def run_nginx_check(): global instance if running_check(): try: dns = instance.public_dns_name (status, output) = ssh.connect(dns, private_key_name, "sudo python3") if "command not found" in output: print("It doesn't look like you've installed python, please try that first.") elif "No such file" in output: print("It doesn't look like you've copied the file to the instance, please try that first.") else: print(output) if status > 0: choice = input("Would you like to start nginx? (y/n) ") if choice == "y": (stat, out) = ssh.connect(dns, private_key_name, "sudo service nginx start") if "unrecognized service" in out: print("It doesn't look like you've installed nginx, please try that first.") run_nginx_check() else: print("Nginx not started.") except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("run_nginx_check method failed. Error: " + error)
def new_instance(): global instance print("Please enter the name you would like to call the instance,") print("leave blank for the default.") instance_name = input(">>> ") if instance_name == "": instance_name = "GA_StephenCoady" print("Starting instance. This may take a moment.") try: # creates a temporary reservation to create an instance from reservation = conn.run_instances( "ami-69b9941e", key_name=private_key_name, instance_type="t2.micro", security_groups=["witsshrdp"] ) instance = reservation.instances[0] instance.add_tag("Name", instance_name) instance.update() while instance.state != "running": time.sleep(2) instance.update() print("\nRunning!") except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("new_server method failed. Error: " + error)
def visit_website(): global instance if running_check(): try: dns = instance.public_dns_name"http://" + dns, new=0, autoraise=True) except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("visit_website method failed. Error: " + error)
def view_error_log(): global instance if running_check(): try: dns = instance.public_dns_name ssh.connect(dns, private_key_name, "sudo chmod 777 /var/log/nginx") cmd = "nano /var/log/nginx/error.log" command = "ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i " + private_key_name + ".pem ec2-user@" + dns + " " + cmd print(os.system(command)) except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("view_error_log method failed. Error: " + error)
def start_instance(): global instance try: if instance.state == "terminated": print("Sorry, this instance is terminated. RIP.") else: if instance.state == "running": print("Instance already running!") logger.status_log("User tried to start an instance already running") else: instance.start() print("Instance started!") except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Cannot start instance, something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("Error starting instance. Error: " + error)
def terminate_instance(): global instance try: if instance.state == "terminated": print("Instance already terminated!") logger.status_log("User tried to stop an instance already terminated") else: decision = input("Are you sure you wish to terminate this instance? (y/n) ") if decision == "y": instance.terminate() print("Instance terminated!") else: print("Termination aborted! Instance is safe...for now.") except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Cannot terminate instance, something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("Error terminating instance. Error: " + error)
def install_python(): global instance if running_check(): try: dns = instance.public_dns_name (status, output) = ssh.connect(dns, private_key_name, "sudo yum -y install python34") if status == 0: print("Python installed successfully!") else: logger.status_log("Python not installed correctly.") try_again = input("Oops, something wen't wrong installing python. Try again? (y/n) ") if try_again == "y": install_python() except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("install_python method failed. Error: " + error)
def view_all_instances(): global my_instances try: # loops through all reservations associated with this connection # and forms a list of instances reservations = conn.get_all_instances() instances = [] for r in reservations: instances.extend(r.instances) # within these instances if the key name matches the user entered # key it adds it to my_instances[] my_instances = [] for x in instances: if x.key_name == private_key_name: my_instances.append(x) if len(my_instances) == 0: print("No instances associated with this key. Please ensure it is the") print("correct key and that you have created some instances first.") else: print() print("No Name Status Time Started") print("---------------------------------------") for i in range(0, len(my_instances)): print( str(i) + ": " + my_instances[i].tags["Name"] + " " + my_instances[i].state + " " + my_instances[i].launch_time ) print("\n") instance_choice = input("Please enter the number of the instance you wish to manage (x to cancel) >>> ") return instance_choice except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("view_all_instances method failed. Error: " + error)
def copy_web_script(): global instance if running_check(): try: print("Copying script...") dns = instance.public_dns_name (status, output) = ssh.copy(dns, private_key_name, "", "") if status > 0: logger.status_log("Can't connect using ssh. Error message: ") logger.status_log(output) print("Something isn't quite right. Please try again.") return else: (status, output) = ssh.connect(dns, private_key_name, "ls") print("Current directory: ") print(output) (status, output) = ssh.connect(dns, private_key_name, "chmod 700") except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("copy_web_script method failed. Error: " + error)
def run_user_command(): global instance if running_check(): try: dns = instance.public_dns_name command = None print("\nPlease use x to exit the python terminal. ") print("Please enter the command you wish to run, don't forget to") print("include -y to accept changes if necessary.") sudo = input("Would you like to emulate the terminal? (y/n) >>> ") while command != "x": command = input(">>> ") if command != "x": if sudo == "y": cmd = ( "ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i " + private_key_name + ".pem ec2-user@" + dns + " " + command ) print(os.system(cmd)) else: cmd = ( "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i " + private_key_name + ".pem ec2-user@" + dns + " " + command ) print(os.system(cmd)) except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("run_user_command method failed. Error: " + error)
def running_check(): global instance if instance == None: print("No instance selected!") logger.status_log("No instance selected.") try: instance.update() if instance.state == "running": return True else: print("Instance not running yet, please make sure it is running and then try again.") logger.status_log("User tried to access non-running instance.") return False except Exception as e: error = str(e) logger.status_log("running_check method failed. Error: " + error)
def install_nginx(): global instance if running_check(): try: print("Installing nginx...") dns = instance.public_dns_name (status, output) = ssh.connect(dns, private_key_name, "sudo yum -y install nginx") if status > 0: print("Something went wrong. Check error log for information.") logger.status_log("Can't install nginx using SSH. Error message: ") logger.status_log(output) else: print("Nginx successfully installed on instance.") except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Something went wrong. Please try again.") logger.status_log("install_nginx method failed. Error: " + error)
def main(): menu.start_menu() global private_key_name print("Please enter key name, or leave blank for the default (stephencoady)") private_key_name = input(" >>> ") if private_key_name == "": private_key_name = "stephencoady" decision = None # this while loop controls the "Main Menu" while decision != "0": menu.main_menu() decision = input("Please enter your choice >>> ") if decision == "1": new_instance() if decision == "2": print("Gathering information about your instances, please wait.") instance_choice = view_all_instances() global my_instances global instance if instance_choice != "x": submenu = None try: instance = my_instances[int(instance_choice)] except Exception as e: error = str(e) print("Please choose an instance from the list!") logger.status_log(error) submenu = "0" # this while loop controls the "Instance Manager" menu while submenu != "0": menu.instance_manager() submenu = input("Please enter your choice >>> ") if submenu == "1": start_instance() if submenu == "2": stop_instance() if submenu == "3": terminate_instance() if submenu == "4": install_python() if submenu == "6": run_user_command() if submenu == "5": # This while loop cntrols the "Nginx Manager" menu nginx_choice = None while nginx_choice != "0": menu.nginx_manager() nginx_choice = input("Please enter your choice >>> ") if nginx_choice == "1": install_nginx() if nginx_choice == "2": copy_web_script() if nginx_choice == "3": run_nginx_check() if nginx_choice == "4": visit_website() if nginx_choice == "5": view_access_log() if nginx_choice == "6": view_error_log() print("\nExiting! Goodbye!")