def makemap(dataloc):

    This function is not used in the web app.  I need to move it to its own
    file.  It is used to generate the initial map of rides per day.


    # Generate a sub grid of latitudes and longitudes
    latvec, longvec = loadutil.grid()
    nlat = len(latvec)
    nlong = len(longvec)

    # get the mask
    mask = loadutil.getmask(dataloc)
    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #extent = [longvec.min(), longvec.max(), latvec.min(), latvec.max()]
    #plt.imshow(mask, extent=extent, origin='lower')
    ##plt.scatter(biglong, biglat)

    # load the data
    loaddata = loadutil.load(dataloc)
    popemp = loaddata[0]
    mbta = loaddata[1]
    station = loaddata[2]
    zipscale = loaddata[3]
    stationscale = loaddata[4]
    subwayscale = loaddata[5]
    stationfeatures = loaddata[6]

    nrides = []
    latlist = []
    longlist = []
    for i in range(nlat):
        ilat = latvec[i]
        for j in range(nlong):
            ilong = longvec[j]
            #print("we're actually doing something!")
            iride = getride(ilat, ilong, popemp, mbta, station, zipscale,
                            stationscale, subwayscale, stationfeatures,
            if iride > 10:
                print(i, j, ilat, ilong, iride)


    nrides = np.array(nrides)
    nrides *= (1 - mask)
    nrides = list(nrides)

    ridedatadict = {
        'nrides': nrides,
        'latitude': latlist,
        'longitude': longlist
    ridedata = pd.DataFrame(ridedatadict)
    ridedata.to_csv(dataloc + 'nridesmap.csv')
def makemap(dataloc):


    This function is not used in the web app.  I need to move it to its own
    file.  It is used to generate the initial map of rides per day.


    # Generate a sub grid of latitudes and longitudes
    latvec, longvec = loadutil.grid()
    nlat = len(latvec)
    nlong = len(longvec)

    # get the mask
    mask = loadutil.getmask(dataloc)
    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #extent = [longvec.min(), longvec.max(), latvec.min(), latvec.max()]
    #plt.imshow(mask, extent=extent, origin='lower')
    ##plt.scatter(biglong, biglat)

    # load the data
    loaddata = loadutil.load(dataloc)
    popemp = loaddata[0]
    mbta = loaddata[1]
    station = loaddata[2]
    zipscale = loaddata[3]
    stationscale = loaddata[4]
    subwayscale = loaddata[5]
    stationfeatures = loaddata[6]

    nrides = []
    latlist = []
    longlist = []
    for i in range(nlat):
        ilat = latvec[i]
        for j in range(nlong):
            ilong = longvec[j]
            #print("we're actually doing something!")
            iride = getride(ilat, ilong, popemp, mbta, station, zipscale, 
                    stationscale, subwayscale, stationfeatures, dataloc)
            if iride > 10:
                print(i, j, ilat, ilong, iride)


    nrides = np.array(nrides)
    nrides *= (1 - mask)
    nrides = list(nrides)

    ridedatadict = {'nrides': nrides, 'latitude': latlist, 'longitude':
    ridedata = pd.DataFrame(ridedatadict)
    ridedata.to_csv(dataloc + 'nridesmap.csv')
def remakemap(ilat, ilong, dataloc):


    Remake the map for a subgrid of 10x10 cells, since after adding a single
    station the impact on the predicted daily rides should be localalized.


    # Generate a sub grid of latitudes and longitudes
    latvec, longvec = loadutil.grid()

    # Generate a sub grid of latitudes and longitudes
    sublatvec, sublongvec = loadutil.subgrid(ilat, ilong, nsub=10)

    # load the data
    loaddata = loadutil.load(dataloc)
    popemp = loaddata[0]
    mbta = loaddata[1]
    station = loaddata[2]
    zipscale = loaddata[3]
    stationscale = loaddata[4]
    subwayscale = loaddata[5]
    stationfeatures = loaddata[6]

    # read in ride map from previous iteration
    nrides = pd.read_csv(dataloc + 'nridesmap.csv')

    # monitor how long this recomputing the subgrid takes
    import time
    currenttime = time.time()
    ngrid = len(nrides)
    for i in range(ngrid):
        ilat = nrides['latitude'][i]
        ilong = nrides['longitude'][i]

        # skip this latitude if it isn't present in the subgrid
        if ilat < sublatvec.min():
        if ilat > sublatvec.max():
        # skip this longitude if it isn't present in the subgrid
        if ilong < sublongvec.min():
        if ilong > sublongvec.max():

        # compute predicted rides per day given the new station
        iride = getride(ilat, ilong, popemp, mbta, station, zipscale, 
                stationscale, subwayscale, stationfeatures, dataloc)

        # store the result in the nrides dataframe
        nrides['nrides'][i] = iride

    # make sure the Charles river is still masked out
    mask = loadutil.getmask(dataloc)
    nrides['nrides'] *= (1 - mask)

    # how long did it take?  should be 5-10 seconds
    newtime = time.time()
    runtime = newtime - currenttime
    print("Took %d seconds to re-process the map." % runtime)
    nrides.to_csv(dataloc + 'nridesmap.csv', index=False)
def remakemap(ilat, ilong, dataloc):

    Remake the map for a subgrid of 10x10 cells, since after adding a single
    station the impact on the predicted daily rides should be localalized.


    # Generate a sub grid of latitudes and longitudes
    latvec, longvec = loadutil.grid()

    # Generate a sub grid of latitudes and longitudes
    sublatvec, sublongvec = loadutil.subgrid(ilat, ilong, nsub=10)

    # load the data
    loaddata = loadutil.load(dataloc)
    popemp = loaddata[0]
    mbta = loaddata[1]
    station = loaddata[2]
    zipscale = loaddata[3]
    stationscale = loaddata[4]
    subwayscale = loaddata[5]
    stationfeatures = loaddata[6]

    # read in ride map from previous iteration
    nrides = pd.read_csv(dataloc + 'nridesmap.csv')

    # monitor how long this recomputing the subgrid takes
    import time
    currenttime = time.time()
    ngrid = len(nrides)
    for i in range(ngrid):
        ilat = nrides['latitude'][i]
        ilong = nrides['longitude'][i]

        # skip this latitude if it isn't present in the subgrid
        if ilat < sublatvec.min():
        if ilat > sublatvec.max():
        # skip this longitude if it isn't present in the subgrid
        if ilong < sublongvec.min():
        if ilong > sublongvec.max():

        # compute predicted rides per day given the new station
        iride = getride(ilat, ilong, popemp, mbta, station, zipscale,
                        stationscale, subwayscale, stationfeatures, dataloc)

        # store the result in the nrides dataframe
        nrides['nrides'][i] = iride

    # make sure the Charles river is still masked out
    mask = loadutil.getmask(dataloc)
    nrides['nrides'] *= (1 - mask)

    # how long did it take?  should be 5-10 seconds
    newtime = time.time()
    runtime = newtime - currenttime
    print("Took %d seconds to re-process the map." % runtime)
    nrides.to_csv(dataloc + 'nridesmap.csv', index=False)