def corrplot(data,
    """Plot a correlation matrix with colormap and r values.

    data : nvars x nobs array
        data array where rows are variables and columns are observations
    names : sequence of strings
        names to associate with variables; should be short
    sig_stars : bool
        if True, get significance with permutation test and denote with stars
    sig_tail : both | upper | lower
        direction for significance test
    sig_corr : bool
        if True, use FWE-corrected significance
    cmap : colormap
        colormap name as string or colormap object
    cmap_range : None, "full", (low, high)
        either truncate colormap at (-max(abs(r)), max(abs(r))), use the
        full range (-1, 1), or specify (min, max) values for the colormap
    cbar : boolean
        if true, plots the colorbar legend
    kwargs : other keyword arguments
        passed to ax.matshow()

    ax : matplotlib axis
        axis object with plot

    corrmat = np.corrcoef(data)

    if sig_stars:
        p_mat = moss.randomize_corrmat(data, sig_tail, sig_corr)
        p_mat = None

    if cmap_range is None:
        triu = np.triu_indices(len(data), 1)
        vmax = min(1, np.max(np.abs(corrmat[triu])) * 1.15)
        vmin = -vmax
        cmap_range = vmin, vmax
    elif cmap_range == "full":
        cmap_range = (-1, 1)

    ax = symmatplot(corrmat, p_mat, names, cmap, cmap_range, cbar, ax,

    return ax
def corrplot(data, names=None, sig_stars=True, sig_tail="both", sig_corr=True,
             cmap="Spectral_r", cmap_range=None, cbar=True, ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot a correlation matrix with colormap and r values.

    data : nvars x nobs array
        data array where rows are variables and columns are observations
    names : sequence of strings
        names to associate with variables; should be short
    sig_stars : bool
        if True, get significance with permutation test and denote with stars
    sig_tail : both | upper | lower
        direction for significance test
    sig_corr : bool
        if True, use FWE-corrected significance
    cmap : colormap
        colormap name as string or colormap object
    cmap_range : None, "full", (low, high)
        either truncate colormap at (-max(abs(r)), max(abs(r))), use the
        full range (-1, 1), or specify (min, max) values for the colormap
    cbar : boolean
        if true, plots the colorbar legend
    kwargs : other keyword arguments
        passed to ax.matshow()

    ax : matplotlib axis
        axis object with plot

    corrmat = np.corrcoef(data)

    if sig_stars:
        p_mat = moss.randomize_corrmat(data, sig_tail, sig_corr)
        p_mat = None

    if cmap_range is None:
        triu = np.triu_indices(len(data), 1)
        vmax = min(1, np.max(np.abs(corrmat[triu])) * 1.15)
        vmin = -vmax
        cmap_range = vmin, vmax
    elif cmap_range == "full":
        cmap_range = (-1, 1)

    ax = symmatplot(corrmat, p_mat, names, cmap, cmap_range,
                    cbar, ax, **kwargs)

    return ax
def corrplot(data, names=None, annot=True, sig_stars=True, sig_tail="both",
             sig_corr=True, cmap=None, cmap_range=None, cbar=True,
             diag_names=True, ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot a correlation matrix with colormap and r values.

    data : Dataframe or nobs x nvars array
        Rectangular nput data with variabes in the columns.
    names : sequence of strings
        Names to associate with variables if `data` is not a DataFrame.
    annot : bool
        Whether to annotate the upper triangle with correlation coefficients.
    sig_stars : bool
        If True, get significance with permutation test and denote with stars.
    sig_tail : both | upper | lower
        Direction for significance test. Also controls the default colorbar.
    sig_corr : bool
        If True, use FWE-corrected p values for the sig stars.
    cmap : colormap
        Colormap name as string or colormap object.
    cmap_range : None, "full", (low, high)
        Either truncate colormap at (-max(abs(r)), max(abs(r))), use the
        full range (-1, 1), or specify (min, max) values for the colormap.
    cbar : bool
        If true, plot the colorbar legend.
    ax : matplotlib axis
        Axis to draw plot in.
    kwargs : other keyword arguments
        Passed to ax.matshow()

    ax : matplotlib axis
        Axis object with plot.

    if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        if names is None:
            names = ["var_%d" % i for i in range(data.shape[1])]
        data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=names, dtype=np.float)

    # Calculate the correlation matrix of the dataframe
    corrmat = data.corr()

    # Pandas will drop non-numeric columns; let's keep track of that operation
    names = corrmat.columns
    data = data[names]

    # Get p values with a permutation test
    if annot and sig_stars:
        p_mat = moss.randomize_corrmat(data.values.T, sig_tail, sig_corr)
        p_mat = None

    # Sort out the color range
    if cmap_range is None:
        triu = np.triu_indices(len(corrmat), 1)
        vmax = min(1, np.max(np.abs(corrmat.values[triu])) * 1.15)
        vmin = -vmax
        if sig_tail == "both":
            cmap_range = vmin, vmax
        elif sig_tail == "upper":
            cmap_range = 0, vmax
        elif sig_tail == "lower":
            cmap_range = vmin, 0
    elif cmap_range == "full":
        cmap_range = (-1, 1)

    # Find a colormapping, somewhat intelligently
    if cmap is None:
        if min(cmap_range) >= 0:
            cmap = "PuRd"
        elif max(cmap_range) <= 0:
            cmap = "GnBu_r"
            cmap = "coolwarm"
    if cmap == "jet":
        # Paternalism
        raise ValueError("Never use the 'jet' colormap!")

    # Plot using the more general symmatplot function
    ax = symmatplot(corrmat, p_mat, names, cmap, cmap_range,
                    cbar, annot, diag_names, ax, **kwargs)

    return ax
def corrplot(data, names=None, annot=True, sig_stars=True, sig_tail="both",
             sig_corr=True, cmap=None, cmap_range=None, cbar=True,
             diag_names=True, ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot a correlation matrix with colormap and r values.

    data : Dataframe or nobs x nvars array
        Rectangular nput data with variabes in the columns.
    names : sequence of strings
        Names to associate with variables if `data` is not a DataFrame.
    annot : bool
        Whether to annotate the upper triangle with correlation coefficients.
    sig_stars : bool
        If True, get significance with permutation test and denote with stars.
    sig_tail : both | upper | lower
        Direction for significance test. Also controls the default colorbar.
    sig_corr : bool
        If True, use FWE-corrected p values for the sig stars.
    cmap : colormap
        Colormap name as string or colormap object.
    cmap_range : None, "full", (low, high)
        Either truncate colormap at (-max(abs(r)), max(abs(r))), use the
        full range (-1, 1), or specify (min, max) values for the colormap.
    cbar : bool
        If true, plot the colorbar legend.
    ax : matplotlib axis
        Axis to draw plot in.
    kwargs : other keyword arguments
        Passed to ax.matshow()

    ax : matplotlib axis
        Axis object with plot.

    if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        if names is None:
            names = ["var_%d" % i for i in range(data.shape[1])]
        data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=names, dtype=np.float)

    # Calculate the correlation matrix of the dataframe
    corrmat = data.corr()

    # Pandas will drop non-numeric columns; let's keep track of that operation
    names = corrmat.columns
    data = data[names]

    # Get p values with a permutation test
    if annot and sig_stars:
        p_mat = moss.randomize_corrmat(data.values.T, sig_tail, sig_corr)
        p_mat = None

    # Sort out the color range
    if cmap_range is None:
        triu = np.triu_indices(len(corrmat), 1)
        vmax = min(1, np.max(np.abs(corrmat.values[triu])) * 1.15)
        vmin = -vmax
        if sig_tail == "both":
            cmap_range = vmin, vmax
        elif sig_tail == "upper":
            cmap_range = 0, vmax
        elif sig_tail == "lower":
            cmap_range = vmin, 0
    elif cmap_range == "full":
        cmap_range = (-1, 1)

    # Find a colormapping, somewhat intelligently
    if cmap is None:
        if min(cmap_range) >= 0:
            cmap = "OrRd"
        elif max(cmap_range) <= 0:
            cmap = "PuBu_r"
            cmap = "coolwarm"
    if cmap == "jet":
        # Paternalism
        raise ValueError("Never use the 'jet' colormap!")

    # Plot using the more general symmatplot function
    ax = symmatplot(corrmat, p_mat, names, cmap, cmap_range,
                    cbar, annot, diag_names, ax, **kwargs)

    return ax
def corrplot(data, names=None, sig_stars=True, sig_tail="both", sig_corr=True,
             cmap="coolwarm", cmap_range=None, cbar=True, ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot a correlation matrix with colormap and r values.

    data : Dataframe or nobs x nvars array
        input data
    names : sequence of strings
        names to associate with variables; should be short
    sig_stars : bool
        if True, get significance with permutation test and denote with stars
    sig_tail : both | upper | lower
        direction for significance test
    sig_corr : bool
        if True, use FWE-corrected significance
    cmap : colormap
        colormap name as string or colormap object
    cmap_range : None, "full", (low, high)
        either truncate colormap at (-max(abs(r)), max(abs(r))), use the
        full range (-1, 1), or specify (min, max) values for the colormap
    cbar : boolean
        if true, plots the colorbar legend
    kwargs : other keyword arguments
        passed to ax.matshow()

    ax : matplotlib axis
        axis object with plot

    if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        if names is None:
            names = ["var_%d" % i for i in range(data.shape[1])]
        data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=names, dtype=np.float)

    # Calculate the correlation matrix of the dataframe
    corrmat = data.corr()

    # Pandas will drop non-numeric columns; let's keep track of that operation
    names = corrmat.columns
    data = data[names]

    # Get p values with a permutation test
    if sig_stars:
        p_mat = moss.randomize_corrmat(data.values.T, sig_tail, sig_corr)
        p_mat = None

    # Paternalism
    if cmap == "jet":
        raise ValueError("Never use the 'jet' colormap!")

    # Sort out the color range
    if cmap_range is None:
        triu = np.triu_indices(len(corrmat), 1)
        vmax = min(1, np.max(np.abs(corrmat.values[triu])) * 1.15)
        vmin = -vmax
        cmap_range = vmin, vmax
    elif cmap_range == "full":
        cmap_range = (-1, 1)

    # Plot using the more general symmatplot function
    ax = symmatplot(corrmat, p_mat, names, cmap, cmap_range,
                    cbar, ax, **kwargs)

    return ax
def corrplot(data, names=None, sig_stars=True, sig_tail="both", sig_corr=True,
             cmap="coolwarm", cmap_range=None, cbar=True, ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot a correlation matrix with colormap and r values.

    data : Dataframe or nobs x nvars array
        input data
    names : sequence of strings
        names to associate with variables; should be short
    sig_stars : bool
        if True, get significance with permutation test and denote with stars
    sig_tail : both | upper | lower
        direction for significance test
    sig_corr : bool
        if True, use FWE-corrected significance
    cmap : colormap
        colormap name as string or colormap object
    cmap_range : None, "full", (low, high)
        either truncate colormap at (-max(abs(r)), max(abs(r))), use the
        full range (-1, 1), or specify (min, max) values for the colormap
    cbar : boolean
        if true, plots the colorbar legend
    kwargs : other keyword arguments
        passed to ax.matshow()

    ax : matplotlib axis
        axis object with plot

    if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        if names is None:
            names = ["var_%d" % i for i in range(data.shape[1])]
        data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=names, dtype=np.float)

    # Calculate the correlation matrix of the dataframe
    corrmat = data.corr()

    # Pandas will drop non-numeric columns; let's keep track of that operation
    names = corrmat.columns
    data = data[names]

    # Get p values with a permutation test
    if sig_stars:
        p_mat = moss.randomize_corrmat(data.values.T, sig_tail, sig_corr)
        p_mat = None

    # Paternalism
    if cmap == "jet":
        raise ValueError("Never use the 'jet' colormap!")

    # Sort out the color range
    if cmap_range is None:
        triu = np.triu_indices(len(corrmat), 1)
        vmax = min(1, np.max(np.abs(corrmat.values[triu])) * 1.15)
        vmin = -vmax
        cmap_range = vmin, vmax
    elif cmap_range == "full":
        cmap_range = (-1, 1)

    # Plot using the more general symmatplot function
    ax = symmatplot(corrmat, p_mat, names, cmap, cmap_range,
                    cbar, ax, **kwargs)

    return ax