class TestDevice(Base):
    """Non-hardware test class"""
    def __init__(self, output='json'):

        # TODO: make safe for MicroPython, leave here for now in Conda
        from collections import deque
        from math import sin, pi

        from meerkat.data import CSVWriter, JSONWriter

        # data bus placeholder
        self.bus = None
        self.bus_addr = None

        # what kind of data output to file
        self.output = output

        # types of verbose printing
        self.verbose = False
        self.verbose_data = False

        # thread safe deque for sharing and plotting
        self.q_maxlen = 300
        self.q = deque(maxlen=self.q_maxlen)
        self.q_prefill_zeros = False

        # realtime/stream options
        self.go = False
        self.unlimited = False
        self.max_samples = 1000

        # information about this device
        self.device = DeviceData('Software Test')
        self.device.description = 'Dummy data for software testing'
        self.device.urls = None
        self.device.manufacturer = None
        self.device.version_hw = None
        self.device.version_sw = None
        self.device.accuracy = None
        self.device.precision = None
        self.device.bus = None
        self.device.state = 'Test Not Running'
        self.device.active = False
        self.device.error = None
        self.device.dtype = None
        self.device.calibration_date = None

        # data writer
        if self.output == 'csv':
            self.writer = CSVWriter('Software Test')
            #self.writer.device = self.device.values()
        elif self.output == 'json':
            self.writer = JSONWriter('Software Test')

        self.writer.header = ['index', 'degrees', 'amplitude']
        self.writer.device = self.device.values()

        # example data of one 360 degree, -1 to 1 sine wave
        self._deg = [n for n in range(360)]
        self._amp = [sin(d * (pi / 180.0)) for d in self._deg]
        self._test_data = list(zip(self._deg, self._amp))

    def _cycle(iterable):
        """Copied from Python 3.7 itertools.cycle example"""
        saved = []
        for element in iterable:
            yield element
        while saved:
            for element in saved:
                yield element

    def run(self, delay=0, index='count'):
        """Run data collection"""

        # TODO: make safe for MicroPython, leave here for now in Conda
        from time import sleep, time, ctime

        if self.verbose:
            print('Test Started')

        # used in non-unlimited acquisition
        count = 0


        if self.q_prefill_zeros:
            for _ in range(self.q_maxlen):
                self.q.append((0, 0))

        if index == 'time':

            def get_index():
                return time()
        elif index == 'ctime':

            def get_index():
                return ctime()

            def get_index():
                return count

        for d, a in self._cycle(self._test_data):

            if not self.go:
                if self.verbose:
                    print('Test Stopped')

            self.device.state = 'Test run() method'

            i = get_index()

            data = [i, d, a]

            if self.output is not None:

            q_out = self.writer.stream(data)

            if self.verbose_data:

            if not self.unlimited:
                count += 1
                if count == self.max_samples:
                    self.go = False

class ExampleDevice:
    def __init__(self, bus_n, bus_addr=0x00, output='csv'):
        """Initialize worker device on i2c bus.

        bus_n : int, i2c bus number on Controller
        bus_addr : int, i2c bus number of this Worker device

        # i2c bus
        self.bus = base.I2C(bus_n=bus_n, bus_addr=bus_addr)

        # print debug statements
        self.verbose = False

        # information about this device
        self.device = base.DeviceData('ExampleDevice')
        self.device.description = ('Just an example, replace')
        self.device.urls = 'www.example.com'
        self.device.active = None
        self.device.error = None
        self.device.bus = repr(self.bus)
        self.device.manufacturer = 'None'
        self.device.version_hw = '1.0'
        self.device.version_sw = '1.0'
        self.device.accuracy = None
        self.device.precision = 'replace'
        self.device.calibration_date = None

        # add device specific attributes
        self.device.other_attributes = None

        # data recording method
        if output == 'csv':
            self.writer = CSVWriter('ExampleDevice', time_format='std_time_ms')
        elif output == 'json':
            self.writer = JSONWriter('ExampleDevice',
            pass  # holder for another writer or change in default
        # set writer header for device's output format, ADS1115 shown example
        self.writer.header = ['description', 'sample_n', 'voltage', 'current']
        self.writer.device = self.device.values()

        # data recording information
        self.sample_id = None

        # intialized configuration values

    # device specific methods...
    # ...
    # ...

    def get(self, description='no_description', n=1):
        """Get formatted output.
        description : char, description of data sample collected
        n : int, number of samples to record in this burst
        data : list, data that will be saved to disk with self.write containing:
            description : str
            sample_n : int, sample number in this burst
            measurement, float, whatever values the device outputs
        data_list = []
        for m in range(1, n + 1):
                m,  # data aquistion class methods
            if n == 1:
                return data_list[0]
        return data_list

    def write(self, description='no_description', n=1):
        """Format output and save to file, formatted as either .csv or .json.
        description : char, description of data sample collected
        n : int, number of samples to record in this burst

        None, writes to disk the following data: 
            description : str, description of sample
            sample_n : int, sample number in this burst
            measurement, float, whatever values the device outputs
        for m in range(1, n + 1):
                m,  # data aquistion class methods