    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure the driver for communications with the device via
        port agent / logger (valid but unconnected connection object).

        @param config comms config dict.

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing comms or invalid
                config dict.

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))


        config = kwargs.get('config', None)
        if config is None:
            #            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="'config' parameter required")
            config = args[0]

        # Verify dict and construct connection client.
            addr = config['addr']
            port = config['port']

            if isinstance(addr, str) and \
               isinstance(port, int) and len(addr) > 0:
                #                self._connection = LoggerClient(addr, port)

                def _data_listener(sample):
                    log.info("_data_listener: sample = %s" % str(sample))

                host = addr
                outfile = file('trhph_output.txt', 'a')
                log.info("setting TrhphClient to connect to %s:%s" %
                         (host, port))
                self.trhph_client = TrhphClient(host, port, outfile, True)

                raise InstrumentParameterException(
                    msg='Invalid comms config dict')

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise InstrumentParameterException(
                msg='Invalid comms config dict.')

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.DISCONNECTED
    def setUp(self):
        Sets up and connects the _client.


        super(TrhphClientTest, self).setUp()

        host = self.device_address
        port = self.device_port
        self._samples_recd = 0
        outfile = file('trhph_output.txt', 'a')
        prefix_state = True
        _client = TrhphClient(host, port, outfile, prefix_state)

        # set the class and instance variables to refer to this object:
        TrhphClientTest._trhph_client = self._client = _client

        # prepare client including going to the main menu

    def setUp(self):
        Sets up and connects the _client.


        super(TrhphClientTest, self).setUp()

        host = self.device_address
        port = self.device_port
        self._samples_recd = 0
        outfile = file("trhph_output.txt", "a")
        prefix_state = True
        _client = TrhphClient(host, port, outfile, prefix_state)

        # set the class and instance variables to refer to this object:
        TrhphClientTest._trhph_client = self._client = _client

        # prepare client including going to the main menu

    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure the driver for communications with the device via
        port agent / logger (valid but unconnected connection object).

        @param config comms config dict.

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing comms or invalid
                config dict.

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))


        config = kwargs.get('config', None)
        if config is None:
#            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="'config' parameter required")
            config = args[0]

        # Verify dict and construct connection client.
            addr = config['addr']
            port = config['port']

            if isinstance(addr, str) and \
               isinstance(port, int) and len(addr) > 0:
#                self._connection = LoggerClient(addr, port)

                def _data_listener(sample):
                    log.info("_data_listener: sample = %s" % str(sample))

                host = addr
                outfile = file('trhph_output.txt', 'a')
                log.info("setting TrhphClient to connect to %s:%s" % (host, port))
                self.trhph_client = TrhphClient(host, port, outfile, True)

                raise InstrumentParameterException(msg='Invalid comms config dict')

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg='Invalid comms config dict.')

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.DISCONNECTED
class TrhphInstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    TRHPH driver

    def __init__(self, evt_callback):

        @param evt_callback Driver process event callback.
        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, evt_callback)

        # _trhph_client created in configure()
        self._trhph_client = None

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.UNCONFIGURED

        # TODO probably promote this convenience to super-class?
        self._timeout = 30
        """Default timeout value for operations accepting an optional timeout

    def _assert_state(self, obj):
        Asserts that the current state is either the same as the one given (if
        not a list) or one of the elements of the given list.

        @raises InstrumentStateException if the assertion fails
        cs = self.get_current_state()
        if isinstance(obj, list):
            if cs in obj:
                return  # OK
                raise InstrumentStateException(msg="current state=%s not one of %s" % (cs, str(obj)))
        state = obj
        if cs != state:
            raise InstrumentStateException("current state=%s, expected=%s" % (cs, state))

    # Device connection interface.

    def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize driver connection, bringing communications parameters
        into unconfigured state (no connection object).

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current

        #        print
        #        print("trhph driver: args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))
        #        print("trhph driver: state=%s" % str(self._state))
        #        print("trhph driver: _trhph_client=%s" % str(self._trhph_client))
        #        print

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        if self._state == TrhphDriverState.UNCONFIGURED:
            assert self._trhph_client is None

        #        assert self._trhph_client is not None
        #        try:
        #            self._trhph_client.end()
        #        finally:
        #            self._trhph_client = None
        if self._trhph_client is not None:
                self._trhph_client = None

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.UNCONFIGURED

    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure the driver for communications with the device via
        port agent / logger (valid but unconnected connection object).

        @param config comms config dict.

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing comms or invalid
                config dict.

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))


        config = kwargs.get("config", None)
        if config is None:
            #            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="'config' parameter required")
            config = args[0]

        # Verify dict and construct connection client.
            addr = config["addr"]
            port = config["port"]

            if isinstance(addr, str) and isinstance(port, int) and len(addr) > 0:
                #                self._connection = LoggerClient(addr, port)

                def _data_listener(sample):
                    log.info("_data_listener: sample = %s" % str(sample))

                host = addr
                outfile = file("trhph_output.txt", "a")
                log.info("setting TrhphClient to connect to %s:%s" % (host, port))
                self.trhph_client = TrhphClient(host, port, outfile, True)

                raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="Invalid comms config dict")

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="Invalid comms config dict.")

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.DISCONNECTED

    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger
        (connected connection object).

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current
        @throws InstrumentConnectionException if the connection failed.

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))



        self._state = TrhphDriverState.CONNECTED

    def disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect from device via port agent / logger.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))



        self._state = TrhphDriverState.DISCONNECTED

    # Command and control interface.

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Retrieve device parameters.

        @param params DriverParameter.ALL or a list of parameters to retrieve.
        @param timeout Timeout for each involved instrument interation,
                self._timeout by default.

        @retval parameter : value dict.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid get parameters.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))


        params = kwargs.get("params", None)
        if params is None:
            #            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg=
            #                    "'params' parameter required")
            params = args[0]

        if params == DriverParameter.ALL:
            params = TrhphParameter.list()
        elif not isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="params must be list or tuple.")

        timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", self._timeout)

        # gather data collection params if any of them are requested:
        data_collec_params = {}
        if TrhphParameter.TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS in params or TrhphParameter.VERBOSE_MODE in params:
            seconds, is_data_only = self._get_data_collection_params(timeout)
            verbose = not is_data_only
            data_collec_params[TrhphParameter.TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS] = seconds
            data_collec_params[TrhphParameter.VERBOSE_MODE] = verbose

        params = list(set(params))  # remove any duplicates

        result = {}
        for param in params:
            if param == TrhphParameter.TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS or param == TrhphParameter.VERBOSE_MODE:
                value = data_collec_params[param]
                #                value = InstErrorCode.INVALID_PARAMETER
                raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="invalid parameter %s" % param)
            result[param] = value

        return result

    def _get_data_collection_params(self, timeout):
        Gets the get_data_collection_params.
            return self.trhph_client.get_data_collection_params(timeout)
        except TimeoutException, e:
            raise InstrumentTimeoutException(msg=str(e))
        except TrhphClientException, e:
            raise InstrumentException(str(e))
class TrhphInstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    TRHPH driver
    def __init__(self, evt_callback):

        @param evt_callback Driver process event callback.
        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, evt_callback)

        # _trhph_client created in configure()
        self._trhph_client = None

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.UNCONFIGURED

        # TODO probably promote this convenience to super-class?
        self._timeout = 30
        """Default timeout value for operations accepting an optional timeout

    def _assert_state(self, obj):
        Asserts that the current state is either the same as the one given (if
        not a list) or one of the elements of the given list.

        @raises InstrumentStateException if the assertion fails
        cs = self.get_current_state()
        if isinstance(obj, list):
            if cs in obj:
                return  # OK
                raise InstrumentStateException(
                    msg="current state=%s not one of %s" % (cs, str(obj)))
        state = obj
        if cs != state:
            raise InstrumentStateException("current state=%s, expected=%s" %
                                           (cs, state))

    # Device connection interface.

    def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize driver connection, bringing communications parameters
        into unconfigured state (no connection object).

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current

        #        print
        #        print("trhph driver: args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))
        #        print("trhph driver: state=%s" % str(self._state))
        #        print("trhph driver: _trhph_client=%s" % str(self._trhph_client))
        #        print

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        if self._state == TrhphDriverState.UNCONFIGURED:
            assert self._trhph_client is None

#        assert self._trhph_client is not None
#        try:
#            self._trhph_client.end()
#        finally:
#            self._trhph_client = None
        if self._trhph_client is not None:
                self._trhph_client = None

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.UNCONFIGURED

    def configure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Configure the driver for communications with the device via
        port agent / logger (valid but unconnected connection object).

        @param config comms config dict.

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current
        @throws InstrumentParameterException if missing comms or invalid
                config dict.

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))


        config = kwargs.get('config', None)
        if config is None:
            #            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg="'config' parameter required")
            config = args[0]

        # Verify dict and construct connection client.
            addr = config['addr']
            port = config['port']

            if isinstance(addr, str) and \
               isinstance(port, int) and len(addr) > 0:
                #                self._connection = LoggerClient(addr, port)

                def _data_listener(sample):
                    log.info("_data_listener: sample = %s" % str(sample))

                host = addr
                outfile = file('trhph_output.txt', 'a')
                log.info("setting TrhphClient to connect to %s:%s" %
                         (host, port))
                self.trhph_client = TrhphClient(host, port, outfile, True)

                raise InstrumentParameterException(
                    msg='Invalid comms config dict')

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise InstrumentParameterException(
                msg='Invalid comms config dict.')

        self._state = TrhphDriverState.DISCONNECTED

    def connect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Establish communications with the device via port agent / logger
        (connected connection object).

        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current
        @throws InstrumentConnectionException if the connection failed.

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))



        self._state = TrhphDriverState.CONNECTED

    def disconnect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Disconnect from device via port agent / logger.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))



        self._state = TrhphDriverState.DISCONNECTED

    # Command and control interface.

    def get_resource(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Retrieve device parameters.

        @param params DriverParameter.ALL or a list of parameters to retrieve.
        @param timeout Timeout for each involved instrument interation,
                self._timeout by default.

        @retval parameter : value dict.
        @raises InstrumentParameterException if missing or invalid get parameters.
        @raises InstrumentStateException if command not allowed in current state

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("args=%s kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))


        params = kwargs.get('params', None)
        if params is None:
            #            raise InstrumentParameterException(msg=
            #                    "'params' parameter required")
            params = args[0]

        if params == DriverParameter.ALL:
            params = TrhphParameter.list()
        elif not isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
            raise InstrumentParameterException(
                msg='params must be list or tuple.')

        timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', self._timeout)

        # gather data collection params if any of them are requested:
        data_collec_params = {}
        if TrhphParameter.TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS in params or \
           TrhphParameter.VERBOSE_MODE in params:
            seconds, is_data_only = self._get_data_collection_params(timeout)
            verbose = not is_data_only
            data_collec_params[TrhphParameter.TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS] = seconds
            data_collec_params[TrhphParameter.VERBOSE_MODE] = verbose

        params = list(set(params))  # remove any duplicates

        result = {}
        for param in params:
            if param == TrhphParameter.TIME_BETWEEN_BURSTS or \
               param == TrhphParameter.VERBOSE_MODE:
                value = data_collec_params[param]
                #                value = InstErrorCode.INVALID_PARAMETER
                raise InstrumentParameterException(msg='invalid parameter %s' %
            result[param] = value

        return result

    def _get_data_collection_params(self, timeout):
        Gets the get_data_collection_params.
            return self.trhph_client.get_data_collection_params(timeout)
        except TimeoutException, e:
            raise InstrumentTimeoutException(msg=str(e))
        except TrhphClientException, e:
            raise InstrumentException(str(e))