    def __init__(self,
                 current_module: str,
                 types: Dict[Expression, Type],
                 graph: Graph,
                 errors: Errors,
                 mapper: Mapper,
                 pbv: PreBuildVisitor,
                 visitor: IRVisitor,
                 options: CompilerOptions) -> None:
        self.builder = LowLevelIRBuilder(current_module, mapper)
        self.builders = [self.builder]
        self.symtables = [OrderedDict()]  # type: List[OrderedDict[SymbolNode, SymbolTarget]]
        self.runtime_args = [[]]  # type: List[List[RuntimeArg]]
        self.function_name_stack = []  # type: List[str]
        self.class_ir_stack = []  # type: List[ClassIR]

        self.current_module = current_module
        self.mapper = mapper
        self.types = types
        self.graph = graph
        self.ret_types = []  # type: List[RType]
        self.functions = []  # type: List[FuncIR]
        self.classes = []  # type: List[ClassIR]
        self.final_names = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, RType]]
        self.callable_class_names = set()  # type: Set[str]
        self.options = options

        # These variables keep track of the number of lambdas, implicit indices, and implicit
        # iterators instantiated so we avoid name conflicts. The indices and iterators are
        # instantiated from for-loops.
        self.lambda_counter = 0
        self.temp_counter = 0

        # These variables are populated from the first-pass PreBuildVisitor.
        self.free_variables = pbv.free_variables
        self.prop_setters = pbv.prop_setters
        self.encapsulating_funcs = pbv.encapsulating_funcs
        self.nested_fitems = pbv.nested_funcs.keys()
        self.fdefs_to_decorators = pbv.funcs_to_decorators

        self.visitor = visitor

        # This list operates similarly to a function call stack for nested functions. Whenever a
        # function definition begins to be generated, a FuncInfo instance is added to the stack,
        # and information about that function (e.g. whether it is nested, its environment class to
        # be generated) is stored in that FuncInfo instance. When the function is done being
        # generated, its corresponding FuncInfo is popped off the stack.
        self.fn_info = FuncInfo(INVALID_FUNC_DEF, '', '')
        self.fn_infos = [self.fn_info]  # type: List[FuncInfo]

        # This list operates as a stack of constructs that modify the
        # behavior of nonlocal control flow constructs.
        self.nonlocal_control = []  # type: List[NonlocalControl]

        self.errors = errors
        # Notionally a list of all of the modules imported by the
        # module being compiled, but stored as an OrderedDict so we
        # can also do quick lookups.
        self.imports = OrderedDict()  # type: OrderedDict[str, None]
 def enter(self, fn_info: Union[FuncInfo, str] = '') -> None:
     if isinstance(fn_info, str):
         fn_info = FuncInfo(name=fn_info)
     self.builder = LowLevelIRBuilder(self.current_module, self.mapper)
     self.fn_info = fn_info
     if fn_info.is_generator:
class IRBuilder:
    def __init__(self, current_module: str, types: Dict[Expression,
                                                        Type], graph: Graph,
                 errors: Errors, mapper: Mapper, pbv: PreBuildVisitor,
                 visitor: IRVisitor, options: CompilerOptions) -> None:
        self.builder = LowLevelIRBuilder(current_module, mapper)
        self.builders = [self.builder]

        self.current_module = current_module
        self.mapper = mapper
        self.types = types
        self.graph = graph
        self.ret_types = []  # type: List[RType]
        self.functions = []  # type: List[FuncIR]
        self.classes = []  # type: List[ClassIR]
        self.final_names = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, RType]]
        self.callable_class_names = set()  # type: Set[str]
        self.options = options

        # These variables keep track of the number of lambdas, implicit indices, and implicit
        # iterators instantiated so we avoid name conflicts. The indices and iterators are
        # instantiated from for-loops.
        self.lambda_counter = 0
        self.temp_counter = 0

        # These variables are populated from the first-pass PreBuildVisitor.
        self.free_variables = pbv.free_variables
        self.prop_setters = pbv.prop_setters
        self.encapsulating_funcs = pbv.encapsulating_funcs
        self.nested_fitems = pbv.nested_funcs.keys()
        self.fdefs_to_decorators = pbv.funcs_to_decorators

        self.visitor = visitor

        # This list operates similarly to a function call stack for nested functions. Whenever a
        # function definition begins to be generated, a FuncInfo instance is added to the stack,
        # and information about that function (e.g. whether it is nested, its environment class to
        # be generated) is stored in that FuncInfo instance. When the function is done being
        # generated, its corresponding FuncInfo is popped off the stack.
        self.fn_info = FuncInfo(INVALID_FUNC_DEF, '', '')
        self.fn_infos = [self.fn_info]  # type: List[FuncInfo]

        # This list operates as a stack of constructs that modify the
        # behavior of nonlocal control flow constructs.
        self.nonlocal_control = []  # type: List[NonlocalControl]

        self.errors = errors
        # Notionally a list of all of the modules imported by the
        # module being compiled, but stored as an OrderedDict so we
        # can also do quick lookups.
        self.imports = OrderedDict()  # type: OrderedDict[str, None]

    # High-level control

    def set_module(self, module_name: str, module_path: str) -> None:
        """Set the name and path of the current module.

        This must be called before transforming any AST nodes.
        self.module_name = module_name
        self.module_path = module_path

    def accept(self, node: Expression) -> Value:

    def accept(self, node: Statement) -> None:

    def accept(self, node: Union[Statement, Expression]) -> Optional[Value]:
        """Transform an expression or a statement."""
        with self.catch_errors(node.line):
            if isinstance(node, Expression):
                    res = node.accept(self.visitor)
                    res = self.coerce(res, self.node_type(node), node.line)
                # If we hit an error during compilation, we want to
                # keep trying, so we can produce more error
                # messages. Generate a temp of the right type to keep
                # from causing more downstream trouble.
                except UnsupportedException:
                    res = self.alloc_temp(self.node_type(node))
                return res
                except UnsupportedException:
                return None

    # Pass through methods for the most common low-level builder ops, for convenience.

    def add(self, op: Op) -> Value:
        return self.builder.add(op)

    def goto(self, target: BasicBlock) -> None:

    def activate_block(self, block: BasicBlock) -> None:

    def goto_and_activate(self, block: BasicBlock) -> None:

    def alloc_temp(self, type: RType) -> Register:
        return self.builder.alloc_temp(type)

    def py_get_attr(self, obj: Value, attr: str, line: int) -> Value:
        return self.builder.py_get_attr(obj, attr, line)

    def load_static_unicode(self, value: str) -> Value:
        return self.builder.load_static_unicode(value)

    def primitive_op(self, desc: OpDescription, args: List[Value],
                     line: int) -> Value:
        return self.builder.primitive_op(desc, args, line)

    def unary_op(self, lreg: Value, expr_op: str, line: int) -> Value:
        return self.builder.unary_op(lreg, expr_op, line)

    def binary_op(self, lreg: Value, rreg: Value, expr_op: str,
                  line: int) -> Value:
        return self.builder.binary_op(lreg, rreg, expr_op, line)

    def coerce(self,
               src: Value,
               target_type: RType,
               line: int,
               force: bool = False) -> Value:
        return self.builder.coerce(src, target_type, line, force)

    def none_object(self) -> Value:
        return self.builder.none_object()

    def py_call(self,
                function: Value,
                arg_values: List[Value],
                line: int,
                arg_kinds: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                arg_names: Optional[Sequence[Optional[str]]] = None) -> Value:
        return self.builder.py_call(function, arg_values, line, arg_kinds,

    def add_bool_branch(self, value: Value, true: BasicBlock,
                        false: BasicBlock) -> None:
        self.builder.add_bool_branch(value, true, false)

    def load_native_type_object(self, fullname: str) -> Value:
        return self.builder.load_native_type_object(fullname)

    def gen_method_call(
            base: Value,
            name: str,
            arg_values: List[Value],
            result_type: Optional[RType],
            line: int,
            arg_kinds: Optional[List[int]] = None,
            arg_names: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = None) -> Value:
        return self.builder.gen_method_call(base, name, arg_values,
                                            result_type, line, arg_kinds,

    def load_module(self, name: str) -> Value:
        return self.builder.load_module(name)

    def environment(self) -> Environment:
        return self.builder.environment

    # Helpers for IR building

    def add_to_non_ext_dict(self, non_ext: NonExtClassInfo, key: str,
                            val: Value, line: int) -> None:
        # Add an attribute entry into the class dict of a non-extension class.
        key_unicode = self.load_static_unicode(key)
        self.primitive_op(dict_set_item_op, [non_ext.dict, key_unicode, val],

    def gen_import(self, id: str, line: int) -> None:
        self.imports[id] = None

        needs_import, out = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
        first_load = self.load_module(id)
        comparison = self.binary_op(first_load, self.none_object(), 'is not',
        self.add_bool_branch(comparison, out, needs_import)

        value = self.primitive_op(import_op, [self.load_static_unicode(id)],
        self.add(InitStatic(value, id, namespace=NAMESPACE_MODULE))

    def assign_if_null(self, target: AssignmentTargetRegister,
                       get_val: Callable[[], Value], line: int) -> None:
        """Generate blocks for registers that NULL values."""
        error_block, body_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
            Branch(target.register, error_block, body_block, Branch.IS_ERROR))
                   self.coerce(get_val(), target.register.type, line)))

    def maybe_add_implicit_return(self) -> None:
        if is_none_rprimitive(self.ret_types[-1]) or is_object_rprimitive(

    def add_implicit_return(self) -> None:
        block = self.builder.blocks[-1]
        if not block.terminated:
            retval = self.coerce(self.builder.none(), self.ret_types[-1], -1)
            self.nonlocal_control[-1].gen_return(self, retval,

    def add_implicit_unreachable(self) -> None:
        block = self.builder.blocks[-1]
        if not block.terminated:

    def disallow_class_assignments(self, lvalues: List[Lvalue],
                                   line: int) -> None:
        # Some best-effort attempts to disallow assigning to class
        # variables that aren't marked ClassVar, since we blatantly
        # miscompile the interaction between instance and class
        # variables.
        for lvalue in lvalues:
            if (isinstance(lvalue, MemberExpr)
                    and isinstance(lvalue.expr, RefExpr)
                    and isinstance(lvalue.expr.node, TypeInfo)):
                var = lvalue.expr.node[lvalue.name].node
                if isinstance(var, Var) and not var.is_classvar:
                        "Only class variables defined as ClassVar can be assigned to",

    def non_function_scope(self) -> bool:
        # Currently the stack always has at least two items: dummy and top-level.
        return len(self.fn_infos) <= 2

    def init_final_static(self,
                          lvalue: Lvalue,
                          rvalue_reg: Value,
                          class_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        assert isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr)
        assert isinstance(lvalue.node, Var)
        if lvalue.node.final_value is None:
            if class_name is None:
                name = lvalue.name
                name = '{}.{}'.format(class_name, lvalue.name)
            assert name is not None, "Full name not set for variable"
            self.final_names.append((name, rvalue_reg.type))
            self.add(InitStatic(rvalue_reg, name, self.module_name))

    def load_final_static(self,
                          fullname: str,
                          typ: RType,
                          line: int,
                          error_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Value:
        if error_name is None:
            error_name = fullname
        ok_block, error_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
        split_name = split_target(self.graph, fullname)
        assert split_name is not None
        value = self.add(
            LoadStatic(typ, split_name[1], split_name[0], line=line))
            Branch(value, error_block, ok_block, Branch.IS_ERROR, rare=True))
                'value for final name "{}" was not set'.format(error_name),
        return value

    def load_final_literal_value(self, val: Union[int, str, bytes, float,
                                                  bool], line: int) -> Value:
        """Load value of a final name or class-level attribute."""
        if isinstance(val, bool):
            if val:
                return self.primitive_op(true_op, [], line)
                return self.primitive_op(false_op, [], line)
        elif isinstance(val, int):
            # TODO: take care of negative integer initializers
            # (probably easier to fix this in mypy itself).
            return self.builder.load_static_int(val)
        elif isinstance(val, float):
            return self.builder.load_static_float(val)
        elif isinstance(val, str):
            return self.builder.load_static_unicode(val)
        elif isinstance(val, bytes):
            return self.builder.load_static_bytes(val)
            assert False, "Unsupported final literal value"

    def get_assignment_target(self,
                              lvalue: Lvalue,
                              line: int = -1) -> AssignmentTarget:
        if isinstance(lvalue, NameExpr):
            # If we are visiting a decorator, then the SymbolNode we really want to be looking at
            # is the function that is decorated, not the entire Decorator node itself.
            symbol = lvalue.node
            if isinstance(symbol, Decorator):
                symbol = symbol.func
            if symbol is None:
                # New semantic analyzer doesn't create ad-hoc Vars for special forms.
                assert lvalue.is_special_form
                symbol = Var(lvalue.name)
            if lvalue.kind == LDEF:
                if symbol not in self.environment.symtable:
                    # If the function is a generator function, then first define a new variable
                    # in the current function's environment class. Next, define a target that
                    # refers to the newly defined variable in that environment class. Add the
                    # target to the table containing class environment variables, as well as the
                    # current environment.
                    if self.fn_info.is_generator:
                        return self.add_var_to_env_class(

                    # Otherwise define a new local variable.
                    return self.environment.add_local_reg(
                        symbol, self.node_type(lvalue))
                    # Assign to a previously defined variable.
                    return self.environment.lookup(symbol)
            elif lvalue.kind == GDEF:
                globals_dict = self.load_globals_dict()
                name = self.load_static_unicode(lvalue.name)
                return AssignmentTargetIndex(globals_dict, name)
                assert False, lvalue.kind
        elif isinstance(lvalue, IndexExpr):
            # Indexed assignment x[y] = e
            base = self.accept(lvalue.base)
            index = self.accept(lvalue.index)
            return AssignmentTargetIndex(base, index)
        elif isinstance(lvalue, MemberExpr):
            # Attribute assignment x.y = e
            obj = self.accept(lvalue.expr)
            return AssignmentTargetAttr(obj, lvalue.name)
        elif isinstance(lvalue, TupleExpr):
            # Multiple assignment a, ..., b = e
            star_idx = None  # type: Optional[int]
            lvalues = []
            for idx, item in enumerate(lvalue.items):
                targ = self.get_assignment_target(item)
                if isinstance(item, StarExpr):
                    if star_idx is not None:
                        self.error("Two starred expressions in assignment",
                    star_idx = idx

            return AssignmentTargetTuple(lvalues, star_idx)

        elif isinstance(lvalue, StarExpr):
            return self.get_assignment_target(lvalue.expr)

        assert False, 'Unsupported lvalue: %r' % lvalue

    def read(self,
             target: Union[Value, AssignmentTarget],
             line: int = -1) -> Value:
        if isinstance(target, Value):
            return target
        if isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetRegister):
            return target.register
        if isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetIndex):
            reg = self.gen_method_call(target.base, '__getitem__',
                                       [target.index], target.type, line)
            if reg is not None:
                return reg
            assert False, target.base.type
        if isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetAttr):
            if isinstance(target.obj.type,
                          RInstance) and target.obj.type.class_ir.is_ext_class:
                return self.add(GetAttr(target.obj, target.attr, line))
                return self.py_get_attr(target.obj, target.attr, line)

        assert False, 'Unsupported lvalue: %r' % target

    def assign(self, target: Union[Register, AssignmentTarget],
               rvalue_reg: Value, line: int) -> None:
        if isinstance(target, Register):
            self.add(Assign(target, rvalue_reg))
        elif isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetRegister):
            rvalue_reg = self.coerce(rvalue_reg, target.type, line)
            self.add(Assign(target.register, rvalue_reg))
        elif isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetAttr):
            if isinstance(target.obj_type, RInstance):
                rvalue_reg = self.coerce(rvalue_reg, target.type, line)
                self.add(SetAttr(target.obj, target.attr, rvalue_reg, line))
                key = self.load_static_unicode(target.attr)
                boxed_reg = self.builder.box(rvalue_reg)
                    PrimitiveOp([target.obj, key, boxed_reg], py_setattr_op,
        elif isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetIndex):
            target_reg2 = self.gen_method_call(target.base, '__setitem__',
                                               [target.index, rvalue_reg],
                                               None, line)
            assert target_reg2 is not None, target.base.type
        elif isinstance(target, AssignmentTargetTuple):
            if isinstance(rvalue_reg.type, RTuple) and target.star_idx is None:
                rtypes = rvalue_reg.type.types
                assert len(rtypes) == len(target.items)
                for i in range(len(rtypes)):
                    item_value = self.add(TupleGet(rvalue_reg, i, line))
                    self.assign(target.items[i], item_value, line)
                self.process_iterator_tuple_assignment(target, rvalue_reg,
            assert False, 'Unsupported assignment target'

    def process_iterator_tuple_assignment_helper(self, litem: AssignmentTarget,
                                                 ritem: Value,
                                                 line: int) -> None:
        error_block, ok_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
        self.add(Branch(ritem, error_block, ok_block, Branch.IS_ERROR))

                               'not enough values to unpack', line))

        self.assign(litem, ritem, line)

    def process_iterator_tuple_assignment(self, target: AssignmentTargetTuple,
                                          rvalue_reg: Value,
                                          line: int) -> None:

        iterator = self.primitive_op(iter_op, [rvalue_reg], line)

        # This may be the whole lvalue list if there is no starred value
        split_idx = target.star_idx if target.star_idx is not None else len(

        # Assign values before the first starred value
        for litem in target.items[:split_idx]:
            ritem = self.primitive_op(next_op, [iterator], line)
            error_block, ok_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
            self.add(Branch(ritem, error_block, ok_block, Branch.IS_ERROR))

                                   'not enough values to unpack', line))


            self.assign(litem, ritem, line)

        # Assign the starred value and all values after it
        if target.star_idx is not None:
            post_star_vals = target.items[split_idx + 1:]
            iter_list = self.primitive_op(to_list, [iterator], line)
            iter_list_len = self.primitive_op(list_len_op, [iter_list], line)
            post_star_len = self.add(LoadInt(len(post_star_vals)))
            condition = self.binary_op(post_star_len, iter_list_len, '<=',

            error_block, ok_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
            self.add(Branch(condition, ok_block, error_block,

                                   'not enough values to unpack', line))


            for litem in reversed(post_star_vals):
                ritem = self.primitive_op(list_pop_last, [iter_list], line)
                self.assign(litem, ritem, line)

            # Assign the starred value
            self.assign(target.items[target.star_idx], iter_list, line)

        # There is no starred value, so check if there are extra values in rhs that
        # have not been assigned.
            extra = self.primitive_op(next_op, [iterator], line)
            error_block, ok_block = BasicBlock(), BasicBlock()
            self.add(Branch(extra, ok_block, error_block, Branch.IS_ERROR))

                                   'too many values to unpack', line))


    def push_loop_stack(self, continue_block: BasicBlock,
                        break_block: BasicBlock) -> None:
            LoopNonlocalControl(self.nonlocal_control[-1], continue_block,

    def pop_loop_stack(self) -> None:

    def spill(self, value: Value) -> AssignmentTarget:
        """Moves a given Value instance into the generator class' environment class."""
        name = '{}{}'.format(TEMP_ATTR_NAME, self.temp_counter)
        self.temp_counter += 1
        target = self.add_var_to_env_class(Var(name), value.type,
        # Shouldn't be able to fail, so -1 for line
        self.assign(target, value, -1)
        return target

    def maybe_spill(self, value: Value) -> Union[Value, AssignmentTarget]:
        Moves a given Value instance into the environment class for generator functions. For
        non-generator functions, leaves the Value instance as it is.

        Returns an AssignmentTarget associated with the Value for generator functions and the
        original Value itself for non-generator functions.
        if self.fn_info.is_generator:
            return self.spill(value)
        return value

    def maybe_spill_assignable(
            self, value: Value) -> Union[Register, AssignmentTarget]:
        Moves a given Value instance into the environment class for generator functions. For
        non-generator functions, allocate a temporary Register.

        Returns an AssignmentTarget associated with the Value for generator functions and an
        assignable Register for non-generator functions.
        if self.fn_info.is_generator:
            return self.spill(value)

        if isinstance(value, Register):
            return value

        # Allocate a temporary register for the assignable value.
        reg = self.alloc_temp(value.type)
        self.assign(reg, value, -1)
        return reg

    def extract_int(self, e: Expression) -> Optional[int]:
        if isinstance(e, IntExpr):
            return e.value
        elif isinstance(e, UnaryExpr) and e.op == '-' and isinstance(
                e.expr, IntExpr):
            return -e.expr.value
            return None

    def get_sequence_type(self, expr: Expression) -> RType:
        target_type = get_proper_type(self.types[expr])
        assert isinstance(target_type, Instance)
        if target_type.type.fullname == 'builtins.str':
            return str_rprimitive
            return self.type_to_rtype(target_type.args[0])

    def get_dict_base_type(self, expr: Expression) -> Instance:
        """Find dict type of a dict-like expression.

        This is useful for dict subclasses like SymbolTable.
        target_type = get_proper_type(self.types[expr])
        assert isinstance(target_type, Instance)
        dict_base = next(base for base in target_type.type.mro
                         if base.fullname == 'builtins.dict')
        return map_instance_to_supertype(target_type, dict_base)

    def get_dict_key_type(self, expr: Expression) -> RType:
        dict_base_type = self.get_dict_base_type(expr)
        return self.type_to_rtype(dict_base_type.args[0])

    def get_dict_value_type(self, expr: Expression) -> RType:
        dict_base_type = self.get_dict_base_type(expr)
        return self.type_to_rtype(dict_base_type.args[1])

    def get_dict_item_type(self, expr: Expression) -> RType:
        key_type = self.get_dict_key_type(expr)
        value_type = self.get_dict_value_type(expr)
        return RTuple([key_type, value_type])

    def _analyze_iterable_item_type(self, expr: Expression) -> Type:
        """Return the item type given by 'expr' in an iterable context."""
        # This logic is copied from mypy's TypeChecker.analyze_iterable_item_type.
        iterable = get_proper_type(self.types[expr])
        echk = self.graph[self.module_name].type_checker().expr_checker
        iterator = echk.check_method_call_by_name('__iter__', iterable, [], [],

        from mypy.join import join_types
        if isinstance(iterable, TupleType):
            joined = UninhabitedType()  # type: Type
            for item in iterable.items:
                joined = join_types(joined, item)
            return joined
            # Non-tuple iterable.
            return echk.check_method_call_by_name('__next__', iterator, [], [],

    def is_native_module(self, module: str) -> bool:
        """Is the given module one compiled by mypyc?"""
        return module in self.mapper.group_map

    def is_native_ref_expr(self, expr: RefExpr) -> bool:
        if expr.node is None:
            return False
        if '.' in expr.node.fullname:
            return self.is_native_module(expr.node.fullname.rpartition('.')[0])
        return True

    def is_native_module_ref_expr(self, expr: RefExpr) -> bool:
        return self.is_native_ref_expr(expr) and expr.kind == GDEF

    def is_synthetic_type(self, typ: TypeInfo) -> bool:
        """Is a type something other than just a class we've created?"""
        return typ.is_named_tuple or typ.is_newtype or typ.typeddict_type is not None

    def get_final_ref(self,
                      expr: MemberExpr) -> Optional[Tuple[str, Var, bool]]:
        """Check if `expr` is a final attribute.

        This needs to be done differently for class and module attributes to
        correctly determine fully qualified name. Return a tuple that consists of
        the qualified name, the corresponding Var node, and a flag indicating whether
        the final name was defined in a compiled module. Return None if `expr` does not
        refer to a final attribute.
        final_var = None
        if isinstance(expr.expr, RefExpr) and isinstance(
                expr.expr.node, TypeInfo):
            # a class attribute
            sym = expr.expr.node.get(expr.name)
            if sym and isinstance(sym.node, Var):
                # Enum attribute are treated as final since they are added to the global cache
                expr_fullname = expr.expr.node.bases[0].type.fullname
                is_final = sym.node.is_final or expr_fullname == 'enum.Enum'
                if is_final:
                    final_var = sym.node
                    fullname = '{}.{}'.format(sym.node.info.fullname,
                    native = self.is_native_module(expr.expr.node.module_name)
        elif self.is_module_member_expr(expr):
            # a module attribute
            if isinstance(expr.node, Var) and expr.node.is_final:
                final_var = expr.node
                fullname = expr.node.fullname
                native = self.is_native_ref_expr(expr)
        if final_var is not None:
            return fullname, final_var, native
        return None

    def emit_load_final(self, final_var: Var, fullname: str, name: str,
                        native: bool, typ: Type, line: int) -> Optional[Value]:
        """Emit code for loading value of a final name (if possible).

            final_var: Var corresponding to the final name
            fullname: its qualified name
            name: shorter name to show in errors
            native: whether the name was defined in a compiled module
            typ: its type
            line: line number where loading occurs
        if final_var.final_value is not None:  # this is safe even for non-native names
            return self.load_final_literal_value(final_var.final_value, line)
        elif native:
            return self.load_final_static(fullname,
                                          self.mapper.type_to_rtype(typ), line,
            return None

    def is_module_member_expr(self, expr: MemberExpr) -> bool:
        return isinstance(expr.expr, RefExpr) and isinstance(
            expr.expr.node, MypyFile)

    def call_refexpr_with_args(self, expr: CallExpr, callee: RefExpr,
                               arg_values: List[Value]) -> Value:

        # Handle data-driven special-cased primitive call ops.
        if callee.fullname is not None and expr.arg_kinds == [ARG_POS] * len(
            ops = func_ops.get(callee.fullname, [])
            target = self.builder.matching_primitive_op(
                ops, arg_values, expr.line, self.node_type(expr))
            if target:
                return target

        # Standard native call if signature and fullname are good and all arguments are positional
        # or named.
        callee_node = callee.node
        if isinstance(callee_node, OverloadedFuncDef):
            callee_node = callee_node.impl
        if (callee_node is not None and callee.fullname is not None
                and callee_node in self.mapper.func_to_decl
                and all(kind in (ARG_POS, ARG_NAMED)
                        for kind in expr.arg_kinds)):
            decl = self.mapper.func_to_decl[callee_node]
            return self.builder.call(decl, arg_values, expr.arg_kinds,
                                     expr.arg_names, expr.line)

        # Fall back to a Python call
        function = self.accept(callee)
        return self.py_call(function,

    def shortcircuit_expr(self, expr: OpExpr) -> Value:
        return self.builder.shortcircuit_helper(
            expr.op, self.node_type(expr), lambda: self.accept(expr.left),
            lambda: self.accept(expr.right), expr.line)

    # Conditional expressions

    def process_conditional(self, e: Expression, true: BasicBlock,
                            false: BasicBlock) -> None:
        if isinstance(e, OpExpr) and e.op in ['and', 'or']:
            if e.op == 'and':
                # Short circuit 'and' in a conditional context.
                new = BasicBlock()
                self.process_conditional(e.left, new, false)
                self.process_conditional(e.right, true, false)
                # Short circuit 'or' in a conditional context.
                new = BasicBlock()
                self.process_conditional(e.left, true, new)
                self.process_conditional(e.right, true, false)
        elif isinstance(e, UnaryExpr) and e.op == 'not':
            self.process_conditional(e.expr, false, true)
        # Catch-all for arbitrary expressions.
            reg = self.accept(e)
            self.add_bool_branch(reg, true, false)

    def flatten_classes(
            self, arg: Union[RefExpr, TupleExpr]) -> Optional[List[ClassIR]]:
        """Flatten classes in isinstance(obj, (A, (B, C))).

        If at least one item is not a reference to a native class, return None.
        if isinstance(arg, RefExpr):
            if isinstance(arg.node,
                          TypeInfo) and self.is_native_module_ref_expr(arg):
                ir = self.mapper.type_to_ir.get(arg.node)
                if ir:
                    return [ir]
            return None
            res = []  # type: List[ClassIR]
            for item in arg.items:
                if isinstance(item, (RefExpr, TupleExpr)):
                    item_part = self.flatten_classes(item)
                    if item_part is None:
                        return None
                    return None
            return res

    # Basic helpers

    def enter(self, fn_info: Union[FuncInfo, str] = '') -> None:
        if isinstance(fn_info, str):
            fn_info = FuncInfo(name=fn_info)
        self.builder = LowLevelIRBuilder(self.current_module, self.mapper)
        self.fn_info = fn_info
        if fn_info.is_generator:

    def leave(self) -> Tuple[List[BasicBlock], Environment, RType, FuncInfo]:
        builder = self.builders.pop()
        ret_type = self.ret_types.pop()
        fn_info = self.fn_infos.pop()
        self.builder = self.builders[-1]
        self.fn_info = self.fn_infos[-1]
        return builder.blocks, builder.environment, ret_type, fn_info

    def type_to_rtype(self, typ: Optional[Type]) -> RType:
        return self.mapper.type_to_rtype(typ)

    def node_type(self, node: Expression) -> RType:
        if isinstance(node, IntExpr):
            # TODO: Don't special case IntExpr
            return int_rprimitive
        if node not in self.types:
            return object_rprimitive
        mypy_type = self.types[node]
        return self.type_to_rtype(mypy_type)

    def add_var_to_env_class(self,
                             var: SymbolNode,
                             rtype: RType,
                             base: Union[FuncInfo, ImplicitClass],
                             reassign: bool = False) -> AssignmentTarget:
        # First, define the variable name as an attribute of the environment class, and then
        # construct a target for that attribute.
        self.fn_info.env_class.attributes[var.name] = rtype
        attr_target = AssignmentTargetAttr(base.curr_env_reg, var.name)

        if reassign:
            # Read the local definition of the variable, and set the corresponding attribute of
            # the environment class' variable to be that value.
            reg = self.read(self.environment.lookup(var),
                SetAttr(base.curr_env_reg, var.name, reg,

        # Override the local definition of the variable to instead point at the variable in
        # the environment class.
        return self.environment.add_target(var, attr_target)

    def is_builtin_ref_expr(self, expr: RefExpr) -> bool:
        assert expr.node, "RefExpr not resolved"
        return '.' in expr.node.fullname and expr.node.fullname.split(
            '.')[0] == 'builtins'

    def load_global(self, expr: NameExpr) -> Value:
        """Loads a Python-level global.

        This takes a NameExpr and uses its name as a key to retrieve the corresponding PyObject *
        from the _globals dictionary in the C-generated code.
        # If the global is from 'builtins', turn it into a module attr load instead
        if self.is_builtin_ref_expr(expr):
            assert expr.node, "RefExpr not resolved"
            return self.load_module_attr_by_fullname(expr.node.fullname,
        if (self.is_native_module_ref_expr(expr)
                and isinstance(expr.node, TypeInfo)
                and not self.is_synthetic_type(expr.node)):
            assert expr.fullname is not None
            return self.load_native_type_object(expr.fullname)
        return self.load_global_str(expr.name, expr.line)

    def load_global_str(self, name: str, line: int) -> Value:
        _globals = self.load_globals_dict()
        reg = self.load_static_unicode(name)
        return self.primitive_op(dict_get_item_op, [_globals, reg], line)

    def load_globals_dict(self) -> Value:
        return self.add(
            LoadStatic(dict_rprimitive, 'globals', self.module_name))

    def load_module_attr_by_fullname(self, fullname: str, line: int) -> Value:
        module, _, name = fullname.rpartition('.')
        left = self.load_module(module)
        return self.py_get_attr(left, name, line)

    # Lacks a good type because there wasn't a reasonable type in 3.5 :(
    def catch_errors(self, line: int) -> Any:
        return catch_errors(self.module_path, line)

    def warning(self, msg: str, line: int) -> None:
        self.errors.warning(msg, self.module_path, line)

    def error(self, msg: str, line: int) -> None:
        self.errors.error(msg, self.module_path, line)