def test_199(self): """ reorder folders in sidebar Litmus Test Title:: 199 - reorder folders in the sidebar Description: 1. Import OPML file of some feeds and folders 2. drag feeds to the folder 3. verify feeds in folder 4. Cleanup """ setAutoWaitTimeout(testvars.timeout) #set the search regions mirolib.quit_miro(self) config.set_def_db_and_prefs() mirolib.restart_miro(confirm=False) time.sleep(10) reg = mirolib.AppRegions() opml_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","folder-test.opml") #1. Add the feeds mirolib.import_opml(self,reg,opml_path) p = mirolib.get_podcasts_region(reg) x = p.find("GEEKY") y = p.find("Featured") dragDrop(x,y) time.sleep(2)"Featured") ror = Region(p.getLastMatch().above(250)) if not ror.exists("Make"):"GEEKY folder not moved above 'Featured' podcast") #Cleanup - select all the podcasts and delete mirolib.delete_all_podcasts(self,reg)
def test_116(self): """ add multiple feeds to a folder Litmus Test Title:: 116 - add multiple feeds to a new folder Description: 1. Import 2 OPML file of some feeds and folders 2. select several feeds and add to new folder 3. confirm feeds in folders 4. Cleanup """ setAutoWaitTimeout(testvars.timeout) #set the search regions reg = mirolib.AppRegions() mirolib.delete_all_podcasts(self,reg) opml_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","folder-test.opml") opml_path2 = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","folder-test2.opml") feed_list = ["Google", "Onion","two ronnies","Vimeo"] added_feeds = [] new_folder = "multi folder" #1. Add the feeds mirolib.import_opml(self,reg,opml_path) time.sleep(15) #give a chance to add and update mirolib.import_opml(self,reg,opml_path2) time.sleep(15) #give a chance to add and update #expand all the folders mirolib.expand_feed_folder(self,reg,"GEEKY") mirolib.expand_feed_folder(self,reg,"FUN") #set the feeds region p = mirolib.get_podcasts_region(reg) #select multiple feeds for the folders"Birchbox") added_feeds = mirolib.multi_select(self,region=p,item_list=feed_list) if len(added_feeds) > 0: added_feeds.append("Birchbox") else:"feeds not selected properly for adding to a folder") time.sleep(5)"New Folder") time.sleep(2) type(new_folder + "\n") time.sleep(5) feed_match = mirolib.click_podcast(self,reg,new_folder) rightClick(Location(feed_match)) if exists("Update",2): click(getLastMatch()) for feed in added_feeds: mirolib.tab_search(self,reg,title=feed,confirm_present=True) #cleanup mirolib.delete_all_podcasts(self,reg)
def test_722(self): """ delete feeds and folders confirm dialog. Litmus Test Title:: 722 - delete feeds confirm dialog Description: 1. Import OPML file of some feeds and folders 2. 1 feed and 1 folder 3. Delete, verify confirm dialog, and delete 4. Cleanup """ setAutoWaitTimeout(testvars.timeout) #set the search regions reg = mirolib.AppRegions() mirolib.delete_all_podcasts(self,reg) opml_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","folder-test.opml") feed = "Featured" folder = "GEEKY" feedlist = ["Google", "Make","GEEKY","Featured"] #1. Add the feeds mirolib.import_opml(self,reg,opml_path) p = mirolib.get_podcasts_region(reg) mirolib.click_podcast(self,reg,feed) #2. Select the folder too keyDown(Key.SHIFT) keyUp(Key.SHIFT) #3. Delete then cancel. Verify still exists Static List type(Key.DELETE) for x in feedlist: mirolib.count_images(self,reg,img=x,region="main",num_expected=1) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(2) #4. Cleanup mirolib.delete_all_podcasts(self,reg) p = mirolib.get_podcasts_region(reg) for x in feedlist: if not p.exists(x): mirolib.log_result("202","test_722")
def test_197(self): """ drag feeds to a folder Litmus Test Title:: 197 - drag feeds to a folder Description: 1. Import OPML file of some feeds and folders 2. drag feeds to the folder 3. verify feeds in folder 4. Cleanup """ setAutoWaitTimeout(testvars.timeout) #set the search regions mirolib.quit_miro(self) config.set_def_db_and_prefs() mirolib.restart_miro(confirm=False) time.sleep(10) reg = mirolib.AppRegions() opml_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","folder-test2.opml") folder = "Best Feeds" feedlist = ["Vimeo", "BirchboxTV"] #1. Add the feeds mirolib.import_opml(self,reg,opml_path) p = mirolib.get_podcasts_region(reg) for feed in feedlist: x = p.find(feed) y = p.find(folder) dragDrop(x,y) time.sleep(2) feed_match = mirolib.click_podcast(self,reg,folder) rightClick(Location(feed_match)) if exists("Update",2): click(getLastMatch()) for feed in feedlist: mirolib.tab_search(self,reg,title=feed,confirm_present=True) #cleanup mirolib.delete_all_podcasts(self,reg)