not able to create the type.
        tif = tinfo_t()
        cstr = cstr.strip()
        if cstr[-1] != ';':
            cstr += ';'
        if parse_decl(tif, None, cstr, flags) is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unable to create a BipType from declaration {}".format(
        return BipType.from_tinfo_no_copy(tif)
def get_struct_size(struct_def):
    tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()  # Prepare a container for the type
    til = ida_typeinf.get_idati()  # Get the "Local types" types library
    name = ida_typeinf.parse_decl(tif, til, struct_def,
                                  0)  # Parse the declaration, return its

    return tif.get_size()
def create_struct(name, struct_def, ordinal=0, overwrite=True):

    if overwrite and ordinal:
        print "overwriting: {}".format(name)
        tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()  # Prepare a container for the type
        til = ida_typeinf.get_idati()  # Get the "Local types" types library
        name = ida_typeinf.parse_decl(
            tif, til, struct_def,
            ida_typeinf.PT_SIL)  # Parse the declaration, return its
        #   name and fill the tinfo_t object

        #   for storing it
        res = tif.set_numbered_type(til, ordinal, ida_typeinf.NTF_REPLACE,
                                    name)  # ...and store it

        print "Creating new struct - {}".format(name)
        # Helpful for debugging
        #print "<start>{}<end>".format(struct_def)

        tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()  # Prepare a container for the type
        til = ida_typeinf.get_idati()  # Get the "Local types" types library
        name = ida_typeinf.parse_decl(
            tif, til, struct_def,
            ida_typeinf.PT_SIL)  # Parse the declaration, return its
        #   name and fill the tinfo_t object
        if not name:
            print "Failed to create structure"
            return False
        ordinal = ida_typeinf.alloc_type_ordinal(
            til)  # Make room in the "Local types" library,
        #   for storing it
        res = tif.set_numbered_type(til, ordinal, 0, name)  # ...and store it

    if res == -1:
        print "Failed to create structure"
        return False

    ida_typeinf.import_type(idaapi.cvar.idati, -1, name)

    return True
    def build_callinfo(self, blk, type, callinfo):
        # it is a good idea to skip direct calls.
        # note that some indirect calls may be resolved and become direct calls,
        # and will be filtered out here:
        ida_kernwin.msg("%x: got called for: %s\n" %
                        (blk.tail.ea, blk.tail.dstr()))
        tail = blk.tail
        if tail.opcode == ida_hexrays.m_call:
            return 0

        # also, if the type was specified by the user, do not interfere
        call_ea = tail.ea
        tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
        if ida_nalt.get_op_tinfo(tif, call_ea, 0):
            return 0

        # ok, the decompiler really has to guess the type.
        # just for the sake of an example, return a predefined prototype.
        # in real life you will provide the prototype you discovered yourself,
        # using your magic of yours :)
        my_proto = "int f();"
        ida_kernwin.msg("%x: providing prototype %s\n" % (call_ea, my_proto))
        ida_typeinf.parse_decl(type, None, my_proto, 0)
        return 0
    def __typedecl_or_tinfo(typedecl_or_tinfo, flags = None):
        Function that accepts a tinfo_t object or type declaration as a string
        If a type declaration is passed then ida_typeinf.parse_decl() is applied to prepare tinfo_t object
            - Returns the tinfo_t object
            - Raises an exception if the declaration cannot be parsed

        # a string? try to parse it
        if type(typedecl_or_tinfo) == types.StringType:
          if flags is None:
              flags = ida_typeinf.PT_SIL|ida_typeinf.PT_NDC|ida_typeinf.PT_TYP
          tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
          if ida_typeinf.parse_decl(tif, None, typedecl_or_tinfo, flags) == None:
            raise ValueError, "Could not parse type: " + typedecl_or_tinfo
            if not isinstance(typedecl_or_tinfo, ida_typeinf.tinfo_t):
              raise ValueError, "Invalid argument 'typedecl_or_tinfo'"
            tif = typedecl_or_tinfo
        return tif
def parse_struct(struct_def):
    tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
    til = ida_typeinf.get_idati()
    name = ida_typeinf.parse_decl(tif, til, struct_def,
                                  0)  # Parse the declaration, return its
    return (til, tif, name)
def make_db2meta(ea):
  ti = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
  ida_typeinf.parse_decl (ti, None, DBMeta + ' a;', 0)

  def dword_mem(name):
    m = ida_typeinf.udt_member_t()
    m.name = name
    if ti.find_udt_member (m, ida_typeinf.STRMEM_NAME) == -1:
      raise Exception ('unknown DBMeta member {}'.format (name))
    return butil.get_uint32(ea + m.offset // 8)
  def qword_mem(name):
    m = ida_typeinf.udt_member_t()
    m.name = name
    if ti.find_udt_member (m, ida_typeinf.STRMEM_NAME) == -1:
      raise Exception ('unknown DBMeta member {}'.format (name))
    return butil.get_uint64(ea + m.offset // 8)

  nameaddr = qword_mem ('tableName')
  name = butil.get_cstring (nameaddr).decode('utf-8')

  butil.mark_string (nameaddr, 'dbMeta_{}_tableName'.format(name))

  hfc = dword_mem('hotFixFieldCount')
  for f in ['hotFixField_offsets', 'hotFixField_sizes',
            'hotFixField_types', 'hotFixField_flags',]:
    butil.force_array( qword_mem(f),
                       'unsigned int const',
                       'dbMeta_{}_{}'.format(name, f),

  fc = dword_mem('fieldCount')
  for f in ['fieldSizes', 'fieldTypes', 'fieldFlags']:
    butil.force_array( qword_mem(f),
                       'unsigned int const',
                       'dbMeta_{}_{}'.format(name, f),

  if dword_mem('nbUniqueIdxByInt'):
    num = dword_mem('nbUniqueIdxByInt')
    butil.force_array( qword_mem('uniqueIdxByInt'),
                       '{} const'.format (DBMeta_intidx),

  if dword_mem('nbUniqueIdxByString'):
    num = dword_mem('nbUniqueIdxByString')
    butil.force_array( qword_mem('uniqueIdxByString'),
                       '{} const'.format (DBMeta_stridx),

  rec = tutil.maybe_make_dummy_type_with_known_size ('{}Rec'.format(name),
                                                     dword_mem ('record_size'))

  if qword_mem ('sortFunc'):
    fp = qword_mem ('sortFunc')
    butil.force_function(fp, 'bool f({rec} const*, {rec} const*)'.format(rec=rec), '{}::sort'.format(rec))
  if qword_mem ('sortFuncIndirect'):
    fp = qword_mem ('sortFuncIndirect')
    butil.force_function(fp, 'bool f({rec} const* const*, {rec} const* const*)'.format(rec=rec), '{}::sortIndirect'.format(rec))

  butil.force_variable (ea, '{} const'.format(DBMeta), 'dbMeta_{}'.format(name))

  return name
文件: compat.py 项目: angr/binsync
def convert_type_str_to_ida_type(type_str) -> typing.Optional['ida_typeinf']:
    ida_type_str = type_str + ";"
    tif = ida_typeinf.tinfo_t()
    valid_parse = ida_typeinf.parse_decl(tif, None, ida_type_str, 1)

    return tif if valid_parse is not None else None