def getInterpImage(self, bbox):
        """Return an image interpolated in R.A direction covering supplied bounding box

        @param[in] bbox: integer bounding box for image (afwGeom.Box2I)

        npoints = len(self._xList)
        #sort by X coordinate
        if npoints < 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot create scaling image. Found no fluxMag0s to interpolate")

        x, z = zip(*sorted(zip(self._xList, self._scaleList)))

        xvec = afwMath.vectorD(x)
        zvec = afwMath.vectorD(z)
        height = bbox.getHeight()
        width = bbox.getWidth()
        x0, y0 = bbox.getMin()

        interp = afwMath.makeInterpolate(xvec, zvec, self.interpStyle)
        interpValArr = numpy.zeros(width, dtype=numpy.float32)

        for i, xInd in enumerate(range(x0, x0 + width)):
            xPos = afwImage.indexToPosition(xInd)
            interpValArr[i] = interp.interpolate(xPos)

        # assume the maskedImage being scaled is MaskedImageF (which is usually true); see ticket #3070
        interpGrid = numpy.meshgrid(interpValArr, range(0, height))[0].astype(numpy.float32)
        image = afwImage.makeImageFromArray(interpGrid)
        image.setXY0(x0, y0)
        return image
    def setUp(self):
        self.val = 10
        self.nRow, self.nCol = 100, 200
        self.sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()

        # Integers
        self.mimgI = afwImage.MaskedImageI(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol))
        self.mimgI.set(self.val, 0x0, self.val)
        self.imgI = afwImage.ImageI(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol), self.val)
        self.vecI = afwMath.vectorI(self.nRow*self.nCol, self.val)

        # floats
        self.mimgF = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol))
        self.mimgF.set(self.val, 0x0, self.val)
        self.imgF = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol), self.val)
        self.vecF = afwMath.vectorF(self.nRow*self.nCol, self.val)

        # doubles
        self.mimgD = afwImage.MaskedImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol))
        self.mimgD.set(self.val, 0x0, self.val)
        self.imgD = afwImage.ImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol), self.val)
        self.vecD = afwMath.vectorD(self.nRow*self.nCol, self.val)

        self.imgList  = [self.imgI,  self.imgF,  self.imgD]
        self.mimgList = [self.mimgI, self.mimgF, self.mimgD]
        self.vecList  = [self.vecI,  self.vecF,  self.vecD]
    def setUp(self):
        self.val = 10
        self.nRow, self.nCol = 100, 200
        self.sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()

        # Integers
        self.mimgI = afwImage.MaskedImageI(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol))
        self.mimgI.set(self.val, 0x0, self.val)
        self.imgI = afwImage.ImageI(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol), self.val)
        self.vecI = afwMath.vectorI(self.nRow*self.nCol, self.val)

        # floats
        self.mimgF = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol))
        self.mimgF.set(self.val, 0x0, self.val)
        self.imgF = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol), self.val)
        self.vecF = afwMath.vectorF(self.nRow*self.nCol, self.val)

        # doubles
        self.mimgD = afwImage.MaskedImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol))
        self.mimgD.set(self.val, 0x0, self.val)
        self.imgD = afwImage.ImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(self.nRow, self.nCol), self.val)
        self.vecD = afwMath.vectorD(self.nRow*self.nCol, self.val)

        self.imgList  = [self.imgI,  self.imgF,  self.imgD]
        self.mimgList = [self.mimgI, self.mimgF, self.mimgD]
        self.vecList  = [self.vecI,  self.vecF,  self.vecD]
    def setUp(self):
        self.n = 10
        self.x = afwMath.vectorD(self.n)
        self.y1 = afwMath.vectorD(self.n)
        self.y2 = afwMath.vectorD(self.n)
        self.y0 = 1.0
        self.dydx = 1.0
        self.d2ydx2 = 0.5

        for i in range(0, self.n, 1):
            self.x[i] = i
            self.y1[i] = self.dydx*self.x[i] + self.y0
            self.y2[i] = self.d2ydx2*self.x[i]*self.x[i] + self.dydx*self.x[i] + self.y0
        self.xtest = 4.5
        self.y1test = self.dydx*self.xtest + self.y0
        self.y2test = self.d2ydx2*self.xtest*self.xtest + self.dydx*self.xtest + self.y0
    def setUp(self):
        self.n = 10
        self.x = afwMath.vectorD(self.n)
        self.y1 = afwMath.vectorD(self.n)
        self.y2 = afwMath.vectorD(self.n)
        self.y0 = 1.0
        self.dydx = 1.0
        self.d2ydx2 = 0.5

        for i in range(0, self.n, 1):
            self.x[i] = i
            self.y1[i] = self.dydx*self.x[i] + self.y0
            self.y2[i] = self.d2ydx2*self.x[i]*self.x[i] + self.dydx*self.x[i] + self.y0
        self.xtest = 4.5
        self.y1test = self.dydx*self.xtest + self.y0
        self.y2test = self.d2ydx2*self.xtest*self.xtest + self.dydx*self.xtest + self.y0
    def testNaturalSplineDerivative1(self):
        """Test fitting a natural spline to a smooth function and finding its derivative"""
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.derivative(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertTrue(abs(y - self.smooth(x, True)) < 1.5e-3)
    def testNaturalSplineDerivative1(self):
        """Test fitting a natural spline to a smooth function and finding its derivative"""
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.derivative(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertTrue(abs(y - self.smooth(x, True)) < 1.5e-3)
def makeRatingVector(kernelCellSet, spatialKernel, spatialBg):
    imstats = diffimLib.ImageStatisticsF()
    #sdqaVector = sdqa.SdqaRatingSet()

    width, height = spatialKernel.getDimensions()
    kImage = afwImage.ImageD(width, height)
    # find the kernel sum and its Rms by looking at the 4 corners of the image
    kSums = afwMath.vectorD()
    for x in (0, width):
        for y in (0, height):
            kSum = spatialKernel.computeImage(kImage, False, x, y)

    #afwStat    = afwMath.makeStatistics(kSums, afwMath.MEAN | afwMath.STDEV)
    #kSumRating = sdqa.SdqaRating("lsst.ip.diffim.kernel_sum",
    #                             afwStat.getValue(afwMath.MEAN),
    #                             afwStat.getValue(afwMath.STDEV),
    #                             scope)

    nGood = 0
    nBad = 0
    for cell in kernelCellSet.getCellList():
        for cand in cell.begin(False):  # False = include bad candidates
            cand = diffimLib.cast_KernelCandidateF(cand)
            if cand.getStatus() == afwMath.SpatialCellCandidate.GOOD:
                # this has been used for processing
                nGood += 1

                xCand = int(cand.getXCenter())
                yCand = int(cand.getYCenter())

                # evaluate kernel and background at position of candidate
                kSum = spatialKernel.computeImage(kImage, False, xCand, yCand)
                kernel = afwMath.FixedKernel(kImage)
                background = spatialBg(xCand, yCand)

                diffIm = cand.getDifferenceImage(kernel, background)

                #candMean   = imstats.getMean()
                #candRms    = imstats.getRms()
                #candRating = sdqa.SdqaRating("lsst.ip.diffim.residuals_%d_%d" % (xCand, yCand),
                #                             candMean, candRms, scope)
            elif cand.getStatus() == afwMath.SpatialCellCandidate.BAD:
                nBad += 1

    #nGoodRating = sdqa.SdqaRating("lsst.ip.diffim.nCandGood", nGood, 0, scope)
    #nBadRating = sdqa.SdqaRating("lsst.ip.diffim.nCandBad", nBad, 0, scope)

    nKernelTerms = spatialKernel.getNSpatialParameters()
    if nKernelTerms == 0:  # order 0
        nKernelTerms = 1
    def testTautSpline2(self):
        """Test fitting a taut spline to a non-differentiable function"""
        gamma = 2.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.yND, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.noDerivative(x))
    def testNaturalSpline1(self):
        """Test fitting a natural spline to a smooth function"""
        gamma = 0
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.smooth(x), 1)  # fails at 2 places!
    def testTautSpline2(self):
        """Test fitting a taut spline to a non-differentiable function"""
        gamma = 2.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.yND, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.noDerivative(x))
    def testTautSpline1(self):
        """Test fitting a taut spline to a smooth function"""
        gamma = 2.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.smooth(x), 4)
    def testNaturalSpline1(self):
        """Test fitting a natural spline to a smooth function"""
        gamma = 0
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.smooth(x), 1) # fails at 2 places!
    def testTautSpline1(self):
        """Test fitting a taut spline to a smooth function"""
        gamma = 2.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.smooth(x), 4)
    def testNaturalSpline2(self):
        """Test fitting a natural spline to a non-differentiable function (we basically fail)"""
        gamma = 0
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.yND, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.noDerivative(x), 1) # fails at 2 places!
文件: 项目: brianv0/afw
    def testNaturalSpline2(self):
        """Test fitting a natural spline to a non-differentiable function (we basically fail)"""
        gamma = 0
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.yND, gamma)

        y2 = afwMath.vectorD()
        sp.interpolate(self.x2, y2)

        for x, y in zip(self.x2, y2):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(y, self.noDerivative(x), 1)  # fails at 2 places!
    def testRootFinding(self):
        """Test finding roots of Spline = value"""

        gamma = 2.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.yND, gamma)

        for value in (0.1, 0.5):
            self.assertEqual(sp.roots(value, self.x[0], self.x[-1])[0], 1 - value)

        if False:
            y = afwMath.vectorD()
            sp.interpolate(self.x, y)
            for x, y in zip(self.x, y):
                print x, y
        # Solve sin(x) = 0.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin)
        roots = [math.degrees(x) for x in sp.roots(0.5, self.x[0], self.x[-1])]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(roots[0], 30, 5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(roots[1], 150, 5)
文件: 项目: brianv0/afw
    def testRootFinding(self):
        """Test finding roots of Spline = value"""

        gamma = 2.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.yND, gamma)

        for value in (0.1, 0.5):
            self.assertEqual(sp.roots(value, self.x[0], self.x[-1])[0], 1 - value)

        if False:
            y = afwMath.vectorD()
            sp.interpolate(self.x, y)
            for x, y in zip(self.x, y):
                print(x, y)
        # Solve sin(x) = 0.5
        sp = afwMath.TautSpline(self.x, self.ySin)
        roots = [math.degrees(x) for x in sp.roots(0.5, self.x[0], self.x[-1])]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(roots[0], 30, 5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(roots[1], 150, 5)