    def test_eval_matches_valid_2(self):
        A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
        B = read_csv_metadata(path_b, key='ID')
        C = read_csv_metadata(path_c, ltable=A, rtable=B)
        C1 = C[['_id', 'ltable_ID', 'rtable_ID']]
        num_ones = 1
        num_zeros = len(C1) - num_ones
        gold = [0] * num_ones
        gold.extend([1] * num_zeros)
        predicted = [1] * (num_zeros + num_ones)

        ln = len(C1.columns)
        C1.insert(ln, 'gold', gold)
        C1.insert(ln + 1, 'predicted', predicted)
        cm.copy_properties(C, C1)

        result = eval_matches(C1, 'predicted', 'gold')
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(result, dict), True)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_numerator'], 14)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_denominator'], 14)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result['precision'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_numerator'], 14)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_denominator'], 15)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall'], 0.9333333333333333)
        self.assertEqual(result['f1'], 0.9655172413793104)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_pos_num'], 14)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_pos_num'], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_pos_ls']), 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_neg_num'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_neg_num'], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_neg_ls']), 1)
        t = result['false_neg_ls'][0]
        self.assertEqual(t[0], 'a1')
        self.assertEqual(t[1], 'b1')
def _post_process_labelled_table(input_table, labeled_table, col_name):
    This function post processes the labeled table and updates the catalog.
    Specifically, this function validates that the label column contain only
    0 and 1's, and finally copies the properties from the input table to the
    output table.
    # Cast the label values to int as initially they will be strings when it
    # comes from the GUI
    labeled_table[col_name] = labeled_table[col_name].astype(int)

    # Check if the table contains only 0s and 1s
    label_value_with_1 = labeled_table[col_name] == 1
    label_value_with_0 = labeled_table[col_name] == 0
    sum_of_labels = sum(label_value_with_1 | label_value_with_0)

    # If they contain column values other than 0 and 1, raise an error
    if not sum_of_labels == len(labeled_table):
        logger.error('The label column contains values other than 0 and 1')
        raise AssertionError(
            'The label column contains values other than 0 and 1')

    # Copy the properties from the input table to label table.
    # Note: Here we dont have to check for the integrity of 'key' because the
    # key column is not tampered from the input table.
    cm.copy_properties(input_table, labeled_table)

    # Return the label table
    return labeled_table
    def test_eval_matches_valid_3(self):
        A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
        B = read_csv_metadata(path_b, key='ID')
        C = read_csv_metadata(path_c, ltable=A, rtable=B)
        C1 = C[['_id', 'ltable_ID', 'rtable_ID']]
        num_ones = len(C1)
        num_zeros = len(C1) - num_ones
        gold = [0]*num_ones
        # gold.extend([1]*num_zeros)
        predicted = [1]* (num_zeros + num_ones)

        ln = len(C1.columns)
        C1.insert(ln, 'gold', gold)
        C1.insert(ln+1, 'predicted', predicted)
        D = pd.DataFrame(columns=C1.columns)
        cm.copy_properties(C, D)
        result = eval_matches(D, 'gold', 'predicted')

        self.assertEqual(isinstance(result, dict), True)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_numerator'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_denominator'], 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result['precision'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_numerator'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_denominator'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['f1'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_pos_num'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_pos_num'], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_pos_ls']), 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_neg_num'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_neg_num'], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_neg_ls']), 0)
    def predict(self, x=None, table=None, exclude_attrs=None, target_attr=None, append=False, inplace=True):
        if x is not None:
            y = self.predict_sklearn(x)
            # if table is not None and target_attr is not None and append is True:
            #     if inplace == True:
            #         table[target_attr] = y
            #         return table
            #     else:
            #         tbl = table.copy()
            #         tbl[target_attr] = y
            #         return tbl
        elif table is not None and exclude_attrs is not None:
            y = self.predict_ex_attrs(table, exclude_attrs)
            if target_attr is not None and append is True:
                if inplace == True:
                    table[target_attr] = y
                    return table
                    tbl = table.copy()
                    tbl[target_attr] = y
                    cm.copy_properties(table, tbl)
                    return tbl

            raise SyntaxError('The arguments supplied does not match the signatures supported !!!')
        return y
    def test_eval_matches_valid_3(self):
        A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
        B = read_csv_metadata(path_b, key='ID')
        C = read_csv_metadata(path_c, ltable=A, rtable=B)
        C1 = C[['_id', 'ltable_ID', 'rtable_ID']]
        num_ones = len(C1)
        num_zeros = len(C1) - num_ones
        gold = [0] * num_ones
        # gold.extend([1]*num_zeros)
        predicted = [1] * (num_zeros + num_ones)

        ln = len(C1.columns)
        C1.insert(ln, 'gold', gold)
        C1.insert(ln + 1, 'predicted', predicted)
        D = pd.DataFrame(columns=C1.columns)
        cm.copy_properties(C, D)
        result = eval_matches(D, 'gold', 'predicted')

        self.assertEqual(isinstance(result, dict), True)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_numerator'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_denominator'], 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result['precision'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_numerator'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_denominator'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['f1'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_pos_num'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_pos_num'], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_pos_ls']), 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_neg_num'], 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_neg_num'], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_neg_ls']), 0)
    def predict(self,
        if x is not None:
            y = self.predict_sklearn(x)
            # if table is not None and target_attr is not None and append is True:
            #     if inplace == True:
            #         table[target_attr] = y
            #         return table
            #     else:
            #         tbl = table.copy()
            #         tbl[target_attr] = y
            #         return tbl
        elif table is not None and exclude_attrs is not None:
            y = self.predict_ex_attrs(table, exclude_attrs)
            if target_attr is not None and append is True:
                if inplace == True:
                    table[target_attr] = y
                    return table
                    tbl = table.copy()
                    tbl[target_attr] = y
                    cm.copy_properties(table, tbl)
                    return tbl

            raise SyntaxError(
                'The arguments supplied does not match the signatures supported !!!'
        return y
def _post_process_labelled_table(input_table, labeled_table, col_name):
    This function post processes the labeled table and updates the catalog.
    Specifically, this function validates that the label column contain only
    0 and 1's, and finally copies the properties from the input table to the
    output table.
    # Cast the label values to int as initially they will be strings when it
    # comes from the GUI
    labeled_table[col_name] = labeled_table[col_name].astype(int)

    # Check if the table contains only 0s and 1s
    label_value_with_1 = labeled_table[col_name] == 1
    label_value_with_0 = labeled_table[col_name] == 0
    sum_of_labels = sum(label_value_with_1 | label_value_with_0)

    # If they contain column values other than 0 and 1, raise an error
    if not sum_of_labels == len(labeled_table):
        logger.error('The label column contains values other than 0 and 1')
        raise AssertionError(
            'The label column contains values other than 0 and 1')

    # Copy the properties from the input table to label table.
    # Note: Here we dont have to check for the integrity of 'key' because the
    # key column is not tampered from the input table.
    cm.copy_properties(input_table, labeled_table)

    # Return the label table
    return labeled_table
def add_output_attributes(candset, l_output_attrs=None, r_output_attrs=None, l_output_prefix='ltable_',
                          r_output_prefix='rtable_', validate=True, copy_props=True,
                          delete_from_catalog=True, verbose=False):

    if not isinstance(candset, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')
        raise AssertionError('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')

    # # get metadata
    key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = cm.get_metadata_for_candset(candset, logger, verbose)
    if validate:
        cm.validate_metadata_for_candset(candset, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key,
                                         logger, verbose)
    index_values = candset.index

    df = _add_output_attributes(candset, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key,
                                l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix,

    df.set_index(index_values, inplace=True)
    if copy_props:
        cm.copy_properties(candset, df)
        if delete_from_catalog:
    return df
    def test_eval_matches_valid_2(self):
        A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
        B = read_csv_metadata(path_b, key='ID')
        C = read_csv_metadata(path_c, ltable=A, rtable=B)
        C1 = C[['_id', 'ltable_ID', 'rtable_ID']]
        num_ones = 1
        num_zeros = len(C1) - num_ones
        gold = [0] * num_ones
        gold.extend([1] * num_zeros)
        predicted = [1] * (num_zeros + num_ones)

        ln = len(C1.columns)
        C1.insert(ln, 'gold', gold)
        C1.insert(ln + 1, 'predicted', predicted)
        cm.copy_properties(C, C1)

        result = eval_matches(C1, 'predicted', 'gold')
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(result, dict), True)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_numerator'], 14)
        self.assertEqual(result['prec_denominator'], 14)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result['precision'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_numerator'], 14)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall_denominator'], 15)
        self.assertEqual(result['recall'], 0.9333333333333333)
        self.assertEqual(result['f1'], 0.9655172413793104)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_pos_num'], 14)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_pos_num'], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_pos_ls']), 0)
        self.assertEqual(result['pred_neg_num'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(result['false_neg_num'], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(len(result['false_neg_ls']), 1)
        t = result['false_neg_ls'][0]
        self.assertEqual(t[0], 'a1')
        self.assertEqual(t[1], 'b1')
 def test_copy_properties_update_false_2(self):
     A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
     A1 = pd.read_csv(path_a)
     cm.copy_properties(A, A1, update=False)
     p = cm.get_all_properties(A)
     p1 = cm.get_all_properties(A1)
     self.assertEqual(p, p1)
     self.assertEqual(cm.get_key(A1), cm.get_key(A))
 def test_copy_properties_valid_1(self):
     A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
     A1 = pd.read_csv(path_a)
     cm.copy_properties(A, A1)
     self.assertEqual(cm.is_dfinfo_present(A1), True)
     p = cm.get_all_properties(A)
     p1 = cm.get_all_properties(A1)
     self.assertEqual(p, p1)
     self.assertEqual(cm.get_key(A1), cm.get_key(A))
def train_test_split(labeled_data,
    if not isinstance(labeled_data, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input table is not of type dataframe')
        raise AssertionError('Input table is not of type dataframe')

        logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, fk rtable, '
        'ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose)

    # # get metadata
    key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = cm.get_metadata_for_candset(
        labeled_data, logger, verbose)

    # # validate metadata
    cm.validate_metadata_for_candset(labeled_data, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable,
                                     ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key, logger,

    num_rows = len(labeled_data)
    assert train_proportion >= 0 and train_proportion <= 1, " Train proportion is expected to be between 0 and 1"
    assert num_rows > 0, 'The input table is empty'

    train_size = int(math.floor(num_rows * train_proportion))
    test_size = int(num_rows - train_size)

    # use sk learn to split the data
    idx_values = pd.np.array(labeled_data.index.values)
    idx_train, idx_test = cv.train_test_split(idx_values,

    # construct output tables.
    lbl_train = labeled_data.ix[idx_train]
    lbl_test = labeled_data.ix[idx_test]

    # update catalog
    cm.copy_properties(labeled_data, lbl_train)

    cm.copy_properties(labeled_data, lbl_test)

    # return output tables
    result = OrderedDict()
    result['train'] = lbl_train
    result['test'] = lbl_test

    return result
    def _test_label_table(self, table, col_name, label_values):
        _validate_inputs(table, col_name, verbose=False)
        lbl_table = _init_label_table(table, col_name)
        from magellan.gui.table_gui import edit_table
        edit_table(lbl_table, show_flag=False)

        new_table = lbl_table.copy()
        cm.copy_properties(table, new_table)
        lbl_table = new_table

        lbl_table[col_name] = label_values
        lbl_table = _post_process_labelled_table(table, lbl_table, col_name)
        return lbl_table
    def _test_label_table(self, table, col_name, label_values):
        _validate_inputs(table, col_name,  verbose=False)
        lbl_table = _init_label_table(table, col_name)
        from magellan.gui.table_gui import edit_table
        edit_table(lbl_table, show_flag=False)

        new_table = lbl_table.copy()
        cm.copy_properties(table, new_table)
        lbl_table = new_table

        lbl_table[col_name] = label_values
        lbl_table = _post_process_labelled_table(table, lbl_table, col_name)
        return lbl_table
    def test_copy_properties_valid_2(self):
        A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
        B = read_csv_metadata(path_b)
        C = read_csv_metadata(path_c, ltable=A, rtable=B)

        C1 = pd.read_csv(path_c)
        cm.copy_properties(C, C1)
        self.assertEqual(cm.is_dfinfo_present(C1), True)
        p = cm.get_all_properties(C1)
        p1 = cm.get_all_properties(C1)
        self.assertEqual(p, p1)
        self.assertEqual(cm.get_key(C1), cm.get_key(C))
        self.assertEqual(cm.get_ltable(C1).equals(A), True)
        self.assertEqual(cm.get_rtable(C1).equals(B), True)
        self.assertEqual(cm.get_fk_ltable(C1), cm.get_fk_ltable(C))
        self.assertEqual(cm.get_fk_rtable(C1), cm.get_fk_rtable(C))
    def test_eval_matches_predicted_attr_not_in_df(self):
        A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
        B = read_csv_metadata(path_b, key='ID')
        C = read_csv_metadata(path_c, ltable=A, rtable=B)
        C1 = C[['_id', 'ltable_ID', 'rtable_ID']]
        num_ones = 1
        num_zeros = len(C1) - num_ones
        gold = [0] * num_ones
        gold.extend([1] * num_zeros)
        predicted = [1] * (num_zeros + num_ones)

        ln = len(C1.columns)
        C1.insert(ln, 'gold', gold)
        C1.insert(ln + 1, 'predicted', predicted)
        cm.copy_properties(C, C1)

        result = eval_matches(C1, 'gold', 'predicted1')
    def test_eval_matches_predicted_attr_not_in_df(self):
        A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
        B = read_csv_metadata(path_b, key='ID')
        C = read_csv_metadata(path_c, ltable=A, rtable=B)
        C1 = C[['_id', 'ltable_ID', 'rtable_ID']]
        num_ones = 1
        num_zeros = len(C1) - num_ones
        gold = [0] * num_ones
        gold.extend([1] * num_zeros)
        predicted = [1] * (num_zeros + num_ones)

        ln = len(C1.columns)
        C1.insert(ln, 'gold', gold)
        C1.insert(ln + 1, 'predicted', predicted)
        cm.copy_properties(C, C1)

        result = eval_matches(C1, 'gold', 'predicted1')
def add_output_attributes(candset,

    if not isinstance(candset, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')
        raise AssertionError('Input object is not of type pandas data frame')

    # # get metadata
    key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = cm.get_metadata_for_candset(
        candset, logger, verbose)
    if validate:
        cm.validate_metadata_for_candset(candset, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable,
                                         ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key, logger,
    index_values = candset.index

    df = _add_output_attributes(candset,

    df.set_index(index_values, inplace=True)
    if copy_props:
        cm.copy_properties(candset, df)
        if delete_from_catalog:
    return df
def extract_feature_vecs(candset, attrs_before=None, feature_table=None, attrs_after=None, verbose=True):

    if not isinstance(candset, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input cand.set is not of type dataframe')
        raise AssertionError('Input cand.set is not of type dataframe')

    # validate input parameters
    if attrs_before != None:
        if not check_attrs_present(candset, attrs_before):
            logger.error('The attributes mentioned in attrs_before is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')
            raise AssertionError('The attributes mentioned in attrs_before is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')

    if attrs_after != None:
        if not check_attrs_present(candset, attrs_after):
            logger.error('The attributes mentioned in attrs_after is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')
            raise AssertionError('The attributes mentioned in attrs_after is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')

    if feature_table is None:
        logger.error('Feature table cannot be null')
        raise AssertionError('The feature table cannot be null')

    log_info(logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, fk rtable, '
                     'ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose)

    # # get metadata
    key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = cm.get_metadata_for_candset(candset, logger, verbose)

    # # validate metadata
    cm.validate_metadata_for_candset(candset, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key,
                                     logger, verbose)

    # extract features
    id_list = [(r[fk_ltable], r[fk_rtable]) for i, r in candset.iterrows()]

    # # set index for convenience
    l_df = ltable.set_index(l_key, drop=False)
    r_df = rtable.set_index(r_key, drop=False)

    # # apply feature functions
    feat_vals = [apply_feat_fns(l_df.ix[x[0]], r_df.ix[x[1]], feature_table) for x in id_list]

    # construct output table
    table = pd.DataFrame(feat_vals)

    # # rearrange the feature names in the given order
    feat_names = list(feature_table['feature_name'])
    table = table[feat_names]

    # # insert attrs_before
    if attrs_before:
        if not isinstance(attrs_before, list):
            attrs_before = [attrs_before]
        attrs_before = list_diff(attrs_before, [key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable])
        for a in attrs_before:
            table.insert(0, a, candset[a])

    # # insert keys
    table.insert(0, fk_rtable, candset[fk_rtable])
    table.insert(0, fk_ltable, candset[fk_ltable])
    table.insert(0, key, candset[key])

    # # insert attrs after
    if attrs_after:
        if not isinstance(attrs_after, list):
            attrs_after = [attrs_after]
        attrs_after = list_diff(attrs_after, [key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable])
        col_pos = len(table.columns)
        for a in attrs_after:
            table.insert(col_pos, a, candset[a])
            col_pos += 1

    # reset the index
    table.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    # # update the catalog
    cm.copy_properties(candset, table)

    return table
import magellan as mg
import pandas as pd
import magellan.catalog.catalog_manager as cm

A = mg.load_dataset('table_A')
B = pd.read_csv('../magellan/datasets/B.csv')
cm.copy_properties(A, B)

print 'hi'
def extract_feature_vecs(candset,

    if not isinstance(candset, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input cand.set is not of type dataframe')
        raise AssertionError('Input cand.set is not of type dataframe')

    # validate input parameters
    if attrs_before != None:
        if not check_attrs_present(candset, attrs_before):
            logger.error('The attributes mentioned in attrs_before is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')
            raise AssertionError('The attributes mentioned in attrs_before is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')

    if attrs_after != None:
        if not check_attrs_present(candset, attrs_after):
            logger.error('The attributes mentioned in attrs_after is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')
            raise AssertionError('The attributes mentioned in attrs_after is not present ' \
                                                           'in the input table')

    if feature_table is None:
        logger.error('Feature table cannot be null')
        raise AssertionError('The feature table cannot be null')

        logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, fk rtable, '
        'ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose)

    # # get metadata
    key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = cm.get_metadata_for_candset(
        candset, logger, verbose)

    # # validate metadata
    cm.validate_metadata_for_candset(candset, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable,
                                     ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key, logger,

    # extract features
    id_list = [(r[fk_ltable], r[fk_rtable]) for i, r in candset.iterrows()]

    # # set index for convenience
    l_df = ltable.set_index(l_key, drop=False)
    r_df = rtable.set_index(r_key, drop=False)

    # # apply feature functions
    feat_vals = [
        apply_feat_fns(l_df.ix[x[0]], r_df.ix[x[1]], feature_table)
        for x in id_list

    # construct output table
    table = pd.DataFrame(feat_vals)

    # # rearrange the feature names in the given order
    feat_names = list(feature_table['feature_name'])
    table = table[feat_names]

    # # insert attrs_before
    if attrs_before:
        if not isinstance(attrs_before, list):
            attrs_before = [attrs_before]
        attrs_before = list_diff(attrs_before, [key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable])
        for a in attrs_before:
            table.insert(0, a, candset[a])

    # # insert keys
    table.insert(0, fk_rtable, candset[fk_rtable])
    table.insert(0, fk_ltable, candset[fk_ltable])
    table.insert(0, key, candset[key])

    # # insert attrs after
    if attrs_after:
        if not isinstance(attrs_after, list):
            attrs_after = [attrs_after]
        attrs_after = list_diff(attrs_after, [key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable])
        col_pos = len(table.columns)
        for a in attrs_after:
            table.insert(col_pos, a, candset[a])
            col_pos += 1

    # reset the index
    table.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    # # update the catalog
    cm.copy_properties(candset, table)

    return table
def sample_table(table, sample_size, replace=False, verbose=False):
    Sample a pandas DataFrame (for labeling purposes).

    This function samples a DataFrame, typically used for labeling
    purposes. This function expects the input DataFrame containing the
    metadata of a candidate set (such as key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable,
    rtable). Specifically, this function creates a copy of the input
    DataFrame, samples the data using uniform random sampling (uses 'random'
    function from numpy to sample) and returns the sampled DataFrame.
    Further, also copies the properties from the input DataFrame to the output

        table (DataFrame): Input DataFrame to be sampled. Specifically,
            a DataFrame containing the metadata of a candidate set (such as
            key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable) in the catalog.
        sample_size (int): Number of samples to be picked up from the input
        replace (boolean): Flag to indicate whether sampling should be done
            with replacement or not (default value is False).
        verbose (boolean): Flag to indicate whether more detailed information
            about the execution steps should be printed out (default value is

        A new DataFrame with 'sample_size' number of rows. Further,
        this function sets the output DataFrame's properties same as input

        AssertionError: If the input table is not of type pandas DataFrame.
        AssertionError: If the input DataFrame size is 0.
        AssertionError: If the sample_size is greater than the input
            DataFrame size.

        As mentioned in the above description, the output DataFrame is
        updated (in the catalog) with the properties from the input
        DataFrame. A subtle point to note here is, when the replace flag is
        set to True, then the output  DataFrame can contain duplicate keys.
        In that case, this function  will not set the key and it is up to
        the user to fix it after the function returns.
    # Validate input parameters.

    # # The input DataFrame is expected to be of type pandas DataFrame.
    if not isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input table is not of type pandas dataframe')
        raise AssertionError('Input table is not of type pandas dataframe')

    # # There should at least not-zero rows to sample from
    if len(table) == 0:
        logger.error('Size of the input table is 0')
        raise AssertionError('Size of the input table is 0')

    # # The sample size should be less than or equal to the number of rows in
    #  the input DataFrame
    if len(table) < sample_size:
        logger.error('Sample size is larger than the input table size')
        raise AssertionError('Sample size is larger than the input table size')

    # Now, validate the metadata for the input DataFrame as we have to copy
    # these properties to the output DataFrame

    # # First, display what metadata is required for this function
        logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, '
        'fk rtable, ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose)

    # # Second, get the metadata
    key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = \
        cm.get_metadata_for_candset(table, logger, verbose)

    # # Third, validate the metadata
    cm.validate_metadata_for_candset(table, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable,
                                     rtable, l_key, r_key, logger, verbose)

    # Get the sample set for the output table
    sample_indices = pd.np.random.choice(len(table),
    # Sort the indices ordered by index value
    sample_indices = sorted(sample_indices)
    sampled_table = table.iloc[list(sample_indices)]

    # Copy the properties

    # # If the replace is set to True, then we should check for the validity
    # of key before setting it
    if replace:
        properties = cm.get_all_properties(table)
        for property_name, property_value in six.iteritems(properties):
            if property_name == 'key':
                # Check for the validity of key before setting it
                cm.set_key(sampled_table, property_value)
                # Copy the other properties as is
                cm.set_property(sampled_table, property_name, property_value)
        cm.copy_properties(table, sampled_table)

    # Return the sampled table
    return sampled_table
 def test_copy_properties_invalid_tar_df(self):
     A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
     cm.copy_properties(A, None)
 def test_copy_properties_invalid_src_df(self):
     A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
     cm.copy_properties(None, A)
def sample_table(table, sample_size, replace=False, verbose=False):
    Sample a pandas DataFrame (for labeling purposes).

    This function samples a DataFrame, typically used for labeling
    purposes. This function expects the input DataFrame containing the
    metadata of a candidate set (such as key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable,
    rtable). Specifically, this function creates a copy of the input
    DataFrame, samples the data using uniform random sampling (uses 'random'
    function from numpy to sample) and returns the sampled DataFrame.
    Further, also copies the properties from the input DataFrame to the output

        table (DataFrame): Input DataFrame to be sampled. Specifically,
            a DataFrame containing the metadata of a candidate set (such as
            key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable) in the catalog.
        sample_size (int): Number of samples to be picked up from the input
        replace (boolean): Flag to indicate whether sampling should be done
            with replacement or not (default value is False).
        verbose (boolean): Flag to indicate whether more detailed information
            about the execution steps should be printed out (default value is

        A new DataFrame with 'sample_size' number of rows. Further,
        this function sets the output DataFrame's properties same as input

        AssertionError: If the input table is not of type pandas DataFrame.
        AssertionError: If the input DataFrame size is 0.
        AssertionError: If the sample_size is greater than the input
            DataFrame size.

        As mentioned in the above description, the output DataFrame is
        updated (in the catalog) with the properties from the input
        DataFrame. A subtle point to note here is, when the replace flag is
        set to True, then the output  DataFrame can contain duplicate keys.
        In that case, this function  will not set the key and it is up to
        the user to fix it after the function returns.
    # Validate input parameters.

    # # The input DataFrame is expected to be of type pandas DataFrame.
    if not isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame):
        logger.error('Input table is not of type pandas dataframe')
        raise AssertionError('Input table is not of type pandas dataframe')

    # # There should at least not-zero rows to sample from
    if len(table) == 0:
        logger.error('Size of the input table is 0')
        raise AssertionError('Size of the input table is 0')

    # # The sample size should be less than or equal to the number of rows in
    #  the input DataFrame
    if len(table) < sample_size:
        logger.error('Sample size is larger than the input table size')
        raise AssertionError('Sample size is larger than the input table size')

    # Now, validate the metadata for the input DataFrame as we have to copy
    # these properties to the output DataFrame

    # # First, display what metadata is required for this function
    ch.log_info(logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, '
                        'fk rtable, ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key',

    # # Second, get the metadata
    key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = \
        cm.get_metadata_for_candset(table, logger, verbose)

    # # Third, validate the metadata
    cm.validate_metadata_for_candset(table, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable,
                                     ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key,
                                     logger, verbose)

    # Get the sample set for the output table
    sample_indices = pd.np.random.choice(len(table), sample_size,
    # Sort the indices ordered by index value
    sample_indices = sorted(sample_indices)
    sampled_table = table.iloc[list(sample_indices)]

    # Copy the properties

    # # If the replace is set to True, then we should check for the validity
    # of key before setting it
    if replace:
        properties = cm.get_all_properties(table)
        for property_name, property_value in six.iteritems(properties):
            if property_name == 'key':
                # Check for the validity of key before setting it
                cm.set_key(sampled_table, property_value)
                # Copy the other properties as is
                cm.set_property(sampled_table, property_name, property_value)
        cm.copy_properties(table, sampled_table)

    # Return the sampled table
    return sampled_table
 def test_copy_properties_update_false_1(self):
     A = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
     A1 = read_csv_metadata(path_a)
     status=cm.copy_properties(A, A1, update=False)
     self.assertEqual(status, False)
 def test_copy_properties_src_df_notin_catalog(self):
     A = pd.read_csv(path_a)
     A1 = pd.read_csv(path_a)
     cm.copy_properties(A, A1)