class EC_key_pair:
    """EC 256k1, 256r1 or Ed 25519 key pair"""
    def __init__(self, pv_key_int, curve):
        """An EllipticCurvePrivateKey object"""
        self.curve = curve
        if self.curve == "K1":
            curveobj = K1_CURVE
        elif self.curve == "R1":
            curveobj = R1_CURVE
        if self.curve == "K1" or self.curve == "R1":
            # K1 or R1
            if pv_key_int < 0:
                # No private key provided, generating
                self.key_obj = ec.generate_private_key(
                    curveobj, backends.default_backend())
                # Create a key pair from the provided key integer
                self.key_obj = ec.derive_private_key(
                    pv_key_int, curveobj, backends.default_backend())
        elif self.curve == "ED":
            if pv_key_int < 0:
                # No private key provided, generating
                seed_bytes = random_generator()
                # Create a key pair from the provided key integer
                seed_bytes = pv_key_int.to_bytes(32, "big")
            self.key_obj = SigningKey(seed_bytes, RawEncoder)
            raise ValueError("ECkeypair must be K1, R1 or ED")

    def pv_int(self):
        """output private key as a integer, only for 256k1/r1"""
        if self.curve == "ED":
            raise ValueError(
                "ECkeypair pv_int can only be used for R1 or K1 key.")
        return self.key_obj.private_numbers().private_value

    def ser256(self):
        """output private key as bytes"""
        if self.curve == "K1" or self.curve == "R1":
            return self.pv_int().to_bytes(32, "big")
        return self.key_obj._seed

    def sign(self, data):
        """Sign data, in DER format.
        For r1 and k1 : sign pre-hashed data (256 bits).
        For Ed25519 : sign full message data.
        if self.curve == "K1" or self.curve == "R1":
            sign_alg = ec.ECDSA(utils.Prehashed(hashes.SHA256()))
            return makeup_sig(self.key_obj.sign(data, sign_alg), self.curve)
        # Ed25519
        return self.key_obj.sign(data, RawEncoder).signature

    def get_public_key(self, compressed=False):
        """public key output X962 from the private key object"""
        if self.curve == "K1" or self.curve == "R1":
            # X962 PublicKey
            out_format = (serialization.PublicFormat.CompressedPoint
                          if compressed else
            return self.key_obj.public_key().public_bytes(
                serialization.Encoding.X962, out_format)
        # Ed25519 : 32 bytes public key
        return self.key_obj.verify_key.encode(RawEncoder)

    def ecdh(self, peer_pub_key):
        """Compute a ECDH key exchange."""
        if self.curve == "ED":
            raise ValueError(
                "ECkeypair pv_int can only be used for R1 or K1 key.")
        if self.curve == "K1":
            curveobj = K1_CURVE
        elif self.curve == "R1":
            curveobj = R1_CURVE
        public_key = ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(
            curveobj, peer_pub_key)
        shared_key = self.key_obj.exchange(ec.ECDH(), public_key)
        return shared_key