def test_admin_view_access_and_render(init_app):
    """Make sure route '/cabinet' works and template with cabinet form is rendered"""
    app = init_app

    with captured_templates(app) as templates:
        with app.test_client() as client:
            # User is not authenticated
            response_admin_view = client.get("/admin/")
            assert response_admin_view.status_code == 302
            assert current_user.is_anonymous

            # Authenticate user
            response_login_user = login_user(client, "admin", "test")
            assert response_login_user.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_authenticated

            # Template 'admin' was rendered
            template, context = templates[-1]
            assert len(templates) == 1
            assert template.name == "admin/admin.html"

            # Logout user
            response_logout_user = logout_user(client)
            assert response_logout_user.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_anonymous

            # Authenticate usual user and try to access /admin
            response_login_admin = login_user(client, "john", "test")
            assert response_login_admin.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.username != "admin"

            response_admin_view_access_for_admin = client.get("/admin/")
            assert response_admin_view_access_for_admin.status_code == 302
def test_logout(init_app):
    """Tests logout current user"""
    app = init_app

    with app.test_client() as client:
        # Login user 'john'
        response_login = login_user(client, "john", "test")
        assert response_login.status_code == 200
        assert current_user.is_authenticated
        assert current_user.username == "john"

        # Logout user 'john'
        response_logout = logout_user(client)
        assert response_logout.status_code == 200
        assert current_user.is_anonymous
def test_login_view_access_and_render(init_app):
    """Make sure route '/' works and template with login form is rendered"""
    app = init_app

    with app.test_client() as client:
        with captured_templates(app) as templates:

            # GET request to the route
            response = client.get("/")
            assert response.status_code == 200
            assert len(templates) == 1  # ['auth/login.html']

            # Template 'login' was rendered
            template, context = templates[-1]
            assert template.name == "auth/login.html"
            assert isinstance(context["form"], FlaskForm)

            # Login admin and try to access login view
            response_login_admin = login_user(client, "admin", "test")
            assert response_login_admin.status_code == 200

            response_get_login_view = client.get("/")
            assert len(
                templates) == 2  # ['auth/login.html', 'admin/admin.html']

            template, context = templates[-1]
            assert response_get_login_view.status_code == 302
            assert template.name == "admin/admin.html"

            responce_logout_admin = logout_user(client)
            assert len(
            ) == 3  # ['auth/login.html', 'admin/admin.html', 'auth/login.html']
            assert responce_logout_admin.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_anonymous

            # Login user and try to access login view
            response_login_admin = login_user(client, "john", "test")
            assert response_login_admin.status_code == 200

            response_get_login_view = client.get("/")
            assert len(templates) == 4  # [..., 'cabinet/cabinet.html']

            template, context = templates[-1]
            assert response_get_login_view.status_code == 302
            assert template.name == "cabinet/cabinet.html"
def test_login_view(init_app):
    """Make sure login works"""
    app = init_app

    with app.test_client() as client:
        with captured_templates(app) as templates:
            # Login admin
            responce_login_admin = login_user(client, "admin", "test")
            assert responce_login_admin.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.username == "admin"
            assert current_user.is_authenticated

            # Redirect to admin interface
            template, context = templates[0]
            assert template.name == "admin/admin.html"

            # Logout admin to continue testing
            responce_logout_admin = logout_user(client)
            assert responce_logout_admin.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_anonymous

        # Wrong login
        response_login_bad_login = login_user(client, "john1", "test")
        assert response_login_bad_login.status_code == 200
        assert current_user.is_anonymous

        # Wrong password
        response_login_bad_password = login_user(client, "john", "test1")
        assert response_login_bad_password.status_code == 200
        assert current_user.is_anonymous

        # Successful login
        response_login = login_user(client, "john", "test")
        assert response_login.status_code == 200
        assert current_user.is_authenticated

        # User is authenticated
        response_login_view = client.get("/")
        assert response_login_view.status_code == 302
def test_register_view(init_app):
    """Tests for the '/admin/register route"""
    app = init_app

    with captured_templates(app) as templates:
        with app.test_client() as client:
            # User is not authenticated
            response_register_view = client.get("/admin/register")
            assert response_register_view.status_code == 302
            assert current_user.is_anonymous

            # Authenticate user
            response_login_user = login_user(client, "admin", "test")
            assert response_login_user.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_authenticated

            # Get register view
            response_register_view_user_authenticated = client.get("/admin/register")
            assert response_register_view_user_authenticated.status_code == 200

            # Template 'admin' was rendered
            template, context = templates[-1]
            assert template.name == "auth/register.html"

            # Logout user
            response_logout_user = logout_user(client)
            assert response_logout_user.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_anonymous

            # Authenticate usual user and try to access /admin/register
            response_login_admin = login_user(client, "john", "test")
            assert response_login_admin.status_code == 200
            assert current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.username != "admin"

            response_cabinet_view_access_for_admin = client.get("/admin/register")
            assert response_cabinet_view_access_for_admin.status_code == 302