class MitochondriaSegmentationWorkflow(Workflow):
    workflowName = "Mitochondria Segmentation"
    workflowDescription = "Segments mitochondria using contextual cues"
    defaultAppletIndex = 1 # show DataSelection by default
    EXPORT_NAMES = ['Probabilities', 'Simple Segmentation', 'Uncertainty', 'Features'] # TODO : is Features really necessary or enough?
    def applets(self):
        return self._applets

    def imageNameListSlot(self):
        return self.dataSelectionApplet.topLevelOperator.ImageName

    def __init__(self, shell, headless, workflow_cmdline_args, project_creation_args, appendBatchOperators=True, *args, **kwargs):
        # Create a graph to be shared by all operators
        graph = Graph()
        super( MitochondriaSegmentationWorkflow, self ).__init__( shell, headless, workflow_cmdline_args, project_creation_args, graph=graph, *args, **kwargs )
        self.stored_classifer = None
        self._applets = []
        self._workflow_cmdline_args = workflow_cmdline_args
        # Parse workflow-specific command-line args # TODO : clean these args
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('--filter', help="pixel feature filter implementation.", choices=['Original', 'Refactored', 'Interpolated'], default='Original')
        parser.add_argument('--print-labels-by-slice', help="Print the number of labels for each Z-slice of each image.", action="store_true")
        parser.add_argument('--label-search-value', help="If provided, only this value is considered when using --print-labels-by-slice", default=0, type=int)
        parser.add_argument('--generate-random-labels', help="Add random labels to the project file.", action="store_true")
        parser.add_argument('--random-label-value', help="The label value to use injecting random labels", default=1, type=int)
        parser.add_argument('--random-label-count', help="The number of random labels to inject via --generate-random-labels", default=2000, type=int)
        parser.add_argument('--retrain', help="Re-train the classifier based on labels stored in project file, and re-save.", action="store_true")

        # Parse the creation args: These were saved to the project file when this project was first created.
        parsed_creation_args, unused_args = parser.parse_known_args(project_creation_args)
        self.filter_implementation = parsed_creation_args.filter
        # Parse the cmdline args for the current session.
        parsed_args, unused_args = parser.parse_known_args(workflow_cmdline_args)
        self.print_labels_by_slice = parsed_args.print_labels_by_slice
        self.label_search_value = parsed_args.label_search_value
        self.generate_random_labels = parsed_args.generate_random_labels
        self.random_label_value = parsed_args.random_label_value
        self.random_label_count = parsed_args.random_label_count
        self.retrain = parsed_args.retrain

        if parsed_args.filter and parsed_args.filter != parsed_creation_args.filter:
            logger.error("Ignoring new --filter setting.  Filter implementation cannot be changed after initial project creation.")
        data_instructions = "Select your input data using the 'Raw Data' tab shown on the right.\n\n"\
                            "Power users: Optionally use the 'Prediction Mask' tab to supply a binary image that tells ilastik where it should avoid computations you don't need."

        # Applets for training (interactive) workflow 
        self.projectMetadataApplet = ProjectMetadataApplet()
        self.dataSelectionApplet = self.createDataSelectionApplet()
        opDataSelection = self.dataSelectionApplet.topLevelOperator
        # see role constants, above
        role_names = ['Raw Data', 'Prediction Mask']
        opDataSelection.DatasetRoles.setValue( role_names )

        self.featureSelectionApplet = self.createFeatureSelectionApplet()

        self.msApplet = self.createMitochondriaSegmentationApplet() # TODO : factory to create applet
        # self.msApplet = self.createMitochondriaSegmentationApplet()	# TODO CHRIS : create applet + replace old one (*msApplet)
        self.slicApplet = self.createSlicSegmentationApplet()
        #opClassify = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator

        self.dataExportApplet = MitochondriaSegmentationDataExportApplet(self, "Prediction Export")
        opDataExport = self.dataExportApplet.topLevelOperator
        # opDataExport.PmapColors.connect( opClassify.PmapColors )
        # opDataExport.LabelNames.connect( opClassify.LabelNames )
        opDataExport.WorkingDirectory.connect( opDataSelection.WorkingDirectory )
        opDataExport.SelectionNames.setValue( self.EXPORT_NAMES )        

        # Expose for shell
        # self._applets.append(self.msApplet)
        self.dataExportApplet.prepare_for_entire_export = self.prepare_for_entire_export
        self.dataExportApplet.post_process_entire_export = self.post_process_entire_export

        self._batch_input_args = None
        self._batch_export_args = None
        if appendBatchOperators:
            self.batchProcessingApplet = BatchProcessingApplet(self, 
                                                               "Batch Processing", 
            if unused_args:
                # We parse the export setting args first.  All remaining args are considered input files by the input applet.
                self._batch_export_args, unused_args = self.dataExportApplet.parse_known_cmdline_args( unused_args )
                self._batch_input_args, unused_args = self.batchProcessingApplet.parse_known_cmdline_args( unused_args )
        if unused_args:
            logger.warn("Unused command-line args: {}".format( unused_args ))

    def createDataSelectionApplet(self):
        Can be overridden by subclasses, if they want to use 
        special parameters to initialize the DataSelectionApplet.
        data_instructions = "Select your input data using the 'Raw Data' tab shown on the right"
        return DataSelectionApplet( self,
                                    "Input Data",
                                    "Input Data",
                                    instructionText=data_instructions )

    def createFeatureSelectionApplet(self):
        Can be overridden by subclasses, if they want to return their own type of FeatureSelectionApplet.
        NOTE: The applet returned here must have the same interface as the regular FeatureSelectionApplet.
              (If it looks like a duck...)
        return FeatureSelectionApplet(self, "Feature Selection", "FeatureSelections", self.filter_implementation)

    def createMitochondriaSegmentationApplet(self):
        Can be overridden by subclasses, if they want to return their own type of MitochondriaSegmentationApplet.
        NOTE: The applet returned here must have the same interface as the regular MitochondriaSegmentationApplet.
              (If it looks like a duck...)
        return MitochondriaSegmentationApplet( self, "MitochondriaSegmentation" )

    def createSlicSegmentationApplet(self):
        SLIC applet, based on RK's C++ implementation
        print 'Creating SLIC segmentation applet'
        return SlicApplet( self) # "SlicSegmentation" )

    def prepareForNewLane(self, laneIndex):
        Overridden from Workflow base class.
        Called immediately before a new lane is added to the workflow.
        # When the new lane is added, dirty notifications will propagate throughout the entire graph.
        # This means the classifier will be marked 'dirty' even though it is still usable.
        # Before that happens, let's store the classifier, so we can restore it at the end of connectLane(), below.
        print '[MitochondriaSegmentation] prepareForNewLane - Function not ready yet, shouldnt be here '
        opMitochondriaSegmentation = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator
        if opMitochondriaSegmentation.classifier_cache.Output.ready() and \
           not opMitochondriaSegmentation.classifier_cache._dirty:
            self.stored_classifer = opMitochondriaSegmentation.classifier_cache.Output.value
            self.stored_classifer = None
    def handleNewLanesAdded(self):
        Overridden from Workflow base class.
        Called immediately after a new lane is added to the workflow and initialized.
        # Restore classifier we saved in prepareForNewLane() (if any)
        if self.stored_classifer:
            # Release reference
            self.stored_classifer = None

    def connectLane(self, laneIndex):
        print '[MitochondriaSegmentation] connectLane - Function not ready yet, shouldnt be here '
        # Get a handle to each operator
        opData = self.dataSelectionApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(laneIndex)
        opTrainingFeatures = self.featureSelectionApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(laneIndex)
        opClassify = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(laneIndex)
        opDataExport = self.dataExportApplet.topLevelOperator.getLane(laneIndex)
        # Input Image -> Feature Op
        #         and -> Classification Op (for display)
        opTrainingFeatures.InputImage.connect( opData.Image )
        opClassify.InputImages.connect( opData.Image )
        if ilastik_config.getboolean('ilastik', 'debug'):
            opClassify.PredictionMasks.connect( opData.ImageGroup[self.DATA_ROLE_PREDICTION_MASK] )
        # Feature Images -> Classification Op (for training, prediction)
        # opClassify.FeatureImages.connect( opTrainingFeatures.OutputImage )
        # opClassify.CachedFeatureImages.connect( opTrainingFeatures.CachedOutputImage )
        # # Training flags -> Classification Op (for GUI restrictions)
        # opClassify.LabelsAllowedFlags.connect( opData.AllowLabels )

        # Data Export connections
        opDataExport.RawData.connect( opData.ImageGroup[self.DATA_ROLE_RAW] )
        opDataExport.RawDatasetInfo.connect( opData.DatasetGroup[self.DATA_ROLE_RAW] )
        opDataExport.ConstraintDataset.connect( opData.ImageGroup[self.DATA_ROLE_RAW] )
        opDataExport.Inputs.resize( len(self.EXPORT_NAMES) )
        opDataExport.Inputs[0].connect( opClassify.HeadlessPredictionProbabilities )
        opDataExport.Inputs[1].connect( opClassify.SimpleSegmentation )
        opDataExport.Inputs[2].connect( opClassify.HeadlessUncertaintyEstimate )
        opDataExport.Inputs[3].connect( opClassify.FeatureImages )
        for slot in opDataExport.Inputs:
            assert slot.partner is not None

    def handleAppletStateUpdateRequested(self):
        Overridden from Workflow base class
        Called when an applet has fired the :py:attr:`Applet.appletStateUpdateRequested`
        # If no data, nothing else is ready.
        opDataSelection = self.dataSelectionApplet.topLevelOperator
        input_ready = len(opDataSelection.ImageGroup) > 0 and not self.dataSelectionApplet.busy

        opFeatureSelection = self.featureSelectionApplet.topLevelOperator
        featureOutput = opFeatureSelection.OutputImage
        features_ready = input_ready and \
                         len(featureOutput) > 0 and  \
                         featureOutput[0].ready() and \
                         (TinyVector(featureOutput[0].meta.shape) > 0).all()

        opDataExport = self.dataExportApplet.topLevelOperator
        opMitochondriaSegmentation = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator  # opMitochondriaSegmentation

        invalid_classifier = opMitochondriaSegmentation.classifier_cache.fixAtCurrent.value and \
                             opMitochondriaSegmentation.classifier_cache.Output.ready() and\
                             opMitochondriaSegmentation.classifier_cache.Output.value is None

        predictions_ready = features_ready and \
                            not invalid_classifier and \
                            len(opDataExport.Inputs) > 0 and \
                            opDataExport.Inputs[0][0].ready() and \
                            (TinyVector(opDataExport.Inputs[0][0].meta.shape) > 0).all()

        # Problems can occur if the features or input data are changed during live update mode.
        # Don't let the user do that.
        live_update_active = not opMitochondriaSegmentation.FreezePredictions.value
        # The user isn't allowed to touch anything while batch processing is running.
        batch_processing_busy = self.batchProcessingApplet.busy
        self._shell.setAppletEnabled(self.dataSelectionApplet, not live_update_active and not batch_processing_busy)
        self._shell.setAppletEnabled(self.featureSelectionApplet, input_ready and not live_update_active and not batch_processing_busy)
        self._shell.setAppletEnabled(self.msApplet, features_ready and not batch_processing_busy)
        self._shell.setAppletEnabled(self.dataExportApplet, predictions_ready and not batch_processing_busy)

        if self.batchProcessingApplet is not None:
            self._shell.setAppletEnabled(self.batchProcessingApplet, predictions_ready and not batch_processing_busy)
        # Lastly, check for certain "busy" conditions, during which we 
        #  should prevent the shell from closing the project.
        busy = False
        busy |= self.dataSelectionApplet.busy
        busy |= self.featureSelectionApplet.busy
        busy |= self.dataExportApplet.busy
        busy |= self.batchProcessingApplet.busy
        self._shell.enableProjectChanges( not busy )

    def onProjectLoaded(self, projectManager):
        Overridden from Workflow base class.  Called by the Project Manager.
        If the user provided command-line arguments, use them to configure 
        the workflow for batch mode and export all results.
        (This workflow's headless mode supports only batch mode for now.)
        if self.generate_random_labels:
            self._generate_random_labels(self.random_label_count, self.random_label_value)
  "Saving project...")
        if self.print_labels_by_slice:
            self._print_labels_by_slice( self.label_search_value )

        if self._headless:
            # In headless mode, let's see the messages from the training operator.
        if self.retrain:
            # Cause the classifier to be dirty so it is forced to retrain.
            # (useful if the stored labels were changed outside ilastik)
            # Request the classifier, which forces training
            _ = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator.Classifier.value

            # store new classifier to project file

        # Configure the data export operator.
        if self._batch_export_args:
            self.dataExportApplet.configure_operator_with_parsed_args( self._batch_export_args )

        if self._batch_input_args and self.msApplet.topLevelOperator.classifier_cache._dirty:
            logger.warn("Your project file has no classifier.  A new classifier will be trained for this run.")

        if self._headless and self._batch_input_args and self._batch_export_args:
  "Beginning Batch Processing")
  "Completed Batch Processing")

    def prepare_for_entire_export(self):
        self.freeze_status = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator.FreezePredictions.value

    def post_process_entire_export(self):

    def _print_labels_by_slice(self, search_value):
        Iterate over each label image in the project and print the number of labels present on each Z-slice of the image.
        (This is a special feature requested by the FlyEM proofreaders.)
        opTopLevelClassify = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator
        project_label_count = 0
        for image_index, label_slot in enumerate(opTopLevelClassify.LabelImages):
            tagged_shape = label_slot.meta.getTaggedShape()
            if 'z' not in tagged_shape:
                logger.error("Can't print label counts by Z-slices.  Image #{} has no Z-dimension.".format(image_index))
      "Label counts in Z-slices of Image #{}:".format( image_index ))
                slicing = [slice(None)] * len(tagged_shape)
                blank_slices = []
                image_label_count = 0
                for z in range(tagged_shape['z']):
                    slicing[tagged_shape.keys().index('z')] = slice(z, z+1)
                    label_slice = label_slot[slicing].wait()
                    if search_value:                        
                        count = (label_slice == search_value).sum()
                        count = (label_slice != 0).sum()
                    if count > 0:
              "Z={}: {}".format( z, count ))
                        image_label_count += count
                        blank_slices.append( z )
                project_label_count += image_label_count
                if len(blank_slices) > 20:
                    # Don't list the blank slices if there were a lot of them.
          "Image #{} has {} blank slices.".format( image_index, len(blank_slices) ))
                elif len(blank_slices) > 0:
           "Image #{} has {} blank slices: {}".format( image_index, len(blank_slices), blank_slices ) )
           "Image #{} has no blank slices.".format( image_index ) )
       "Total labels for Image #{}: {}".format( image_index, image_label_count ) ) "Total labels for project: {}".format( project_label_count ) )

    def _generate_random_labels(self, labels_per_image, label_value):
        Inject random labels into the project file.
        (This is a special feature requested by the FlyEM proofreaders.)
        """ "Injecting {} labels of value {} into all images.".format( labels_per_image, label_value ) )
        opTopLevelClassify = self.msApplet.topLevelOperator
        label_names = copy.copy(opTopLevelClassify.LabelNames.value)
        while len(label_names) < label_value:
            label_names.append( "Label {}".format( len(label_names)+1 ) )
        opTopLevelClassify.LabelNames.setValue( label_names )
        for image_index in range(len(opTopLevelClassify.LabelImages)):
   "Injecting labels into image #{}".format( image_index ) )
            # For reproducibility of label generation
            SEED = 1
            numpy.random.seed([SEED, image_index])
            label_input_slot = opTopLevelClassify.LabelInputs[image_index]
            label_output_slot = opTopLevelClassify.LabelImages[image_index]
            shape = label_output_slot.meta.shape
            random_labels = numpy.zeros( shape=shape, dtype=numpy.uint8 )
            num_pixels = len(random_labels.flat)
            current_progress = -1
            for sample_index in range(labels_per_image):
                flat_index = numpy.random.randint(0,num_pixels)
                # Don't overwrite existing labels
                # Keep looking until we find a blank pixel
                while random_labels.flat[flat_index]:
                    flat_index = numpy.random.randint(0,num_pixels)
                random_labels.flat[flat_index] = label_value

                # Print progress every 10%
                progress = float(sample_index) / labels_per_image
                progress = 10 * (int(100*progress)/10)
                if progress != current_progress:
                    current_progress = progress
                    sys.stdout.write( "{}% ".format( current_progress ) )

            sys.stdout.write( "100%\n" )
            # Write into the operator
            label_input_slot[fullSlicing(shape)] = random_labels
        "Done injecting labels" )

    def getHeadlessOutputSlot(self, slotId):
        Not used by the regular app.
        Only used for special cluster scripts.
        # "Regular" (i.e. with the images that the user selected as input data)
        if slotId == "Predictions":
            return self.msApplet.topLevelOperator.HeadlessPredictionProbabilities
        elif slotId == "PredictionsUint8":
            return self.msApplet.topLevelOperator.HeadlessUint8PredictionProbabilities
        # "Batch" (i.e. with the images that the user selected as batch inputs).
        elif slotId == "BatchPredictions":
            return self.opBatchPredictionPipeline.HeadlessPredictionProbabilities
        if slotId == "BatchPredictionsUint8":
            return self.opBatchPredictionPipeline.HeadlessUint8PredictionProbabilities
        raise Exception("Unknown headless output slot")