def make_system():
    sys = kwant.Builder()
    sys[graphene.shape(disk, (0, 0))] = onsite
    sys[graphene.neighbors()] = -s0
         for hopping in nnn_hoppings]] = spin_orbit_v

    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 0), a, b)] = hop_ras_e1
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 1), a, b)] = hop_ras_e2
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((-1, 1), a, b)] = hop_ras_e3

    lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
    lead[graphene.shape((lambda pos: abs(pos[1]) < 10), (0, 0))] = onsite_lead
    lead[graphene.neighbors()] = -s0
          for hopping in nnn_hoppings]] = spin_orbit_v_lead


    return sys.finalized()
def make_system():
    sys = kwant.Builder()

    sys[lat_u.shape(disk,(0,0))] = onsite
    sys[lat_d.shape(disk,(0,0))] = onsite

    sys[lat_u.neighbors()] = 1
    sys[lat_d.neighbors()] = 1
    sys[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in nnn_hoppings]] = nnn
    sys[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in nnn_hoppingsd]] = nnn
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 0), a,bd)] = hop_ras_e1
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 1), a,bd)] = hop_ras_e2
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((-1, 1), a,bd)] = hop_ras_e3
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 0), ad,b)] = hop_ras_e1
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 1), ad,b)] = hop_ras_e2
    sys[kwant.HoppingKind((-1, 1), ad,b)] = hop_ras_e3
#    sym_left = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0))
#    lead0 = kwant.Builder(sym_left)
#    lead0[lat_u.shape((lambda pos: abs(pos[1]) < width), (0, 0))]=onsite#1
#    lead0[lat_u.neighbors()] = 1
#    lead0[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in nnn_hoppings]] = nnn
##    # left hole lead
#    lead1 = kwant.Builder(sym_left)
#    lead1[lat_d.shape((lambda pos: abs(pos[1]) < width), (0, 0))]=onsite#1
#    lead1[lat_d.neighbors()] = 1
#    lead1[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in nnn_hoppingsd]] = nnn  
#    sys.attach_lead(lead0)   #spin up
#    sys.attach_lead(lead1)   #spin down
#    sys.attach_lead(lead0.reversed())   #lead3 spin up
#    sys.attach_lead(lead1.reversed())   #lead4 spin down
    sym0u = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,0))
    sym0u.add_site_family(lat_u.sublattices[0], other_vectors=[(-1, 2)])
    sym0u.add_site_family(lat_u.sublattices[1], other_vectors=[(-1, 2)])
    lead0_u = kwant.Builder(sym0u)    
    lead0_u[lat_u.shape(lead0_shape,(0,1))]= onsite #  1#  
    lead0_u[lat_u.neighbors()] = 1   
    lead0_u[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in nnn_hoppings]] = nnn    
    sym0d = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,0))
    sym0d.add_site_family(lat_d.sublattices[0], other_vectors=[(-1, 2)])
    sym0d.add_site_family(lat_d.sublattices[1], other_vectors=[(-1, 2)])
    lead0_d = kwant.Builder(sym0d)    
    lead0_d[lat_d.shape(lead0_shape,(0,1))]= onsite #    1#
    lead0_d[lat_d.neighbors()] = 1    
    lead0_d[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in nnn_hoppingsd]] = nnn    
    return sys
def test_operator_construction():
    lat, syst = _random_square_system(3)
    fsyst = syst.finalized()
    N = len(fsyst.sites)

    # test construction failure if norbs not given
    latnone = kwant.lattice.chain()
    syst[latnone(0)] = 1
    for A in opservables:
        raises(ValueError, A, syst.finalized())
    del syst[latnone(0)]

    # test construction failure when dimensions of onsite do not match
    for A in opservables:
        raises(ValueError, A, fsyst, onsite=np.eye(2))

    # test that error is raised when input array is the wrong size
    for A in opservables:
        a = A(fsyst)
        kets = list(map(np.ones, [(0, ), (N - 1, ), (N + 1, ), (N, 1)]))
        for ket in kets:
            raises(ValueError, a, ket)
            raises(ValueError, a, ket, ket)
            raises(ValueError, a.act, ket)
            raises(ValueError, a.act, ket, ket)

    # Test failure on non-hermitian
    for A in (ops.Density, ops.Current, ops.Source):
        raises(ValueError, A, fsyst, 1j)

    # Test output dtype
    ket = np.ones(len(fsyst.sites))
    for A in (ops.Density, ops.Current, ops.Source):
        a = A(fsyst)
        a_nonherm = A(fsyst, check_hermiticity=False)
        assert a(ket, ket).dtype == np.complex128
        assert a(ket).dtype == np.float64
        assert a_nonherm(ket, ket).dtype == np.complex128
        assert a_nonherm(ket).dtype == np.complex128

    # test construction with different numbers of orbitals
    lat2 = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=2)
    extra_sites = [lat2(i) for i in range(N)]
    syst[extra_sites] = np.eye(2)
    syst[zip(fsyst.sites, extra_sites)] = ta.matrix([1, 1])
    for A in opservables:
        raises(ValueError, A, syst.finalized(), onsite=np.eye(2))
        A.onsite == np.eye(2)
    del syst[extra_sites]

    check = [(ops.Density, np.arange(N).reshape(-1, 1), ta.identity(1)),
             (ops.Current, np.array(list(fsyst.graph)), ta.identity(1)),
             (ops.Source, np.arange(N).reshape(-1, 1), ta.identity(1))]

    # test basic construction
    for A, where, onsite in check:
        a = A(fsyst)
        assert np.all(np.asarray(a.where) == where)
        assert all(a.onsite == onsite for i in range(N))

    # test construction with dict `onsite`
    for A in opservables:
        B = A(fsyst, {lat: 1})
        assert all(B.onsite(i) == 1 for i in range(N))

    # test construction with a functional onsite
    for A in opservables:
        B = A(fsyst, lambda site: site.pos[0])  # x-position operator
        assert all(B.onsite(i) == fsyst.sites[i].pos[0] for i in range(N))

    # test construction with `where` given by a sequence
    where = [lat(2, 2), lat(1, 1)]
    fwhere = tuple(fsyst.id_by_site[s] for s in where)
    A = ops.Density(fsyst, where=where)
    assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where).reshape(-1) == fwhere)

    where = [(lat(2, 2), lat(1, 2)), (lat(0, 0), lat(0, 1))]
    fwhere = np.asarray([(fsyst.id_by_site[a], fsyst.id_by_site[b])
                         for a, b in where])
    A = ops.Current(fsyst, where=where)
    assert np.all(np.asarray(A.where) == fwhere)

    # test construction with `where` given by a function
    tag_list = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]

    def where(site):
        return site.tag in tag_list

    A = ops.Density(fsyst, where=where)
    assert all(fsyst.sites[A.where[w, 0]].tag in tag_list
               for w in range(A.where.shape[0]))

    where_list = set(kwant.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat)(syst))
    fwhere_list = set(
        (fsyst.id_by_site[a], fsyst.id_by_site[b]) for a, b in where_list)

    def where(a, b):
        return (a, b) in where_list

    A = ops.Current(fsyst, where=where)
    assert all((a, b) in fwhere_list for a, b in A.where)

    # test that `sum` is passed to constructors correctly
    for A in opservables:
        A(fsyst, sum=True).sum == True
def test_fd_mismatch():
    # The fundamental domains of the two 1D symmetries that make up T are
    # incompatible. This produced a bug where certain systems could be wrapped
    # around in all directions, but could not be wrapped around when 'keep' is
    # provided.
    sqrt3 = np.sqrt(3)
    lat = kwant.lattice.general([(sqrt3, 0), (-sqrt3 / 2, 1.5)])
    T = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((sqrt3, 0), (0, 3))

    syst1 = kwant.Builder(T)
    syst1[lat(1, 1)] = syst1[lat(0, 1)] = 1
    syst1[lat(1, 1), lat(0, 1)] = 1

    syst2 = kwant.Builder(T)
    syst2[lat(0, 0)] = syst2[lat(0, -1)] = 1
    syst2[lat(0, 0), lat(0, -1)] = 1

    # combine the previous two
    syst3 = kwant.Builder(T)

    for syst in (syst1, syst2, syst3):
        wraparound(syst, keep=0)
        wraparound(syst, keep=1)

    ## Test that spectrum of non-trivial system (including above cases)
    ## is the same, regardless of the way in which it is wrapped around
    lat = kwant.lattice.general([(sqrt3, 0), (-sqrt3 / 2, 1.5)],
                                [(sqrt3 / 2, 0.5), (0, 1)])
    a, b = lat.sublattices
    T = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((3 * sqrt3, 0), (0, 3))
    syst = kwant.Builder(T)
    syst[(l(i, j) for i in range(-1, 2) for j in range(-1, 2)
          for l in (a, b))] = 0
    syst[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 0), b, a)] = -1j
    syst[kwant.HoppingKind((1, 0), b, a)] = 2j
    syst[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 1), a, b)] = -2j

    def spectrum(syst, keep):
        syst = wraparound(syst, keep=keep).finalized()
        ks = ('k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z')
        if keep is None:

            def _(*args):
                params = dict(zip(ks, args))
                return np.linalg.eigvalsh(

            def _(*args):
                params = dict(zip(ks, args))
                kext = params.pop(ks[keep])
                B = kwant.physics.Bands(syst, params=params)
                return B(kext)

        return _

    spectra = [spectrum(syst, keep) for keep in (None, 0, 1)]
    # Check that spectra are the same at k=0. Checking finite k
    # is more tricky, as we would also need to transform the k vectors
    E_k = np.array([spec(0, 0) for spec in spectra]).transpose()
    assert all(np.allclose(E, E[0]) for E in E_k)

    # Test square lattice with oblique unit cell
    lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(2))
    translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([2, 2], [0, 2])
    syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)
    syst[lat.shape(lambda site: True, [0, 0])] = 1
    syst[lat.neighbors()] = 1
    # Check that spectra are the same at k=0.
    spectra = [spectrum(syst, keep) for keep in (None, 0, 1)]
    E_k = np.array([spec(0, 0) for spec in spectra]).transpose()
    assert all(np.allclose(E, E[0]) for E in E_k)

    # Test Rocksalt structure
    # cubic lattice that contains both sublattices
    lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(3))
    # Builder with FCC translational symmetries.
    translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1],
                                                       [0, 1, 1])
    syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)
    syst[lat(0, 0, 0)] = 1
    syst[lat(0, 0, 1)] = -1
    syst[lat.neighbors()] = 1
    # Check that spectra are the same at k=0.
    spectra = [spectrum(syst, keep) for keep in (None, 0, 1, 2)]
    E_k = np.array([spec(0, 0, 0) for spec in spectra]).transpose()
    assert all(np.allclose(E, E[0]) for E in E_k)
    # Same with different translation vectors
    translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0],
                                                       [0, 1, 1])
    syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)
    syst[lat(0, 0, 0)] = 1
    syst[lat(0, 0, 1)] = -1
    syst[lat.neighbors()] = 1
    # Check that spectra are the same at k=0.
    spectra = [spectrum(syst, keep) for keep in (None, 0, 1, 2)]
    E_k = np.array([spec(0, 0, 0) for spec in spectra]).transpose()
    assert all(np.allclose(E, E[0]) for E in E_k)

    # Test that spectrum in slab geometry is identical regardless of choice of unit
    # cell in rocksalt structure
    def shape(site):
        return abs(site.tag[2]) < 4

    lat = kwant.lattice.general(np.eye(3))
    # First choice: primitive UC
    translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0],
                                                       [1, 0, 1])
    syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)
    syst[lat(0, 0, 0)] = 1
    syst[lat(0, 0, 1)] = -1
    # Set all the nearest neighbor hoppings
    for d in [[1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1],
              [0, 0, -1]]:
        syst[(lat(0, 0, 0), lat(*d))] = 1

    wrapped = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(syst, keep=2)
    finitewrapped = kwant.Builder()
    finitewrapped.fill(wrapped, shape, start=np.zeros(3))

    sysf = finitewrapped.finalized()
    spectrum1 = [
            sysf.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=dict(k_x=k, k_y=0)))
        for k in np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 5)

    # Second choice: doubled UC with third translation purely in z direction
    translations = kwant.lattice.TranslationalSymmetry([1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0],
                                                       [0, 0, 2])
    syst = kwant.Builder(symmetry=translations)
    syst[lat(0, 0, 0)] = 1
    syst[lat(0, 0, 1)] = -1
    syst[lat(1, 0, 1)] = 1
    syst[lat(-1, 0, 0)] = -1
    for s in np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]]):
        for d in np.array([[1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0],
                           [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1]]):
            syst[(lat(*s), lat(*(s + d)))] = 1
    wrapped = kwant.wraparound.wraparound(syst, keep=2)
    finitewrapped = kwant.Builder()

    finitewrapped.fill(wrapped, shape, start=np.zeros(3))

    sysf = finitewrapped.finalized()
    spectrum2 = [
            sysf.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=dict(k_x=k, k_y=0)))
        for k in np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 5)

    assert np.allclose(spectrum1, spectrum2)
def hop_ras_e2_d(site1,site2,Lambda_R=Lambda_R):
    return 1j*Lambda_R*(0.5 - 1j*sqrt(3)/2.0)

def hop_ras_e3_d(site1,site2,Lambda_R=Lambda_R):
    return 1j*Lambda_R*(0.5 + 1j*sqrt(3)/2.0)

sys[lat_u.shape(Rectangle,(0,1))]=onsite   #even with 0 onsite potential, we need to use the zero matrix and not a scalar.

sys[lat_u.neighbors()] = 1
sys[lat_d.neighbors()] = 1

sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 0), a,d)] = hop_ras_e1
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 1), a,d)] = hop_ras_e2_u
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((-1, 1), a,d)] = hop_ras_e3_u

sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 0), c,b)] = hop_ras_e1
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 1), c,b)] = hop_ras_e2_d
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((-1, 1), c,b)] = hop_ras_e3_d

#Here we chose the clockwise Vij which are +1 (as retuned by Hop_value). The other ones (-1) will be given directly 
#by the hermeticity of the Hamiltonian
hoppings1_u = (((1, 0), a,a), ((-1, 1), a,a), ((0, -1), a,a))    
hoppings2_u = (((1, 0), b,b), ((-1, 1), b,b), ((0, -1), b,b))

hoppings1_d = (((1, 0), c,c), ((-1, 1), c,c), ((0, -1), c,c))    
hoppings2_d = (((1, 0), d,d), ((-1, 1), d,d), ((0, -1), d,d))
sys[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings1_u]] = Hop_Value_u
def hop_ras_e2(site1, site2, Lambda_R=Lambda_R, t1=1):
    return t1 * sigma_0 + 1j * Lambda_R * (0.5 * sigma_x -
                                           sqrt(3) / 2.0 * sigma_y)

def hop_ras_e3(site1, site2, Lambda_R=Lambda_R, t1=1):
    return t1 * sigma_0 + 1j * Lambda_R * (0.5 * sigma_x +
                                           sqrt(3) / 2.0 * sigma_y)

    Rectangle, (0, 1)
)] = onsite  #even with 0 onsite potential, we need to use the zero matrix and not a scalar.

sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 0), a, b)] = hop_ras_e1
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((0, 1), a, b)] = hop_ras_e2
sys[kwant.HoppingKind((-1, 1), a, b)] = hop_ras_e3
#Here we chose the clockwise Vij which are +1 (as retuned by Hop_value). The other ones (-1) will be given directly
#by the hermeticity of the Hamiltonian
hoppings1 = (((1, 0), a, a), ((-1, 1), a, a), ((0, -1), a, a))
hoppings2 = (((1, 0), b, b), ((-1, 1), b, b), ((0, -1), b, b))
sys[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings1]] = Hop_Value
sys[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings2]] = Hop_Value

def lead_shape(pos, ly=ly):
    x, y = pos
    return 1 <= y < ly