def parse(request, more_id=None):
    r_dict = {}

    # Build headers from request in request dict
    r_dict['headers'] = get_headers(request.META)

    # Traditional authorization should be passed in headers
    r_dict['auth'] = {}
    if 'Authorization' in r_dict['headers']:
        # OAuth will always be dict, not http auth. Set required fields for oauth module and type for authentication
        # module
        set_authorization(r_dict, request)
    elif 'Authorization' in request.body or 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.body:
        # Authorization could be passed into body if cross origin request
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'http'
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'none'

    r_dict['params'] = {}
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'method' in request.GET:
        bdy = convert_post_body_to_dict(request.body)
        if 'content' in bdy:  # body is in 'content' for the IE cors POST
            r_dict['body'] = urllib.unquote(bdy.pop('content'))
        for h in r_dict['headers']:
            bdy.pop(h, None)
        for k in request.GET:
            if k == 'method':
                r_dict[k] = request.GET[k]
            r_dict['params'][k] = request.GET[k]
        r_dict = parse_body(r_dict, request)

    # Update dict with any GET data

    # A 'POST' can actually be a GET
    if 'method' not in r_dict['params']:
        if request.method == "POST" and "application/json" not in r_dict[
                'headers']['CONTENT_TYPE'] and "multipart/mixed" not in r_dict[
            r_dict['method'] = 'GET'
            r_dict['method'] = request.method

    # Set if someone is hitting the statements/more endpoint
    if more_id:
        r_dict['more_id'] = more_id
    return r_dict
def parse(request, more_id=None):
    r_dict = {}
    # Build headers from request in request dict
    r_dict['headers'] = get_headers(request.META)
    # Traditional authorization should be passed in headers
    r_dict['auth'] = {}
    if 'Authorization' in r_dict['headers']:
        # OAuth will always be dict, not http auth. Set required fields for oauth module and type for authentication
        # module
        set_authorization(r_dict, request)     
    elif 'Authorization' in request.body or 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.body:
        # Authorization could be passed into body if cross origin request
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'http'
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'none'

    r_dict['params'] = {}
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'method' in request.GET:
        bdy = convert_post_body_to_dict(request.body)
        if 'content' in bdy: # body is in 'content' for the IE cors POST
            r_dict['body'] = urllib.unquote(bdy.pop('content'))
        for h in r_dict['headers']:
            bdy.pop(h, None)
        for k in request.GET:
            if k == 'method':
                r_dict[k] = request.GET[k]
            r_dict['params'][k] = request.GET[k]
        r_dict = parse_body(r_dict, request)

    # Update dict with any GET data

    # A 'POST' can actually be a GET
    if 'method' not in r_dict['params']:
        if request.method == "POST" and "application/json" not in r_dict['headers']['CONTENT_TYPE'] and "multipart/mixed" not in r_dict['headers']['CONTENT_TYPE']:
            r_dict['method'] = 'GET'
            r_dict['method'] = request.method

    # Set if someone is hitting the statements/more endpoint
    if more_id:
        r_dict['more_id'] = more_id
    return r_dict
def parse(request, more_id=None):
    r_dict = {}
    # Build headers from request in request dict
    r_dict['headers'] = get_headers(request.META)
    # Traditional authorization should be passed in headers
    r_dict['auth'] = {}
    if 'Authorization' in r_dict['headers']:
        # OAuth will always be dict, not http auth. Set required fields for oauth module and type for authentication
        # module
        set_authorization(r_dict, request)     
    elif 'Authorization' in request.body or 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.body:
        # Authorization could be passed into body if cross origin request
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'http'
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'none'

    r_dict['params'] = {}
    # lookin for weird IE CORS stuff.. it'll be a post with a 'method' url param
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'method' in request.GET:
        bdy = convert_post_body_to_dict(request.body)
        # 'content' is in body for the IE cors POST
        if 'content' in bdy:
            r_dict['body'] = urllib.unquote(bdy.pop('content'))
        # headers are in the body too for IE CORS, we removes them
        for h in r_dict['headers']:
            bdy.pop(h, None)

        # remove extras from body
        bdy.pop('X-Experience-API-Version', None)
        bdy.pop('Content-Type', None)
        bdy.pop('If-Match', None)
        bdy.pop('If-None-Match', None)
        # all that should be left are params for the request, 
        # we adds them to the params object
        for k in request.GET:
            if k == 'method': # make sure the method param goes in the special method spot
                r_dict[k] = request.GET[k]
                r_dict['params'][k] = request.GET[k]
    # Just parse body for all non IE CORS stuff
        r_dict = parse_body(r_dict, request)
        # Update dict with any GET data

    # Method gets set for cors already
    if 'method' not in r_dict:
        # Differentiate GET and POST
        if request.method == "POST" and (request.path[6:] == 'statements' or request.path[6:] == 'statements/'):
            # Can have empty body for POST (acts like GET)
            if 'body' in r_dict:
                # If body is a list, it's a post
                if not isinstance(r_dict['body'], list):
                    if not isinstance(r_dict['body'], dict):
                        raise BadRequest("Cannot evaluate data into dictionary to parse -- Error: %s" % r_dict['body'])
                    # If actor verb and object not in body - means it's a GET or invalid POST
                    if not ('actor' in r_dict['body'] and 'verb' in r_dict['body'] and 'object' in r_dict['body']):
                        # If body keys are in get params - GET - else invalid request
                        if set(r_dict['body'].keys()).issubset(['statementId', 'voidedStatementId', 'agent', 'verb', 'activity', 'registration',
                            'related_activities', 'related_agents', 'since', 'until', 'limit', 'format', 'attachments', 'ascending']):
                            r_dict['method'] = 'GET'
                            raise BadRequest("Statement is missing actor, verb, or object")
                        r_dict['method'] = 'POST'
                    r_dict['method'] = 'POST'
                r_dict['method'] = 'GET'
            r_dict['method'] = request.method

    # Set if someone is hitting the statements/more endpoint
    if more_id:
        r_dict['more_id'] = more_id
    return r_dict
def parse(request, more_id=None):
    r_dict = {}
    # Build headers from request in request dict
    r_dict['headers'] = get_headers(request.META)

    # Traditional authorization should be passed in headers
    r_dict['auth'] = {}
    if 'Authorization' in r_dict['headers']:
        # OAuth will always be dict, not http auth. Set required fields for oauth module and type for authentication
        # module
        set_authorization(r_dict, request)
    elif 'Authorization' in request.body or 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.body:
        # Authorization could be passed into body if cross origin request
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'http'
        r_dict['auth']['type'] = 'none'

    r_dict['params'] = {}
    # lookin for weird IE CORS stuff.. it'll be a post with a 'method' url param
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'method' in request.GET:
        bdy = convert_post_body_to_dict(request.body)
        # 'content' is in body for the IE cors POST
        if 'content' in bdy:
            r_dict['body'] = urllib.unquote(bdy.pop('content'))
        # headers are in the body too for IE CORS, we removes them
        for h in r_dict['headers']:
            bdy.pop(h, None)
        # all that should be left are params for the request,
        # we adds them to the params object
        for k in request.GET:
            if k == 'method':  # make sure the method param goes in the special method spot
                r_dict[k] = request.GET[k]
            r_dict['params'][k] = request.GET[k]
    # Just parse body for all non IE CORS stuff
        r_dict = parse_body(r_dict, request)

    # Update dict with any GET data

    # Method gets set for cors already
    if 'method' not in r_dict['params']:
        # Differentiate GET and POST
        if request.method == "POST" and (request.path[6:] == 'statements'
                                         or request.path[6:] == 'statements/'):
            # Can have empty body for POST (acts like GET)
            if 'body' in r_dict:
                # If body is a list, it's a post
                if not isinstance(r_dict['body'], list):
                    # If actor verb and object not in body - means it's a GET or invalid POST
                    if not ('actor' in r_dict['body'] and 'verb'
                            in r_dict['body'] and 'object' in r_dict['body']):
                        # If body keys are in get params - GET - else invalid request
                        if set(r_dict['body'].keys()).issubset([
                                'statementId', 'voidedStatementId', 'agent',
                                'verb', 'activity', 'registration',
                                'related_activities', 'related_agents',
                                'since', 'until', 'limit', 'format',
                                'attachments', 'ascending'
                            r_dict['method'] = 'GET'
                            raise BadRequest(
                                "Statement is missing actor, verb, or object")
                        r_dict['method'] = 'POST'
                    r_dict['method'] = 'POST'
                r_dict['method'] = 'GET'
            r_dict['method'] = request.method

    # Set if someone is hitting the statements/more endpoint
    if more_id:
        r_dict['more_id'] = more_id
    return r_dict
def parse(request, more_id=None):
    r_dict = {}
    # Build headers from request in request dict
    r_dict["headers"] = get_headers(request.META)

    # Traditional authorization should be passed in headers
    r_dict["auth"] = {}
    if "Authorization" in r_dict["headers"]:
        # OAuth will always be dict, not http auth. Set required fields for oauth module and type for authentication
        # module
        set_authorization(r_dict, request)
    elif "Authorization" in request.body or "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" in request.body:
        # Authorization could be passed into body if cross origin request
        r_dict["auth"]["type"] = "http"
        r_dict["auth"]["type"] = "none"

    r_dict["params"] = {}
    # lookin for weird IE CORS stuff.. it'll be a post with a 'method' url param
    if request.method == "POST" and "method" in request.GET:
        bdy = convert_post_body_to_dict(request.body)
        # 'content' is in body for the IE cors POST
        if "content" in bdy:
            r_dict["body"] = urllib.unquote(bdy.pop("content"))
        # headers are in the body too for IE CORS, we removes them
        for h in r_dict["headers"]:
            bdy.pop(h, None)

        # remove extras from body
        bdy.pop("X-Experience-API-Version", None)
        bdy.pop("Content-Type", None)
        bdy.pop("If-Match", None)
        bdy.pop("If-None-Match", None)

        # all that should be left are params for the request,
        # we adds them to the params object
        for k in request.GET:
            if k == "method":  # make sure the method param goes in the special method spot
                r_dict[k] = request.GET[k]
                r_dict["params"][k] = request.GET[k]
    # Just parse body for all non IE CORS stuff
        r_dict = parse_body(r_dict, request)
        # Update dict with any GET data

    # Method gets set for cors already
    if "method" not in r_dict:
        # Differentiate GET and POST
        if request.method == "POST" and (request.path[6:] == "statements" or request.path[6:] == "statements/"):
            # Can have empty body for POST (acts like GET)
            if "body" in r_dict:
                # If body is a list, it's a post
                if not isinstance(r_dict["body"], list):
                    if not isinstance(r_dict["body"], dict):
                        raise BadRequest("Cannot evaluate data into dictionary to parse -- Error: %s" % r_dict["body"])
                    # If actor verb and object not in body - means it's a GET or invalid POST
                    if not ("actor" in r_dict["body"] and "verb" in r_dict["body"] and "object" in r_dict["body"]):
                        # If body keys are in get params - GET - else invalid request
                        if set(r_dict["body"].keys()).issubset(
                            r_dict["method"] = "GET"
                            raise BadRequest("Statement is missing actor, verb, or object")
                        r_dict["method"] = "POST"
                    r_dict["method"] = "POST"
                r_dict["method"] = "GET"
            r_dict["method"] = request.method

    # Set if someone is hitting the statements/more endpoint
    if more_id:
        r_dict["more_id"] = more_id
    return r_dict