 def __init__(self,
     # state space
     self.st = ADSRStateSpace(attack_length=int(attack_length * fps),
                              decay_length=int(decay_length * fps),
                              release_length=int(release_length * fps))
     # transition model
     self.tm = ADSRTransitionModel(self.st,
     # observation model
     self.om = ADSRObservationModel(self.st)
     # instantiate a HMM
     self.hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(self.tm, self.om, None)
     # save variables
     self.onset_threshold = onset_threshold
     self.note_threshold = note_threshold
     self.complete = complete
     self.fps = fps
class ADSRNoteTrackingProcessor(Processor):

    ONSET_PROB = 0.8
    NOTE_PROB = 0.8
    OFFSET_PROB = 0.15

    pitch_offset = 21

    def __init__(self,
        # state space
        self.st = ADSRStateSpace(attack_length=int(attack_length * fps),
                                 decay_length=int(decay_length * fps),
                                 release_length=int(release_length * fps))
        # transition model
        self.tm = ADSRTransitionModel(self.st,
        # observation model
        self.om = ADSRObservationModel(self.st)
        # instantiate a HMM
        self.hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(self.tm, self.om, None)
        # save variables
        self.onset_threshold = onset_threshold
        self.note_threshold = note_threshold
        self.complete = complete
        self.fps = fps

    def process(self, activations, **kwargs):
        Detect the notes in the given activation function.

        activations : numpy array
            Note activation function.

        onsets : numpy array
            Detected notes [seconds, pitches].

        notes = []
        paths = []
        note_path = np.arange(self.st.attack, self.st.release)
        # process ech pitch individually
        for pitch in range(activations.shape[1]):
            # decode activations for this pitch with HMM
            path, _ = self.hmm.viterbi(activations[:, pitch, :])
            # extract HMM note segments
            segments = np.logical_and(path > self.st.attack,
                                      path < self.st.release)
            # extract start and end positions (transition points)
            idx = np.nonzero(np.diff(segments.astype(np.int)))[0]
            # add end if needed
            if len(idx) % 2 != 0:
                idx = np.append(idx, [len(activations)])
            # all sounding frames
            frames = activations[:, pitch, 0]
            # all frames with onset activations
            onsets = activations[:, pitch, 1]
            # iterate over all segments to decide which to keep
            for onset, offset in idx.reshape((-1, 2)):
                # extract note segment
                segment = path[onset:offset]
                # discard segment which do not contain the complete note path
                if self.complete and np.setdiff1d(note_path, segment).any():
                # discard segments without a real note
                if frames[onset:offset].max() < self.note_threshold:
                # discard segments without a real onset
                if onsets[onset:offset].max() < self.onset_threshold:
                # append segment as note
                    onset / self.fps, pitch + self.pitch_offset,
                    (offset - onset) / self.fps

        # sort the notes, convert timing information and return them
        notes = np.array(sorted(notes), ndmin=2)
        return notes, np.array(paths)
文件: beats.py 项目: EQ4/madmom
    def __init__(self, pattern_files, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM,
                 norm_observations=NORM_OBSERVATIONS, downbeats=False,
                 fps=None, **kwargs):

        Track the beats and downbeats with a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN)
        approximated by a Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

        :param pattern_files:     list of files with the patterns
                                  (including the fitted GMMs and information
                                   about the number of beats)

        Parameters for the transition model:

        Each of the following arguments expect a list with as many items as
        rhythmic patterns.

        :param min_bpm:           list with minimum tempi used for tracking
        :param max_bpm:           list with maximum tempi used for tracking
        :param num_tempo_states:  list with number of tempo states (if set,
                                  limit the number of states and use a log
                                  spacing, otherwise a linear spacing). If a
                                  single value is given, the same value is
                                  assumed for all patterns.
        :param transition_lambda: (list with) lambda(s) for the exponential
                                  tempo change distribution (higher values
                                  prefer a constant tempo over a tempo change
                                  from one beat to the next one). If a single
                                  value is given, the same value is assumed
                                  for all patterns.

        Parameters for the observation model:

        :param norm_observations: normalise the observations

        Other parameters:

        :param downbeats:         report only the downbeats (default: beats
                                  and the respective position)

        "Rhythmic Pattern Modeling for Beat and Downbeat Tracking in Musical
        Florian Krebs, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2013

        Instead of the originally proposed state space and transition model
        for the DBN, the following is used:

        "An Efficient State Space Model for Joint Tempo and Meter Tracking"
        Florian Krebs, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2015.

        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

        from madmom.ml.hmm import HiddenMarkovModel as Hmm
        from .beats_hmm import (DownBeatTrackingStateSpace as St,
                                DownBeatTrackingTransitionModel as Tm,
                                GMMDownBeatTrackingObservationModel as Om)

        # expand num_tempo_states and transition_lambda to lists if needed
        if not isinstance(num_tempo_states, list):
            num_tempo_states = [num_tempo_states] * len(num_tempo_states)
        if not isinstance(transition_lambda, list):
            transition_lambda = [transition_lambda] * len(num_tempo_states)
        # check if all lists have the same length
        if not (len(min_bpm) == len(max_bpm) == len(num_tempo_states) ==
                len(transition_lambda) == len(pattern_files)):
            raise ValueError('`min_bpm`, `max_bpm`, `num_tempo_states` and '
                             '`transition_lambda` must have the same length '
                             'as number of patterns.')
        # load the patterns
        import cPickle
        patterns = []
        for pattern_file in pattern_files:
            with open(pattern_file, 'r') as f:
        if len(patterns) == 0:
            raise ValueError('at least one rhythmical pattern must be given.')
        # extract the GMMs and number of beats
        gmms = [p['gmms'] for p in patterns]
        self.num_beats = [p['num_beats'] for p in patterns]
        # save additional variables
        self.downbeats = downbeats
        self.fps = fps
        # convert timing information to construct state space
        # Note: since we model a complete bar, we must multiply the intervals
        #       by the number of beats in that pattern
        min_interval = 60. * self.fps / np.asarray(max_bpm) * self.num_beats
        max_interval = 60. * self.fps / np.asarray(min_bpm) * self.num_beats
        # state space
        self.st = St(min_interval, max_interval, num_tempo_states)
        # transition model
        self.tm = Tm(self.st, transition_lambda)
        # observation model
        self.om = Om(gmms, self.st, norm_observations)
        # instantiate a HMM
        self.hmm = Hmm(self.tm, self.om, None)
文件: beats.py 项目: EQ4/madmom
class DownbeatTrackingProcessor(Processor):
    Beat and downbeat tracking with a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN).

    # TODO: this should not be lists (lists are mutable!)
    MIN_BPM = [55, 60]
    MAX_BPM = [205, 225]
    NUM_TEMPO_STATES = [None, None]
    TRANSITION_LAMBDA = [100, 100]

    def __init__(self, pattern_files, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM,
                 norm_observations=NORM_OBSERVATIONS, downbeats=False,
                 fps=None, **kwargs):

        Track the beats and downbeats with a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN)
        approximated by a Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

        :param pattern_files:     list of files with the patterns
                                  (including the fitted GMMs and information
                                   about the number of beats)

        Parameters for the transition model:

        Each of the following arguments expect a list with as many items as
        rhythmic patterns.

        :param min_bpm:           list with minimum tempi used for tracking
        :param max_bpm:           list with maximum tempi used for tracking
        :param num_tempo_states:  list with number of tempo states (if set,
                                  limit the number of states and use a log
                                  spacing, otherwise a linear spacing). If a
                                  single value is given, the same value is
                                  assumed for all patterns.
        :param transition_lambda: (list with) lambda(s) for the exponential
                                  tempo change distribution (higher values
                                  prefer a constant tempo over a tempo change
                                  from one beat to the next one). If a single
                                  value is given, the same value is assumed
                                  for all patterns.

        Parameters for the observation model:

        :param norm_observations: normalise the observations

        Other parameters:

        :param downbeats:         report only the downbeats (default: beats
                                  and the respective position)

        "Rhythmic Pattern Modeling for Beat and Downbeat Tracking in Musical
        Florian Krebs, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2013

        Instead of the originally proposed state space and transition model
        for the DBN, the following is used:

        "An Efficient State Space Model for Joint Tempo and Meter Tracking"
        Florian Krebs, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2015.

        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

        from madmom.ml.hmm import HiddenMarkovModel as Hmm
        from .beats_hmm import (DownBeatTrackingStateSpace as St,
                                DownBeatTrackingTransitionModel as Tm,
                                GMMDownBeatTrackingObservationModel as Om)

        # expand num_tempo_states and transition_lambda to lists if needed
        if not isinstance(num_tempo_states, list):
            num_tempo_states = [num_tempo_states] * len(num_tempo_states)
        if not isinstance(transition_lambda, list):
            transition_lambda = [transition_lambda] * len(num_tempo_states)
        # check if all lists have the same length
        if not (len(min_bpm) == len(max_bpm) == len(num_tempo_states) ==
                len(transition_lambda) == len(pattern_files)):
            raise ValueError('`min_bpm`, `max_bpm`, `num_tempo_states` and '
                             '`transition_lambda` must have the same length '
                             'as number of patterns.')
        # load the patterns
        import cPickle
        patterns = []
        for pattern_file in pattern_files:
            with open(pattern_file, 'r') as f:
        if len(patterns) == 0:
            raise ValueError('at least one rhythmical pattern must be given.')
        # extract the GMMs and number of beats
        gmms = [p['gmms'] for p in patterns]
        self.num_beats = [p['num_beats'] for p in patterns]
        # save additional variables
        self.downbeats = downbeats
        self.fps = fps
        # convert timing information to construct state space
        # Note: since we model a complete bar, we must multiply the intervals
        #       by the number of beats in that pattern
        min_interval = 60. * self.fps / np.asarray(max_bpm) * self.num_beats
        max_interval = 60. * self.fps / np.asarray(min_bpm) * self.num_beats
        # state space
        self.st = St(min_interval, max_interval, num_tempo_states)
        # transition model
        self.tm = Tm(self.st, transition_lambda)
        # observation model
        self.om = Om(gmms, self.st, norm_observations)
        # instantiate a HMM
        self.hmm = Hmm(self.tm, self.om, None)

    def process(self, activations):
        Detect the beats in the given activation function.

        :param activations: beat activation function
        :return:            detected beat positions [seconds]

        # get the best state path by calling the viterbi algorithm
        path, _ = self.hmm.viterbi(activations)
        # get the corresponding pattern (use only the first state, since it
        # doesn't change throughout the sequence)
        pattern = self.st.pattern(path[0])
        # the position inside the pattern (0..1)
        position = self.st.position(path)
        # beat position (= weighted by number of beats in bar)
        beat_counter = (position * self.num_beats[pattern]).astype(int)
        # transitions are the points where the beat counters change
        # FIXME: we might miss the first or last beat!
        #        we could calculate the interval towards the beginning/end to
        #        decide whether to include these points
        beat_positions = np.nonzero(np.diff(beat_counter))[0] + 1
        # the beat numbers are the counters + 1 at the transition points
        beat_numbers = beat_counter[beat_positions] + 1
        # convert the detected beats to a list of timestamps
        beats = np.asarray(beat_positions) / float(self.fps)
        # return the downbeats or beats and their beat number
        if self.downbeats:
            return beats[beat_numbers == 1]
            return zip(beats, beat_numbers)

    def add_arguments(cls, parser, pattern_files=None, min_bpm=MIN_BPM,
                      max_bpm=MAX_BPM, num_tempo_states=NUM_TEMPO_STATES,
        Add HMM related arguments to an existing parser.

        :param parser:            existing argparse parser

        Parameters for the patterns (i.e. fitted GMMs):

        :param pattern_files:     load the patterns from these files

        Parameters for the transition model:

        Each of the following arguments expect a list with as many items as
        rhythmic patterns.

        :param min_bpm:           list with minimum tempi used for tracking
        :param max_bpm:           list with maximum tempi used for tracking
        :param num_tempo_states:  list with number of tempo states (if set,
                                  limit the number of states and use a log
                                  spacing, otherwise a linear spacing)
        :param transition_lambda: list with lambdas for the exponential tempo
                                  change distribution (higher values prefer a
                                  constant tempo over a tempo change from one
                                  bar to the next one)

        Parameters for the observation model:

        :param norm_observations: normalize the observations

        :return:                  downbeat argument parser group

        from madmom.utils import OverrideDefaultListAction
        # add GMM options
        if pattern_files is not None:
            g = parser.add_argument_group('GMM arguments')
            g.add_argument('--pattern_files', action=OverrideDefaultListAction,
                           help='load the patterns (with the fitted GMMs) '
                                'from these files (comma separated list)')
        # add HMM parser group
        g = parser.add_argument_group('dynamic Bayesian Network arguments')
        g.add_argument('--min_bpm', action=OverrideDefaultListAction,
                       default=min_bpm, type=float, sep=',',
                       help='minimum tempo (comma separated list with one '
                            'value per pattern) [bpm, default=%(default)s]')
        g.add_argument('--max_bpm', action=OverrideDefaultListAction,
                       default=max_bpm, type=float, sep=',',
                       help='maximum tempo (comma separated list with one '
                            'value per pattern) [bpm, default=%(default)s]')
        g.add_argument('--num_tempo_states', action=OverrideDefaultListAction,
                       default=num_tempo_states, type=int, sep=',',
                       help='limit the number of tempo states; if set, align '
                            'them with a log spacing, otherwise linearly '
                            '(comma separated list with one value per pattern)'
                            ' [default=%(default)s]')
        g.add_argument('--transition_lambda', action=OverrideDefaultListAction,
                       default=transition_lambda, type=float, sep=',',
                       help='lambda of the tempo transition distribution; '
                            'higher values prefer a constant tempo over a '
                            'tempo change from one bar to the next one (comma '
                            'separated list with one value per pattern) '
        # observation model stuff
        if norm_observations:
            g.add_argument('--no_norm_obs', dest='norm_observations',
                           action='store_false', default=norm_observations,
                           help='do not normalize the observations of the HMM')
            g.add_argument('--norm_obs', dest='norm_observations',
                           action='store_true', default=norm_observations,
                           help='normalize the observations of the HMM')
        # add output format stuff
        g = parser.add_argument_group('output arguments')
        g.add_argument('--downbeats', action='store_true', default=False,
                       help='output only the downbeats')
        # return the argument group so it can be modified if needed
        return g
文件: beats.py 项目: EQ4/madmom
    def __init__(self, correct=CORRECT, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM,
                 norm_observations=NORM_OBSERVATIONS, fps=None, **kwargs):
        Track the beats with a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) approximated
        by a Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

        :param correct:            correct the beats (i.e. align them
                                   to the nearest peak of the beat
                                   activation function)

        Parameters for the transition model:

        :param min_bpm:            minimum tempo used for beat tracking
        :param max_bpm:            maximum tempo used for beat tracking
        :param num_tempo_states:   number of tempo states (if set, limit the
                                   number of states and use a log spacing,
                                   otherwise a linear spacing)
        :param transition_lambda:  lambda for the exponential tempo change
                                   distribution (higher values prefer a
                                   constant tempo over a tempo change from
                                   one beat to the next one)

        Parameters for the observation model:

        :param observation_lambda: split one beat period into N parts, the
                                   first representing beat states and the
                                   remaining non-beat states
        :param norm_observations:  normalize the observations

        "A Multi-Model Approach to Beat Tracking Considering Heterogeneous
         Music Styles"
        Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2014

        Instead of the originally proposed state space and transition model
        for the DBN, the following is used:

        "An Efficient State Space Model for Joint Tempo and Meter Tracking"
        Florian Krebs, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2015.

        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

        from madmom.ml.hmm import HiddenMarkovModel as Hmm
        from .beats_hmm import (BeatTrackingStateSpace as St,
                                BeatTrackingTransitionModel as Tm,
                                BeatTrackingObservationModel as Om)

        # convert timing information to construct state space
        min_interval = 60. * fps / max_bpm
        max_interval = 60. * fps / min_bpm
        self.st = St(min_interval, max_interval, num_tempo_states)
        # transition model
        self.tm = Tm(self.st, transition_lambda)
        # observation model
        self.om = Om(self.st, observation_lambda, norm_observations)
        # instantiate a HMM
        self.hmm = Hmm(self.tm, self.om, None)
        # save variables
        self.fps = fps
        self.correct = correct
文件: beats.py 项目: EQ4/madmom
class DBNBeatTrackingProcessor(Processor):
    Beat tracking with RNNs and a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN).

    CORRECT = True
    MIN_BPM = 55
    MAX_BPM = 215

    def __init__(self, correct=CORRECT, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM,
                 norm_observations=NORM_OBSERVATIONS, fps=None, **kwargs):
        Track the beats with a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) approximated
        by a Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

        :param correct:            correct the beats (i.e. align them
                                   to the nearest peak of the beat
                                   activation function)

        Parameters for the transition model:

        :param min_bpm:            minimum tempo used for beat tracking
        :param max_bpm:            maximum tempo used for beat tracking
        :param num_tempo_states:   number of tempo states (if set, limit the
                                   number of states and use a log spacing,
                                   otherwise a linear spacing)
        :param transition_lambda:  lambda for the exponential tempo change
                                   distribution (higher values prefer a
                                   constant tempo over a tempo change from
                                   one beat to the next one)

        Parameters for the observation model:

        :param observation_lambda: split one beat period into N parts, the
                                   first representing beat states and the
                                   remaining non-beat states
        :param norm_observations:  normalize the observations

        "A Multi-Model Approach to Beat Tracking Considering Heterogeneous
         Music Styles"
        Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2014

        Instead of the originally proposed state space and transition model
        for the DBN, the following is used:

        "An Efficient State Space Model for Joint Tempo and Meter Tracking"
        Florian Krebs, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer
        Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information
        Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2015.

        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

        from madmom.ml.hmm import HiddenMarkovModel as Hmm
        from .beats_hmm import (BeatTrackingStateSpace as St,
                                BeatTrackingTransitionModel as Tm,
                                BeatTrackingObservationModel as Om)

        # convert timing information to construct state space
        min_interval = 60. * fps / max_bpm
        max_interval = 60. * fps / min_bpm
        self.st = St(min_interval, max_interval, num_tempo_states)
        # transition model
        self.tm = Tm(self.st, transition_lambda)
        # observation model
        self.om = Om(self.st, observation_lambda, norm_observations)
        # instantiate a HMM
        self.hmm = Hmm(self.tm, self.om, None)
        # save variables
        self.fps = fps
        self.correct = correct

    def process(self, activations):
        Detect the beats in the given activation function.

        :param activations: beat activation function
        :return:            detected beat positions [seconds]

        # get the best state path by calling the viterbi algorithm
        path, _ = self.hmm.viterbi(activations)
        # correct the beat positions if needed
        if self.correct:
            beats = []
            # for each detection determine the "beat range", i.e. states where
            # the pointers of the observation model are 0
            beat_range = self.om.pointers[path]
            # get all change points between True and False
            idx = np.nonzero(np.diff(beat_range))[0] + 1
            # if the first frame is in the beat range, add a change at frame 0
            if not beat_range[0]:
                idx = np.r_[0, idx]
            # if the last frame is in the beat range, append the length of the
            # array
            if not beat_range[-1]:
                idx = np.r_[idx, beat_range.size]
            # iterate over all regions
            for left, right in idx.reshape((-1, 2)):
                # pick the frame with the highest activations value
                beats.append(np.argmax(activations[left:right]) + left)
            beats = np.asarray(beats)
            # just take the frames with the smallest beat state values
            from scipy.signal import argrelmin
            beats = argrelmin(self.st.position(path),
            # recheck if they are within the "beat range", i.e. the pointers
            # of the observation model for that state must be 0
            # Note: interpolation and alignment of the beats to be at state 0
            #       does not improve results over this simple method
            beats = beats[self.om.pointers[path[beats]] == 0]
        # convert the detected beats to seconds
        return beats / float(self.fps)

    def add_arguments(cls, parser, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM,
                      norm_observations=NORM_OBSERVATIONS, correct=CORRECT):
        Add HMM related arguments to an existing parser object.

        :param parser: existing argparse parser object

        Parameters for the transition model:

        :param min_bpm:            minimum tempo used for beat tracking
        :param max_bpm:            maximum tempo used for beat tracking
        :param num_tempo_states:   number of tempo states (if set, limit the
                                   number of states and use a log spacing,
                                   otherwise a linear spacing)
        :param transition_lambda:  lambda for the exponential tempo change
                                   distribution (higher values prefer a
                                   constant tempo over a tempo change from
                                   one beat to the next one)

        Parameters for the observation model:

        :param observation_lambda: split one beat period into N parts, the
                                   first representing beat states and the
                                   remaining non-beat states
        :param norm_observations:  normalize the observations

        Post-processing parameters:

        :param correct:            correct the beat positions

        :return:                   beat argument parser group

        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ

        # add DBN parser group
        g = parser.add_argument_group('dynamic Bayesian Network arguments')
        if correct:
            g.add_argument('--no_correct', dest='correct',
                           action='store_false', default=correct,
                           help='do not correct the beat positions')
            g.add_argument('--correct', dest='correct',
                           action='store_true', default=correct,
                           help='correct the beat positions')
        # add a transition parameters
        g.add_argument('--min_bpm', action='store', type=float,
                       help='minimum tempo [bpm, default=%(default).2f]')
        g.add_argument('--max_bpm', action='store', type=float,
                       help='maximum tempo [bpm,  default=%(default).2f]')
        g.add_argument('--num_tempo_states', action='store', type=int,
                       help='limit the number of tempo states; if set, align '
                            'them with a log spacing, otherwise linearly')
        g.add_argument('--transition_lambda', action='store',
                       type=float, default=transition_lambda,
                       help='lambda of the tempo transition distribution; '
                            'higher values prefer a constant tempo over a '
                            'tempo change from one beat to the next one '
        # observation model stuff
        g.add_argument('--observation_lambda', action='store', type=int,
                       help='split one beat period into N parts, the first '
                            'representing beat states and the remaining '
                            'non-beat states [default=%(default)i]')
        if norm_observations:
            g.add_argument('--no_norm_obs', dest='norm_observations',
                           action='store_false', default=norm_observations,
                           help='do not normalize the observations of the DBN')
            g.add_argument('--norm_obs', dest='norm_observations',
                           action='store_true', default=norm_observations,
                           help='normalize the observations of the DBN')
        # return the argument group so it can be modified if needed
        return g