def _weather_data_extraction(lat, lon):
    start = datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    end = datetime(2021, 1, 16)

    stations = Stations()
    stations = stations.nearby(lat, lon)
    stations = stations.inventory('daily', (start, end))
    station = stations.fetch(1)

    data = Daily(station, start, end)
    data = data.fetch()

    return data
        def meteostat(lat_degr,long_degr,alt_avrg,start_time,end_time):
            #Retrieve nearest weather station
            stations = Stations()
            stations = stations.nearby(lat_degr, long_degr)
            station = stations.fetch(1)

            #Use Point to agregate nearby weather stations data for better accuracy
            weather_point = Point(lat_degr, long_degr,alt_avrg)
            weather_data = Hourly(weather_point, start_time - timedelta(0,7200), end_time + timedelta(0,7200))
            weather_data = weather_data.fetch()
            #Use weather data from nearest station if Point returns an empty dataset
            if weather_data.empty:
                weather_data = Hourly(station, start_time - timedelta(0,7200), end_time + timedelta(0,7200))
                weather_data = weather_data.fetch()
            return weather_data
Example: Closest weather station by coordinates

Meteorological data provided by Meteostat (https://dev.meteostat.net)
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
4.0 International Public License.

The code is licensed under the MIT license.

from meteostat import Stations

# Get weather station
stations = Stations()
stations = stations.nearby(50, 8)
stations = stations.inventory('hourly', True)
station = stations.fetch(1).to_dict('records')[0]

# Print name
print('Closest weather station at coordinates 50, 8:', station["name"])
Example: Simple chart

Meteorological data provided by Meteostat (https://dev.meteostat.net)
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
4.0 International Public License.

The code is licensed under the MIT license.

from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from meteostat import Stations, Daily

# Time period
start = datetime(2018, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2018, 12, 31)

# Get a weather station
stations = Stations()
stations = stations.nearby(49.2497, -123.1193)
stations = stations.inventory('daily', (start, end))
station = stations.fetch(1)

# Get daily data
data = Daily(station, start, end)
data = data.fetch()

# Plot chart
data.plot(y=['tavg', 'tmin', 'tmax'])
# Downloading weather data

start = datetime(2021, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2021, 12, 31)

container = []
retrived = []
retrivedIndex = []
notRetrived = []
notRetrivedIndex = []

for k, val in enumerate(uniqueLocations):

    stations = Stations()
    stations = stations.nearby(val[0], val[1])
    station = stations.fetch(1)

    data = Daily(station, start, end)
    data = data.fetch()

    if len(data) > 0:

        data['week'] = data.index.isocalendar().week
        ndst = data.groupby('week').mean()
        localdf = ndst[['tavg', 'prcp', 'pres']]
        disc = localdf.isna().sum().sum()

        if disc > 40: