def main(idata,status,case):

    stat2check = [2,5]
    mustexist  = []
    tocreate   = []
    # Read Pilgrim input files, check file/folder status    #
    # and expand tuple 'case'                               #
    # expand data
    (dctc,dimasses), ltemp, dpath, (dtesLL,dtesHL), dchem, tkmc, ddlevel = idata
    # status ok?
    fstatus = status_check(status,stat2check)
    if fstatus == -1: exit()
    # existency of folders
    fstatus = ffchecking(mustexist,tocreate)
    if fstatus == -1: exit()
    # expand case
    (dof,hlf,plotfile),dlevel,software = case

    # read dofs
    dall, ltemp = RW.read_alldata(dof)
    # get saved reactions

    # Ask user which reactions
    count = 0
    while True:
         # Ask user for reactions
         bool_end,bool_cont,reaction1,reaction2 = ask_for_reactions(dchem)
         if bool_end : break
         if bool_cont: continue
    if fstatus == -1: exit()
    # existency of folders
    fstatus = ffchecking(mustexist, tocreate)
    if fstatus == -1: exit()
    # expand case
    (dof, hlf, plotfile), dlevel, software = case

    # no specific target selected
    if "*" in targets or len(targets) == 0: targets = dchem.keys()

    # clean targets
    targets = sorted([target for target in targets if target in dchem.keys()])

    # read dof
    dall = RW.read_alldata(dof, ltemp)[0]

    # Calculations for each reaction #
    print(" " * NINIT + "Analytic expressions:")
    print(" " * NINIT + "(1) k = A exp(-B/T)              ")
    print(" " * NINIT + "(2) k = A*T^n*exp(-B/T)          ")
    print(" " * NINIT + "(3) k = A*(T/Tr)^n*exp(-B/T)     ")
    print(" " * NINIT + "(4) k = A*(T/Tr)^n*exp(-B*(T+T0)/(T^2+T0^2))")
    print(" " * NINIT + "(5) k = A*((T+T0)/Tr)^n*exp(-B*(T+T0)/(T^2+T0^2))")

    LINES, plotdata = {}, {}
    ml = max(len(rcname) for rcname in targets) + 3
def get_reaction_energies(TS, dchem, dof):
    * checks the reactions which involved the target transition
      state (TS) in order to extract V0 and V1 for reactants
      and products 
    # initialize variables
    reaction = None
    Eref = None
    V0R = None
    V0P = None
    V1R = None
    V1P = None
    GibbsR = None
    # select reaction
    ctc, itc = PN.name2data(TS)
    for rname in dchem.keys():
        Rs, ts, Ps = dchem[rname]
        ctc2, itc2 = PN.name2data(ts)
        if ctc == ctc2:
            reaction = rname
            if itc == itc2: break
    # no reaction?
    if reaction is None: return reaction, V0R, V0P, V1R, V1P, GibbsR
    # read dof
    dall = RW.read_alldata(dof)[0]
    # get energy from reaction
    Rs = dchem[reaction][0]
    Ps = dchem[reaction][2]
    # reactants
    if len(Rs) != 0:
        V0R, V1R = 0.0, 0.0
        for R in Rs:
            ctc, itc = PN.name2data(R)
            if itc is None: key = PN.struckey(ctc, "msho")
            else: key = R
            data = dall["pfn"].get(key, None)
            if data is None:
                V0R, V1R = None, None
            V0, V1, pfns = data
            V0R += V0
            V1R += V1
            # Gibbs energy
            if key in dall["gibbs1cm3"].keys():
                gibbs = dall["gibbs1cm3"][key]
                if GibbsR is None: GibbsR = gibbs
                else: GibbsR = [gi + gj for gi, gj in zip(GibbsR, gibbs)]
    # products
    if len(Ps) != 0:
        V0P, V1P = 0.0, 0.0
        for P in Ps:
            ctc, itc = PN.name2data(P)
            if itc is None: key = PN.struckey(ctc, "msho")
            else: key = P
            data = dall["pfn"].get(key, None)
            if data is None:
                V0P, V1P = None, None
            V0, V1, pfns = data
            V0P += V0
            V1P += V1
    # Output
    return reaction, V0R, V0P, V1R, V1P, GibbsR