    def decode(self):
            Decode the record's bytes.
            [0-3]:     SYSTEM TIME
            [4-7]:     DISPLAY TIME
            [8-497]:   CONTENT (XML)
            [498-499]: CRC

        # Initialize decoding
        super(XMLRecord, self).decode()

        # XML value
        self.value = lib.translate(self.bytes[8:-2])
    def read(self):


        # Execute command

        # Assign response
        self.id = lib.translate(self.command.response["Payload"])

        # Give user info
        Logger.info("Transmitter ID: " + str(self.id))

        # Store it
#   10 = nsp10_CysHis; formerly known as growth-factor-like protein (GFL)
#   11 = only 13 aa
# 12 is mostly and 13-16 in orf1b
#   12 = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA-dependent_RNA_polymerase
#   13 = Helicase (Hel).
#   14 = Guanine-N7 methyltransferase (ExoN) or maybe 3'-to-5' exonuclease
#   15 = Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (NendoU), endoRNAse
#   16 = 2'-O-methyltransferase (2'-O-MT)
#        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRNA_(nucleoside-2%27-O-)-methyltransferase

# in front "the untranslated leader sequence that ends with the Transcription Regulation Sequence"
#Read Mutated sequence from SANTA-SIM

corona['  UNTRANSLATED_REGION  '] = cc[0:265]

corona['orf1a'] = translate(cc[266-1:13483], True)

# cc[266-1+4398*3:13468] = 'TTT_TTA_AAC' aka 'X_XXY_YYZ'
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribosomal_frameshift
# Programmed −1 Ribosomal Frameshifting
# TODO: add this to the translate function with automatic detection
corona['orf1b'] = translate(cc[13468-1:21555], False).strip("*")  # chop off the stop, note this doesn't have a start

# exploit vector, this attaches to ACE2. also called "surface glycoprotein"
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/pdb/6VYB -- open state
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/pdb/6VXX -- closed state
# 1273 amino acids
#   S1  = 14-685
#   S2  = 686-1273
#   S2' = 816-1273
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2750777/
#    3 = Papain-like proteinase
#        see diff https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/msaviewer/?rid=7FXGTZFN016&coloring=cons
#    4 = nsp4B_TM; contains transmembrane domain 2 (TM2); produced by both pp1a and pp1ab
#    5 = Proteinase 3CL-PRO
#    6 = ???
#    7 = ???
#    8 = ???
#    9 = ssRNA-binding protein; produced by both pp1a and pp1ab
#   10 = nsp10_CysHis; formerly known as growth-factor-like protein (GFL)
# 11 is mostly and 12-15 in orf1b
#   11 = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA-dependent_RNA_polymerase
#   12 = Helicase (Hel).
#   13 = Guanine-N7 methyltransferase (ExoN) or maybe 3'-to-5' exonuclease
#   14 = Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (NendoU), endoRNAse
#   15 = 2'-O-methyltransferase (2'-O-MT), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRNA_(nucleoside-2%27-O-)-methyltransferase
corona['orf1a'] = translate(cc[266-1:13483], True)
corona['orf1b'] = translate(cc[13468-1:21555], False)

# exploit vector, this attaches to ACE2. also called "surface glycoprotein"
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/pdb/6VYB -- open state
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/pdb/6VXX -- closed state
# sort of 3 proteins, S1 S2 S2'
corona['spike_glycoprotein'] = translate(cc[21563-1:25384], True)

# Forms homotetrameric potassium sensitive ion channels (viroporin) and may modulate virus release.
corona['orf3a'] = translate(cc[25393-1:26220], True)

# these two things stick out
corona['envelope_protein'] = translate(cc[26245-1:26472], True)
corona['membrane_glycoprotein'] = translate(cc[26523-1:27191], True)
    def __init__(self, regions):

        untranslated_region_f = regions["untranslated_region_f"]
        orf1a_i = regions["orf1a_i"]
        orf1a_f = regions["orf1a_f"]
        orf1b_i = regions["orf1b_i"]
        orf1b_f = regions["orf1b_f"]
        spike_gp_i = regions["spike_gp_i"]
        spike_gp_f = regions["spike_gp_f"]
        orf3a_i = regions["orf3a_i"]
        orf3a_f = regions["orf3a_f"]
        envelope_p_i = regions["envelope_p_i"]
        envelope_p_f = regions["envelope_p_f"]
        membrane_gp_i = regions["membrane_gp_i"]
        membrane_gp_f =  regions["membrane_gp_f"]
        orf6_i = regions["orf6_i"]
        orf6_f = regions["orf6_f"]
        orf7a_i = regions["orf7a_i"]
        orf7a_f = regions["orf7a_f"]
        orf7b_i = regions["orf7b_i"]
        orf7b_f = regions["orf7b_f"]
        orf8_i = regions["orf8_i"]
        orf8_f = regions["orf8_f"]
        n_p_i = regions["n_p_i"]
        n_p_f = regions["n_p_f"]
        orf10_i = regions["orf10_i"]
        orf10_f = regions["orf10_f"] 
        new_region_i = regions["new_region_i"]
        new_region_f = regions["new_region_f"]
        print("Initializing Custom viral DNA\n")

        # in front "the untranslated leader sequence that ends with the Transcription Regulation Sequence" 
        self.untranslated_region = cc[0 : untranslated_region_f]

        print("Translatng orf1a ... \n")
        self.orf1a = translate(cc[orf1a_i - 1 : orf1a_f], True)

        # cc[266-1+4398*3:13468] = 'TTT_TTA_AAC' aka 'X_XXY_YYZ'
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribosomal_frameshift
        # Programmed −1 Ribosomal Frameshifting
        # TODO: add this to the translate function with automatic detection
        print("Translatng orf1b ... \n")
        self.orf1b = translate(cc[orf1b_i - 1 : orf1b_f], False).strip("*")  # chop off the stop, note this doesn't have a start

        # exploit vector, this attaches to ACE2. also called "surface glycoprotein"
        # https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/pdb/6VYB -- open state
        # https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/pdb/6VXX -- closed state
        # 1273 amino acids
        #   S1  = 14-685
        #   S2  = 686-1273
        #   S2' = 816-1273
        # https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2750777/
        print("Translatng spike glycoprotein ... \n")
        self.spike_glycoprotein = translate(cc[spike_gp_i - 1 :spike_gp_f], True)

        print("Translatng orf3 ... \n")
        # Forms homotetrameric potassium sensitive ion channels (viroporin) and may modulate virus release.
        self.orf3a =  translate(cc[orf3a_i-1:orf3a_f], True)

        print("Translatng envelope protein ... \n")
        # These two characteristics stick out, used in assembly aka they package the virus
        self.envelope_protein = translate(cc[envelope_p_i - 1 : envelope_p_f], True)  # also known as small membrane

        print("Translatng membrane glycoprotein ... \n")
        print("membrane_gp_i : " + str(membrane_gp_i))
        print("membrane_gp_f : " + str(membrane_gp_f))
        self.membrane_glycoprotein = translate(cc[membrane_gp_i - 1 : membrane_gp_f], True)
        print("Translatng orf6 ... \n")
        self.orf6 = translate(cc[orf6_i - 1 : orf6_f], True)

        print("Translatng orf7a ... \n")
        self.orf7a = translate(cc[orf7a_i - 1 : orf7a_f], True)

        print("Translatng orf7b ... \n")
        self.orf7b = translate(cc[orf7b_i - 1 : orf7b_f], True)  # is this one real?

        print("Translatng orf8 ... \n")
        self.orf8 = translate(cc[orf8_i - 1 : orf8_f], True)

        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsid
        # Packages the positive strand viral genome RNA into a helical ribonucleocapsid
        # Includes the "internal" protein (from Coronavirus Pathogenesis)
        # https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/veterinary-science-and-veterinary-medicine/human-coronavirus-oc43
        print("Translatng nucleocapsid phosphoprotein ... \n")
        self.nucleocapsid_phosphoprotein = translate(cc[n_p_i - 1 : n_p_f], True)
        print("Translatng orf10 ... \n")
        # might be called the internal protein (Coronavirus Pathogenesis)
        self.orf10 = translate(cc[orf10_i - 1 : orf10_f], True)