 def testSetupSlicerFreedman(self):
     """Test that setting up the slicer using bins=None works."""
     dvmin = 0
     dvmax = 1
     dv = makeDataValues(1000, dvmin, dvmax, random=2234)
     self.testslicer = OneDSlicer(sliceColName='testdata', bins=None)
     # How many bins do you expect from optimal binsize?
     from lsst.sims.maf.utils import optimalBins
     bins = optimalBins(dv['testdata'])
     np.testing.assert_equal(self.testslicer.nslice, bins)
 def testSetupSlicerFreedman(self):
     """Test that setting up the slicer using bins=None works."""
     dvmin = 0
     dvmax = 1
     dv = makeDataValues(1000, dvmin, dvmax, random=True)
     self.testslicer = OneDSlicer(sliceColName='testdata', bins=None)
     # How many bins do you expect from optimal binsize?
     from lsst.sims.maf.utils import optimalBins
     bins = optimalBins(dv['testdata'])
     np.testing.assert_equal(self.testslicer.nslice, bins)
    def __call__(self, metricValueIn, slicer, userPlotDict, fignum=None):
        Plot a histogram of metricValues (such as would come from a spatial slicer).
        # Adjust metric values by zeropoint or normVal, and use 'compressed' version of masked array.
        plotDict = {}
        metricValue = applyZPNorm(metricValueIn, plotDict)
        metricValue = metricValue.compressed()
        # Toss any NaNs or infs
        metricValue = metricValue[np.isfinite(metricValue)]
        # Determine percentile clipped X range, if set. (and xmin/max not set).
        if plotDict['xMin'] is None and plotDict['xMax'] is None:
            if plotDict['percentileClip']:
                plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax'] = percentileClipping(
                    metricValue, percentile=plotDict['percentileClip'])
        # Set the histogram range values, to avoid cases of trying to histogram single-valued data.
        # First we try to use the range specified by a user, if there is one. Then use the data if not.
        # all of this only works if plotDict is not cumulative.
        histRange = [plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax']]
        if histRange[0] is None:
            histRange[0] = metricValue.min()
        if histRange[1] is None:
            histRange[1] = metricValue.max()
        # Need to have some range of values on the histogram, or it will fail.
        if histRange[0] == histRange[1]:
                'Histogram range was single-valued; expanding default range.')
            histRange[1] = histRange[0] + 1.0
        # Set up the bins for the histogram. User specified 'bins' overrides 'binsize'.
        # Note that 'bins' could be a single number or an array, simply passed to plt.histogram.
        if plotDict['bins'] is not None:
            bins = plotDict['bins']
        elif plotDict['binsize'] is not None:
            #  If generating a cumulative histogram, want to use full range of data (but with given binsize).
            #    .. but if user set histRange to be wider than full range of data, then
            #       extend bins to cover this range, so we can make prettier plots.
            if plotDict['cumulative']:
                if plotDict['xMin'] is not None:
                    # Potentially, expand the range for the cumulative histogram.
                    bmin = np.min([metricValue.min(), plotDict['xMin']])
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if plotDict['xMax'] is not None:
                    bmax = np.max([metricValue.max(), plotDict['xMax']])
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'] / 2.0,
            #  Otherwise, not cumulative so just use metric values, without potential expansion.
                bins = np.arange(histRange[0],
                                 histRange[1] + plotDict['binsize'] / 2.0,
            # Catch edge-case where there is only 1 bin value
            if bins.size < 2:
                bins = np.arange(bins.min() - plotDict['binsize'] * 2.0,
                                 bins.max() + plotDict['binsize'] * 2.0,
            # If user did not specify bins or binsize, then we try to figure out a good number of bins.
            bins = optimalBins(metricValue)
        # Generate plots.
        fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=plotDict['figsize'])
        ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDict['subplot'])
        # Check if any data falls within histRange, because otherwise histogram generation will fail.
        if isinstance(bins, np.ndarray):
            condition = ((metricValue >= bins.min()) &
                         (metricValue <= bins.max()))
            condition = ((metricValue >= histRange[0]) &
                         (metricValue <= histRange[1]))
        plotValue = metricValue[condition]
        if len(plotValue) == 0:
            # No data is within histRange/bins. So let's just make a simple histogram anyway.
            n, b, p = plt.hist(metricValue,
            # There is data to plot, and we've already ensured histRange/bins are more than single value.
            n, b, p = plt.hist(metricValue,
        hist_ylims = plt.ylim()
        if n.max() > hist_ylims[1]:
        if n.min() < hist_ylims[0] and not plotDict['logScale']:
        # Fill in axes labels and limits.
        # Option to use 'scale' to turn y axis into area or other value.

        def mjrFormatter(y, pos):
            if not isinstance(plotDict['scale'], numbers.Number):
                raise ValueError(
                    'plotDict["scale"] must be a number to scale the y axis.')
            return plotDict['yaxisformat'] % (y * plotDict['scale'])

        # Set optional x, y limits.
        if 'xMin' in plotDict:
        if 'xMax' in plotDict:
        if 'yMin' in plotDict:
        if 'yMax' in plotDict:
        # Set/Add various labels.
        plt.xlabel(plotDict['xlabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        plt.ylabel(plotDict['ylabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        if plotDict['labelsize'] is not None:
            plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
            plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
        # Return figure number
        return fig.number
 def setupSlicer(self, simData, maps=None):
     Set up bins in slicer.
     if self.sliceColName is None:
         raise Exception('sliceColName was not defined when slicer instantiated.')
     sliceCol = simData[self.sliceColName]
     # Set bin min/max values.
     if self.binMin is None:
         self.binMin = sliceCol.min()
     if self.binMax is None:
         self.binMax = sliceCol.max()
     # Give warning if binMin = binMax, and do something at least slightly reasonable.
     if self.binMin == self.binMax:
         warnings.warn('binMin = binMax (maybe your data is single-valued?). '
                       'Increasing binMax by 1 (or 2*binsize, if binsize set).')
         if self.binsize is not None:
             self.binMax = self.binMax + 2 * self.binsize
             self.binMax = self.binMax + 1
     # Set bins.
     # Using binsize.
     if self.binsize is not None:
         if self.bins is not None:
             warnings.warn('Both binsize and bins have been set; Using binsize %f only.' %(self.binsize))
         self.bins = np.arange(self.binMin, self.binMax+self.binsize/2.0, float(self.binsize), 'float')
     # Using bins value.
         # Bins was a sequence (np array or list)
         if hasattr(self.bins, '__iter__'):
             self.bins = np.sort(self.bins)
         # Or bins was a single value.
             if self.bins is None:
                 self.bins = optimalBins(sliceCol, self.binMin, self.binMax)
             nbins = int(self.bins)
             self.binsize = (self.binMax - self.binMin) / float(nbins)
             self.bins = np.arange(self.binMin, self.binMax+self.binsize/2.0, self.binsize, 'float')
     # Set nbins to be one less than # of bins because last binvalue is RH edge only
     self.nslice = len(self.bins) - 1
     # Set slicePoint metadata.
     self.slicePoints['sid'] = np.arange(self.nslice)
     self.slicePoints['bins'] = self.bins
     # Add metadata from maps.
     # Set up data slicing.
     self.simIdxs = np.argsort(simData[self.sliceColName])
     simFieldsSorted = np.sort(simData[self.sliceColName])
     # "left" values are location where simdata == bin value
     self.left = np.searchsorted(simFieldsSorted, self.bins[:-1], 'left')
     self.left = np.concatenate((self.left, np.array([len(self.simIdxs),])))
     # Set up _sliceSimData method for this class.
     if self.cumulative:
         def _sliceSimData(islice):
             Slice simData on oneD sliceCol, to return relevant indexes for slicepoint.
             #this is the important part. The ids here define the pieces of data that get
             #passed on to subsequent slicers
             #cumulative version of 1D slicing
             idxs = self.simIdxs[0:self.left[islice+1]]
             return {'idxs':idxs,
                     'slicePoint':{'sid':islice, 'binLeft':self.bins[0], 'binRight':self.bins[islice+1]}}
         setattr(self, '_sliceSimData', _sliceSimData)
         def _sliceSimData(islice):
             Slice simData on oneD sliceCol, to return relevant indexes for slicepoint.
             idxs = self.simIdxs[self.left[islice]:self.left[islice+1]]
             return {'idxs':idxs,
                     'slicePoint':{'sid':islice, 'binLeft':self.bins[islice], 'binRight':self.bins[islice+1]}}
         setattr(self, '_sliceSimData', _sliceSimData)
    def setupSlicer(self, simData, maps=None):
        Set up bins in slicer.
        if self.sliceColName is None:
            raise Exception(
                'sliceColName was not defined when slicer instantiated.')
        sliceCol = simData[self.sliceColName]
        # Set bin min/max values.
        if self.binMin is None:
            self.binMin = sliceCol.min()
        if self.binMax is None:
            self.binMax = sliceCol.max()
        # Give warning if binMin = binMax, and do something at least slightly reasonable.
        if self.binMin == self.binMax:
                'binMin = binMax (maybe your data is single-valued?). '
                'Increasing binMax by 1 (or 2*binsize, if binsize set).')
            if self.binsize is not None:
                self.binMax = self.binMax + 2 * self.binsize
                self.binMax = self.binMax + 1
        # Set bins.
        # Using binsize.
        if self.binsize is not None:
            if self.bins is not None:
                    'Both binsize and bins have been set; Using binsize %f only.'
                    % (self.binsize))
            self.bins = np.arange(self.binMin,
                                  self.binMax + self.binsize / 2.0,
                                  float(self.binsize), 'float')
        # Using bins value.
            # Bins was a sequence (np array or list)
            if hasattr(self.bins, '__iter__'):
                self.bins = np.sort(self.bins)
            # Or bins was a single value.
                if self.bins is None:
                    self.bins = optimalBins(sliceCol, self.binMin, self.binMax)
                nbins = int(self.bins)
                self.binsize = (self.binMax - self.binMin) / float(nbins)
                self.bins = np.arange(self.binMin,
                                      self.binMax + self.binsize / 2.0,
                                      self.binsize, 'float')
        # Set nbins to be one less than # of bins because last binvalue is RH edge only
        self.nslice = len(self.bins) - 1
        # Set slicePoint metadata.
        self.slicePoints['sid'] = np.arange(self.nslice)
        self.slicePoints['bins'] = self.bins
        # Add metadata from maps.
        # Set up data slicing.
        self.simIdxs = np.argsort(simData[self.sliceColName])
        simFieldsSorted = np.sort(simData[self.sliceColName])
        # "left" values are location where simdata == bin value
        self.left = np.searchsorted(simFieldsSorted, self.bins[:-1], 'left')
        self.left = np.concatenate((self.left, np.array([
        # Set up _sliceSimData method for this class.
        if self.cumulative:

            def _sliceSimData(islice):
                Slice simData on oneD sliceCol, to return relevant indexes for slicepoint.
                #this is the important part. The ids here define the pieces of data that get
                #passed on to subsequent slicers
                #cumulative version of 1D slicing
                idxs = self.simIdxs[0:self.left[islice + 1]]
                return {
                    'idxs': idxs,
                    'slicePoint': {
                        'sid': islice,
                        'binLeft': self.bins[0],
                        'binRight': self.bins[islice + 1]

            setattr(self, '_sliceSimData', _sliceSimData)

            def _sliceSimData(islice):
                Slice simData on oneD sliceCol, to return relevant indexes for slicepoint.
                idxs = self.simIdxs[self.left[islice]:self.left[islice + 1]]
                return {
                    'idxs': idxs,
                    'slicePoint': {
                        'sid': islice,
                        'binLeft': self.bins[islice],
                        'binRight': self.bins[islice + 1]

            setattr(self, '_sliceSimData', _sliceSimData)
    def __call__(self, metricValueIn, slicer, userPlotDict, fignum=None):
        Plot a histogram of metricValues (such as would come from a spatial slicer).
        # Adjust metric values by zeropoint or normVal, and use 'compressed' version of masked array.
        plotDict = {}
        if plotDict['zp'] is not None:
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed() - plotDict['zp']
        elif plotDict['normVal'] is not None:
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed() / plotDict['normVal']
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed()
        # Determine percentile clipped X range, if set. (and xmin/max not set).
        if plotDict['xMin'] is None and plotDict['xMax'] is None:
            if plotDict['percentileClip']:
                plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax'] = percentileClipping(metricValue,
        # Determine range for histogram. Note that if xmin/max are None, this will just be [None, None].
        histRange = [plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax']]
        # Should we use log scale on y axis? (if 'auto')
        if plotDict['logScale'] == 'auto':
            plotDict['logScale'] = False
            if np.min(histRange) > 0:
                if (np.log10(np.max(histRange) - np.log10(np.min(histRange))) > 3):
                    plotDict['logScale'] = True
        # If binsize was specified, set up an array of bins for the histogram.
        if plotDict['binsize'] is not None:
            #  If generating cumulative histogram, want to use full range of data (but with given binsize).
            #    .. but if user set histRange to be wider than full range of data, then
            #       extend bins to cover this range, so we can make prettier plots.
            if plotDict['cumulative'] is not False:
                if histRange[0] is not None:
                    bmin = np.min([metricValue.min(), histRange[0]])
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if histRange[1] is not None:
                    bmax = np.max([metricValue.max(), histRange[1]])
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'] / 2.0, plotDict['binsize'])
                # Catch edge-case where there is only 1 bin value
                if bins.size < 2:
                    bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'], plotDict['binsize'])
            #  Else try to set up bins using min/max values if specified, or full data range.
                if histRange[0] is not None:
                    bmin = histRange[0]
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if histRange[1] is not None:
                    bmax = histRange[1]
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'], plotDict['binsize'])
        # Otherwise, determine number of bins, if neither 'bins' or 'binsize' were specified.
            if plotDict['bins'] is None:
                bins = optimalBins(metricValue)
                bins = plotDict['bins']
        # Generate plots.
        fig = plt.figure(fignum)
        if plotDict['cumulative'] is not False:
            # If cumulative is set, generate histogram without using histRange (to use full range of data).
            n, b, p = plt.hist(metricValue, bins=bins, histtype='step', log=plotDict['logScale'],
                               cumulative=plotDict['cumulative'], label=plotDict['label'],
            # Plot non-cumulative histogram.
            # First, test if data falls within histRange, because otherwise histogram generation will fail.
            if np.min(histRange) is not None:
                if (histRange[0] is None) and (histRange[1] is not None):
                    condition = (metricValue <= histRange[1])
                elif (histRange[1] is None) and (histRange[0] is not None):
                    condition = (metricValue >= histRange[0])
                    condition = ((metricValue >= histRange[0]) & (metricValue <= histRange[1]))
                plotValue = metricValue[condition]
                plotValue = metricValue
            # If there is only one value to histogram, need to set histRange, otherwise histogram will fail.
            rangePad = 20.
            if (np.unique(plotValue).size == 1) & (np.min(histRange) is None):
                warnings.warn('Only one metric value, making a guess at a good histogram range.')
                histRange = [plotValue.min() - rangePad, plotValue.max() + rangePad]
                if (plotValue.min() >= 0) & (histRange[0] < 0):
                    # Reset histogram range if it went below 0.
                    histRange[0] = 0.
                if 'binsize' in plotDict:
                    bins = np.arange(histRange[0], histRange[1], plotDict['binsize'])
                    bins = np.arange(histRange[0], histRange[1], (histRange[1] - histRange[0]) / 50.)
            # If there is no data within the histogram range, we will generate an empty plot.
            # If there is data, make the histogram.
            if plotValue.size > 0:
                # Generate histogram.
                if np.min(histRange) is None:
                    histRange = None
                n, b, p = plt.hist(plotValue, bins=bins, histtype='step', log=plotDict['logScale'],
                                   cumulative=plotDict['cumulative'], range=histRange,
                                   label=plotDict['label'], color=plotDict['color'])
        # Fill in axes labels and limits.
        # Option to use 'scale' to turn y axis into area or other value.

        def mjrFormatter(y, pos):
            return plotDict['yaxisformat'] % (y * plotDict['scale'])
        ax = plt.gca()
        # Set y limits.
        if 'yMin' in plotDict:
            if plotDict['yMin'] is not None:
            # There is a bug in histype='step' that can screw up the ylim.
            # Comes up when running allSlicer.Cfg.py
                if plt.axis()[2] == max(n):
                    plt.ylim([n.min(), n.max()])
            except UnboundLocalError:
                # This happens if we were generating an empty plot (no histogram).
                # But in which case, the above error was probably not relevant. So skip it.
        if 'yMax' in plotDict:
        # Set x limits.
        if plotDict['xMin'] is not None:
        if plotDict['xMax'] is not None:
        # Set/Add various labels.
        plt.xlabel(plotDict['xlabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        plt.ylabel(plotDict['ylabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        if plotDict['labelsize'] is not None:
            plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
            plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
        # Return figure number
        return fig.number
    def plotHistogram(self, metricValueIn, title=None, xlabel=None, units=None, ylabel=None,
                      fignum=None, label=None, addLegend=False, legendloc='upper left',
                      bins=None, binsize=None, cumulative=False,
                      xMin=None, xMax=None, yMin=None, yMax=None,
                      scale=1.0, yaxisformat='%.3f', color='b',
                      zp=None, normVal=None, percentileClip=None, **kwargs):
        """Plot a histogram of metricValue, labelled by metricLabel.

        title = the title for the plot (default None)
        fignum = the figure number to use (default None - will generate new figure)
        label = the label to use in the figure legend (default None)
        addLegend = flag for whether or not to add a legend (default False)
        legendloc = location for legend (default 'upper left')
        bins = bins for histogram (numpy array or # of bins)
        binsize = size of bins to use.  Will override "bins" if both are set.
        (default None, uses Freedman-Diaconis rule to set binsize)
        cumulative = make histogram cumulative (default False) (<0 value makes cumulative the 'less than' way).
        xMin/Max = histogram range (default None, set by matplotlib hist)
        yMin/Max = histogram y range
        scale = scale y axis by 'scale' (i.e. to translate to area)
        zp = zeropoing to subtract off metricVals
        normVal = normalization value to divide metric values by (overrides zp).
        # Adjust metric values by zeropoint or normVal, and use 'compressed' version of masked array.
        if zp:
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed() - zp
        elif normVal:
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed()/normVal
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed()

        # Determine percentile clipped X range, if set. (and xmin/max not set).
        if xMin is None and xMax is None:
            if percentileClip:
                xMin, xMax = percentileClipping(metricValue, percentile=percentileClip)
        # Determine range for histogram. Note that if xmin/max are None, this will just be [None, None].
        histRange = [xMin, xMax]
        # Should we use log scale on y axis? (if 'auto')
        if logScale == 'auto':
            logScale = False
            if np.min(histRange) > 0:
                if (np.log10(np.max(histRange)-np.log10(np.min(histRange))) > 3 ):
                    logScale = True

        # If binsize was specified, set up an array of bins for the histogram.
        if binsize is not None:
            #  If generating cumulative histogram, want to use full range of data (but with given binsize).
            #    .. but if user set histRange to be wider than full range of data, then
            #       extend bins to cover this range, so we can make prettier plots.
            if cumulative is not False:
                if histRange[0] is not None:
                    bmin = np.min([metricValue.min(), histRange[0]])
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if histRange[1] is not None:
                    bmax = np.max([metricValue.max(), histRange[1]])
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax+binsize/2.0, binsize)
            #  Else try to set up bins using min/max values if specified, or full data range.
                if histRange[0] is not None:
                    bmin = histRange[0]
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if histRange[1] is not None:
                    bmax = histRange[1]
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax+binsize/2.0, binsize)
        # Otherwise, determine number of bins, if neither 'bins' or 'binsize' were specified.
            if bins is None:
                bins = optimalBins(metricValue)

        # Generate plots.
        fig = plt.figure(fignum)

        if cumulative is not False:
            # If cumulative is set, generate histogram without using histRange (to use full range of data).
            n, b, p = plt.hist(metricValue, bins=bins, histtype='step', log=logScale,
                               cumulative=cumulative, label=label, color=color)
            # Plot non-cumulative histogram.
            # First, test if data falls within histRange, because otherwise histogram generation will fail.
            if np.min(histRange) is not None:
                if (histRange[0] is None) and (histRange[1] is not None):
                    condition = (metricValue <= histRange[1])
                elif (histRange[1] is None) and (histRange[0] is not None):
                    condition = (metricValue >= histRange[0])
                    condition = ((metricValue >= histRange[0]) & (metricValue <= histRange[1]))
                plotValue = metricValue[condition]
                plotValue = metricValue
            # If there is only one value to histogram, need to set histRange, otherwise histogram will fail.
            rangePad = 20.
            if (np.unique(plotValue).size == 1) & (np.min(histRange) is None):
                warnings.warn('Only one metric value, making a guess at a good histogram range.')
                histRange = [plotValue.min()-rangePad, plotValue.max()+rangePad]
                if (plotValue.min() >= 0) & (histRange[0] < 0):
                    # Reset histogram range if it went below 0.
                    histRange[0] = 0.
                bins=np.arange(histRange[0], histRange[1], binsize)
            # If there is no data within the histogram range, we will generate an empty plot.
            # If there is data, make the histogram.
            if plotValue.size > 0:
                # Generate histogram.
                if np.min(histRange) is None:
                    histRange = None
                n, b, p = plt.hist(plotValue, bins=bins, histtype='step', log=logScale,
                                   cumulative=cumulative, range=histRange, label=label, color=color)

        # Fill in axes labels and limits.
        # Option to use 'scale' to turn y axis into area or other value.
        def mjrFormatter(y,  pos):
            return yaxisformat % (y * scale)
        ax = plt.gca()
        # Set y limits.
        if yMin is not None:
            # There is a bug in histype='step' that can screw up the ylim.  Comes up when running allSlicer.Cfg.py
                if plt.axis()[2] == max(n):
            except UnboundLocalError:
                # This happens if we were generating an empty plot (no histogram).
                # But in which case, the above error was probably not relevant. So skip it.
        if yMax is not None:
        # Set x limits.
        if xMin is not None:
        if xMax is not None:
        # Set/Add various labels.
        if not xlabel:
            xlabel = units
        if xlabel is not None:
        if ylabel is not None:
        if addLegend:
            plt.legend(fancybox=True, prop={'size':'smaller'}, loc=legendloc)
        if title!=None:
        # Return figure number (so we can reuse this if desired).
        return fig.number
    def __call__(self, metricValueIn, slicer, userPlotDict, fignum=None):
        Plot a histogram of metricValues (such as would come from a spatial slicer).
        # Adjust metric values by zeropoint or normVal, and use 'compressed' version of masked array.
        plotDict = {}
        if plotDict['zp'] is not None:
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed() - plotDict['zp']
        elif plotDict['normVal'] is not None:
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed() / plotDict['normVal']
            metricValue = metricValueIn.compressed()
        # Determine percentile clipped X range, if set. (and xmin/max not set).
        if plotDict['xMin'] is None and plotDict['xMax'] is None:
            if plotDict['percentileClip']:
                plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax'] = percentileClipping(metricValue,
        # Determine range for histogram. Note that if xmin/max are None, this will just be [None, None].
        histRange = [plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax']]
        # Should we use log scale on y axis? (if 'auto')
        if plotDict['logScale'] == 'auto':
            plotDict['logScale'] = False
            if np.min(histRange) > 0:
                if (np.log10(np.max(histRange) - np.log10(np.min(histRange))) > 3):
                    plotDict['logScale'] = True
        # If binsize was specified, set up an array of bins for the histogram.
        if plotDict['binsize'] is not None:
            #  If generating cumulative histogram, want to use full range of data (but with given binsize).
            #    .. but if user set histRange to be wider than full range of data, then
            #       extend bins to cover this range, so we can make prettier plots.
            if plotDict['cumulative'] is not False:
                if histRange[0] is not None:
                    bmin = np.min([metricValue.min(), histRange[0]])
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if histRange[1] is not None:
                    bmax = np.max([metricValue.max(), histRange[1]])
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'] / 2.0, plotDict['binsize'])
                # Catch edge-case where there is only 1 bin value
                if bins.size < 2:
                    bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'], plotDict['binsize'])
            #  Else try to set up bins using min/max values if specified, or full data range.
                if histRange[0] is not None:
                    bmin = histRange[0]
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if histRange[1] is not None:
                    bmax = histRange[1]
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'], plotDict['binsize'])
        # Otherwise, determine number of bins, if neither 'bins' or 'binsize' were specified.
            if plotDict['bins'] is None:
                bins = optimalBins(metricValue)
                bins = plotDict['bins']
        # Generate plots.
        fig = plt.figure(fignum)
        if plotDict['cumulative'] is not False:
            # If cumulative is set, generate histogram without using histRange (to use full range of data).
            n, b, p = plt.hist(metricValue, bins=bins, histtype='step', log=plotDict['logScale'],
                               cumulative=plotDict['cumulative'], label=plotDict['label'],
            # Plot non-cumulative histogram.
            # First, test if data falls within histRange, because otherwise histogram generation will fail.
            if np.min(histRange) is not None:
                if (histRange[0] is None) and (histRange[1] is not None):
                    condition = (metricValue <= histRange[1])
                elif (histRange[1] is None) and (histRange[0] is not None):
                    condition = (metricValue >= histRange[0])
                    condition = ((metricValue >= histRange[0]) & (metricValue <= histRange[1]))
                plotValue = metricValue[condition]
                plotValue = metricValue
            # If there is only one value to histogram, need to set histRange, otherwise histogram will fail.
            rangePad = 20.
            if (np.unique(plotValue).size == 1) & (np.min(histRange) is None):
                warnings.warn('Only one metric value, making a guess at a good histogram range.')
                histRange = [plotValue.min() - rangePad, plotValue.max() + rangePad]
                if (plotValue.min() >= 0) & (histRange[0] < 0):
                    # Reset histogram range if it went below 0.
                    histRange[0] = 0.
                if 'binsize' in plotDict:
                    bins = np.arange(histRange[0], histRange[1], plotDict['binsize'])
                    bins = np.arange(histRange[0], histRange[1], (histRange[1] - histRange[0]) / 50.)
            # If there is no data within the histogram range, we will generate an empty plot.
            # If there is data, make the histogram.
            if plotValue.size > 0:
                # Generate histogram.
                if np.min(histRange) is None:
                    histRange = None
                n, b, p = plt.hist(plotValue, bins=bins, histtype='step', log=plotDict['logScale'],
                                   cumulative=plotDict['cumulative'], range=histRange,
                                   label=plotDict['label'], color=plotDict['color'])
        # Fill in axes labels and limits.
        # Option to use 'scale' to turn y axis into area or other value.

        def mjrFormatter(y, pos):
            return plotDict['yaxisformat'] % (y * plotDict['scale'])
        ax = plt.gca()
        # Set y limits.
        if 'yMin' in plotDict:
            if plotDict['yMin'] is not None:
            # There is a bug in histype='step' that can screw up the ylim.
            # Comes up when running allSlicer.Cfg.py
                if plt.axis()[2] == max(n):
                    plt.ylim([n.min(), n.max()])
            except UnboundLocalError:
                # This happens if we were generating an empty plot (no histogram).
                # But in which case, the above error was probably not relevant. So skip it.
        if 'yMax' in plotDict:
        # Set x limits.
        if plotDict['xMin'] is not None:
        if plotDict['xMax'] is not None:
        # Set/Add various labels.
        plt.xlabel(plotDict['xlabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        plt.ylabel(plotDict['ylabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        if plotDict['labelsize'] is not None:
            plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
            plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
        # Return figure number
        return fig.number
    def __call__(self, metricValueIn, slicer, userPlotDict, fignum=None):
        Plot a histogram of metricValues (such as would come from a spatial slicer).
        # Adjust metric values by zeropoint or normVal, and use 'compressed' version of masked array.
        plotDict = {}
        metricValue = applyZPNorm(metricValueIn, plotDict)
        metricValue = metricValue.compressed()
        # Toss any NaNs or infs
        metricValue = metricValue[np.isfinite(metricValue)]
        # Determine percentile clipped X range, if set. (and xmin/max not set).
        if plotDict['xMin'] is None and plotDict['xMax'] is None:
            if plotDict['percentileClip']:
                plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax'] = percentileClipping(metricValue,
        # Set the histogram range values, to avoid cases of trying to histogram single-valued data.
        # First we try to use the range specified by a user, if there is one. Then use the data if not.
        # all of this only works if plotDict is not cumulative.
        histRange = [plotDict['xMin'], plotDict['xMax']]
        if histRange[0] is None:
            histRange[0] = metricValue.min()
        if histRange[1] is None:
            histRange[1] = metricValue.max()
        # Need to have some range of values on the histogram, or it will fail.
        if histRange[0] == histRange[1]:
            warnings.warn('Histogram range was single-valued; expanding default range.')
            histRange[1] = histRange[0] + 1.0
        # Set up the bins for the histogram. User specified 'bins' overrides 'binsize'.
        # Note that 'bins' could be a single number or an array, simply passed to plt.histogram.
        if plotDict['bins'] is not None:
            bins = plotDict['bins']
        elif plotDict['binsize'] is not None:
            #  If generating a cumulative histogram, want to use full range of data (but with given binsize).
            #    .. but if user set histRange to be wider than full range of data, then
            #       extend bins to cover this range, so we can make prettier plots.
            if plotDict['cumulative']:
                if plotDict['xMin'] is not None:
                    # Potentially, expand the range for the cumulative histogram.
                    bmin = np.min([metricValue.min(), plotDict['xMin']])
                    bmin = metricValue.min()
                if plotDict['xMax'] is not None:
                    bmax = np.max([metricValue.max(), plotDict['xMax']])
                    bmax = metricValue.max()
                bins = np.arange(bmin, bmax + plotDict['binsize'] / 2.0, plotDict['binsize'])
            #  Otherwise, not cumulative so just use metric values, without potential expansion.
                bins = np.arange(histRange[0], histRange[1] + plotDict['binsize'] / 2.0, plotDict['binsize'])
            # Catch edge-case where there is only 1 bin value
            if bins.size < 2:
                bins = np.arange(bins.min() - plotDict['binsize'] * 2.0,
                                 bins.max() + plotDict['binsize'] * 2.0, plotDict['binsize'])
            # If user did not specify bins or binsize, then we try to figure out a good number of bins.
            bins = optimalBins(metricValue)
        # Generate plots.
        fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=plotDict['figsize'])
        ax = fig.add_subplot(plotDict['subplot'])
        # Check if any data falls within histRange, because otherwise histogram generation will fail.
        if isinstance(bins, np.ndarray):
            condition = ((metricValue >= bins.min()) & (metricValue <= bins.max()))
            condition = ((metricValue >= histRange[0]) & (metricValue <= histRange[1]))
        plotValue = metricValue[condition]
        if len(plotValue) == 0:
            # No data is within histRange/bins. So let's just make a simple histogram anyway.
            n, b, p = plt.hist(metricValue, bins=50, histtype='step', cumulative=plotDict['cumulative'],
                               log=plotDict['logScale'], label=plotDict['label'],
            # There is data to plot, and we've already ensured histRange/bins are more than single value.
            n, b, p = plt.hist(metricValue, bins=bins, range=histRange,
                               histtype='step', log=plotDict['logScale'],
                               label=plotDict['label'], color=plotDict['color'])
        hist_ylims = plt.ylim()
        if n.max() > hist_ylims[1]:
            plt.ylim(ymax = n.max())
        if n.min() < hist_ylims[0] and not plotDict['logScale']:
            plt.ylim(ymin = n.min())
        # Fill in axes labels and limits.
        # Option to use 'scale' to turn y axis into area or other value.

        def mjrFormatter(y, pos):
            if not isinstance(plotDict['scale'], numbers.Number):
                raise ValueError('plotDict["scale"] must be a number to scale the y axis.')
            return plotDict['yaxisformat'] % (y * plotDict['scale'])

        # Set optional x, y limits.
        if 'xMin' in plotDict:
        if 'xMax' in plotDict:
        if 'yMin' in plotDict:
        if 'yMax' in plotDict:
        # Set/Add various labels.
        plt.xlabel(plotDict['xlabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        plt.ylabel(plotDict['ylabel'], fontsize=plotDict['fontsize'])
        if plotDict['labelsize'] is not None:
            plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
            plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=plotDict['labelsize'])
        # Return figure number
        return fig.number