def test_clock_datetime_timezone(fake_qtile, monkeypatch):
    """ test clock with datetime timezone """
    class FakeDateutilTZ:
        class TZ:
            def gettz(cls, val):

        tz = TZ

    # Set up references to pytz and dateutil so we know these aren't being used
    # If they're called, the widget would try to run None(self.timezone) which
    # would raise an exception
    clock.pytz = None
    clock.dateutil = FakeDateutilTZ

    # Fake datetime module just adds the timezone value to the time
    clk3 = clock.Clock(timezone=1)

    fakebar = Bar([clk3], 24)
    fakebar.window = FakeWindow()
    fakebar.width = 10
    fakebar.height = 10
    fakebar.draw = no_op
    clk3._configure(fake_qtile, fakebar)
    text = clk3.poll()

    # Default time is 10:20 and we add 1 hour for the timezone
    assert text == "11:20"
def test_clock_invalid_timezone(fake_qtile, monkeypatch):
    """ test clock widget with invalid timezone (and no pytz or dateutil modules) """
    class FakeDateutilTZ:
        def tz(cls):
            return cls

        def gettz(cls, val):
            return None

    # pytz and dateutil must not be in the sys.modules dict...
    monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "pytz")
    monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "dateutil")

    # Set up references to pytz and dateutil so we know these aren't being used
    # If they're called, the widget would try to run None(self.timezone) which
    # would raise an exception
    clock.pytz = None
    clock.dateutil = FakeDateutilTZ

    # Fake datetime module just adds the timezone value to the time
    clk2 = clock.Clock(timezone="1")

    fakebar = Bar([clk2], 24)
    fakebar.window = FakeWindow()
    fakebar.width = 10
    fakebar.height = 10
    fakebar.draw = no_op
    clk2._configure(fake_qtile, fakebar)

    # An invalid timezone current causes a TypeError
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_clock_dateutil_timezone(fake_qtile, monkeypatch, fake_window):
    """test clock with dateutil timezone"""
    class FakeDateutilTZ:
        class TZ:
            def gettz(cls, val):
                return int(val) + 2

        tz = TZ

    # pytz must not be in the sys.modules dict...
    monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "pytz")

    # ...but dateutil must be
    monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "dateutil", True)

    # Set up references to pytz and dateutil so we know these aren't being used
    # If they're called, the widget would try to run None(self.timezone) which
    # would raise an exception
    clock.pytz = None
    clock.dateutil = FakeDateutilTZ

    # Pytz timezone must be a string
    clk5 = clock.Clock(timezone="1")

    fakebar = FakeBar([clk5], window=fake_window)
    clk5._configure(fake_qtile, fakebar)
    text = clk5.poll()

    # Default time is 10:20 and we add 1 hour for the timezone plus and extra
    # 1 for the pytz function
    assert text == "13:20"
def test_clock(fake_qtile, monkeypatch, fake_window):
    """test clock output with default settings"""
    monkeypatch.setattr("libqtile.widget.clock.datetime", MockDatetime)
    clk1 = clock.Clock()
    fakebar = FakeBar([clk1], window=fake_window)
    clk1._configure(fake_qtile, fakebar)
    text = clk1.poll()
    assert text == "10:20"
def test_clock_tick(manager_nospawn, minimal_conf_noscreen, monkeypatch):
    ''' Test clock ticks '''
    class FakeDateutilTZ:
        class TZ:
            def gettz(cls, val):
                return int(val) + 2

        tz = TZ

    class TickingDateTime(datetime.datetime):
        offset = 0

        def now(cls, *args, **kwargs):
            return cls(2021, 1, 1, 10, 20, 30)

        # This will return 10:20 on first call and 10:21 on all
        # subsequent calls
        def astimezone(self, tzone=None):
            extra = datetime.timedelta(minutes=TickingDateTime.offset)
            if TickingDateTime.offset < 1:
                TickingDateTime.offset += 1

            if tzone is None:
                return self + extra
            return self + datetime.timedelta(hours=tzone) + extra

    # pytz must not be in the sys.modules dict...
    monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "pytz")

    # ...but dateutil must be
    monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "dateutil", True)

    # Override datetime
    monkeypatch.setattr("libqtile.widget.clock.datetime", TickingDateTime)

    # Set up references to pytz and dateutil so we know these aren't being used
    # If they're called, the widget would try to run None(self.timezone) which
    # would raise an exception
    clock.pytz = None
    clock.dateutil = FakeDateutilTZ

    # set a long update interval as we'll tick manually
    clk6 = clock.Clock(update_interval=100)

    config = minimal_conf_noscreen
    config.screens = [libqtile.config.Screen(top=libqtile.bar.Bar([clk6], 10))]


    topbar = manager_nospawn.c.bar["top"]
    assert topbar.info()["widgets"][0]["text"] == "10:21"
def test_clock(fake_qtile, monkeypatch):
    """ test clock output with default settings """
    monkeypatch.setattr("libqtile.widget.clock.datetime", MockDatetime)
    clk1 = clock.Clock()
    fakebar = Bar([clk1], 24)
    fakebar.window = FakeWindow()
    fakebar.width = 10
    fakebar.height = 10
    fakebar.draw = no_op
    clk1._configure(fake_qtile, fakebar)
    text = clk1.poll()
    assert text == "10:20"
def test_clock_pytz_timezone(fake_qtile, monkeypatch):
    """ test clock with pytz timezone """
    class FakeDateutilTZ:
        class TZ:
            def gettz(cls, val):

        tz = TZ

    class FakePytz:
        # pytz timezone is a string so convert it to an int and add 1
        # to show that this code is being run
        def timezone(cls, value):
            return int(value) + 1

    # We need pytz in the sys.modules dict
    monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "pytz", True)

    # Set up references to pytz and dateutil so we know these aren't being used
    # If they're called, the widget would try to run None(self.timezone) which
    # would raise an exception
    clock.pytz = FakePytz
    clock.dateutil = FakeDateutilTZ

    # Pytz timezone must be a string
    clk4 = clock.Clock(timezone="1")

    fakebar = Bar([clk4], 24)
    fakebar.window = FakeWindow()
    fakebar.width = 10
    fakebar.height = 10
    fakebar.draw = no_op
    clk4._configure(fake_qtile, fakebar)
    text = clk4.poll()

    # Default time is 10:20 and we add 1 hour for the timezone plus and extra
    # 1 for the pytz function
    assert text == "12:20"