def calcFourier(x,y,z,a,alph,freq,mu,c,U,tvec):
    soln_u = np.zeros((len(x),len(tvec)),dtype=np.complex128)
    soln_v = np.zeros((len(x),len(tvec)),dtype=np.complex128)
    soln_w = np.zeros((len(x),len(tvec)),dtype=np.complex128)
    for k in range(len(tvec)):
        out = lES.sphere3DOscillating(x,y,z,a,alph,freq,mu,c,U,tvec[k])
        soln_u[:,k] = out[0]
        soln_v[:,k] = out[1]
        soln_w[:,k] = out[2]
    return soln_u, soln_v, soln_w
def calcFourier(x, y, z, a, alph, freq, mu, c, U, tvec):
    soln_u = np.zeros((len(x), len(tvec)), dtype=np.complex128)
    soln_v = np.zeros((len(x), len(tvec)), dtype=np.complex128)
    soln_w = np.zeros((len(x), len(tvec)), dtype=np.complex128)
    for k in range(len(tvec)):
        out = lES.sphere3DOscillating(x, y, z, a, alph, freq, mu, c, U,
        soln_u[:, k] = out[0]
        soln_v[:, k] = out[1]
        soln_w[:, k] = out[2]
    return soln_u, soln_v, soln_w
def testOscillatingSphere3D_Drag():
    Checks total drag on the sphere (scalar value).
    print('Test case: Oscillating sphere in 3D, testing drag (takes a very long time)...')
    a = 0.25
    freq = 71
    mu = 1.0
    nu = 1.1
    alph = np.sqrt(1j*2*np.pi*freq/nu)
    tN = 400
    dtheta = 2*np.pi/tN
    theta = np.arange(dtheta/2,2*np.pi,dtheta)
    phi = np.arange(dtheta/2,np.pi,dtheta)
    xs = np.zeros((tN**2/2,))
    ys = np.zeros((tN**2/2,))
    zs = np.zeros((tN**2/2,))
    for i in range(tN):
        th = theta[i]
        xs[i*tN/2:(i+1)*tN/2] = a*np.cos(theta[i])*np.sin(phi)
        ys[i*tN/2:(i+1)*tN/2] = a*np.sin(theta[i])*np.sin(phi)
        zs[i*tN/2:(i+1)*tN/2] = a*np.cos(phi)
    spts = np.column_stack([xs,ys,zs])
    u,v,w,p,xdrag,ydrag,zdrag = lES.sphere3DOscillating(spts[:,0],spts[:,1],spts[:,2],a,alph,freq,mu)
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a/(4*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(0,3)]
#    elist = [a/(2*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(0,3)]
    errdragG = np.zeros((len(elist),3))
    errdragE = np.zeros((len(elist),3))
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DGaussianStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(eps,mu,alph,a)
        xdragreg, ydragreg, zdragreg = regOscillatingSphere3D_Drag(rsd,spts,phi,dtheta,a,freq)
        errdragG[k,:] = [np.abs(xdrag-xdragreg)/np.abs(xdrag),np.abs(ydrag-ydragreg),np.abs(zdrag-zdragreg)]
    if np.all(errdragG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, drag passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, drag failed")
#    print("Drag error should be small:")
#    print(errdragG)
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a/(12*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(2,5)]
#    elist = [a/(6*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(2,5)]
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DNegExpStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(eps,mu,alph,a)
        xdragreg, ydragreg, zdragreg = regOscillatingSphere3D_Drag(rsd,spts,phi,dtheta,a,freq)
        errdragE[k,:] = [np.abs(xdrag-xdragreg)/np.abs(xdrag),np.abs(ydrag-ydragreg),np.abs(zdrag-zdragreg)]
    if np.all(errdragE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, drag passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, drag failed")
def testOscillatingSphere3D_Drag():
    Checks total drag on the sphere (scalar value).
        'Test case: Oscillating sphere in 3D, testing drag (takes a very long time)...'
    a = 0.25
    freq = 71
    t = 0
    mu = 1.0
    nu = 1.1
    alph = np.sqrt(1j * 2 * np.pi * freq / nu)
    tN = 400
    dtheta = 2 * np.pi / tN
    theta = np.arange(dtheta / 2, 2 * np.pi, dtheta)
    phi = np.arange(dtheta / 2, np.pi, dtheta)
    xs = np.zeros((tN**2 / 2, ))
    ys = np.zeros((tN**2 / 2, ))
    zs = np.zeros((tN**2 / 2, ))
    for i in range(tN):
        th = theta[i]
        xs[i * tN / 2:(i + 1) * tN / 2] = a * np.cos(theta[i]) * np.sin(phi)
        ys[i * tN / 2:(i + 1) * tN / 2] = a * np.sin(theta[i]) * np.sin(phi)
        zs[i * tN / 2:(i + 1) * tN / 2] = a * np.cos(phi)
    spts = np.column_stack([xs, ys, zs])
    u, v, w, p, xdrag, ydrag, zdrag = lES.sphere3DOscillating(
        spts[:, 0], spts[:, 1], spts[:, 2], a, alph, freq, mu)
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a / (4 * (myfactor**k)) for k in range(0, 3)]
    #    elist = [a/(2*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(0,3)]
    errdragG = np.zeros((len(elist), 3))
    errdragE = np.zeros((len(elist), 3))
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DGaussianStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(
            eps, mu, alph, a)
        xdragreg, ydragreg, zdragreg = regOscillatingSphere3D_Drag(
            rsd, spts, phi, dtheta, a, freq)
        errdragG[k, :] = [
            np.abs(xdrag - xdragreg) / np.abs(xdrag),
            np.abs(ydrag - ydragreg),
            np.abs(zdrag - zdragreg)
    if np.all(errdragG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, drag passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, drag failed")
#    print("Drag error should be small:")
#    print(errdragG)
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a / (12 * (myfactor**k)) for k in range(2, 5)]
    #    elist = [a/(6*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(2,5)]
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DNegExpStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(
            eps, mu, alph, a)
        xdragreg, ydragreg, zdragreg = regOscillatingSphere3D_Drag(
            rsd, spts, phi, dtheta, a, freq)
        errdragE[k, :] = [
            np.abs(xdrag - xdragreg) / np.abs(xdrag),
            np.abs(ydrag - ydragreg),
            np.abs(zdrag - zdragreg)
    if np.all(errdragE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, drag passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, drag failed")
def testOscillatingSphere3D():
    Checks velocity outside of a sphere using L2 error;
    checks pressure outside of a sphere using L2 error;
    checks pointwise surface traction on the sphere using L-infinity error.
        'Test case: Oscillating sphere in 3D (be patient, this may take a few minutes)...'
    a = 0.25
    h = a / 5.
    X = np.mgrid[-2 * a + h / 2:2 * a:h, -2 * a + h / 2:2 * a:h,
                 -2 * a:2 * a + h / 2:h]
    M = X.shape[-1]
    N = np.floor(M / 2.0)
    zlev = X[2, 0, 0, N]
    xg = X[0, :, :, N]
    yg = X[1, :, :, N]
    x = X[0, :, :, :].flatten()
    y = X[1, :, :, :].flatten()
    z = X[2, :, :, :].flatten()
    obspts = np.column_stack([x, y, z])
    freq = 71
    t = 0
    mu = 1.0
    nu = 1.1
    alph = np.sqrt(1j * 2 * np.pi * freq / nu)
    #    spts = a*np.loadtxt(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'voronoivertices0300.dat'))
    tN = 50
    dtheta = 2 * np.pi / tN
    theta = np.arange(dtheta / 2, 2 * np.pi, dtheta)
    phi = np.arange(dtheta / 2, np.pi, dtheta)
    xs = np.zeros((tN**2 / 2, ))
    ys = np.zeros((tN**2 / 2, ))
    zs = np.zeros((tN**2 / 2, ))
    for i in range(tN):
        th = theta[i]
        xs[i * tN / 2:(i + 1) * tN / 2] = a * np.cos(theta[i]) * np.sin(phi)
        ys[i * tN / 2:(i + 1) * tN / 2] = a * np.sin(theta[i]) * np.sin(phi)
        zs[i * tN / 2:(i + 1) * tN / 2] = a * np.cos(phi)
    spts = np.column_stack([xs, ys, zs])
    u, v, w, p, xdrag, ydrag, zdrag = lES.sphere3DOscillating(
        x, y, z, a, alph, freq, mu)
    t1, t2, t3 = lES.sphere3DOscillatingSurfaceTraction(
        spts[:, 0], spts[:, 1], spts[:, 2], a, alph, freq, mu)
    #    umlevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(u.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestuabs.pdf' ),None, "|u| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
    #    vmlevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(v.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvabs.pdf'),None,  "|v| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
    #    ualevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(u.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestuang.pdf'),None,"angle(u) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
    #    valevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(v.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvang.pdf'),None,"angle(v) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
    #    pmlevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(p.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpabs.pdf'),None,  "|p| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
    #    palevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(p.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpang.pdf'),None,"angle(p) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
    #    print("exact soln")
    #    print(xdrag,ydrag,zdrag)
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a / (4 * (myfactor**k)) for k in range(0, 3)]
    #    elist = [a/(2*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(0,3)]
    errmagG = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errangG = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errmagE = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errangE = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errpmagG = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errpangG = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errpmagE = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errpangE = np.zeros((len(elist), ))
    errtmagG = np.zeros((len(elist), 3))
    errtangG = np.zeros((len(elist), 3))
    errtmagE = np.zeros((len(elist), 3))
    errtangE = np.zeros((len(elist), 3))
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DGaussianStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(
            eps, mu, alph, a)
        ureg, vreg, wreg, preg, t1reg, t2reg, t3reg = regOscillatingSphere3D(
            rsd, obspts, spts, a, freq)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegabs%02d.pdf' % k ),umlevs, "Reg |u| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregabs%02d.pdf' % k),vmlevs,  "Reg |v| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegang%02d.pdf' % k),ualevs,"Reg angle(u) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregang%02d.pdf' % k),valevs,"Reg angle(v) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregabs%02d.pdf' % k),pmlevs,  "Reg |p| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregang%02d.pdf' % k),palevs,"Reg angle(p) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        print("Gaussian approx -- drag")
        #        print(xdragreg,ydragreg,zdragreg)
        ind = np.nonzero(x**2 + y**2 + z**2 > a**2)
        L2errmag = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.abs(u[ind]) - np.abs(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.abs(v[ind]) - np.abs(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.abs(w[ind]) - np.abs(wreg[ind]))**2).sum())
        L2errang = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.angle(u[ind]) - np.angle(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.angle(v[ind]) - np.angle(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.angle(w[ind]) - np.angle(wreg[ind]))**2).sum())
        errmagG[k] = L2errmag
        errangG[k] = L2errang
        L2errpmag = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.abs(p[ind]) - np.abs(preg[ind]))**2).sum())
        L2errpang = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.angle(p[ind]) - np.angle(preg[ind]))**2).sum())
        errpmagG[k] = L2errpmag
        errpangG[k] = L2errpang
        L2errtmag = [
            np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t1) - np.abs(t1reg))) / np.abs(t1)),
            np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t2) - np.abs(t2reg))) / np.abs(t2)),
            np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t3) - np.abs(t3reg))) / np.abs(t3))
        L2errtang = [
            np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t1) - np.angle(t1reg)) / np.angle(t1))),
            np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t2) - np.angle(t2reg)) / np.angle(t2))),
            np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t3) - np.angle(t3reg)) / np.angle(t3)))
        errtmagG[k, :] = L2errtmag
        errtangG[k, :] = L2errtang
    convmagG = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    convangG = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    convpmagG = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    convpangG = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    for k in range(len(elist) - 1):
        convmagG[k] = np.log(errmagG[k] / errmagG[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
        convangG[k] = np.log(errangG[k] / errangG[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
        convpmagG[k] = np.log(errpmagG[k] / errpmagG[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
        convpangG[k] = np.log(errpangG[k] / errpangG[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
    if np.all(errmagG < 2.e-4) and np.all(errangG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, velocity passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, velocity failed")
    if np.all(errpmagG < 2.e-4) and np.all(errpangG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, pressure passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, pressure failed")
    if np.all(errtmagG < 2.e-4) and np.all(errtangG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, surface traction passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, surface traction failed")
    print("Surface traction error should be small:")
    print("Vel L2 error should be small:")
    print("Vel convergence rates should be high: ")
    print("Pressure L2 error should be small:")
    print("Pressure convergence rates should be high: ")
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a / (12 * (myfactor**k)) for k in range(2, 5)]
    #    elist = [a/(6*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(2,5)]
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DNegExpStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(
            eps, mu, alph, a)
        ureg, vreg, wreg, preg, t1reg, t2reg, t3reg = regOscillatingSphere3D(
            rsd, obspts, spts, a, freq)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegabs%02d.pdf' % k ),umlevs, "Reg |u| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregabs%02d.pdf' % k),vmlevs,  "Reg |v| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegang%02d.pdf' % k),ualevs,"Reg angle(u) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregang%02d.pdf' % k),valevs,"Reg angle(v) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregabs%02d.pdf' % k),pmlevs,  "Reg |p| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregang%02d.pdf' % k),palevs,"Reg angle(p) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
        #        print("Neg exp approx")
        #        print(xdragreg,ydragreg,zdragreg)
        ind = np.nonzero(x**2 + y**2 + z**2 > a**2)
        L2errmag = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.abs(u[ind]) - np.abs(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.abs(v[ind]) - np.abs(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.abs(w[ind]) - np.abs(wreg[ind]))**2).sum())
        L2errang = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.angle(u[ind]) - np.angle(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.angle(v[ind]) - np.angle(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() +
            ((np.angle(w[ind]) - np.angle(wreg[ind]))**2).sum())
        errmagE[k] = L2errmag
        errangE[k] = L2errang
        L2errpmag = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.abs(p[ind]) - np.abs(preg[ind]))**2).sum())
        L2errpang = h**(1.5) * np.sqrt(
            ((np.angle(p[ind]) - np.angle(preg[ind]))**2).sum())
        errpmagE[k] = L2errpmag
        errpangE[k] = L2errpang
        L2errtmag = [
            np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t1) - np.abs(t1reg))) / np.abs(t1)),
            np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t2) - np.abs(t2reg))) / np.abs(t2)),
            np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t3) - np.abs(t3reg))) / np.abs(t3))
        L2errtang = [
            np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t1) - np.angle(t1reg)) / np.angle(t1))),
            np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t2) - np.angle(t2reg)) / np.angle(t2))),
            np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t3) - np.angle(t3reg)) / np.angle(t3)))
        errtmagE[k, :] = L2errtmag
        errtangE[k, :] = L2errtang
    convmagE = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    convangE = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    convpmagE = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    convpangE = np.zeros((len(elist) - 1, ))
    for k in range(len(elist) - 1):
        convmagE[k] = np.log(errmagE[k] / errmagE[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
        convangE[k] = np.log(errangE[k] / errangE[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
        convpmagE[k] = np.log(errpmagE[k] / errpmagE[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
        convpangE[k] = np.log(errpangE[k] / errpangE[k + 1]) / np.log(myfactor)
    if np.all(errmagE < 2.e-4) and np.all(errangE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, velocity passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, velocity failed")
    if np.all(errpmagE < 2.e-4) and np.all(errpangE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, pressure passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, pressure failed")
    if np.all(errtmagE < 2.e-4) and np.all(errtangE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, surface traction passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, surface traction failed")
    print("Surface traction error should be small:")
    print("Vel L2 error should be small:")
    print("Vel convergence rates should be high: ")
    print("Pressure L2 error should be small:")
    print("Pressure convergence rates should be high: ")
def testOscillatingSphere3D():
    Checks velocity outside of a sphere using L2 error;
    checks pressure outside of a sphere using L2 error;
    checks pointwise surface traction on the sphere using L-infinity error.
    print('Test case: Oscillating sphere in 3D (be patient, this may take a few minutes)...')
    a = 0.25
    h = a/5.
    X = np.mgrid[-2*a+h/2:2*a:h,-2*a+h/2:2*a:h,-2*a:2*a+h/2:h]
    M = X.shape[-1]
    N = np.floor(M/2.0)
    zlev = X[2,0,0,N]
    xg = X[0,:,:,N]
    yg = X[1,:,:,N]
    x = X[0,:,:,:].flatten()
    y = X[1,:,:,:].flatten()
    z = X[2,:,:,:].flatten()
    obspts = np.column_stack([x,y,z])
    freq = 71
    mu = 1.0
    nu = 1.1
    alph = np.sqrt(1j*2*np.pi*freq/nu)
#    spts = a*np.loadtxt(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'voronoivertices0300.dat'))
    tN = 50
    dtheta = 2*np.pi/tN
    theta = np.arange(dtheta/2,2*np.pi,dtheta)
    phi = np.arange(dtheta/2,np.pi,dtheta)
    xs = np.zeros((tN**2/2,))
    ys = np.zeros((tN**2/2,))
    zs = np.zeros((tN**2/2,))
    for i in range(tN):
        th = theta[i]
        xs[i*tN/2:(i+1)*tN/2] = a*np.cos(theta[i])*np.sin(phi)
        ys[i*tN/2:(i+1)*tN/2] = a*np.sin(theta[i])*np.sin(phi)
        zs[i*tN/2:(i+1)*tN/2] = a*np.cos(phi)
    spts = np.column_stack([xs,ys,zs])
    u,v,w,p,xdrag,ydrag,zdrag = lES.sphere3DOscillating(x,y,z,a,alph,freq,mu)
    t1,t2,t3 = lES.sphere3DOscillatingSurfaceTraction(spts[:,0],spts[:,1],spts[:,2],a,alph,freq,mu)
#    umlevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(u.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestuabs.pdf' ),None, "|u| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
#    vmlevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(v.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvabs.pdf'),None,  "|v| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
#    ualevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(u.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestuang.pdf'),None,"angle(u) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
#    valevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(v.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvang.pdf'),None,"angle(v) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
#    pmlevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(p.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpabs.pdf'),None,  "|p| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
#    palevs=vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(p.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpang.pdf'),None,"angle(p) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)
#    print("exact soln")
#    print(xdrag,ydrag,zdrag)
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a/(4*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(0,3)]
#    elist = [a/(2*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(0,3)]
    errmagG = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errangG = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errmagE = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errangE = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errpmagG = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errpangG = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errpmagE = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errpangE = np.zeros((len(elist),))
    errtmagG = np.zeros((len(elist),3))    
    errtangG = np.zeros((len(elist),3))
    errtmagE = np.zeros((len(elist),3))    
    errtangE = np.zeros((len(elist),3))
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DGaussianStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(eps,mu,alph,a)
        ureg, vreg, wreg, preg,t1reg,t2reg,t3reg = regOscillatingSphere3D(rsd,obspts,spts,a,freq)
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegabs%02d.pdf' % k ),umlevs, "Reg |u| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)      
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregabs%02d.pdf' % k),vmlevs,  "Reg |v| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)      
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegang%02d.pdf' % k),ualevs,"Reg angle(u) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev) 
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregang%02d.pdf' % k),valevs,"Reg angle(v) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev) 
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregabs%02d.pdf' % k),pmlevs,  "Reg |p| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)      
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregang%02d.pdf' % k),palevs,"Reg angle(p) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev) 
#        print("Gaussian approx -- drag")
#        print(xdragreg,ydragreg,zdragreg)
        ind = np.nonzero(x**2+y**2+z**2 > a**2)
        L2errmag = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.abs(u[ind])-np.abs(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.abs(v[ind])-np.abs(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.abs(w[ind])-np.abs(wreg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        L2errang = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.angle(u[ind])-np.angle(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.angle(v[ind])-np.angle(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.angle(w[ind])-np.angle(wreg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        errmagG[k] = L2errmag
        errangG[k] = L2errang
        L2errpmag = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.abs(p[ind])-np.abs(preg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        L2errpang = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.angle(p[ind])-np.angle(preg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        errpmagG[k] = L2errpmag
        errpangG[k] = L2errpang
        L2errtmag = [np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t1)-np.abs(t1reg)))/np.abs(t1)),np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t2)-np.abs(t2reg)))/np.abs(t2)),np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t3)-np.abs(t3reg)))/np.abs(t3))]
        L2errtang = [np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t1)-np.angle(t1reg))/np.angle(t1))),np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t2)-np.angle(t2reg))/np.angle(t2))),np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t3)-np.angle(t3reg))/np.angle(t3)))]
        errtmagG[k,:] = L2errtmag
        errtangG[k,:] = L2errtang
    convmagG = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    convangG = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    convpmagG = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    convpangG = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    for k in range(len(elist)-1):
    if np.all(errmagG < 2.e-4) and np.all(errangG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, velocity passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, velocity failed")
    if np.all(errpmagG < 2.e-4) and np.all(errpangG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, pressure passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, pressure failed")
    if np.all(errtmagG < 2.e-4) and np.all(errtangG < 2.e-4):
        print("Gaussian blob, surface traction passed")
        print("Gaussian blob, surface traction failed")
    print("Surface traction error should be small:")
    print("Vel L2 error should be small:")
    print("Vel convergence rates should be high: ")
    print("Pressure L2 error should be small:")
    print("Pressure convergence rates should be high: ")
    myfactor = 1.4
    elist = [a/(12*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(2,5)]
#    elist = [a/(6*(myfactor**k)) for k in range(2,5)]
    for k in range(len(elist)):
        eps = elist[k]
        rsd = RS.Brinkman3DNegExpStokesletsAndDipolesSphericalBCs(eps,mu,alph,a)
        ureg, vreg, wreg, preg,t1reg,t2reg,t3reg = regOscillatingSphere3D(rsd,obspts,spts,a,freq)
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegabs%02d.pdf' % k ),umlevs, "Reg |u| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)      
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregabs%02d.pdf' % k),vmlevs,  "Reg |v| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)      
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(ureg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittesturegang%02d.pdf' % k),ualevs,"Reg angle(u) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev) 
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(vreg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestvregang%02d.pdf' % k),valevs,"Reg angle(v) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev) 
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.abs(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregabs%02d.pdf' % k),pmlevs,  "Reg |p| for sphere at z=%f" % zlev)      
#        vRS.contourCircle(xg,yg,a,np.angle(preg.reshape((M-1,M-1,M))[:,:,N]),os.path.expanduser('~/scratch/unittestpregang%02d.pdf' % k),palevs,"Reg angle(p) for sphere at z=%f" % zlev) 
#        print("Neg exp approx")
#        print(xdragreg,ydragreg,zdragreg)
        ind = np.nonzero(x**2+y**2+z**2 > a**2)
        L2errmag = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.abs(u[ind])-np.abs(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.abs(v[ind])-np.abs(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.abs(w[ind])-np.abs(wreg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        L2errang = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.angle(u[ind])-np.angle(ureg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.angle(v[ind])-np.angle(vreg[ind]))**2).sum() + ((np.angle(w[ind])-np.angle(wreg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        errmagE[k] = L2errmag
        errangE[k] = L2errang
        L2errpmag = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.abs(p[ind])-np.abs(preg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        L2errpang = h**(1.5)*np.sqrt( ((np.angle(p[ind])-np.angle(preg[ind]))**2).sum() )
        errpmagE[k] = L2errpmag
        errpangE[k] = L2errpang
        L2errtmag = [np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t1)-np.abs(t1reg)))/np.abs(t1)),np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t2)-np.abs(t2reg)))/np.abs(t2)),np.max(np.abs((np.abs(t3)-np.abs(t3reg)))/np.abs(t3))]
        L2errtang = [np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t1)-np.angle(t1reg))/np.angle(t1))),np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t2)-np.angle(t2reg))/np.angle(t2))),np.max(np.abs((np.angle(t3)-np.angle(t3reg))/np.angle(t3)))]
        errtmagE[k,:] = L2errtmag
        errtangE[k,:] = L2errtang
    convmagE = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    convangE = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    convpmagE = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    convpangE = np.zeros((len(elist)-1,))
    for k in range(len(elist)-1):
    if np.all(errmagE < 2.e-4) and np.all(errangE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, velocity passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, velocity failed")
    if np.all(errpmagE < 2.e-4) and np.all(errpangE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, pressure passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, pressure failed")
    if np.all(errtmagE < 2.e-4) and np.all(errtangE < 2.e-4):
        print("Negative exponential blob, surface traction passed")
        print("Negative exponential blob, surface traction failed")
    print("Surface traction error should be small:")
    print("Vel L2 error should be small:")
    print("Vel convergence rates should be high: ")
    print("Pressure L2 error should be small:")
    print("Pressure convergence rates should be high: ")