def irods_setacls(path, acl_list, verbose=False):
    This function will add the ACLs listed in 'acl_list'
    to the collection or data object at 'path'.

    'acl_list' is a list where each element itself is
    a list consisting of the username in name#zone format,
    and the access level ('read', 'write', 'own', or 'null').
    Access type 'null' removes all ACLs for that user/group.

    Note. On an error return, some of the ACLs might have
    been applied. The function does not "roll back" on error.
    Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error.
    if not path or not acl_list:
        return 1

    for acl in acl_list:
        (rc, output) = shell_command(['ichmod', acl[1], acl[0], path])
        if rc:
            if verbose:
                print("Error running 'ichmod %s %s %s': rc = %d:"
                      % (acl[1], acl[0], path, rc))
                print output[1]
            return rc

    return 0
文件: users.py 项目: INCF/ids-tools
def auth_irods_user(user, password, scheme='PAM'):
    Attempts to authenticate the given user in the local zone
    using the iinit command and the desired scheme (with the
    default being PAM authentication).

    Returns True if the user was successfully authenticated,
    False if the authentication failed.
    if not user or not password:
        return False

    # create an environment to pass to iinit
    env_dict = dict(os.environ)
    env_dict['irodsUserName'] = user
    env_dict['irodsAuthScheme'] = scheme
    auth_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
    env_dict['irodsAuthFileName'] = auth_file[1]

    (rc, output) = shell_command(['iinit', password], environment=env_dict)
    if rc:
        return False
        return True
文件: zones.py 项目: INCF/ids-tools
def check_zone_endpoint(zone_name, endpoint):
    This function will check if the iRODS service is
    available at the provided endpoint, and if the zone
    name is accurate.

    Returns a tuple with the first element being True if
    the check was successful (and None in the second element),
    or False with a string reason as the second tuple element.

    if not zone_name or not endpoint:
        return (False, 'zone_name and endpoint must be specified')

    if endpoint.count(':') != 1:
        return (False, 'malformed endpoint. Should be host:port')

    host, port = endpoint.split(':')

    env_dict = dict(os.environ)
    env_dict['irodsHost'] = host
    env_dict['irodsPort'] = port

    (rc, output) = shell_command(['imiscsvrinfo',], environment=env_dict)
    if rc:
        if ('SYS_PACK_INSTRUCT_FORMAT_ERR' in output[1]
            or 'SYS_SOCK_READ_TIMEDOUT' in output[1]
            or 'SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR' in output[1]):
            reason = 'a service other than iRODS is running on port %s' % port
        elif 'USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR' in output[1]:
            if 'Connection timed out' in output[1]:
                reason = 'timed out connecting to port %s. Is there a firewall in place?' % port
                reason = 'no service is running on port %s' % port
        elif 'USER_RODS_HOSTNAME_ERR' in output[1]:
            reason = 'could not resolve hostname %s' % host
            reason = 'error running imiscsvrinfo'
        return (False, reason)

    for line in output[0].splitlines():
        if line.startswith('rodsZone='):
            k, v = line.split('=')
            if v == zone_name:
                return (True, None)
                return (False, 'zone name %s did not match remote zone %s' % (zone_name, v))

    # could connect to server, but zone name didn't match
    return (False, 'could not determine remote zone name')
def irods_mkdir(coll, verbose=False):
    This function will create the iRODS collection
    named by the 'coll' argument, and all necessary
    parent collections (using 'imkdir -p').

    Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error.
    if not coll:
        return 1

    (rc, output) = shell_command(['imkdir', '-p', coll])

    if rc != 0 and verbose:
        print("Error running 'imkdir -p %s': rc = %d:"
              % (coll, rc))
        print output[1]

    return rc
def irods_setavus(path, avu_list, verbose=False):
    This function will add the AVUs listed in 'avu_list'
    to the collection or data object at 'path'.

    'avu_list' is a list where each element itself is
    a list consisting of the type ('-C' for collection
    and '-d' for data object), attribute name, value
    and optional units. 

    Note. On an error return, some of the AVUs might have
    been applied. The function does not "roll back" on error.
    Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error.
    if not path or not avu_list:
        return 1

    for avu in avu_list:
        imeta_cmd = ['imeta', 'add']
        imeta_cmd.append(avu[0])     # type ... -d or -C
        imeta_cmd.append(path)       # target collection or object
        imeta_cmd.append(avu[1])     # attribute name
        imeta_cmd.append(avu[2])     # attribute value
        if avu[3]:
            imeta_cmd.append(avu[3]) # units (if provided)
        (rc, output) = shell_command(imeta_cmd)
        if rc and 'Operation now in progress' not in output[1]:
            if verbose:
                print('Error running imeta add on %s: rc = %d:'
                      % (path, rc))
                print output[1]
            return rc

    return 0