def test_argprepender(self): class Wrapped(object): def callme(self, project, client, execution, param1): return (project, client, execution, param1) execution = ArgPrepender(Wrapped(), "aproject", "aclient", "anexecution") self.assertEqual(execution.callme("woo"), ("aproject", "aclient", "anexecution", "woo"))
def test_executionStarts_whenBadClient(self): s = Logger("fixture") s.createServer() s.createProject("myproject") e = ArgPrepender(s, "myproject", "badclient", "20130301-132313") try: e.executionStarts(timestamp="2013-03-01 13:23:13", changelog=[])"Exception expected") except ClientNotFound, e: self.assertEqual(e.message, "Client not found 'badclient'")
def test_argprepender(self) : class Wrapped(object) : def callme(self, project, client, execution, param1) : return (project, client, execution, param1) execution = ArgPrepender(Wrapped(), "aproject", "aclient", "anexecution") self.assertEqual( execution.callme("woo"), ("aproject", "aclient", "anexecution","woo"))
def test_executionStarts_whenBadClient(self) : s = Logger("fixture") s.createServer() s.createProject("myproject") e = ArgPrepender(s, "myproject","badclient","20130301-132313") try : e.executionStarts( timestamp="2013-03-01 13:23:13", changelog=[])"Exception expected") except ClientNotFound, e: self.assertEqual(e.message, "Client not found 'badclient'")
def setUpExecution(self, client, name, ok=True, running=False) : s = Logger("fixture") e = ArgPrepender(s, "myproject", client, name) timestamp = "{0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format( datetime.datetime.strptime(name, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) e.executionStarts( timestamp= timestamp, changelog=[]) e.taskStarts(1,"First task") if running : return e.taskEnds(1,ok) = datetime.datetime(2013,4,5,6,7,8) e.executionEnds(ok)
def emulateExecutionWithStats(self, name, tasks, project='myproject', client='myclient'): s = Logger("fixture") s = ArgPrepender(s, project, client, name) timestamp = "{0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format( datetime.datetime.strptime(name, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) s.executionStarts(timestamp=timestamp, changelog=[]) for i, (task, commands) in enumerate(tasks): s.taskStarts(i + 1, task) for j, (line, ok, output, info, stats) in enumerate(commands): s.commandStarts(i + 1, j + 1, line) if ok is None: break # interrupted s.commandEnds(i + 1, j + 1, output=output, ok=ok, info=info, stats=stats) if ok is False: break # Failed, fatal for the task if ok is None: break # interrupted, fatal for the execution s.taskEnds(i + 1, ok) s.executionEnds(ok)
def setUpExecution(self, logpath, project, client, execution): s = Logger(logpath) s.createServer() s.createProject(project) s.createClient(project, client) e = ArgPrepender(s, project, client, execution) = datetime.datetime(2013, 03, 01, 13, 23, 14) return e
def emulateExecution(self, name, ok=True, running=False, project='myproject', client='myclient', **keyw): s = Logger("fixture") s = ArgPrepender(s, project, client, name) timestamp = "{0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format( datetime.datetime.strptime(name, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) s.executionStarts(timestamp=timestamp, changelog=[]) s.taskStarts(1, "First task") if running: return s.taskEnds(1, ok) s.executionEnds(ok)
def emptyExecution(self) : project, client, execution = "myproject", "myclient", "20130301-232425" s = Logger("fixture") s.createServer() s.createProject(project) s.createClient(project, client) # force an idle time,4,5,6,7,8) s.clientIdle("myproject", "myclient", 0) e = ArgPrepender(s, project, client, execution) e.executionStarts( timestamp="2013-03-01 23:24:25", changelog=[]) e.executionEnds(True) return e.execution()
def commandFixture(self, line, running = False, ok = None, output=None, info=None, stats = {} ) : project, client, execution = "myproject", "myclient", "20130301-232425" s = Logger("fixture") s.createServer() s.createProject(project) s.createClient(project, client) e = ArgPrepender(s, project, client, execution) e.executionStarts( timestamp="2013-03-01 23:24:25", changelog=[]) e.taskStarts(1, "First task") e.commandStarts(1,1, line) if running : return e.execution().tasks[0].commands[0] e.commandEnds(1,1, output=output, ok=ok, info=info, stats=stats) e.taskEnds(1,True) e.executionEnds(True) return e.execution().tasks[0].commands[0]
def setUpExecution(self, logger, name, running=False, ok=True) : e = ArgPrepender(logger, "myproject", "myclient", name) timestamp = "{0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format( datetime.datetime.strptime(name, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) e.executionStarts( timestamp= timestamp, changelog=[]) e.taskStarts(1, "First task") e.commandStarts(1,1, "command line") e.commandEnds(1,1, output="output", ok=ok, info=None, stats={}) if running : return e.taskEnds(1,ok) e.executionEnds(ok)
def executionFixture(self, running = False) : project, client, execution = "myproject", "myclient", "20130301-232425" s = Logger("fixture") s.createServer() s.createProject(project) s.createClient(project, client) # force an idle time,4,5,6,7,8) s.clientIdle(project,client, 0) e = ArgPrepender(s, project, client, execution) e.executionStarts( timestamp="2013-03-01 23:24:25", changelog=[]) e.taskStarts(1, "First task") e.commandStarts(1,1, "command line") if running : return e.execution() e.commandEnds(1,1, output="output", ok=True, info=None, stats={}) e.taskEnds(1,True) e.executionEnds(True) return e.execution()
def taskFixture(self, description, commands = 0, id = 1, running = False, ok = None, info=None, stats = {} ) : project, client, execution = "myproject", "myclient", "20130301-232425" s = Logger("fixture") e = ArgPrepender(s, project, client, execution) e.executionStarts( timestamp="2013-03-01 23:24:25", changelog=[]) e.taskStarts(id, description) for i in xrange(commands) : output="output for command {}".format(i) ok = True e.commandStarts(id,i+1, "command line") if running : return e.execution().tasks[0] e.commandEnds(id,i+1, output=output, ok=ok, info=info, stats=stats) e.taskEnds(id,True) e.executionEnds(True) return e.execution().tasks[id-1]