    def _TranslatePolicy(self, pol, exp_info):
        self.pcap_policies = []
        current_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
        exp_info_date = current_date + datetime.timedelta(weeks=exp_info)

        good_afs = ['inet', 'inet6', 'mixed']
        good_options = ['in', 'out']
        direction = ''

        for header, terms in pol.filters:
            filter_type = None
            if self._PLATFORM not in header.platforms:

            filter_options = header.FilterOptions(self._PLATFORM)[1:]
            filter_name = header.FilterName(self._PLATFORM)

            # ensure all options after the filter name are expected
            for opt in filter_options:
                if opt not in good_afs + good_options:
                    raise UnsupportedTargetOption(
                        '%s %s %s %s' %
                        ('\nUnsupported option found in', self._PLATFORM,
                         'target definition:', opt))

            if 'in' in filter_options:
                direction = 'in'
            elif 'out' in filter_options:
                direction = 'out'

            # Check for matching af
            for address_family in good_afs:
                if address_family in filter_options:
                    # should not specify more than one AF in options
                    if filter_type is not None:
                        raise aclgenerator.UnsupportedFilterError(
                            '%s %s %s %s' %
                            ('\nMay only specify one of', good_afs,
                             'in filter options:', filter_options))
                    filter_type = address_family
            if filter_type is None:
                filter_type = 'mixed'

            # add the terms
            accept_terms = []
            deny_terms = []
            term_names = set()
            for term in terms:
                if term.name in term_names:
                    raise aclgenerator.DuplicateTermError(
                        'You have a duplicate term: %s' % term.name)

                if term.expiration:
                    if term.expiration <= exp_info_date:
                            'INFO: Term %s in policy %s expires '
                            'in less than two weeks.', term.name, filter_name)
                    if term.expiration <= current_date:
                            'WARNING: Term %s in policy %s is expired and '
                            'will not be rendered.', term.name, filter_name)

                if not term:

                if term.action[0] == 'accept':
                        self._TERM(term, filter_name, filter_type, direction))
                elif term.action[0] == 'deny' or term.action[0] == 'reject':
                        self._TERM(term, filter_name, filter_type, direction))

                (header, filter_name, filter_type, accept_terms, deny_terms))
    def _TranslatePolicy(self, pol, exp_info):
        """Translate a policy from objects into strings."""
        self.windows_policies = []
        current_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
        exp_info_date = current_date + datetime.timedelta(weeks=exp_info)

        default_action = None
        good_default_actions = ['permit', 'block']
        good_options = []

        for header, terms in pol.filters:
            filter_type = None
            if self._PLATFORM not in header.platforms:

            filter_options = header.FilterOptions(self._PLATFORM)[1:]
            filter_name = header.FilterName(self._PLATFORM)

            # ensure all options after the filter name are expected
            for opt in filter_options:
                if opt not in good_default_actions + self._GOOD_AFS + good_options:
                    raise aclgenerator.UnsupportedTargetOption(
                        '%s %s %s %s' %
                        ('\nUnsupported option found in', self._PLATFORM,
                         'target definition:', opt))

            # Check for matching af
            for address_family in self._GOOD_AFS:
                if address_family in filter_options:
                    # should not specify more than one AF in options
                    if filter_type is not None:
                        raise aclgenerator.UnsupportedFilterError(
                            '%s %s %s %s' %
                            ('\nMay only specify one of', self._GOOD_AFS,
                             'in filter options:', filter_options))
                    filter_type = address_family
            if filter_type is None:
                filter_type = 'inet'

            # does this policy override the default filter actions?
            for next_target in header.target:
                if next_target.platform == self._PLATFORM:
                    if len(next_target.options) > 1:
                        for arg in next_target.options:
                            if arg in good_default_actions:
                                default_action = arg
            if default_action and default_action not in good_default_actions:
                raise aclgenerator.UnsupportedDefaultAction(
                    '%s %s %s %s %s' %
                    ('\nOnly', ', '.join(good_default_actions),
                     'default filter action allowed;', default_action,

            # add the terms
            new_terms = []
            term_names = set()
            for term in terms:
                if term.name in term_names:
                    raise aclgenerator.DuplicateTermError(
                        'You have a duplicate term: %s' % term.name)

                if term.expiration:
                    if term.expiration <= exp_info_date:
                            'INFO: Term %s in policy %s expires '
                            'in less than two weeks.', term.name, filter_name)
                    if term.expiration <= current_date:
                            'WARNING: Term %s in policy %s is expired and '
                            'will not be rendered.', term.name, filter_name)

                    self._TERM(term, filter_name, default_action, filter_type))

                (header, filter_name, filter_type, default_action, new_terms))
  def _TranslatePolicy(self, pol, exp_info):
    """Translate a policy from objects into strings."""
    self.iptables_policies = []
    current_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
    exp_info_date = current_date + datetime.timedelta(weeks=exp_info)

    default_action = None
    good_default_actions = ['ACCEPT', 'DROP']
    good_afs = ['inet', 'inet6']
    good_options = ['nostate', 'abbreviateterms', 'truncateterms', 'noverbose']
    all_protocols_stateful = True
    self.verbose = True

    for header, terms in pol.filters:
      filter_type = None
      if self._PLATFORM not in header.platforms:

      filter_options = header.FilterOptions(self._PLATFORM)[1:]
      filter_name = header.FilterName(self._PLATFORM)


      # ensure all options after the filter name are expected
      for opt in filter_options:
        if opt not in good_default_actions + good_afs + good_options:
          raise UnsupportedTargetOption('%s %s %s %s' % (
              '\nUnsupported option found in', self._PLATFORM,
              'target definition:', opt))

      # disable stateful?
      if 'nostate' in filter_options:
        all_protocols_stateful = False
      if 'noverbose' in filter_options:
        self.verbose = False

      # Check for matching af
      for address_family in good_afs:
        if address_family in filter_options:
          # should not specify more than one AF in options
          if filter_type is not None:
            raise UnsupportedFilterError('%s %s %s %s' % (
                '\nMay only specify one of', good_afs, 'in filter options:',
          filter_type = address_family
      if filter_type is None:
        filter_type = 'inet'

      if self._PLATFORM == 'iptables' and filter_name == 'FORWARD':
        default_action = 'DROP'

      # does this policy override the default filter actions?
      for next_target in header.target:
        if next_target.platform == self._PLATFORM:
          if len(next_target.options) > 1:
            for arg in next_target.options:
              if arg in good_default_actions:
                default_action = arg
      if default_action and default_action not in good_default_actions:
        raise UnsupportedDefaultAction('%s %s %s %s %s' % (
            '\nOnly', ', '.join(good_default_actions),
            'default filter action allowed;', default_action, 'used.'))

      # add the terms
      new_terms = []
      term_names = set()
      for term in terms:
        term.name = self.FixTermLength(term.name,
                                       'abbreviateterms' in filter_options,
                                       'truncateterms' in filter_options)
        if term.name in term_names:
          raise aclgenerator.DuplicateTermError(
              'You have a duplicate term: %s' % term.name)

        term = self.FixHighPorts(term, af=filter_type,
        if not term:

        if term.expiration:
          if term.expiration <= exp_info_date:
            logging.info('INFO: Term %s in policy %s expires '
                         'in less than two weeks.', term.name, filter_name)
          if term.expiration <= current_date:
            logging.warn('WARNING: Term %s in policy %s is expired and '
                         'will not be rendered.', term.name, filter_name)

        new_terms.append(self._TERM(term, filter_name, all_protocols_stateful,
                                    default_action, filter_type, self.verbose))

      self.iptables_policies.append((header, filter_name, filter_type,
                                     default_action, new_terms))
    def _TranslatePolicy(self, pol, exp_info):
        self.pf_policies = []
        self.address_book = {}
        current_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
        exp_info_date = current_date + datetime.timedelta(weeks=exp_info)

        good_afs = ['inet', 'inet6', 'mixed']
        good_options = ['in', 'out', 'nostate']
        all_protocols_stateful = True

        for header, terms in pol.filters:
            filter_type = None
            if self._PLATFORM not in header.platforms:

            filter_options = header.FilterOptions(self._PLATFORM)[1:]
            filter_name = header.FilterName(self._PLATFORM)
            direction = ''

            # ensure all options after the filter name are expected
            for opt in filter_options:
                if opt not in good_afs + good_options:
                    raise aclgenerator.UnsupportedTargetOption(
                        '%s %s %s %s' %
                        ('\nUnsupported option found in', self._PLATFORM,
                         'target definition:', opt))

            # pf will automatically add 'keep state flags S/SA' to all TCP connections
            # by default.
            if 'nostate' in filter_options:
                all_protocols_stateful = False

            if 'in' in filter_options:
                direction = 'in'
            elif 'out' in filter_options:
                direction = 'out'

            # Check for matching af
            for address_family in good_afs:
                if address_family in filter_options:
                    # should not specify more than one AF in options
                    if filter_type is not None:
                        raise aclgenerator.UnsupportedFilterError(
                            '%s %s %s %s' %
                            ('\nMay only specify one of', good_afs,
                             'in filter options:', filter_options))
                    filter_type = address_family
            if filter_type is None:
                filter_type = 'inet'

            # add the terms
            new_terms = []
            term_names = set()

            for term in terms:
                term.name = self.FixTermLength(term.name)
                if term.name in term_names:
                    raise aclgenerator.DuplicateTermError(
                        'You have a duplicate term: %s' % term.name)
                for source_addr in term.source_address:
                    if source_addr.parent_token not in self.address_book:
                        self.address_book[source_addr.parent_token] = set(
                for dest_addr in term.destination_address:
                    if dest_addr.parent_token not in self.address_book:
                        self.address_book[dest_addr.parent_token] = set(

                if not term:

                if term.expiration:
                    if term.expiration <= exp_info_date:
                            'INFO: Term %s in policy %s expires '
                            'in less than two weeks.', term.name, filter_name)
                    if term.expiration <= current_date:
                            'WARNING: Term %s in policy %s is expired and '
                            'will not be rendered.', term.name, filter_name)

                    self._TERM(term, filter_name, all_protocols_stateful,
                               filter_type, direction))
            shortened_deduped_list = {}

            for key in self.address_book:
                if len(key) > self._TABLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH:
                    name = key[:self._TABLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]
                    name = key
                if name in shortened_deduped_list.keys():
                    raise DuplicateShortenedTableName(
                        'The shortened name %s has a collision.', name)
                    shortened_deduped_list[name] = self.address_book[key]
            self.address_book = shortened_deduped_list
                (header, filter_name, filter_type, new_terms))