def executeKodiCmd(self, message): if self.kodiCmds and 'title' in message: match = self.re_kodiCmd.match(message['title']) if match: cmd ='cmd') if cmd in self.kodiCmds: try: cmdObj = self.kodiCmds[cmd] jsonrpc = cmdObj['JSONRPC'] if 'body' in message and len(message['body']) > 0: params = message['body'].split('||') # escape bracket '{}' => '{{}}' jsonrpc = jsonrpc.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}') # sobstitute custom placeholder '<$var>' => '{var}' jsonrpc = self.re_kodiCmdPlaceholder.sub( '{\\1}', jsonrpc) # format with passed params jsonrpc = jsonrpc.format(params=params) common.log('Executing cmd "%s": %s' % (cmd, jsonrpc)) result = common.executeJSONRPC(jsonrpc) common.log('Result for cmd "%s": %s' % (cmd, result)) title = common.localise(30104) % cmd body = '' if 'notification' in cmdObj: # same transformation as jsonrpc var body = cmdObj['notification'].replace( '{', '{{').replace('}', '}}') body = self.re_kodiCmdPlaceholder.sub( '{\\1}', body) body = body.format(result=result) except Exception as ex: title = 'ERROR: ' + common.localise(30104) % cmd body = ' '.join(str(arg) for arg in ex.args) common.log(body, xbmc.LOGERROR) common.traceError() common.showNotification(title, body, self.notificationTime, self.kodiCmdsNotificationIcon) return True else: common.log('No "%s" cmd founded!' % cmd, xbmc.LOGERROR) return False
def _checkcryptography(): ver = None try: import cryptography ver = cryptography.__version__ except: # If the module is not found - no problem return ver_parts = list(map(int, ver.split('.'))) if len(ver_parts) < 2 or ver_parts[0] < 1 or (ver_parts[0] == 1 and ver_parts[1] < 7): log('Python cryptography module version %s is too old, at least version 1.7 needed' % ver) xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(ADDONNAME, localise(32040) % ver, localise(32041), localise(32042))
def executeKodiCmd(self, message): if self.kodiCmds and 'title' in message: match = self.re_kodiCmd.match(message['title']) if match: cmd ='cmd') if cmd in self.kodiCmds: try: cmdObj = self.kodiCmds[cmd] jsonrpc = cmdObj['JSONRPC'] if 'body' in message and len(message['body']) > 0: params = message['body'].split('||') # escape bracket '{}' => '{{}}' jsonrpc = jsonrpc.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}') # sobstitute custom placeholder '<$var>' => '{var}' jsonrpc = self.re_kodiCmdPlaceholder.sub('{\\1}', jsonrpc) # format with passed params jsonrpc = jsonrpc.format(params=params) common.log('Executing cmd "%s": %s' % (cmd, jsonrpc)) result = common.executeJSONRPC(jsonrpc) common.log('Result for cmd "%s": %s' % (cmd, result)) title = common.localise(30104) % cmd body = '' if 'notification' in cmdObj: # same transformation as jsonrpc var body = cmdObj['notification'].replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}') body = self.re_kodiCmdPlaceholder.sub('{\\1}', body) body = body.format(result=result) except Exception as ex: title = 'ERROR: ' + common.localise(30104) % cmd body = ' '.join(str(arg) for arg in ex.args) common.log(body, xbmc.LOGERROR) common.traceError() common.showNotification(title, body, self.notificationTime, self.kodiCmdsNotificationIcon) return True else: common.log('No "%s" cmd founded!' % cmd, xbmc.LOGERROR) return False
def run(self): """ Run or restart service. """ if self.pushbullet: common.log('Restarting') self.pushbullet.close() try: if not self.stg_pbAccessToken or not self.stg_pbClientIden: raise Exception(common.localise(30100)) from lib.pushbullet import Pushbullet # init pushbullet self.pushbullet = Pushbullet( access_token=self.stg_pbAccessToken, ping_timeout=6, last_modified=common.getSetting('last_modified', 0), last_modified_callback=self.setLastModified, log_callback=common.log) # get device info (also if edited by user on Pushbullet panel) self._getDevice() # setup service and pushbullet (iden, mirroring, filter) self._setupService() # start listening websocket self.pushbullet.realTimeEventStream( on_open=self.push2Notification.onOpen, on_message=self.push2Notification.onMessage, on_error=self.push2Notification.onError, on_close=self.push2Notification.onClose) common.log('Service started successfully') except Exception as ex: common.traceError() message = ' '.join(str(arg) for arg in ex.args) common.log(message, xbmc.LOGERROR) common.showNotification(common.localise(30101), message, self.serviceNotifcationTime)
def run(self): """ Run or restart service. """ if self.pushbullet: common.log('Restarting') self.pushbullet.close() try: if not self.stg_pbAccessToken or not self.stg_pbClientIden: raise Exception(common.localise(30100)) from lib.pushbullet import Pushbullet # init pushbullet self.pushbullet = Pushbullet( access_token=self.stg_pbAccessToken, ping_timeout=6, last_modified=common.getSetting('last_modified',0), last_modified_callback=self.setLastModified, log_callback=common.log) # get device info (also if edited by user on Pushbullet panel) self._getDevice() # setup service and pushbullet (iden, mirroring, filter) self._setupService() # start listening websocket self.pushbullet.realTimeEventStream(on_open=self.push2Notification.onOpen, on_message=self.push2Notification.onMessage, on_error=self.push2Notification.onError, on_close=self.push2Notification.onClose) common.log('Service started successfully') except Exception as ex: common.traceError() message = ' '.join(str(arg) for arg in ex.args) common.log(message, xbmc.LOGERROR) common.showNotification(common.localise(30101), message, self.serviceNotifcationTime)
def onError(self, error): common.log(error, xbmc.LOGERROR) common.showNotification(common.localise(30101), error, self.notificationTime, self.notificationIcon)