    def aggregate_drcov_batch(self, drcov_list):
        Aggregate a given list of DrcovData into a single coverage mapping.

        See create_coverage_from_drcov_list(...) for more verbose comments.
        errors = []

        # create a new coverage set to manually aggregate data into
        coverage = DatabaseCoverage(self._palette)

        for i, drcov_data in enumerate(drcov_list, 1):

            # keep the user informed about our progress while aggregating
                "Aggregating batch data %u/%u" % (i, len(drcov_list))

            # normalize coverage data to the open database
                addresses = self._normalize_drcov_data(drcov_data)
            except Exception as e:
                errors.append((self.ERROR_COVERAGE_ABSENT, drcov_data.filepath))
                lmsg("Failed to normalize coverage %s" % drcov_data.filepath)
                lmsg("- %s" % e)

            # aggregate the addresses into the output coverage mapping
            coverage.add_addresses(addresses, False)

        # return the created coverage name
        return (coverage, errors)
    def _evaluate_coverage_range(self, range_token):
        Evaluate a TokenCoverageRange AST token.

        Returns a new aggregate coverage set.
        assert isinstance(range_token, TokenCoverageRange)

        # initialize output to a null coverage set
        output = DatabaseCoverage(None, self._palette)

        # exapand 'A,Z' to ['A', 'B', 'C', ... , 'Z']
        symbols = [chr(x) for x in range(ord(range_token.symbol_start), ord(range_token.symbol_end) + 1)]

        # build a coverage aggregate described by the range of shorthand symbols
        for symbol in symbols:

        # return the computed coverage
        return output
 def _new_coverage(self, coverage_data):
     Build a new database coverage object from the given data.
     new_coverage = DatabaseCoverage(coverage_data, self._palette)
     return new_coverage
    def _aggregate_batch(self, loaded_files):
        Aggregate the given loaded_files data into a single coverage object.
        idaapi.replace_wait_box("Aggregating coverage batch...")

        # create a new coverage set to manually aggregate data into
        coverage = DatabaseCoverage({}, self.palette)

        # loop through the coverage data we have loaded from disk, and begin
        # the normalization process to translate / filter / flatten it for
        # insertion into the director (as a list of instruction addresses)

        for i, data in enumerate(loaded_files, 1):

            # keep the user informed about our progress while loading coverage
                "Aggregating batch data %u/%u" % (i, len(loaded_files))

            # normalize coverage data to the open database
                addresses = self._normalize_coverage(data, self.director.metadata)

            # normalization failed, print & log it
            except Exception as e:
                lmsg("Failed to map coverage %s" % data.filepath)
                lmsg("- %s" % e)
                logger.exception("Error details:")

            # aggregate the addresses into the output coverage object
            coverage.add_addresses(addresses, False)

        # return the created coverage name
        return coverage
    def _delete_aggregate_coverage(self):
        Delete the aggregate set, effectively clearing all loaded coverage.

        # loop through all the loaded coverage sets and release them
        for coverage_name in self.coverage_names:
        # TODO/FUTURE: check if there's any references to the coverage aggregate?

        # assign a new, blank aggregate set
        self._special_coverage[AGGREGATE] = DatabaseCoverage(self._palette, AGGREGATE)
        self._refresh_aggregate() # probably not needed
    def _build_coverage(self, coverage_base, coverage_data):
        Build a new database coverage object from the given data.

        # initialize a new database-wide coverage object for this data
        new_coverage = DatabaseCoverage(coverage_base, coverage_data,

        # map the coverage data using the database metadata

        return new_coverage
    def _evaluate_composition(self, ast):
        Evaluate the coverage composition described by the AST.

        # if the AST is effectively 'null', return a blank coverage set
        if isinstance(ast, TokenNull):
            return DatabaseCoverage(self._palette)

        # the director's composition evaluation code (this function) is most
        # generally called via the background caching evaluation thread known
        # as self._composition_worker. But this function can also be called
        # inline via the 'add_composition' function from a different thread
        # (namely, the main thread)
        # because of this, we must gate the resources that AST evaluation code
        # operates on behind a lock, restricting the code to one thread.
        # should we call _evaluate_composition from the context of the main
        # thread, it is important that we do so in a pseudo non-blocking way
        # such that we don't hang the UI. await_lock(...) will allow the Qt
        # main thread to yield to other threads while waiting for the lock.


        # recursively evaluate the AST
        composite_coverage = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(ast)

        # map the composited coverage data to the database metadata
        composite_coverage.refresh() # TODO/FUTURE: hash refresh?

        # done operating on shared data (coverage), release the lock

        # return the evaluated composition
        return composite_coverage
    def update_coverage(self, coverage_name, coverage_data, coverage_filepath=None):
        Create or update a databases coverage mapping.
        assert not (coverage_name in RESERVED_NAMES)
        updating_coverage = coverage_name in self.coverage_names

        if updating_coverage:
            logger.debug("Updating coverage %s" % coverage_name)
            logger.debug("Adding coverage %s" % coverage_name)

        # create a new database coverage mapping from the given coverage data
        new_coverage = DatabaseCoverage(

        # coverage mapping complete, looks like we're good. commit the new
        # coverage to the director's coverage table and surface it for use.
        # note that this will overwrite an existing coverage mapping present
        # under the same name

        self._commit_coverage(coverage_name, new_coverage)

        # assign a shorthand alias (if available) to new coverage additions
        if not updating_coverage:

        # notify any listeners that we have added or updated coverage
        if updating_coverage:

        # return the created/updated coverage
        return new_coverage
    def _evaluate_composition_recursive(self, node):
        The internal (recursive) AST evaluation routine.

        # if the current node is a logic operator, we need to evaluate the
        # expressions that make up its input. only once each operand has
        # been reduced is it appropriate for us to manipulate them

        if isinstance(node, TokenLogicOperator):

            # collect the left and right components of the logical operation
            #   eg:
            #       op1 = DatabaseCoverage for 'A'
            #       op2 = DatabaseCoverage for 'B'

            op1 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op1)
            op2 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op2)

            # Before computing a new composition, we actually compute a hash
            # actually compute a 'hash' of the operation that would normally
            # generate the composition.
            # This 'hash' can be used to index into an LRU based cache that
            # holds compositions created by the AST evaluation process.
            # The 'hash' is actually computed as a product of the operator
            # that would normally combine the two coverage sets.
            # For example, when computing compositions the logical operators
            # (eg |, &, ^), it does not matter which side of the equation the
            # coverage components fall on.
            #  eg:
            #      (A | B) == (B | A)
            # while arithmetic operations (-) will produce different results
            #      (A - B) != (B - A)
            # So if we are being asked to compute a composition of (A | B),
            # we first compute:
            #      composition_hash = hash(A) | hash(B)
            # And use composition_hash to check an LRU cache for the complete
            # evaluation/composition of (A | B).
            # The possibility of collisions are generally higher with this
            # form of 'hash', but I still expect them to be extremely rare.

            composition_hash = node.operator(op1.coverage_hash, op2.coverage_hash)

            # Evaluating an AST produces lots of 'transient' compositions. To
            # mitigate unecessary re-computation, we maintain a small LRU cache
            # of these compositions to draw from during evaluation.
            #   eg:
            #       evaluating the input
            #         (A | B) - (C | D)
            #       produces
            #         COMP_1 = (A | B)
            #         COMP_2 = (C | D)
            #         COMP_3 = COMP_1 - COMP_2
            # In the example above, COMP_3 is the final evaluated result, and
            # COMP_1/COMP_2 would normally be discarded. Instead, we cache all
            # of these compositions (1, 2, 3) as they may be useful to us in
            # the subsequent evaluations.
            # If the user then choses to evaluate (A | B) - (Z | D), our cache
            # can retrieve the fully computed (A | B) composition assuming it
            # has not been evicted.

            # check the cache to see if this composition was recently computed
            cached_coverage = self._composition_cache[composition_hash]

            # if the composition was found in the cache, return that for speed
            if cached_coverage:
                return cached_coverage

            # using the collected components of the logical operation, we
            # compute the coverage mask defined by this TokenLogicOperator

            coverage_mask = node.operator(op1.coverage, op2.coverage)

            # now that we have computed the requested coverage mask (bitmap),
            # apply the mask to the data held by the left operand (op1). we
            # return a masked copy of said DatabaseCoverage

            new_composition = DatabaseCoverage(coverage_mask, self._palette)

            # cache & return the newly computed composition
            self._composition_cache[composition_hash] = new_composition
            return new_composition

        # if the current node is a coverage range, we need to evaluate the
        # range expression. this will produce an aggregate coverage set
        # described by the start/end of the range (Eg, 'A,D')

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageRange):
            return self._evaluate_coverage_range(node)

        # if the current node is a coverage token, we need simply need
        # to return its associated DatabaseCoverage.

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageSingle):
            return self._evaluate_coverage(node)

        # unknown token? (this should never happen)

        raise ValueError("Invalid AST Token in Composition Tree")
    def __init__(self, palette):

        # color palette
        self._palette = palette

        # database metadata cache
        self._database_metadata = DatabaseMetadata()

        # flag to suspend/resume the automatic coverage aggregation
        self._aggregation_suspended = False

        # Coverage

        # the name of the active coverage (eg filename)
        self.coverage_name = NEW_COMPOSITION

        # loaded or composed database coverage mappings
        self._database_coverage = collections.OrderedDict()

        # a NULL / empty coverage set
        self._NULL_COVERAGE = DatabaseCoverage(None, palette)

        # the director automatically maintains or generates a few coverage
        # sets of its own. these are not directly modifiable by the user,
        # but may be influenced by user actions, or loaded coverage data.
        # NOTE: The ordering of the dict below is the order that its items
        # will be shown in lists such as UI dropwdowns, etc.

        self._special_coverage = collections.OrderedDict(
            (HOT_SHELL,       DatabaseCoverage(None, palette)), # hot shell composition
            (NEW_COMPOSITION, DatabaseCoverage(None, palette)), # slow shell composition
            (AGGREGATE,       DatabaseCoverage(None, palette)), # aggregate composition

        # Aliases
        #   Within the director, one is allowed to alias the names of the
        #   loaded coverage data it maintains. right now this is only used
        #   to assign shorthand names to coverage data.
        #   in the future, this can be used for more fun/interesting user
        #   mappings and aliases :-)

        # mapping of alias --> coverage_name
        #   eg: 'A' --> 'my_loaded_coverage.log'

        self._alias2name = {}

        # mapping of coverage_name --> set(aliases)
        #   eg: 'my_loaded_coverage.log' --> set('A', 'log1', 'foo')

        self._name2alias = collections.defaultdict(set)

        # shorthand 'symbols' are aliases that the director automatically
        # assigns to database coverage objects. these special aliases
        # consist of a single capital letter, eg 'A'
        # these auto-aliased shorthand symbols were intended to be a less
        # cumbersome way to reference specific coverage sets while composing.
        # Example -
        #  given these shorthand aliases:
        #   'A' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.04936.0000.proc.log'
        #   'B' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.03297.0000.proc.log'
        #   'C' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.08438.0000.proc.log'
        #   'D' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.02349.0000.proc.log'
        #   ...
        #   'Z' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.50946.0000.proc.log'
        #   <eof>
        #  one can more naturally compose interesting equations
        #   ((A & B) | (D & (E - F))) | Z
        # the existing limitation of shorthand symbols is that there is
        # only 26 (A-Z) aliases that can be assigned to coverage sets. There
        # is no immediate plans to further expand this range.
        # the primary justification for this limitation is that I don't
        # expect users to be building complex compositions with 26+ coverage
        # sets loaded at once. At that point, shorthand aliases really
        # aren't going to make things any less cumbersome.

        self._shorthand = collections.deque(ASCII_SHORTHAND)

        # assign default aliases

        # alias the aggregate set to '*'
        self._alias_coverage(AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE_ALIAS)

        # Async

        self._ast_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self._composition_cache = CompositionCache()

        self._composition_worker = threading.Thread(

        # Callbacks
        #   As the director is the data source for much of Lighthouse, it
        #   is important that anything built ontop of it can act on key
        #   events or changes to the underlying data they consume.
        #   Callbacks provide a way for us to notify any interested parties
        #   of these key events.

        # lists of registered notification callbacks, see 'Callbacks' below
        self._coverage_switched_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_modified_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_created_callbacks  = []
        self._coverage_deleted_callbacks  = []
    def _evaluate_composition_recursive(self, node):
        The internal (recursive) AST evaluation routine.

        # if the current AST node is a logic operator, we need to evaluate the
        # expressions that make up its input. only once each operand has been
        # concretized is it appropriate for us to operate on them

        if isinstance(node, TokenLogicOperator):

            # collect the left and right components of the logical operation
            #   eg:
            #       op1 = DatabaseCoverage for 'A'
            #       op2 = DatabaseCoverage for 'B'

            op1 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op1)
            op2 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op2)

            # before computing a new composition, we first compute a low-cost
            # 'hash' of the desired operation. this hash can be used to
            # identify an existing (eg, previously computed) result, retrieving
            # it from an LRU based cache that holds compositions created by the
            # AST evaluation process.
            # the 'hash' is actually computed as a product of the operator
            # that would normally combine the two coverage sets.
            # for example, when evaluating a coverage composition, the logical
            # operators (eg |, &, ^), it does not matter which side of the
            # equation the coverage components fall on.
            #  eg:
            #      (A | B) == (B | A)
            # while arithmetic operations (-) will produce different results
            #      (A - B) != (B - A)
            # so if we are being asked to compute a composition of (A | B),
            # we first compute:
            #      composition_hash = hash(A) | hash(B)
            # using the composition_hash, we can check the LRU cache for a
            # previous computation of the composition (A | B).
            # the possibility of collisions are generally higher with this
            # form of 'hash', but I still expect them to be extremely rare...

            composition_hash = node.operator(op1.coverage_hash, op2.coverage_hash)

            # evaluating an AST produces lots of 'transient' compositions. To
            # mitigate unnecessary re-computation, we maintain a small LRU cache
            # of these compositions to draw from during subsequent evaluations.
            #   eg:
            #       evaluating the input
            #         (A | B) - (C | D)
            #       produces
            #         COMP_1 = (A | B)
            #         COMP_2 = (C | D)
            #         COMP_3 = COMP_1 - COMP_2
            # in the example above, COMP_3 is the final evaluated result that
            # will be returned to the user, while COMP_1/COMP_2 would normally
            # be discarded. Instead, we cache all of these compositions
            # (1, 2, 3) as they may be useful to us in future evaluations.
            # later, if the user then choses to evaluate (A | B) - (Z | D), our
            # cache can retrieve the fully computed (A | B) composition
            # assuming it has not been evicted.
            # this makes Lighthouse far more performant for repeated operations

            # check the cache to see if this composition was recently computed
            cached_coverage = self._composition_cache[composition_hash]

            # if the composition was found in the cache, return that for speed
            if cached_coverage:
                return cached_coverage

            # using the collected components of the logical operation, we
            # compute the coverage mask defined by this TokenLogicOperator

            coverage_mask = node.operator(op1.coverage, op2.coverage)

            # now that we have computed the requested coverage mask (a bitmap),
            # we use the mask to generate a new DatabaseCoverage mapping.

            new_composition = DatabaseCoverage(self._palette, data=coverage_mask)

            # cache & return the newly computed composition
            self._composition_cache[composition_hash] = new_composition
            return new_composition

        # if the current AST node is a coverage range, we need to evaluate the
        # range expression. this will produce an aggregate coverage set
        # described by the start/end of the range (eg, 'A,D')

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageRange):
            return self._evaluate_coverage_range(node)

        # if the current AST node is a coverage token, we need simply need to
        # return its associated DatabaseCoverage.

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageSingle):
            return self._evaluate_coverage(node)

        # unknown token? (this should never happen)

        raise ValueError("Invalid AST Token in Composition Tree")
    def __init__(self, palette):

        # the plugin color palette
        self._palette = palette

        # the central database metadata cache
        self.metadata = DatabaseMetadata()

        # Coverage

        # the name of the active coverage
        self.coverage_name = NEW_COMPOSITION

        # a map of loaded or composed database coverages
        self._database_coverage = collections.OrderedDict()

        # the director automatically maintains / generates a few coverage sets
        # of its own. these are not directly modifiable by the user, but may
        # be influenced by user actions (say, loading new coverage data)
        # Note that the ordering of the dict below is the order that its items
        # will be shown in lists such as the CoverageComboBox dropwdown, etc.

        self._special_coverage = collections.OrderedDict(
            (HOT_SHELL,       DatabaseCoverage(palette, HOT_SHELL)),
            (NEW_COMPOSITION, DatabaseCoverage(palette, NEW_COMPOSITION)),
            (AGGREGATE,       DatabaseCoverage(palette, AGGREGATE)),

        # a flag to suspend/resume the automatic coverage aggregation
        self._aggregation_suspended = False

        # Aliases

        # Within the director, one is allowed to alias the names of the loaded
        # coverage data that it maintains. right now this is only used to
        # assign shorthand names to coverage data.
        # mapping of {alias: coverage_name}
        #   eg: 'A' --> 'my_loaded_coverage.log'

        self._alias2name = {}

        # mapping of {coverage_name: set(aliases)}
        #   eg: 'my_loaded_coverage.log' --> set(['A', 'log1', 'foo'])

        self._name2alias = collections.defaultdict(set)

        # shorthand 'symbols' are aliases that the director automatically
        # assigns to loaded database coverage mappings. these special aliases
        # consist of a single capital letter, eg 'A'
        # these auto-aliased shorthand symbols were intended to be a less
        # cumbersome way to reference specific coverage sets while composing.
        # Example -
        #  given these shorthand aliases:
        #   'A' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.04936.0000.proc.log'
        #   'B' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.03297.0000.proc.log'
        #   'C' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.08438.0000.proc.log'
        #   'D' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.02349.0000.proc.log'
        #   ...
        #   'Z' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.50946.0000.proc.log'
        #   <eof>
        #  one can more naturally compose interesting coverage equations
        #   ((A & B) | (D & (E - F))) | Z
        # the existing limitation of shorthand symbols is that there is
        # only 26 (A-Z) aliases that can be assigned to coverage sets. There
        # is no immediate plans to further expand this range.
        # the primary justification for this limitation is that I don't
        # expect users to be building complex compositions with 26+ coverage
        # sets loaded at once. At that point, shorthand aliases really
        # aren't going to make things any less cumbersome.

        self._shorthand = collections.deque(ASCII_SHORTHAND)

        # assign default aliases

        # alias the aggregate set to '*'
        self._alias_coverage(AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE_ALIAS)

        # Async Composition Computation

        # the director is responsible for computing the logical/arithmetic
        # results of coverage set operations (composing). thanks to our lifted
        # metadata, we can do these set computations completely asynchronously.
        # we use locks, queues, and a background 'composition worker' thread
        # to handle these computation requests.

        self._ast_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self._composition_lock = threading.Lock()
        self._composition_cache = CompositionCache()

        self._composition_worker = threading.Thread(

        # Callbacks

        # as the director is the data source for much of Lighthouse, it is
        # important that anything built on top of it can act on key events or
        # changes to the underlying data they consume.
        # callbacks provide a way for us to notify any interested parties of
        # these key events. Below are lists of registered notification
        # callbacks. see 'Callbacks' section below for more info.

        # coverage callbacks
        self._coverage_switched_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_modified_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_created_callbacks  = []
        self._coverage_deleted_callbacks  = []

        # metadata callbacks
        self._metadata_modified_callbacks = []