def server_track_lightweight_ca(self, entry): nickname = "{} {}".format(IPA_CA_NICKNAME, entry['ipacaid'][0]) criteria = { 'cert-database': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': nickname, 'ca-name': RENEWAL_CA_NAME, } request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if request_id is None: try: certmonger.dogtag_start_tracking( secdir=paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, pin=certmonger.get_pin('internal'), pinfile=None, nickname=nickname, ca=RENEWAL_CA_NAME, pre_command='stop_pkicad', post_command='renew_ca_cert "%s"' % nickname, ) request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) certmonger.modify(request_id, profile='ipaCACertRenewal') self.log.debug( 'Lightweight CA renewal: ' 'added tracking request for "%s"', nickname) except RuntimeError as e: self.log.error( 'Lightweight CA renewal: Certmonger failed to ' 'start tracking certificate: %s', e) else: self.log.debug( 'Lightweight CA renewal: ' 'already tracking certificate "%s"', nickname)
def renew(self): ca = cainstance.CAInstance(api.env.realm, certs.NSS_DIR) if not ca.is_configured(): raise admintool.ScriptError("CA is not configured on this system") criteria = { 'cert-database': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': self.cert_nickname, 'ca-name': 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent', } self.request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if self.request_id is None: raise admintool.ScriptError( "CA certificate is not tracked by certmonger") self.log.debug( "Found certmonger request id %r", self.request_id) db = certs.CertDB(api.env.realm, nssdir=paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR) cert = db.get_cert_from_db(self.cert_nickname, pem=False) options = self.options if options.external_cert_files: return self.renew_external_step_2(ca, cert) if options.self_signed is not None: self_signed = options.self_signed else: self_signed = x509.is_self_signed(cert, x509.DER) if self_signed: return self.renew_self_signed(ca) else: return self.renew_external_step_1(ca)
def renew(self): ca = cainstance.CAInstance(api.env.realm, certs.NSS_DIR) if not ca.is_configured(): raise admintool.ScriptError("CA is not configured on this system") criteria = { 'cert-database': paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': self.cert_nickname, 'ca-name': 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent', } self.request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if self.request_id is None: raise admintool.ScriptError( "CA certificate is not tracked by certmonger") self.log.debug("Found certmonger request id %r", self.request_id) db = certs.CertDB(api.env.realm, nssdir=paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR) cert = db.get_cert_from_db(self.cert_nickname, pem=False) options = self.options if options.external_cert_files: return self.renew_external_step_2(ca, cert) if options.self_signed is not None: self_signed = options.self_signed else: self_signed = x509.is_self_signed(cert, x509.DER) if self_signed: return self.renew_self_signed(ca) else: return self.renew_external_step_1(ca)
def update_server(self, certs): instance = '-'.join(api.env.realm.split('.')) self.update_db( paths.ETC_DIRSRV_SLAPD_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE % instance, certs) if services.knownservices.dirsrv.is_running(): services.knownservices.dirsrv.restart(instance) self.update_db(paths.HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR, certs) if services.knownservices.httpd.is_running(): services.knownservices.httpd.restart() dogtag_constants = dogtag.configured_constants() nickname = 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca' criteria = { 'cert-database': dogtag_constants.ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': nickname, 'ca-name': 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent', } request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if request_id is not None: timeout = api.env.startup_timeout + 60 self.log.debug("resubmitting certmonger request '%s'", request_id) certmonger.resubmit_request( request_id, profile='ipaRetrievalOrReuse') try: state = certmonger.wait_for_request(request_id, timeout) except RuntimeError: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Resubmitting certmonger request '%s' timed out, " "please check the request manually" % request_id) ca_error = certmonger.get_request_value(request_id, 'ca-error') if state != 'MONITORING' or ca_error: raise admintool.ScriptError( "Error resubmitting certmonger request '%s', " "please check the request manually" % request_id) self.log.debug("modifying certmonger request '%s'", request_id) certmonger.modify(request_id, profile='ipaCACertRenewal') self.update_file(paths.CA_CRT, certs)
def execute(self, **options): ca = cainstance.CAInstance(self.api.env.realm, certs.NSS_DIR) if not ca.is_configured(): self.debug("CA is not configured on this host") return False, [] ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2 base_dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), self.api.env.basedn) dn = DN(('cn', 'CA'), ('cn',, base_dn) filter = '(&(cn=CA)(ipaConfigString=caRenewalMaster))' try: entries = ldap.get_entries(base_dn=base_dn, filter=filter, attrs_list=[]) except errors.NotFound: pass else: self.debug("found CA renewal master %s", entries[0].dn[1].value) master = False updates = [] for entry in entries: if entry.dn == dn: master = True continue updates.append({ 'dn': entry.dn, 'updates': [ dict(action='remove', attr='ipaConfigString', value='caRenewalMaster') ], }) if master: return False, updates else: return False, [] criteria = { 'cert-database': paths.HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': 'ipaCert', } request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if request_id is not None: self.debug("found certmonger request for ipaCert") ca_name = certmonger.get_request_value(request_id, 'ca-name') if ca_name is None: self.warning( "certmonger request for ipaCert is missing ca_name, " "assuming local CA is renewal slave") return False, [] ca_name = ca_name.strip() if ca_name == 'dogtag-ipa-renew-agent': pass elif ca_name == 'dogtag-ipa-retrieve-agent-submit': return False, [] elif ca_name == 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent': return False, [] else: self.warning( "certmonger request for ipaCert has unknown ca_name '%s', " "assuming local CA is renewal slave", ca_name) return False, [] else: self.debug("certmonger request for ipaCert not found") config = installutils.get_directive( paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH, '', '=') if config == 'New': pass elif config == 'Clone': return False, [] else: self.warning( "CS.cfg has unknown value '%s', " "assuming local CA is renewal slave", config) return (False, False, []) update = { 'dn': dn, 'updates': [ dict(action='add', attr='ipaConfigString', value='caRenewalMaster') ], } return False, [update]
def execute(self, **options): ca = cainstance.CAInstance(self.api.env.realm, certs.NSS_DIR) if not ca.is_configured(): self.debug("CA is not configured on this host") return False, [] ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2 base_dn = DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'), self.api.env.basedn) filter = '(&(cn=CA)(ipaConfigString=caRenewalMaster))' try: entries = ldap.get_entries(base_dn=base_dn, filter=filter, attrs_list=[]) except errors.NotFound: pass else: self.debug("found CA renewal master %s", entries[0].dn[1].value) return False, [] criteria = { 'cert-database': paths.HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR, 'cert-nickname': 'ipaCert', } request_id = certmonger.get_request_id(criteria) if request_id is not None: self.debug("found certmonger request for ipaCert") ca_name = certmonger.get_request_value(request_id, 'ca-name') if ca_name is None: self.warning( "certmonger request for ipaCert is missing ca_name, " "assuming local CA is renewal slave") return False, [] ca_name = ca_name.strip() if ca_name == 'dogtag-ipa-renew-agent': pass elif ca_name == 'dogtag-ipa-retrieve-agent-submit': return False, [] elif ca_name == 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent': return False, [] else: self.warning( "certmonger request for ipaCert has unknown ca_name '%s', " "assuming local CA is renewal slave", ca_name) return False, [] else: self.debug("certmonger request for ipaCert not found") config = installutils.get_directive( dogtag.configured_constants().CS_CFG_PATH, '', '=') if config == 'New': pass elif config == 'Clone': return False, [] else: self.warning( "CS.cfg has unknown value '%s', " "assuming local CA is renewal slave", config) return (False, False, []) dn = DN(('cn', 'CA'), ('cn',, base_dn) update = { 'dn': dn, 'updates': [ dict(action='add', attr='ipaConfigString', value='caRenewalMaster') ], } return False, [update]