def test_mi_correlated_gaussians():
    """Test estimators on correlated Gaussian data."""
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data()

    # Run OpenCL estimator.
    settings = {'debug': True}
    ocl_est = OpenCLKraskovMI(settings=settings)
    mi_ocl, dist, n_range_var1, n_range_var2 = ocl_est.estimate(source, target)

    mi_ocl = mi_ocl[0]
    # Run JIDT estimator.
    jidt_est = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_jidt = jidt_est.estimate(source, target)

    print('JIDT MI result: {0:.4f} nats; OpenCL MI result: {1:.4f} nats; '
          'expected to be close to {2:.4f} nats for correlated '
          'Gaussians.'.format(mi_jidt, mi_ocl, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(mi_jidt, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'JIDT estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl, mi_jidt, atol=0.0001), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
def test_zero_lag():
    """Test analysis for 0 lag."""
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data()
    data = Data(np.hstack((source, target)), dim_order='sp', normalise=False)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        0,  # this is not required, but shouldn't throw an error if provided
        'max_lag_sources': 0,
        'min_lag_sources': 0
    nw = MultivariateMI()
    results = nw.analyse_single_target(settings, data, target=1, sources='all')
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={'normalise': False})
    jidt_mi = mi_estimator.estimate(source, target)
    omnibus_mi = results.get_single_target(1, fdr=False).omnibus_mi
    print('Estimated omnibus MI: {0:0.6f}, estimated MI using JIDT core '
          'estimator: {1:0.6f} (expected: {2:0.6f}).'.format(
              omnibus_mi, jidt_mi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(omnibus_mi, jidt_mi, atol=0.005), (
        'Zero-lag omnibus MI ({0:0.6f}) differs from JIDT estimate '
        '({1:0.6f}).'.format(omnibus_mi, jidt_mi))
    assert np.isclose(
        omnibus_mi, expected_mi,
        atol=0.05), ('Zero-lag omnibus MI ({0:0.6f}) differs from expected MI '
                     '({1:0.6f}).'.format(omnibus_mi, expected_mi))
def test_zero_lag():
    """Test analysis for 0 lag."""
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
              np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    # expected_corr = covariance / (np.sqrt(covariance**2 + (1-covariance)**2))
    corr = np.corrcoef(source, target)[0, 1]
    expected_mi = -0.5 * np.log(1 - corr**2)

    data = Data(np.vstack((source, target)), dim_order='ps', normalise=False)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 0,
        'min_lag_sources': 0}
    nw = MultivariateMI()
    results = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings, data, target=1, sources='all')
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    jidt_mi = mi_estimator.estimate(source, target)
    omnibus_mi = results.get_single_target(1, fdr=False).omnibus_mi
    print('Estimated omnibus MI: {0:0.6f}, estimated MI using JIDT core '
          'estimator: {1:0.6f} (expected: {2:0.6f}).'.format(
              omnibus_mi, jidt_mi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(omnibus_mi, jidt_mi, rtol=0.05), (
        'Zero-lag omnibus MI ({0:0.6f}) differs from JIDT estimate ({1:0.6f}).'.format(
                omnibus_mi, jidt_mi))
    assert np.isclose(omnibus_mi, expected_mi, rtol=0.05), (
        'Zero-lag omnibus MI ({0:0.6f}) differs from expected MI ({1:0.6f}).'.format(
                omnibus_mi, expected_mi))
def test_mi_uncorrelated_gaussians_three_dims():
    """Test MI estimator on uncorrelated 3D Gaussian data."""
    n_obs = 10000
    dim = 3
    var1 = np.random.randn(n_obs, dim)
    var2 = np.random.randn(n_obs, dim)

    # Run OpenCL estimator.
    settings = {'debug': True}
    ocl_est = OpenCLKraskovMI(settings=settings)
    mi_ocl, dist, n_range_var1, n_range_var2 = ocl_est.estimate(var1, var2)
    mi_ocl = mi_ocl[0]

    # Run JIDT estimator.
    jidt_est = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_jidt = jidt_est.estimate(var1, var2)

    print('JIDT MI result: {0:.4f} nats; OpenCL MI result: {1:.4f} nats; '
          'expected to be close to 0 nats for uncorrelated '
          'Gaussians.'.format(mi_jidt, mi_ocl))
    assert np.isclose(mi_jidt, 0, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'JIDT estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl, 0, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl, mi_jidt, atol=0.0001), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
def test_mi_uncorrelated_gaussians_three_dims():
    """Test MI estimator on uncorrelated 3D Gaussian data."""
    n_obs = 10000
    dim = 3
    var1 = np.random.randn(n_obs, dim)
    var2 = np.random.randn(n_obs, dim)

    # Run OpenCL estimator.
    settings = {'debug': True, 'return_counts': True}
    ocl_est = OpenCLKraskovMI(settings=settings)
    mi_ocl, dist, n_range_var1, n_range_var2 = ocl_est.estimate(var1, var2)
    mi_ocl = mi_ocl[0]

    # Run JIDT estimator.
    jidt_est = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_jidt = jidt_est.estimate(var1, var2)

    print('JIDT MI result: {0:.4f} nats; OpenCL MI result: {1:.4f} nats; '
          'expected to be close to 0 nats for uncorrelated '
          'Gaussians.'.format(mi_jidt, mi_ocl))
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_jidt, 0,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'JIDT estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl, 0,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl, mi_jidt,
        atol=0.0001), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                       'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
def test_gauss_data():
    """Test bivariate MI estimation from correlated Gaussians."""
    # Generate data and add a delay one one sample.
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data()
    source = source[1:]
    source_uncorr = source_uncorr[1:]
    target = target[:-1]
    data = Data(np.hstack((source, source_uncorr, target)), dim_order='sp')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 2,
        'min_lag_sources': 1}
    nw = MultivariateMI()
    results = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings, data, target=2, sources=[0, 1])
    mi = results.get_single_target(2, fdr=False)['mi'][0]
    sources = results.get_target_sources(2, fdr=False)

    # Assert that only the correlated source was detected.
    assert len(sources) == 1, 'Wrong no. inferred sources: {0}.'.format(
    assert sources[0] == 0, 'Wrong inferred source: {0}.'.format(sources[0])
    # Compare BivarateMI() estimate to JIDT estimate.
    est = JidtKraskovMI({'lag_mi': 1})
    jidt_mi = est.estimate(var1=source, var2=target)
    print('Estimated MI: {0:0.6f}, estimated MI using JIDT core estimator: '
          '{1:0.6f} (expected: {2:0.6f}).'.format(mi, jidt_mi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(mi, jidt_mi, atol=0.005), (
        'Estimated MI {0:0.6f} differs from JIDT estimate {1:0.6f} (expected: '
        'MI {2:0.6f}).'.format(mi, jidt_mi, expected_mi))
def test_lagged_mi():
    """Test estimation of lagged MI."""
    n = 10000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]
    target = [0] + [sum(pair) for pair in zip(
                        [cov * y for y in source[0:n - 1]],
                        [(1 - cov) * y for y in
                            [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n - 1)]])]
    source = np.array(source)
    target = np.array(target)
    settings = {
        'discretise_method': 'equal',
        'n_discrete_bins': 4,
        'history': 1,
        'history_target': 1,
        'lag_mi': 1,
        'source_target_delay': 1}

    est_te_k = JidtKraskovTE(settings)
    te_k = est_te_k.estimate(source, target)
    est_te_d = JidtDiscreteTE(settings)
    te_d = est_te_d.estimate(source, target)
    est_d = JidtDiscreteMI(settings)
    mi_d = est_d.estimate(source, target)
    est_k = JidtKraskovMI(settings)
    mi_k = est_k.estimate(source, target)
    est_g = JidtGaussianMI(settings)
    mi_g = est_g.estimate(source, target)
    _compare_result(mi_d, te_d, 'JidtDiscreteMI', 'JidtDiscreteTE',
                    'lagged MI', tol=0.05)
    _compare_result(mi_k, te_k, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'JidtKraskovTE',
                    'lagged MI', tol=0.05)
    _compare_result(mi_g, te_k, 'JidtGaussianMI', 'JidtKraskovTE',
                    'lagged MI', tol=0.05)
def test_zero_lag():
    """Test analysis for 0 lag."""
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target = (covariance * source +
              (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    # expected_corr = covariance / (np.sqrt(covariance**2 + (1-covariance)**2))
    corr = np.corrcoef(source, target)[0, 1]
    expected_mi = -0.5 * np.log(1 - corr**2)

    data = Data(np.vstack((source, target)), dim_order='ps', normalise=False)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 0,
        'min_lag_sources': 0
    nw = MultivariateMI()
    results = nw.analyse_single_target(settings, data, target=1, sources='all')
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    jidt_mi = mi_estimator.estimate(source, target)
    omnibus_mi = results.get_single_target(1, fdr=False).omnibus_mi
    print('Estimated omnibus MI: {0:0.6f}, estimated MI using JIDT core '
          'estimator: {1:0.6f} (expected: {2:0.6f}).'.format(
              omnibus_mi, jidt_mi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(omnibus_mi, jidt_mi, rtol=0.05), (
        'Zero-lag omnibus MI ({0:0.6f}) differs from JIDT estimate ({1:0.6f}).'
        .format(omnibus_mi, jidt_mi))
    assert np.isclose(omnibus_mi, expected_mi, rtol=0.05), (
        'Zero-lag omnibus MI ({0:0.6f}) differs from expected MI ({1:0.6f}).'.
        format(omnibus_mi, expected_mi))
def test_mi_correlated_gaussians():
    """Test estimators on correlated Gaussian data."""
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data()

    # Run OpenCL estimator.
    settings = {'debug': True, 'return_counts': True}
    ocl_est = OpenCLKraskovMI(settings=settings)
    mi_ocl, dist, n_range_var1, n_range_var2 = ocl_est.estimate(source, target)

    mi_ocl = mi_ocl[0]
    # Run JIDT estimator.
    jidt_est = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_jidt = jidt_est.estimate(source, target)

    print('JIDT MI result: {0:.4f} nats; OpenCL MI result: {1:.4f} nats; '
          'expected to be close to {2:.4f} nats for correlated '
          'Gaussians.'.format(mi_jidt, mi_ocl, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_jidt, expected_mi,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'JIDT estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl, expected_mi,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl, mi_jidt,
        atol=0.0001), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                       'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
def test_jidt_kraskov_alg1And2():
    """ Test that JIDT estimate changes properly when we change KSG algorithm """
    n = 100
    source = [
        for pair in zip([y for y in range(n)],
                        [rn.normalvariate(0, 0.000001) for r in range(n)])
    source = np.array(source)
    target = np.array(source)  # Target copies source on purpose
    # We've generated simple data 0:99, plus a little noise to ensure
    #  we only even get K nearest neighbours in each space.
    # So result should be:
    settings = {'lag': 0, 'kraskov_k': 4, 'noise_level': 0, 'algorithm_num': 1}
    for k in range(4, 16):
        settings['kraskov_k'] = k
        settings['algorithm_num'] = 1
        est1 = JidtKraskovMI(settings)
        mi_alg1 = est1.estimate(source, target)
        # Neighbour counts n_x and n_y will be k-1 because they are
        #  *strictly* within the boundary
        expected_alg1 = digamma(k) - 2 * digamma((k - 1) + 1) + digamma(n)
        settings['algorithm_num'] = 2
        est2 = JidtKraskovMI(settings)
        mi_alg2 = est2.estimate(source, target)
        expected_alg2 = digamma(k) - 1 / k - 2 * digamma(k) + digamma(n)
        # And now check that it doesn't work for algorithm "3"
        settings['algorithm_num'] = 3
        caughtAssertionError = False
            est3 = JidtKraskovMI(settings)
        except AssertionError:
            caughtAssertionError = True
        assert caughtAssertionError, 'Assertion error not raised for KSG algorithm 3 request'
def test_estimate_parallel():
    """Test estimate_parallel() against estimate()."""
    expected_mi, source1, source2, target = _get_gauss_data()

    source_chunks = np.vstack((source1, source1))
    target_chunks = np.vstack((target, target))

    # Compare MI-estimates from serial and parallel estimator.
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={'noise_level': 0})
    mi = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    mi_parallel1 = mi_estimator.estimate_parallel(
    mi_parallel2 = mi_estimator.estimate_parallel(
    assert (mi_parallel1 == mi_parallel2).all(), (
        'Results for stacked ({0}) and re-used ({1}) target differ.'.format(
            mi_parallel1, mi_parallel2))
    assert mi_parallel1[0] == mi, (
        'Results for first chunk differ from serial estimate.')
    assert mi_parallel1[1] == mi, (
        'Results for second chunk differ from serial estimate.')
    assert np.isclose(mi, expected_mi, rtol=0.05), (
        'Estimated ({0}) and expected ({1}) MI differ.'.format(
            mi, expected_mi))

    # Check if a single chunk is returned if all variables are defined as
    # reusable.
    mi_parallel3 = mi_estimator.estimate_parallel(
            re_use=['var1', 'var2'],
    assert len(mi_parallel3) == 1, (
        'Single chunk data returned more than one estimate.')
    assert np.isclose(mi_parallel3[0], expected_mi, rtol=0.05), (
        'Estimated ({0}) and expected ({1}) MI differ.'.format(
            mi_parallel3[0], expected_mi))

    # Check assertion for incorrect number of samples in data to be reused in
    # parallel estimator.
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
def test_estimate_parallel():
    """Test estimate_parallel() against estimate()."""
    expected_mi, source1, source2, target = _get_gauss_data()

    source_chunks = np.vstack((source1, source1))
    target_chunks = np.vstack((target, target))

    # Compare MI-estimates from serial and parallel estimator.
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={'noise_level': 0})
    mi = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    mi_parallel1 = mi_estimator.estimate_parallel(n_chunks=2,
    mi_parallel2 = mi_estimator.estimate_parallel(n_chunks=2,
    assert (mi_parallel1 == mi_parallel2).all(), (
        'Results for stacked ({0}) and re-used ({1}) target differ.'.format(
            mi_parallel1, mi_parallel2))
    assert mi_parallel1[0] == mi, (
        'Results for first chunk differ from serial estimate.')
    assert mi_parallel1[1] == mi, (
        'Results for second chunk differ from serial estimate.')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi, expected_mi,
        rtol=0.05), ('Estimated ({0}) and expected ({1}) MI differ.'.format(
            mi, expected_mi))

    # Check if a single chunk is returned if all variables are defined as
    # reusable.
    mi_parallel3 = mi_estimator.estimate_parallel(n_chunks=2,
                                                  re_use=['var1', 'var2'],
    assert len(mi_parallel3) == 1, (
        'Single chunk data returned more than one estimate.')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_parallel3[0], expected_mi,
        rtol=0.05), ('Estimated ({0}) and expected ({1}) MI differ.'.format(
            mi_parallel3[0], expected_mi))

    # Check assertion for incorrect number of samples in data to be reused in
    # parallel estimator.
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
def test_mi_gauss_data():
    """Test MI estimators on correlated Gauss data.

    Note that the calculation is based on a random variable (because the
    generated data is a set of random variables) - the result will be of the
    order of what we expect, but not exactly equal to it; in fact, there will
    be a large variance around it.
    expected_mi, source1, source2, target = _get_gauss_data()

    # Test Kraskov
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_cor = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    mi_uncor = mi_estimator.estimate(source2, target)
    _assert_result(mi_cor, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'CMI (no cond.)')
    _assert_result(mi_uncor, 0, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'CMI (uncorr., no cond.)')

    # Test Gaussian
    mi_estimator = JidtGaussianMI(settings={})
    mi_cor = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    mi_uncor = mi_estimator.estimate(source2, target)
    _assert_result(mi_cor, expected_mi, 'JidtGaussianMI', 'CMI (no cond.)')
    _assert_result(mi_uncor, 0, 'JidtGaussianMI', 'CMI (uncorr., no cond.)')

    # Test Discrete
    settings = {'discretise_method': 'equal', 'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    mi_estimator = JidtDiscreteMI(settings=settings)
    mi_cor = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    mi_uncor = mi_estimator.estimate(source2, target)
    _assert_result(mi_cor, expected_mi, 'JidtDiscreteMI', 'CMI (no cond.)')
    _assert_result(mi_uncor, 0, 'JidtDiscreteMI', 'CMI (uncorr., no cond.)')
def test_mi_gauss_data():
    """Test MI estimators on correlated Gauss data.

    Note that the calculation is based on a random variable (because the
    generated data is a set of random variables) - the result will be of the
    order of what we expect, but not exactly equal to it; in fact, there will
    be a large variance around it.
    expected_mi, source1, source2, target = _get_gauss_data()

    # Test Kraskov
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_cor = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    mi_uncor = mi_estimator.estimate(source2, target)
    _assert_result(mi_cor, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'CMI (no cond.)')
    _assert_result(mi_uncor, 0, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'CMI (uncorr., no cond.)')

    # Test Gaussian
    mi_estimator = JidtGaussianMI(settings={})
    mi_cor = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    mi_uncor = mi_estimator.estimate(source2, target)
    _assert_result(mi_cor, expected_mi, 'JidtGaussianMI', 'CMI (no cond.)')
    _assert_result(mi_uncor, 0, 'JidtGaussianMI', 'CMI (uncorr., no cond.)')

    # Test Discrete
    settings = {'discretise_method': 'equal', 'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    mi_estimator = JidtDiscreteMI(settings=settings)
    mi_cor = mi_estimator.estimate(source1, target)
    mi_uncor = mi_estimator.estimate(source2, target)
    _assert_result(mi_cor, expected_mi, 'JidtDiscreteMI', 'CMI (no cond.)',
                   0.08)  # More variability here
    _assert_result(mi_uncor, 0, 'JidtDiscreteMI', 'CMI (uncorr., no cond.)',
                   0.08)  # More variability here
def test_one_two_dim_input_kraskov():
    """Test one- and two-dimensional input for Kraskov estimators."""
    expected_mi, src_one, s, target_one = _get_gauss_data(expand=False,
    src_two = np.expand_dims(src_one, axis=1)
    target_two = np.expand_dims(target_one, axis=1)
    ar_src_one, s = _get_ar_data(expand=False, seed=SEED)
    ar_src_two = np.expand_dims(ar_src_one, axis=1)

    # MI
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_cor_one = mi_estimator.estimate(src_one, target_one)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_one, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'MI')
    mi_cor_two = mi_estimator.estimate(src_two, target_two)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_two, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'MI')
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two, 'JidtKraskovMI one dim',
                    'JidtKraskovMI two dim', 'MI')
    # CMI
    cmi_estimator = JidtKraskovCMI(settings={})
    mi_cor_one = cmi_estimator.estimate(src_one, target_one)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_one, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovCMI', 'CMI')
    mi_cor_two = cmi_estimator.estimate(src_two, target_two)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_two, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovCMI', 'CMI')
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two, 'JidtKraskovMI one dim',
                    'JidtKraskovMI two dim', 'CMI')
    # TE
    te_estimator = JidtKraskovTE(settings={'history_target': 1})
    mi_cor_one = te_estimator.estimate(src_one[1:], target_one[:-1])
    _assert_result(mi_cor_one, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovTE', 'TE')
    mi_cor_two = te_estimator.estimate(src_one[1:], target_one[:-1])
    _assert_result(mi_cor_two, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovTE', 'TE')
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two, 'JidtKraskovMI one dim',
                    'JidtKraskovMI two dim', 'TE')
    # AIS
    ais_estimator = JidtKraskovAIS(settings={'history': 2})
    mi_cor_one = ais_estimator.estimate(ar_src_one)
    mi_cor_two = ais_estimator.estimate(ar_src_two)
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two, 'JidtKraskovAIS one dim',
                    'JidtKraskovAIS two dim', 'AIS (AR process)')
def test_one_two_dim_input_kraskov():
    """Test one- and two-dimensional input for Kraskov estimators."""
    expected_mi, src_one, s, target_one = _get_gauss_data(expand=False)
    src_two = np.expand_dims(src_one, axis=1)
    target_two = np.expand_dims(target_one, axis=1)
    ar_src_one, s = _get_ar_data(expand=False)
    ar_src_two = np.expand_dims(ar_src_one, axis=1)

    # MI
    mi_estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_cor_one = mi_estimator.estimate(src_one, target_one)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_one, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'MI')
    mi_cor_two = mi_estimator.estimate(src_two, target_two)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_two, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovMI', 'MI')
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two,
                    'JidtKraskovMI one dim', 'JidtKraskovMI two dim', 'MI')
    # CMI
    cmi_estimator = JidtKraskovCMI(settings={})
    mi_cor_one = cmi_estimator.estimate(src_one, target_one)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_one, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovCMI', 'CMI')
    mi_cor_two = cmi_estimator.estimate(src_two, target_two)
    _assert_result(mi_cor_two, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovCMI', 'CMI')
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two,
                    'JidtKraskovMI one dim', 'JidtKraskovMI two dim', 'CMI')
    # TE
    te_estimator = JidtKraskovTE(settings={'history_target': 1})
    mi_cor_one = te_estimator.estimate(src_one[1:], target_one[:-1])
    _assert_result(mi_cor_one, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovTE', 'TE')
    mi_cor_two = te_estimator.estimate(src_one[1:], target_one[:-1])
    _assert_result(mi_cor_two, expected_mi, 'JidtKraskovTE', 'TE')
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two,
                    'JidtKraskovMI one dim', 'JidtKraskovMI two dim', 'TE')
    # AIS
    ais_estimator = JidtKraskovAIS(settings={'history': 2})
    mi_cor_one = ais_estimator.estimate(ar_src_one)
    mi_cor_two = ais_estimator.estimate(ar_src_two)
    _compare_result(mi_cor_one, mi_cor_two,
                    'JidtKraskovAIS one dim', 'JidtKraskovAIS two dim',
                    'AIS (AR process)')
def test_lagged_mi():
    """Test estimation of lagged MI."""
    n = 10000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]
    target = [0] + [
        sum(pair) for pair in zip([cov * y for y in source[0:n - 1]], [
            (1 - cov) * y
            for y in [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n - 1)]
    source = np.array(source)
    target = np.array(target)
    settings = {
        'discretise_method': 'equal',
        'n_discrete_bins': 4,
        'history': 1,
        'history_target': 1,
        'lag_mi': 1,
        'source_target_delay': 1

    est_te_k = JidtKraskovTE(settings)
    te_k = est_te_k.estimate(source, target)
    est_te_d = JidtDiscreteTE(settings)
    te_d = est_te_d.estimate(source, target)
    est_d = JidtDiscreteMI(settings)
    mi_d = est_d.estimate(source, target)
    est_k = JidtKraskovMI(settings)
    mi_k = est_k.estimate(source, target)
    est_g = JidtGaussianMI(settings)
    mi_g = est_g.estimate(source, target)
                    'lagged MI',
                    'lagged MI',
                    'lagged MI',
def test_gauss_data():
    """Test multivariate MI estimation from correlated Gaussians."""
    # Generate data and add a delay one one sample.
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data()
    source = source[1:]
    source_uncorr = source_uncorr[1:]
    target = target[:-1]
    data = Data(np.hstack((source, source_uncorr, target)),
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 2,
        'min_lag_sources': 1
    nw = MultivariateMI()
    results = nw.analyse_single_target(settings,
                                       sources=[0, 1])
    mi = results.get_single_target(2, fdr=False)['mi'][0]
    sources = results.get_target_sources(2, fdr=False)

    # Assert that only the correlated source was detected.
    assert len(sources) == 1, 'Wrong no. inferred sources: {0}.'.format(
    assert sources[0] == 0, 'Wrong inferred source: {0}.'.format(sources[0])
    # Compare BivarateMI() estimate to JIDT estimate. Mimick realisations used
    # internally by the algorithm.
    est = JidtKraskovMI({'lag_mi': 0, 'normalise': False})
    jidt_mi = est.estimate(var1=source[1:-1], var2=target[2:])
    print('Estimated MI: {0:0.6f}, estimated MI using JIDT core estimator: '
          '{1:0.6f} (expected: {2:0.6f}).'.format(mi, jidt_mi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(mi, jidt_mi, atol=0.005), (
        'Estimated MI {0:0.6f} differs from JIDT estimate {1:0.6f} (expected: '
        'MI {2:0.6f}).'.format(mi, jidt_mi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(mi, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
        'Estimated MI {0:0.6f} differs from expected MI {1:0.6f}.'.format(
            mi, expected_mi))
def test_mi_correlated_gaussians_two_chunks():
    """Test estimators on two chunks of correlated Gaussian data."""
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data(n=20000,
    n_points = source.shape[0]

    # Run OpenCL estimator.
    n_chunks = 2
    settings = {'debug': True, 'return_counts': True}
    ocl_est = OpenCLKraskovMI(settings=settings)
    mi_ocl, dist, n_range_var1, n_range_var2 = ocl_est.estimate(
        source, target, n_chunks=n_chunks)

    # Run JIDT estimator.
    jidt_est = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_jidt = jidt_est.estimate(source[0:int(n_points / 2), :],
                                target[0:int(n_points / 2), :])

    print('JIDT MI result: {0:.4f} nats; OpenCL MI result: [{1:.4f}, {2:.4f}] '
          'nats; expected to be close to {3:.4f} nats for correlated '
          'Gaussians.'.format(mi_jidt, mi_ocl[0], mi_ocl[1], expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_jidt, expected_mi,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'JIDT estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl[0], expected_mi,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl[0], mi_jidt,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl[1], mi_jidt,
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(
        mi_ocl[0], mi_ocl[1],
        atol=0.05), ('MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                     'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
def test_mi_correlated_gaussians_two_chunks():
    """Test estimators on two chunks of correlated Gaussian data."""
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data(n=20000)
    n_points = source.shape[0]

    # Run OpenCL estimator.
    n_chunks = 2
    settings = {'debug': True}
    ocl_est = OpenCLKraskovMI(settings=settings)
    mi_ocl, dist, n_range_var1, n_range_var2 = ocl_est.estimate(
                                                            source, target,

    # Run JIDT estimator.
    jidt_est = JidtKraskovMI(settings={})
    mi_jidt = jidt_est.estimate(source[0:int(n_points/2), :],
                                target[0:int(n_points/2), :])

    print('JIDT MI result: {0:.4f} nats; OpenCL MI result: [{1:.4f}, {2:.4f}] '
          'nats; expected to be close to {3:.4f} nats for correlated '
          'Gaussians.'.format(mi_jidt, mi_ocl[0], mi_ocl[1], expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(mi_jidt, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'JIDT estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl[0], expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl[0], mi_jidt, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl[1], mi_jidt, atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
    assert np.isclose(mi_ocl[0], mi_ocl[1], atol=0.05), (
                        'MI estimation for uncorrelated Gaussians using the '
                        'OpenCL estimator failed (error larger 0.05).')
class MutualInfoIDTxl(MutualInfoPCA):
    IDTxl Mutual Information Estimator [1]_, followed by PCA dimensionality

    data_loader : DataLoader
        The data loader.
    pca_size : int, optional
        PCA dimension size.
        Default: 100
    debug : bool, optional
        If True, shows more informative plots.
        Default: False

    ignore_layers : tuple
        A tuple to ignore layer classes to monitor for MI.

    .. [1] P. Wollstadt, J. T. Lizier, R. Vicente, C. Finn, M. Martinez-Zarzuela,
       P. Mediano, L. Novelli, M. Wibral (2018). IDTxl: The Information
       Dynamics Toolkit xl: a Python package for the efficient analysis of
       multivariate information dynamics in networks. Journal of Open Source
       Software, 4(34), 1081.

       Source code:

    def __init__(self, data_loader: DataLoader, pca_size=50, debug=False):
        settings = {'kraskov_k': 4}
            self.estimator = OpenCLKraskovMI(settings=settings)
        except RuntimeError:
            warnings.warn("No OpenCL backed detected. Run "
                          "'conda install -c conda-forge pyopencl' "
                          "in a terminal.")
            self.estimator = JidtKraskovMI(settings=settings)

    def _prepare_input_finished(self):
        for key in ['input', 'target']:
            self.quantized[key] = self.quantized[key].numpy().astype(

    def _process_activations(self, layer_name: str,
                             activations: List[torch.FloatTensor]):

    def _save_mutual_info(self):
        hidden_layers_name = set(self.activations.keys())
        hidden_layers_name.difference_update({'input', 'target'})
        for layer_name in hidden_layers_name:
            activations =[layer_name]).numpy()
            if self.pca_size is not None and activations.shape[
                    -1] > self.pca_size:
                pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components=self.pca_size)
                activations = pca.fit_transform(activations)
            activations = (activations -
                           activations.mean()) / activations.std()
            activations = activations.astype(np.float64)
            info_x = self.estimator.estimate(self.quantized['input'],
            info_y = self.estimator.estimate(activations,
            self.information[layer_name] = (self.to_bits(float(info_x)),