def get_patch(LF, cv, disp, by, bx):

    patch = dict()

    # compute actual coordinates
    y = by * data_config['SY']
    x = bx * data_config['SX']
    py = data_config['H']
    px = data_config['W']

    # extract data
    # (stack_h, stack_v) = lf_tools.epi_stacks( LF, y, x, py, px )
    (stack_v, stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF, y, x, py, px)

    # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
    stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))
    patch['stack_v'] = stack_v
    patch['stack_h'] = stack_h
    patch['cv'] = cv[y:y + py, x:x + px]

    if disp is not None:
        depth = disp[y:y + py, x:x + px]
        depth = np.minimum(data_config['dmax'], depth)
        depth = np.maximum(data_config['dmin'], depth)

        patch['depth'] = depth

    return patch
def get_patch( LF, by, bx, lf_scale ):

  patch = dict()

  # compute actual coordinates
  # if lf_scale == 's2':
  #   y = by * hp.sy_s2
  #   x = bx * hp.sx_s2
  #   py = hp.H_s2
  #   px = hp.W_s2
  # if lf_scale == 's4':
  #   y = by * hp.sy_HR
  #   x = bx * hp.sx_HR
  #   py = hp.H_s4
  #   px = hp.W_s4

  y = by *
  x = bx *
  py = hp.H
  px = hp.W
  # extract data
  (stack_h, stack_v) = lf_tools.epi_stacks( LF, y, x, py, px )
  # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
  stack_h = np.transpose( stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3) )
  patch[ 'stack_v' ] = stack_v
  patch[ 'stack_h' ] = stack_h

  return patch
def get_patch(LF_LR, by, bx):

    patch = dict()

    # compute actual coordinates
    y = by * data_config['SY']
    x = bx * data_config['SX']
    py = data_config['H']
    px = data_config['W']

    # extract data
    # (stack_h, stack_v) = lf_tools.epi_stacks( LF, y, x, py, px )
    (stack_v, stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_LR, y, x, py, px)
    # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
    stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))
    patch['stack_v'] = stack_v
    patch['stack_h'] = stack_h
    patch['cv'] = np.zeros((data_config['H_HR'], data_config['W_HR'], 3))

    return patch
def get_patch( LF_LR, by, bx ):

  patch = dict()

  # compute actual coordinates
  y = by *
  x = bx *
  py = hp.H
  px = hp.W
  # extract data
  # (stack_h, stack_v) = lf_tools.epi_stacks( LF, y, x, py, px )
  (stack_v, stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks( LF_LR, y, x, py, px )
  # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
  stack_h = np.transpose( stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3) )
  patch[ 'stack_v' ] = stack_v
  patch[ 'stack_h' ] = stack_h
  patch['cv'] = np.zeros((hp.H_HR,hp.W_HR,hp.C) )

  return patch
    # write out one individual light field
    # block count
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for by in np.arange(0, cy):

        for bx in np.arange(0, cx):

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx

            # extract data
            (stack_v, stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF, y, x, py, px)
            # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
            stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))

            cv = cv_gt[y:y + py, x:x + px]

            #code.interact( local=locals() )

            # write to respective HDF5 datasets
            dset_v.resize(index + 1, 4)
            dset_v[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_v

            dset_h.resize(index + 1, 4)
            dset_h[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_h

            dset_cv.resize(index + 1, 3)
            cx_HR = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
            cy_HR = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

            for by in np.arange(0, cy_LR):

                for bx in np.arange(0, cx_LR):
                    x_LR = bx * sx_LR
                    y_LR = by * sx_LR

                    x = bx * sx
                    y = by * sx
                    # extract data
                     stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_LR, y_LR, x_LR, py_LR,
                    # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
                    stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))

                    cv = cv_gt[y:y + py, x:x + px]
                    # plt.imshow(cv)
                    # plt.axis('off')
                    # code.interact( local=locals() )

                    # write to respective HDF5 datasets
                    dset_v.resize(index + 1, 4)
                    dset_v[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_v

                    dset_h.resize(index + 1, 4)
                    dset_h[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_h
    # write out one individual light field
    # block count
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for by in np.arange(0, cy):

        for bx in np.arange(0, cx):

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx

            # extract data
            (stack_v, stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF, y, x, py, px)
            # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
            stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))

             diffuse_stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_diffuse, y, x, py, px)
            diffuse_stack_h = np.transpose(diffuse_stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))

             specular_stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_specular, y, x, py, px)
            specular_stack_h = np.transpose(specular_stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))

            depth = disp_gt[y:y + py, x:x + px]
            cv = cv_gt[y:y + py, x:x + px]
            diffuse = cv_diffuse[y:y + py, x:x + px]
            specular = cv_specular[y:y + py, x:x + px]
    # write out one individual light field
    # block count
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for by in np.arange(0, cy):

        for bx in np.arange(0, cx):

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx

            # extract data
            (stack_v, stack_h) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF, y, x, py, px)
            # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
            stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))

             stack_h_albedo) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_albedo, y, x, py, px)
            # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
            stack_h_albedo = np.transpose(stack_h_albedo, (0, 2, 1, 3))

            (stack_v_sh, stack_h_sh) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_sh, y, x, py, px)
            # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
            stack_h_sh = np.transpose(stack_h_sh, (0, 2, 1, 3))

             stack_h_specular) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_specular, y, x, py, px)
            stack_h_specular = np.transpose(stack_h_specular, (0, 2, 1, 3))
            # block count
            cx_HR = np.int32((LF_temp.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
            cy_HR = np.int32((LF_temp.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

            for by in np.arange(0, cy_HR):

                for bx in np.arange(0, cx_HR):

                    x = bx * sx
                    y = by * sx
                    # extract data

                     stack_v_HR) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_temp, y, x, py, px)
                    # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
                    stack_h_HR = np.transpose(stack_h_HR, (0, 2, 1, 3))

                    # write to respective HDF5 datasets
                    # dset_v_HR.resize(index + 1, 4)
                    # dset_v_HR[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_v_HR
                    # dset_h_HR.resize(index + 1, 4)
                    # dset_h_HR[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_h_HR

                    # next patch
                    index = index + 1

    elif folder == 'K_H_O':
        data_folders = os.listdir(data_source + folder + '/')

        for bx in np.arange(0, cx_HR):
            x_LR_s2 = bx * sx_LR_s2
            y_LR_s2 = by * sx_LR_s2

            x_LR_s4 = bx * sx_LR_s4
            y_LR_s4 = by * sx_LR_s4

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx
            # extract data

            # scale 4
             stack_v_LR_s4) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_LR_s4, y_LR_s4, x_LR_s4,
                                                  py_LR_s4, px_LR_s4)
            # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
            stack_h_LR_s4 = np.transpose(stack_h_LR_s4, (0, 2, 1, 3))

            # write to respective HDF5 datasets
            dset_v_LR_s4.resize(index + 1, 4)
            dset_v_LR_s4[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_v_LR_s4

            dset_h_LR_s4.resize(index + 1, 4)
            dset_h_LR_s4[:, :, :, :, index] = stack_h_LR_s4

            # scale 2
             stack_v_LR_s2) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_LR_s2, y_LR_s2, x_LR_s2,
                                                  py_LR_s2, px_LR_s2)
            # make sure the direction of the view shift is the first spatial dimension
# stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))

data_source = "/home/mz/PyCharm/Data/testData_s4/super_resolution/HCI/not seen/lf_test_HCI_"
# data = sc.loadmat(data_path)
name_file = '.hdf5'
data_folders = []
# data_folders.append('buddha2')
# data_folders.append('horses')
# data_folders.append('medieval')
# data_folders.append('monasRoom')
# data_folders.append('papillon')
# data_folders.append('stillLife')
for i in range(0, len(data_folders)):

    data_path = data_source + data_folders[i] + name_file
    f = h5py.File(data_path, 'r')

    LF = f['LF'].value
    LF_LR = f['LF_LR'].value

    (stack_h, stack_v) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF, 0, 0, LF.shape[2],
    (stack_h2, stack_v2) = lf_tools.epi_stacks(LF_LR, 0, 0, LF_LR.shape[2],
    # stack_h = np.transpose(stack_h, (0, 2, 1, 3))
    # for k in range(0, 9):
    #     plt.figure(k)
    #     plt.imshow(stack_h[k, :, :, :])
k = 0