    def _update_type(self):
        """Update the type of this Media object.

        If there's a video file, mark this as a video type, else fallback
        to audio, if possible, or unknown (None)
        if any(file.type == VIDEO for file in self.files):
            return VIDEO
        elif any(file.type == AUDIO for file in self.files):
            return AUDIO
        return None
文件: media.py 项目: wafe/mediadrop
    def _update_type(self):
        """Update the type of this Media object.

        If there's a video file, mark this as a video type, else fallback
        to audio, if possible, or unknown (None)
        if any(file.type == VIDEO for file in self.files):
            return VIDEO
        elif any(file.type == AUDIO for file in self.files):
            return AUDIO
        return None
    def tree(self, depth=10, secret_key=None, **kwargs):
        """Query for an expanded tree of categories.

        :param id: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.id` to lookup the parent node
        :type id: int
        :param name: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.name` to lookup the parent node
        :type name: str
        :param slug: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.slug` to lookup the parent node
        :type slug: str

        :param depth:
            Number of level deep in children to expand. Defaults to 10.
            The maximum allowed value defaults to 10 and is set via
        :type limit: int
        :param api_key:
            The api access key if required in settings
        :type api_key: unicode or None
        :returns: JSON dict

        if asbool(app_globals.settings['api_secret_key_required']) \
            and secret_key != app_globals.settings['api_secret_key']:
            return dict(error='Authentication Error')
        if any(key in kwargs for key in ('id', 'slug', 'name')):
            kwargs['depth'] = depth
            kwargs['tree'] = True
            return self._get_query(**kwargs)

        return self._index_query(depth=depth, tree=True)
def media_player(media, is_widescreen=False, show_like=True, show_dislike=True,
                 show_download=False, show_embed=False, show_playerbar=True,
                 show_popout=True, show_resize=False, show_share=True,
                 js_init=None, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate and render the preferred player that can play this media.

    We make no effort to pick the "best" player here, we simply return
    the first player that *can* play any of the URIs associated with
    the given media object. It's up to the user to declare their own
    preferences wisely.

    Player preferences are fetched from the database and the
    :attr:`mediacore.model.players.c.data` dict is passed as kwargs to

    :type media: :class:`mediacore.model.media.Media`
    :param media: A media instance to play.

    :param js_init: Optional function to call after the javascript player
        controller has been instantiated. Example of a function literal:
        ``function(controller){ controller.setFillScreen(true); }``.
        Any function reference can be used as long as it is defined
        in all pages and accepts the JS player controller as its first
        and only argument.

    :param \*\*kwargs: Extra kwargs for :meth:`AbstractPlayer.__init__`.

    :rtype: `str` or `None`
    :returns: A rendered player.
    uris = media.get_uris()

    # Find the first player that can play any uris
    for player_cls, player_data in fetch_enabled_players():
        can_play = player_cls.can_play(uris)
        if any(can_play):
        return None

    # Grab just the uris that the chosen player can play
    playable_uris = [uri for uri, plays in izip(uris, can_play) if plays]
    kwargs['data'] = player_data
    player = player_cls(media, playable_uris, **kwargs)

    return render('players/html5_or_flash.html', {
        'player': player,
        'media': media,
        'uris': uris,
        'is_widescreen': is_widescreen,
        'js_init': js_init,
        'show_like': show_like,
        'show_dislike': show_dislike,
        'show_download': show_download,
        'show_embed': show_embed,
        'show_playerbar': show_playerbar,
        'show_popout': show_popout,
        'show_resize': show_resize and player.supports_resizing,
        'show_share': show_share,
    def index(self, order=None, offset=0, limit=10, api_key=None, **kwargs):
        """Query for a flat list of categories.

        :param id: An :attr:`id <mediacore.model.media.Category.id>` for lookup
        :type id: int

        :param name: A :attr:`name <mediacore.model.media.Category.name>`
            for lookup
        :type name: str

        :param slug: A :attr:`slug <mediacore.model.media.Category.slug>`
            for lookup
        :type slug: str

        :param order:
            A column name and 'asc' or 'desc', seperated by a space.
            The column name can be any one of the returned columns.
            Defaults to newest category first (id desc).
        :type order: str

        :param offset:
            Where in the complete resultset to start returning results.
            Defaults to 0, the very beginning. This is useful if you've
            already fetched the first 50 results and want to fetch the
            next 50 and so on.
        :type offset: int

        :param limit:
            Number of results to return in each query. Defaults to 10.
            The maximum allowed value defaults to 50 and is set via
        :type limit: int

        :param api_key:
            The api access key if required in settings
        :type api_key: unicode or None

        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            count (int)
                The total number of results that match this query.
            categories (list of dicts)
                A list of **category_info** dicts, as generated by the
                :meth:`_info <mediacore.controllers.api.categories.CategoriesController._info>`
                method. The number of dicts in this list will be the lesser
                of the number of matched items and the requested limit.

        if asbool(app_globals.settings['api_secret_key_required']) \
            and api_key != app_globals.settings['api_secret_key']:
            return dict(error='Authentication Error')

        if any(key in kwargs for key in ('id', 'slug', 'name')):
            kwargs['offset'] = offset
            kwargs['limit'] = limit
            kwargs['tree'] = False
            return self._get_query(**kwargs)

        return self._index_query(order, offset, limit, tree=False)
    def index(self, order=None, offset=0, limit=10, api_key=None, **kwargs):
        """Query for a flat list of categories.

        :param id: An :attr:`id <mediacore.model.media.Category.id>` for lookup
        :type id: int

        :param name: A :attr:`name <mediacore.model.media.Category.name>`
            for lookup
        :type name: str

        :param slug: A :attr:`slug <mediacore.model.media.Category.slug>`
            for lookup
        :type slug: str

        :param order:
            A column name and 'asc' or 'desc', seperated by a space.
            The column name can be any one of the returned columns.
            Defaults to newest category first (id desc).
        :type order: str

        :param offset:
            Where in the complete resultset to start returning results.
            Defaults to 0, the very beginning. This is useful if you've
            already fetched the first 50 results and want to fetch the
            next 50 and so on.
        :type offset: int

        :param limit:
            Number of results to return in each query. Defaults to 10.
            The maximum allowed value defaults to 50 and is set via
        :type limit: int

        :param api_key:
            The api access key if required in settings
        :type api_key: unicode or None

        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            count (int)
                The total number of results that match this query.
            categories (list of dicts)
                A list of **category_info** dicts, as generated by the
                :meth:`_info <mediacore.controllers.api.categories.CategoriesController._info>`
                method. The number of dicts in this list will be the lesser
                of the number of matched items and the requested limit.

        if asbool(app_globals.settings['api_secret_key_required']) \
            and api_key != app_globals.settings['api_secret_key']:
            return dict(error='Authentication Error')

        if any(key in kwargs for key in ('id', 'slug', 'name')):
            kwargs['offset'] = offset
            kwargs['limit'] = limit
            kwargs['tree'] = False
            return self._get_query(**kwargs)

        return self._index_query(order, offset, limit, tree=False)
def can_edit(item):
    """Return True if the logged in user is a part of the Admins group.

    NOTE: The item argument is provided for future use only.
    ident = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {})
    perms = ident.get('permissions', 0)
    return perms and any(perm.lower() == 'edit' for perm in perms)
def is_admin():
    """Return True if the logged in user is a part of the Admins group.

    This method will need to be replaced when we improve our user
    access controls.
    groups = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {}).get('groups', 0)
    return groups and any(group.lower() == 'admins' for group in groups)
    def pick_players(self, sorted_uris, media, kwargs):
        """Initialize the unique players best able to play the given URIs.

        Players are given priority based first on their ability to play
        higher priority URIs, then by the preferred order as they were
        originally given. This means that a Flash player may jump ahead
        of an HTML5 player if the RTMP protocol is preferred over HTTP.

        We attempt to instantiate only one player of each logical type.
        In the simplest case, we want just one html5 player and one flash
        player, but this logic could also handle other player types such
        as java or silverlight. We make no assumptions about the types
        here, we just instantiate the highest priority player for each
        logical type provided by the able players.

        :type sorted_uris: tuple
        :param sorted_uris: StorageURIs, ordered by the priority we want them
            to play in.
        :type media: :class:`mediacore.model.media.Media`
        :param media: The media object that is being rendered, to be passed
            to all instantiated player objects.
        :type kwargs: dict
        :param kwargs: The options dict that is passed to the player class
            at instantiation time.
        :rtype list:
        :returns: Instantiated player objects.

        # Find all the players that can play any URI
        able_players = []
        for player_cls in self.players:
            can_play = player_cls.can_play(sorted_uris)
            if not any(can_play):
            # Grab all URIs that this player can play
            uris = [uri for uri, plays in izip(sorted_uris, can_play) if plays]
            # Find the index of the first URI that can play for sorting below
            priority = ifilter(itemgetter(1), enumerate(can_play)).next()[0]
            able_players.append((player_cls, uris, priority))

        # Reorder those players by the priority of the first file they can play

        players = []
        covered_types = set()

        # Instantiate the highest priority players for every logical type
        for player_cls, player_uris, priority in able_players:
            player_types = player_cls.logical_types
            if player_types.difference(covered_types):
                player = player_cls(media, player_uris, **kwargs)

        return players
def is_admin():
    """Return True if the logged in user is a part of the Admins group.

    TODO: This method will need to be replaced when we improve our user
    access controls.

    :returns: Whether or not the current user is an Admin.
    :rtype: bool
    ident = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {})
    groups = ident.get('groups', 0)
    return groups and any(group.lower() == 'admins' for group in groups)
def is_admin():
    """Return True if the logged in user is a part of the Admins group.

    TODO: This method will need to be replaced when we improve our user
    access controls.

    :returns: Whether or not the current user is an Admin.
    :rtype: bool
    ident = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {})
    groups = ident.get('groups', 0)
    return groups and any(group.lower() == 'admins' for group in groups)
 def _all_links(self):
     finds all tags with link attributes sequentially. safe against modification
     of said attributes in-place.
     start = self.root
     while True:
         tag = start.findNext(lambda tag: any([(
             tag.get(i) for i in self.settings['attrs_considered_links'])]))
         if tag:
             start = tag
             yield tag
def can_edit(item):
    """Return True if the logged in user has the 'edit' permission.

    :param item: When we improve our user access controls, this will be used
                 to check edit permissions on a particular object.
                 TODO: 'item' is currently an unimplemented argument.
    :type item: unimplemented

    :returns: Whether the current user has the 'edit' permission.
    :rtype: bool
    ident = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {})
    perms = ident.get('permissions', 0)
    return perms and any(perm.lower() == 'edit' for perm in perms)
def can_edit(item):
    """Return True if the logged in user has the 'edit' permission.

    :param item: When we improve our user access controls, this will be used
                 to check edit permissions on a particular object.
                 TODO: 'item' is currently an unimplemented argument.
    :type item: unimplemented

    :returns: Whether the current user has the 'edit' permission.
    :rtype: bool
    ident = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity', {})
    perms = ident.get('permissions', 0)
    return perms and any(perm.lower() == 'edit' for perm in perms)
    def index(self, order=None, offset=0, limit=10, secret_key=None, **kwargs):
        """Query for a flat list of categories.

        :param id: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.id` for lookup
        :type id: int

        :param name: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.name` for lookup
        :type name: str

        :param slug: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.slug` for lookup
        :type slug: str

        :param order:
            A column name and 'asc' or 'desc', seperated by a space.
            The column name can be any one of the returned columns.
            Defaults to newest category first (id desc).

        :param offset:
            Where in the complete resultset to start returning results.
            Defaults to 0, the very beginning. This is useful if you've
            already fetched the first 50 results and want to fetch the
            next 50 and so on.
        :type offset: int

        :param limit:
            Number of results to return in each query. Defaults to 10.
            The maximum allowed value defaults to 50 and is set via
        :type limit: int

        :param api_key:
            The api access key if required in settings
        :type api_key: unicode or None

        :returns: JSON dict

        if asbool(app_globals.settings['api_secret_key_required']) \
            and secret_key != app_globals.settings['api_secret_key']:
            return dict(error='Authentication Error')

        if any(key in kwargs for key in ('id', 'slug', 'name')):
            kwargs['offset'] = offset
            kwargs['limit'] = limit
            kwargs['tree'] = False
            return self._get_query(**kwargs)

        return self._index_query(order, offset, limit, tree=False)
def preferred_player_for_media(media, **kwargs):
    uris = media.get_uris()

    from mediacore.model.players import fetch_enabled_players
    # Find the first player that can play any uris
    for player_cls, player_data in fetch_enabled_players():
        can_play = player_cls.can_play(uris)
        if any(can_play):
        return None

    # Grab just the uris that the chosen player can play
    playable_uris = [uri for uri, plays in izip(uris, can_play) if plays]
    kwargs['data'] = player_data
    return player_cls(media, playable_uris, **kwargs)
文件: players.py 项目: isaleem/cumin
def preferred_player_for_media(media, **kwargs):
    uris = media.get_uris()

    from mediacore.model.players import fetch_enabled_players
    # Find the first player that can play any uris
    for player_cls, player_data in fetch_enabled_players():
        can_play = player_cls.can_play(uris)
        if any(can_play):
        return None

    # Grab just the uris that the chosen player can play
    playable_uris = [uri for uri, plays in izip(uris, can_play) if plays]
    kwargs['data'] = player_data
    return player_cls(media, playable_uris, **kwargs)
 def _all_links(self):
     finds all tags with link attributes sequentially. safe against modification
     of said attributes in-place.
     start = self.root
     while True:
         tag = start.findNext(
           lambda tag : any(
             [(tag.get(i) for i in self.settings['attrs_considered_links'])]
         if tag:
             start = tag
             yield tag
         else :
    def tree(self, depth=10, api_key=None, **kwargs):
        """Query for an expanded tree of categories.

        :param id: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.id` to lookup the parent node
        :type id: int
        :param name: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.name` to lookup the parent node
        :type name: str
        :param slug: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.slug` to lookup the parent node
        :type slug: str

        :param depth:
            Number of level deep in children to expand. Defaults to 10.
            The maximum allowed value defaults to 10 and is set via
        :type limit: int
        :param api_key:
            The api access key if required in settings
        :type api_key: unicode or None
        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            count (int)
                The total number of results that match this query.
            categories (list of dicts)
                A list of **category_info** dicts, as generated by the
                :meth:`_info <mediacore.controllers.api.categories.CategoriesController._info>`
                method. Each of these dicts represents a category at the top
                level of the hierarchy. Each dict has also been modified to
                have an extra 'children' field, which is a list of
                **category_info** dicts representing that category's children
                within the hierarchy.

        if asbool(app_globals.settings['api_secret_key_required']) \
            and api_key != app_globals.settings['api_secret_key']:
            return dict(error='Authentication Error')
        if any(key in kwargs for key in ('id', 'slug', 'name')):
            kwargs['depth'] = depth
            kwargs['tree'] = True
            return self._get_query(**kwargs)

        return self._index_query(depth=depth, tree=True)
    def tree(self, depth=10, api_key=None, **kwargs):
        """Query for an expanded tree of categories.

        :param id: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.id` to lookup the parent node
        :type id: int
        :param name: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.name` to lookup the parent node
        :type name: str
        :param slug: A :attr:`mediacore.model.media.Category.slug` to lookup the parent node
        :type slug: str

        :param depth:
            Number of level deep in children to expand. Defaults to 10.
            The maximum allowed value defaults to 10 and is set via
        :type limit: int
        :param api_key:
            The api access key if required in settings
        :type api_key: unicode or None
        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            count (int)
                The total number of results that match this query.
            categories (list of dicts)
                A list of **category_info** dicts, as generated by the
                :meth:`_info <mediacore.controllers.api.categories.CategoriesController._info>`
                method. Each of these dicts represents a category at the top
                level of the hierarchy. Each dict has also been modified to
                have an extra 'children' field, which is a list of
                **category_info** dicts representing that category's children
                within the hierarchy.

        if asbool(app_globals.settings['api_secret_key_required']) \
            and api_key != app_globals.settings['api_secret_key']:
            return dict(error='Authentication Error')
        if any(key in kwargs for key in ('id', 'slug', 'name')):
            kwargs['depth'] = depth
            kwargs['tree'] = True
            return self._get_query(**kwargs)

        return self._index_query(depth=depth, tree=True)
def main(parser, options):
    status = 0
    output = []

    if options.dump_to:
        s, o = dump_backup_file(options.dump_to)
        status += s
        DBSession.commit() # Commit and start a new transaction

    if options.read_from:
        s, o = restore_backup_file(options.read_from)
        status += s
        DBSession.commit() # Commit and start a new transaction

    if options.dump_files_dir:
        s, o = backup_files(options.dump_files_dir)
        status += s

    if options.restore_files_dir:
        s, o = restore_files(options.restore_files_dir)
        status += s

    if not any((options.dump_to, options.read_from,
                options.dump_files_dir, options.restore_files_dir)):
        print ""
        status, output = 1, ['Incorrect or insufficient arguments provided.\n']

    # print output and exit
    print ""
    if status == 0:
        print "Operation completed successfully."
        print "Error occurred in operation. You can use the --debug flag for more information."
    print ""
def media_player(media,
    """Instantiate and render the preferred player that can play this media.

    We make no effort to pick the "best" player here, we simply return
    the first player that *can* play any of the URIs associated with
    the given media object. It's up to the user to declare their own
    preferences wisely.

    Player preferences are fetched from the database and the
    :attr:`mediacore.model.players.c.data` dict is passed as kwargs to

    :type media: :class:`mediacore.model.media.Media`
    :param media: A media instance to play.

    :param js_init: Optional function to call after the javascript player
        controller has been instantiated. Example of a function literal:
        ``function(controller){ controller.setFillScreen(true); }``.
        Any function reference can be used as long as it is defined
        in all pages and accepts the JS player controller as its first
        and only argument.

    :param \*\*kwargs: Extra kwargs for :meth:`AbstractPlayer.__init__`.

    :rtype: `str` or `None`
    :returns: A rendered player.
    uris = media.get_uris()

    # Find the first player that can play any uris
    for player_cls, player_data in fetch_enabled_players():
        can_play = player_cls.can_play(uris)
        if any(can_play):
        return None

    # Grab just the uris that the chosen player can play
    playable_uris = [uri for uri, plays in izip(uris, can_play) if plays]
    kwargs['data'] = player_data
    player = player_cls(media, playable_uris, **kwargs)

    return render(
        'players/html5_or_flash.html', {
            'player': player,
            'media': media,
            'uris': uris,
            'is_widescreen': is_widescreen,
            'js_init': js_init,
            'show_like': show_like,
            'show_dislike': show_dislike,
            'show_download': show_download,
            'show_embed': show_embed,
            'show_playerbar': show_playerbar,
            'show_popout': show_popout,
            'show_resize': show_resize and player.supports_resizing,
            'show_share': show_share,
 def has_permission(self, permission_name):
     return any(perm.permission_name == permission_name
                for perm in self.permissions)
 def has_permission(self, permission_name):
     return any(perm.permission_name == permission_name
                for perm in self.permissions)
 def contains_only_whitespace(node):
     if is_tag(node):
         if not any([not is_text(s) for s in node.contents]):
             if not any([unicode(s).strip() for s in node.contents]):
                 return True
     return False
 def contains_only_whitespace(node):
     if is_tag(node):
         if not any([not is_text(s) for s in node.contents]):
             if not any([unicode(s).strip() for s in node.contents]):
                 return True
     return False