def getClassInfo(course,term):
    conn = mConnect.connection()
    c = conn.cursor()

    # section: crn, termCode, profID, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, beginTime, endTime, building, room, capacity, enrolled
    # student: id, firstName, lastName, classification, email, dept, hours, grade
    # enrollment: id, crn, termCode, hours
    # class: crn, termCode, subjectCode, courseNum, section, title
    # instructor: id, prof
    # instSection: id, crn, termCode, eval
    MYSTRING = ''
    query = ("SELECT a.crn, b.* FROM section a, class b WHERE a.crn = %(id)s AND a.termCode = %(term)s AND a.crn = b.crn AND a.termCode = b.termCode")
    c.execute(query, { 'id': course, 'term': term })
    for section in c:
        # output example: CS374: Software Engineering
        print ('\n'+section[3]+section[4]+': '+section[6])
        # section = (u'11081', u'11081', u'201610', u'CS', u'374', u'1', u'Software Engineering')

    c.execute("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM section a, instructor b WHERE a.crn = %s AND a.termCode = %s AND a.profID = b.id", (section[0], section[2]))
    for detail in c:
        # detail = (u'11081', u'201610', u'9979', u'M', u'', u'W', u'', u'F', u'1400', u'1450', u'MBB', u'314', u'30', u'6', u'9979', u'Reeves, Brent')
        MYSTRING += 'Instructor: '+detail[15]+'\n'
        MYSTRING +=  'When: '+detail[3]+' '+detail[4]+' '+detail[5]+' '+detail[6]+' '+detail[7]+' '+detail[8]+' - '+detail[9] +'\n'
        MYSTRING +=  'Where: '+detail[10]+' Room '+detail[11] +'\n'
        MYSTRING +=  'Enrolled: '+str(detail[13]) +'\n'

    return MYSTRING
def convert(input):

    result = "None"

    # using a set to find the sections (unique elements only)
    findSection = set([])

    # Connect to the database.
    conn = mConnect.connection()
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute("START TRANSACTION")

    c.execute("SELECT * FROM `class` " )
    for section in c.fetchall():
        if (input.find('.') != -1):
            input = input.replace(" ", "")
            input = input.replace(".0", ".")
            #section = '11081','201610','CS','374','1','Software Engineering',3)
            if (input.upper() == section[2]+section[3]+'.'+section[4]):
                result = section[0]
        # subject code + a course number
        elif (input[0].isalpha() and input[len(input)-1].isdigit()):
            input = input.replace(" ", "")
            input = input.upper()
            if(input.upper() == section[2]+section[3]):
                result = section[0]
        # subject code only
        elif(input[0].isalpha() and len(input) < 5):
            input = input.upper()
            if (input == section[1]):
                result = section[0]
        # course title
            if (input.lower() == section[5].lower()):
                result = section[0]

    # if the course has at least 2 sections, ask the user to tell us which one he/she wants
    if (len(findSection) > 1):
        temp = input+' has '+str(len(findSection))+' sections, please choose one: '+findSection.pop()
        while (len(findSection)) != 0:
            temp += ', '+findSection.pop()  
        result = temp

    return str(result)
文件: mDB.py 项目: tlarmstrong/mover
def setupDB():

    conn = mConnect.connection()
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute("START TRANSACTION")

    Term = 0
    count = 0

    if (count == 0):
        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `student`")
        c.execute("CREATE TABLE `student` (id varchar(10) NOT NULL, firstName varchar(20) NOT NULL, lastName varchar(20) NOT NULL, classification varchar(10), email varchar(100), dept varchar(50), hours int(10), grade varchar(2), major varchar(50), PRIMARY KEY(id))") 

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `enrollment`")
        c.execute("CREATE TABLE `enrollment` (id varchar(10) NOT NULL, crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10), hours int(3), PRIMARY KEY(id, crn, termCode))")

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `section`")
        c.execute("CREATE TABLE `section` (crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10) NOT NULL, profID varchar(10), d1 varchar(3), d2 varchar(3), d3 varchar(3), d4 varchar(3), d5 varchar(3), beginTime varchar(5), endTime varchar(5), building varchar(6), room varchar(5), capacity varchar(3), enrolled varchar(3), PRIMARY KEY(crn, termCode))")

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `class`")
        c.execute("CREATE TABLE `class` (crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10) NOT NULL, subjectCode varchar(5), courseNum varchar(5), section varchar(5), title varchar(80), credits int(5), PRIMARY KEY(crn, termCode, subjectCode, courseNum))")

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `instructor`")
        c.execute("CREATE TABLE `instructor` (id varchar(10), name varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY(id))")

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `instSection`")
        c.execute("CREATE TABLE `instSection` (id varchar(10), crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10), eval varchar(3), PRIMARY KEY(id, crn, termCode))")

        count += 1

    # since we now know CRNs are reused, let's read in the file and make the primary key the max('Term Code') and CRN for section
    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    term = 0
    for t in reader:
        if(t['Term Code'] > term):
            term = t['Term Code']
    print('Term: '+term)

    n = 6
    x = 0
    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if(row['Term Code'] == term):

            # section: crn, termCode, profID, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, beginTime, endTime, building, room, capacity, enrolled
            c.execute("""INSERT IGNORE INTO `section` 
                                        (`crn`, `termCode`, `profID`, `d1`, `d2`, `d3`, `d4`, `d5`, `beginTime`, `endTime`, `building`, `room`, `capacity`, `enrolled`)

                                        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",

                                         str(row['Term Code']),
                                         str(row['Instructor ID']),
                                         str(row['Monday Ind1']),
                                         str(row['Tuesday Ind1']),
                                         str(row['Wednesday Ind1']),
                                         str(row['Thursday Ind1']),
                                         str(row['Friday Ind1']),
                                         str(row['Begin Time 1']),
                                         str(row['End Time1']),
                                         str(row['Bldg Code1']),
                                         str(row['Room Code1']),
                                         str(row['Section Max Enrollment']),
                                         str(row['Section Enrollment'])
    x += 1
    print('section added...\t('+str(x)+' / '+str(n)+' complete)')

    # c.execute("SELECT * FROM `section`")
    # for test in c.fetchall():   
    #     print(test[0])

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if(row['Term Code'] == term):
            # student: id, firstName, lastName, classification, email, dept, hours, grade
            c.execute("""INSERT IGNORE INTO `student` 
                                    (`id`, `firstName`, `lastName`, `classification`, `email`, `dept`, `hours`, `grade`, `major`) 
                                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 0, %s, %s)""", 

                                    (str(row['Banner ID']),
                                     str(row['First Name']),
                                     str(row['Last Name']),
                                     str(row['Class Code']),
                                     str(row['ACU Email Address']),
                                     str(row['Department Code']),
                                     str(row['Grade Code']),
                                     str(row['Major Desc1'])

    x += 1
    print('student added...\t('+str(x)+' / '+str(n)+' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if(row['Term Code'] == term):
            # class: crn, termCode, subjectCode, courseNum, section, title
            c.execute("""INSERT IGNORE INTO `class` 
                                        (`crn`, `termCode`, `subjectCode`, `courseNum`, `section`, `title`, `credits`) 
                                        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",

                                         str(row['Term Code']),
                                         str(row['Subject Code']),
                                         str(row['Course Number']),
                                         str(row['Section Number']),
                                         str(row['Course Title']),
                                         str(row['Credit Hours'])

    x += 1
    print('class added...\t\t('+str(x)+' / '+str(n)+' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if(row['Term Code'] == term):
            # instructor: id, prof
            c.execute("""INSERT IGNORE INTO `instructor` 
                                    (`id`, `name`) 
                                    VALUES (%s, %s)""", 

                                    (str(row['Instructor ID']),
                                     str(row['Instructor Name'])

    x += 1
    print('instructor added...\t('+str(x)+' / '+str(n)+' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if(row['Term Code'] == term):
            # instSection: id, crn, termCode, eval
            c.execute("""INSERT IGNORE INTO `instSection` 
                                    (`id`, `crn`, `termCode`, `eval`) 
                                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, '')""", 

                                    (str(row['Banner ID']),
                                     str(row['Term Code'])

    x += 1
    print('teaches added...\t('+str(x)+' / '+str(n)+' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        # enrollment: id, crn, termCode, hours
        c.execute("""INSERT IGNORE INTO `enrollment` 
                                (`id`, `crn`, `termCode`, `hours`) 
                                VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""", 

                                (str(row['Banner ID']),
                                 str(row['Term Code']),
                                 str(row['Credit Hours'])

    x += 1
    print('enrollment added...\t('+str(x)+' / '+str(n)+' complete)\n')

    return Term
def getStudentInfo(course, term, myDays, myTime):

    conn = mConnect.connection()
    c = conn.cursor()

    sList = []

    # section: crn, termCode, profID, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, beginTime, endTime, building, room, capacity, enrolled
    # student: id, firstName, lastName, classification, email, dept, hours, grade
    # enrollment: id, crn, termCode, hours
    # class: crn, termCode, subjectCode, courseNum, section, title
    # instructor: id, prof
    # instSection: id, crn, termCode, eval
    MYSTRING = ''
    query = ("SELECT a.crn, b.* FROM section a, class b WHERE a.crn = %(id)s AND a.termCode = %(term)s AND a.crn = b.crn AND a.termCode = b.termCode")
    c.execute(query, { 'id': course, 'term': term })
    for section in c:
        # output example: CS374: Software Engineering
        print ('\n'+section[3]+section[4]+': '+section[6])
        MYSTRING += '\n'+section[3]+section[4]+': '+section[6]
        # print(section)
        # section = (u'11081', u'11081', u'201610', u'CS', u'374', u'1', u'Software Engineering')

    c.execute("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM section a, instructor b WHERE a.crn = %s AND a.termCode = %s AND a.profID = b.id", (section[0], section[2]))
    for detail in c:
        # detail = (u'11081', u'201610', u'9979', u'M', u'', u'W', u'', u'F', u'1400', u'1450', u'MBB', u'314', u'30', u'6', u'9979', u'Reeves, Brent')
        MYSTRING += '\nInstructor: '+detail[15]+'\n'
        MYSTRING +='When: '+detail[3]+' '+detail[4]+' '+detail[5]+' '+detail[6]+' '+detail[7]+' '+detail[8]+' - '+detail[9]+'\n'
        MYSTRING += 'Where: '+detail[10]+' Room '+detail[11]+'\n'
        MYSTRING +='Enrolled: '+str(detail[13])+'\n'

    se = 0
    j = 0
    so = 0
    f = 0

    query = ("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM enrollment b, student a WHERE a.id = b.id AND b.crn = %(crn)s AND b.termCode = %(term)s")
    c.execute(query, { 'crn': course, 'term': term })
    for classList in c.fetchall():
        # classList = (u'111564', u'Lola', u'Pucci', u'JR', u'*****@*****.**', u'SITC', 0, u'A', u'111564', u'11081', u'201610', 3)
        query = ("SELECT b.id, sum(b.hours), a.id FROM enrollment b, student a WHERE b.id = a.id AND b.id = %(id)s")
        c.execute(query, { 'id': classList[0] })
        for hours in c.fetchall():
            h = int(hours[1])
            query = ("UPDATE student SET hours = %(hours)s WHERE id = %(id)s")
            c.execute(query, { 'hours': h, 'id': classList[0] }) 
            query = ("SELECT hours FROM student WHERE id = %(id)s")
            c.execute(query, { 'id': classList[0] })
            for shours in c:
                if(shours[0] >= 90):
                    se += 1
                elif(shours[0] < 90 and shours[0] >= 60):
                    j += 1
                elif(shours[0] < 60 and shours[0] >= 30):
                    so += 1
                    f += 1

    MYSTRING +='\n--------------------------------------------------------'+'\n'
    #change = raw_input('\nChange time (time), day and time (both), or done: ')
    #change = change.lower()
    change = 'both'

    #while( change != 'done' ):

    trynew = ''
    changeDay = detail[3]+detail[4]+detail[5]+detail[6]+detail[7]
    duration = 0
    if change == 'time':
        trynew = raw_input('\nNew time: ')
        while (not trynew.isdigit()):
            trynew = raw_input('\nPlease enter a number: ')
        duration = int(detail[9]) - int(detail[8])
    elif change == 'both':
        trynew = myTime #raw_input('\nNew time: ')
        while (not trynew.isdigit()):
            trynew = raw_input('\nPlease enter a number: ')
        changeDay = myDays #raw_input('\nNew days (MWF, TR, MW, M, W, F): ')
        while (not changeDay.isalpha()):
            changeDay = raw_input('\nPlease enter your days: ')
        changeDay = changeDay.upper()

        if len(changeDay) == 3:
            MYSTRING +='Class duration: 50 minutes x 3 days'+'\n'
            duration = 50
        elif len(changeDay) == 2:
            MYSTRING +='Class duration: 80 minutes x 2 days'+'\n'
            duration = 80
        elif len(changeDay) == 1:
            duration = 50 * int(section[7])
            MYSTRING +='Class duration: '+str(duration)+' minutes x '+str(len(changeDay))+' day'+'\n'

    dList = []
    dList = dList + ['']*5 

    for i in changeDay:
        if i == 'M':
            dList[0] = i
        elif i == 'T':
            dList[1] = i
        elif i == 'W':
            dList[2] = i
        elif i == 'R':
            dList[3] = i
        elif i == 'F':
            dList[4] = i

    # print(dList)

    end = 0
    duration = int(duration)
    trynew = int(trynew)
    if duration == 80:
        end = trynew + 120
    elif duration == 150:
        end = trynew + 250
        end = trynew + duration


    MYSTRING +='\nAttempting to move '+section[3]+section[4]+': '+section[6]+'\n'
    MYSTRING +='From '+detail[3]+' '+detail[4]+' '+detail[5]+' '+detail[6]+' '+detail[7]+' '+detail[8]+' - '+detail[9] +'\n'

    MYSTRING +='To   '+dList[0]+' '+dList[1]+' '+dList[2]+' '+dList[3]+' '+dList[4]+' '+str(trynew)+' - '+str(end)+'\n'

    conflicts = 0
    iStatus = 'Available'

    seConflict = 0
    jConflict = 0
    soConflict = 0
    fConflict = 0

    # check instructor schedule
    query = ("SELECT * FROM section WHERE termCode = %(term)s AND profID = %(detail)s")
    c.execute(query, { 'term': term, 'detail': detail[2] })
    for itime in c.fetchall():
        # itime = (u'11084', u'201610', u'9979', u'M', u'', u'W', u'', u'F', u'1300', u'1350', u'MBB', u'216', u'35', u'31')
        if (itime[0] != course and (trynew == int(itime[8]) or (trynew > int(itime[8]) and trynew < int(itime[9])) or (end > int(itime[8]) and end < int(itime[9]))) and ((itime[3] != '' and itime[3] == dList[0]) or (itime[4] != '' and itime[4] == dList[1]) or (itime[5] != '' and itime[5] == dList[2]) or (itime[6] != '' and itime[6] == dList[3]) or (itime[7] != '' and itime[7] == dList[4]))): 
            query = ("SELECT * FROM class WHERE crn = %(crn)s AND termCode = %(term)s")
            c.execute(query, { 'crn': itime[0], 'term': term})
            for other in c.fetchall():
                MYSTRING +='\n****************** INSTRUCTOR CONFLICT ********************'+'\n'+'\n'
                MYSTRING +='\nInstructor: '+detail[15]+'\n'
                MYSTRING +='Class: '+other[2]+other[3]+': '+other[5]+'\n'
                MYSTRING +='When: '+itime[3]+' '+itime[4]+' '+itime[5]+' '+itime[6]+' '+itime[7]+' '+itime[8]+' - '+itime[9]+'\n'
                MYSTRING +='Where: '+itime[10]+' Room '+itime[11]+'\n'

            iStatus = 'UNAVAILABLE'
            conflicts += 1

    query = ("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM enrollment a, student b WHERE a.crn = %(crn)s AND a.termCode = %(term)s AND a.id = b.id ORDER BY b.hours desc")
    c.execute(query, { 'crn': course, 'term': term })
    for student in c.fetchall():
        # print(student)
        # student = (u'214275', u'11081', u'201610', 3, u'214275', u'Paul', u'Neal', u'SR', u'*****@*****.**', u'SITC', 97, u'B')
        MYSTRING +='\n'+'\n'
        MYSTRING +='--------------------------------------------------------'+'\n'
        MYSTRING +=student[0]+'\t'+student[5]+' '+student[6]+'\t'+student[8]+'\t'+student[9]+'\n'
        MYSTRING +='--------------------------------------------------------'+'\n'

        MYSTRING += 'Major: '+str(student[12])+'\n'
        MYSTRING += 'Hours: '+str(student[10])+'\n'
        if(student[10] >= 90):
            #se += 1
            MYSTRING +='Year:  Senior'+'\n'
        elif(student[10] < 90 and student[10] >= 60):
            #j += 1
            MYSTRING +='Year:  Junior'+'\n'
        elif(student[10] < 60 and student[10] >= 30):
            #so += 1
            MYSTRING +='Year:  Sophomore'+'\n'
            #f += 1
            MYSTRING +='Year:  Freshman'+'\n'

        trynew = int(trynew)
        end = int(end)

        # check student schedules
        query = ("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM section a, enrollment b WHERE a.crn = b.crn AND b.termCode = a.termCode AND b.id = %(id)s AND b.termCode = %(term)s")
        c.execute(query, { 'id': student[0], 'term': student[2] })
        for time in c.fetchall():
            oStart = int(time[8])
            oEnd = int(time[9])
            if (time[0] != course and (trynew == oStart or (trynew > oStart and trynew < oEnd) or (end > oStart and end < oEnd)) and ((time[3] != '' and time[3] == dList[0]) or (time[4] != '' and time[4] == dList[1]) or (time[5] != '' and time[5] == dList[2]) or (time[6] != '' and time[6] == dList[3]) or (time[7] != '' and time[7] == dList[4]))):

                query = ("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM section a, enrollment b WHERE a.crn = b.crn AND b.termCode = a.termCode AND a.beginTime = %(begin)s AND (a.d1 = %(d1)s OR a.d2 = %(d2)s OR a.d3 = %(d3)s OR a.d4 = %(d4)s OR a.d5 = %(d5)s) AND b.id = %(id)s AND a.termCode = %(term)s")
                c.execute(query, { 'id': student[0], 'term': student[2], 'begin': time[8], 'd1': time[3], 'd2': time[4], 'd3': time[5], 'd4': time[6], 'd5': time[7] })
                for i in c.fetchall():

                    query = ("SELECT * FROM class WHERE crn = %(crn)s AND termCode = %(term)s")
                    c.execute(query, { 'crn': i[0], 'term': i[1] })
                    for k in c.fetchall():
                        MYSTRING +='\n\t******************** CONFLICT *********************'+'\n'
                        MYSTRING +='\n\tClass: '+k[2]+k[3]+' '+k[5]+'\n'
                        #print('\tInstructor: '+time[9])
                        MYSTRING +='\tWhen: '+time[3]+' '+time[4]+' '+time[5]+' '+time[6]+' '+time[7]+' '+time[8]+' - '+time[9]+'\n'
                        MYSTRING +='\tWhere: '+time[10]+' Room '+time[11]+'\n'

                if(student[10] >= 90):
                    seConflict += 1
                elif(student[10] < 90 and student[10] >= 60):
                    jConflict += 1
                elif(student[10] < 60 and student[10] >= 30):
                    soConflict += 1
                    fConflict += 1

                conflicts += 1

    total = int(detail[13]) + 1

    MYSTRING +='\n\n========================================================='+'\n'
    MYSTRING +='Total Conflicts: '+str(conflicts)+' / '+str(total)+' \t\t(instructor included)'+'\n'
    MYSTRING +='========================================================='+'\n'

    MYSTRING +='\nInstructor Status: '+iStatus+'\n'

    MYSTRING +='\nStudent Status: '+'\n'
    MYSTRING +='\nSeniors \t'+str(seConflict)+' / '+str(se)+' have a conflict'+'\n'
    MYSTRING +='Juniors \t'+str(jConflict)+' / '+str(j)+'\n'
    MYSTRING +='Sophomores \t'+str(soConflict)+' / '+str(so)+'\n'
    MYSTRING +='Freshmen \t'+str(fConflict)+' / '+str(f)+'\n'

    MYSTRING +='\n--------------------------------------------------------'+'\n'

    MYSTRING +='\n'+'\n'
    return MYSTRING
文件: mDB.py 项目: tlarmstrong/mover
def setupDB():

    conn = mConnect.connection()
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute("START TRANSACTION")

    Term = 0
    count = 0

    if (count == 0):
        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `student`")
            "CREATE TABLE `student` (id varchar(10) NOT NULL, firstName varchar(20) NOT NULL, lastName varchar(20) NOT NULL, classification varchar(10), email varchar(100), dept varchar(50), hours int(10), grade varchar(2), major varchar(50), PRIMARY KEY(id))"

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `enrollment`")
            "CREATE TABLE `enrollment` (id varchar(10) NOT NULL, crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10), hours int(3), PRIMARY KEY(id, crn, termCode))"

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `section`")
            "CREATE TABLE `section` (crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10) NOT NULL, profID varchar(10), d1 varchar(3), d2 varchar(3), d3 varchar(3), d4 varchar(3), d5 varchar(3), beginTime varchar(5), endTime varchar(5), building varchar(6), room varchar(5), capacity varchar(3), enrolled varchar(3), PRIMARY KEY(crn, termCode))"

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `class`")
            "CREATE TABLE `class` (crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10) NOT NULL, subjectCode varchar(5), courseNum varchar(5), section varchar(5), title varchar(80), credits int(5), PRIMARY KEY(crn, termCode, subjectCode, courseNum))"

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `instructor`")
            "CREATE TABLE `instructor` (id varchar(10), name varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY(id))"

        c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `instSection`")
            "CREATE TABLE `instSection` (id varchar(10), crn varchar(10), termCode varchar(10), eval varchar(3), PRIMARY KEY(id, crn, termCode))"

        count += 1

    # since we now know CRNs are reused, let's read in the file and make the primary key the max('Term Code') and CRN for section
    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    term = 0
    for t in reader:
        if (t['Term Code'] > term):
            term = t['Term Code']
    print('Term: ' + term)

    n = 6
    x = 0

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if (row['Term Code'] == term):

            # section: crn, termCode, profID, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, beginTime, endTime, building, room, capacity, enrolled
                """INSERT IGNORE INTO `section` 
                                        (`crn`, `termCode`, `profID`, `d1`, `d2`, `d3`, `d4`, `d5`, `beginTime`, `endTime`, `building`, `room`, `capacity`, `enrolled`)

                                        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
                (str(row['CRN']), str(row['Term Code']),
                 str(row['Instructor ID']), str(row['Monday Ind1']),
                 str(row['Tuesday Ind1']), str(row['Wednesday Ind1']),
                 str(row['Thursday Ind1']), str(row['Friday Ind1']),
                 str(row['Begin Time 1']), str(row['End Time1']),
                 str(row['Bldg Code1']), str(
                     row['Room Code1']), str(row['Section Max Enrollment']),
                 str(row['Section Enrollment'])))
    x += 1
    print('section added...\t(' + str(x) + ' / ' + str(n) + ' complete)')

    # c.execute("SELECT * FROM `section`")
    # for test in c.fetchall():
    #     print(test[0])

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if (row['Term Code'] == term):
            # student: id, firstName, lastName, classification, email, dept, hours, grade
                """INSERT IGNORE INTO `student` 
                                    (`id`, `firstName`, `lastName`, `classification`, `email`, `dept`, `hours`, `grade`, `major`) 
                                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 0, %s, %s)""",
                (str(row['Banner ID']), str(row['First Name']),
                 str(row['Last Name']), str(row['Class Code']),
                 str(row['ACU Email Address']), str(row['Department Code']),
                 str(row['Grade Code']), str(row['Major Desc1'])))

    x += 1
    print('student added...\t(' + str(x) + ' / ' + str(n) + ' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if (row['Term Code'] == term):
            # class: crn, termCode, subjectCode, courseNum, section, title
                """INSERT IGNORE INTO `class` 
                                        (`crn`, `termCode`, `subjectCode`, `courseNum`, `section`, `title`, `credits`) 
                                        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
                (str(row['CRN']), str(row['Term Code']),
                 str(row['Subject Code']), str(row['Course Number']),
                 str(row['Section Number']), str(
                     row['Course Title']), str(row['Credit Hours'])))

    x += 1
    print('class added...\t\t(' + str(x) + ' / ' + str(n) + ' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if (row['Term Code'] == term):
            # instructor: id, prof
                """INSERT IGNORE INTO `instructor` 
                                    (`id`, `name`) 
                                    VALUES (%s, %s)""",
                (str(row['Instructor ID']), str(row['Instructor Name'])))

    x += 1
    print('instructor added...\t(' + str(x) + ' / ' + str(n) + ' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        if (row['Term Code'] == term):
            # instSection: id, crn, termCode, eval
                """INSERT IGNORE INTO `instSection` 
                                    (`id`, `crn`, `termCode`, `eval`) 
                                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, '')""", (str(
                    row['Banner ID']), str(row['CRN']), str(row['Term Code'])))

    x += 1
    print('teaches added...\t(' + str(x) + ' / ' + str(n) + ' complete)')

    f = open('info/cs374_anon.csv')
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in reader:
        # enrollment: id, crn, termCode, hours
            """INSERT IGNORE INTO `enrollment` 
                                (`id`, `crn`, `termCode`, `hours`) 
                                VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""",
            (str(row['Banner ID']), str(row['CRN']), str(
                row['Term Code']), str(row['Credit Hours'])))

    x += 1
    print('enrollment added...\t(' + str(x) + ' / ' + str(n) + ' complete)\n')

    return Term