def kalman_angle():
    global kAngle_g
    T = 0.01
    lamC = 1.0                                          #variance for compass
    lamGPS = 1.0                                          #variance for gps bearing
    lamGyro = 1.0					#variance for gyroscope
    sig = 1.0						#variance for model
    sig2 = sig**2
    lamC2 = lamC**2
    lamGPS2 = lamGPS**2
    lamGyro2 = lamGyro**2
    (A, H, Q, R) = create_model_parameters(T,  sig2, lamC2)                                    #initialize evolution, measurement, model error, and measurement error
# initial state
    x = np.array([0, 0.1])                                              #starting velocity and position
    P = 0 * np.eye(2)                                                           #starting probability 100%
    kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(A, H, Q, R, x, P)                              #create the weights filter
    lastTime = time.time()
    startTime = lastTime
    lastOmega = 0
    lastAngle = 0
    thetaCoord_l = 0                                                  #local variable to prevent race conditions
    lastBearing = 0
    gpsTrust = 1.0
    while True:
        while (omega_g == lastOmega or thetaCoord_g == lastAngle):               #check if there were updates to the compass
            time.sleep(0.01)                                            #if no updates then wait a bit
        thetaCoord_l = thetaCoord_g
        lastAngle = thetaCoord_l
        if (kalman_filter._x[0] - thetaCoord_l) > 180:                      #make sure the filter knows that we crossed the pole
           kalman_filter._x[0] = kalman_filter._x[0] - 360
        elif (thetaCoord_l - kalman_filter._x[0]) > 180:
           kalman_filter._x[0] = kalman_filter._x[0] + 360
        kalman_filter.predict()                                                 #evolve the state and the error
        kalman_filter.update((thetaCoord_l,omega_g),(lamC2,lamGyro2))                         #load in 2 measurement values
        (x, P) = kalman_filter.get_state()                                      #return state
        dt = time.time() - lastTime                                             #calculate dt
        lastTime = time.time()                                              
        kalman_filter.update_time(dt,sig2)                                      #Make sure the filter knows how much time occured in between steps
        kAngle_g = x[0]%360                                                     #because the model portion is estimating based on that.

#        while (omega_g == lastOmega or gpsTheta_g == lastBearing):               #check if there were updates to the gps bearing
#            time.sleep(0.01)                                            #if no updates then wait a bit
        gpsTheta_l = gpsTheta_g
        lastBearing = gpsTheta_l
        if (kalman_filter._x[0] - gpsTheta_l) > 180:                      #make sure the filter knows that we crossed the pole
           kalman_filter._x[0] = kalman_filter._x[0] - 360
        elif (gpsTheta_l - kalman_filter._x[0]) > 180:
           kalman_filter._x[0] = kalman_filter._x[0] + 360
        lamGPS2 = gpsTrust/gpsDistance_g
        kalman_filter.predict()                                                 #evolve the state and the error
        kalman_filter.update((gpsTheta_l,omega_g),(lamGPS2,lamGyro2))                         #load in 2 measurement values
        (x, P) = kalman_filter.get_state()                                      #return state
        dt = time.time() - lastTime                                             #calculate dt
        lastTime = time.time()
        kalman_filter.update_time(dt,sig2)                                      #Make sure the filter knows how much time occured in between steps
        kAngle_g = x[0]%360                                                     #because the model portion is estimating based on that.
文件: main.py 项目: Eschew/294-131
def compute_track(video):
    track = []
    proposals = []

    object_detected = False
    kalman_filter = None

    for t, im in enumerate(video):
        scores, bboxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)
        bboxes, scores = filter_proposals(scores,
        affinities = np.zeros(scores.shape)

        if not object_detected:
            if bboxes.shape[0] == 0:
                proposals.append(np.zeros((1, 6)))
                object_detected = True

                i = np.argmax(scores)
                xhat_0 = bboxes[i]
                kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(xhat_0)

                    np.concatenate((bboxes[i], scores[i], affinities[i])))
                    np.concatenate([bboxes, scores, affinities], axis=1))

        xhat, P = kalman_filter.update_time()
        score, affinity = np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1)

        if bboxes.shape[0] > 0:
            track_im = crop_and_resize(im, track[-1][:4])
            bbox_ims = [crop_and_resize(im, bbox) for bbox in bboxes]
            affinities = [
                get_affinity(track_im, bbox_im) for bbox_im in bbox_ims
            affinities = np.reshape(affinities, scores.shape)

            i, aff = np.argmax(affinities), np.max(affinities)
            if aff > AFF_THRESH:
                xhat, P = kalman_filter.update_measurement(bboxes[i][:4])
                score, affinity = scores[i], affinities[i]

        track.append(np.concatenate((xhat, score, affinity)))
        proposals.append(np.concatenate((bboxes, scores, affinities), axis=1))

    return track, proposals