文件: fitter.py 项目: neheller/NEMS
def coordinate_descent(sigma,

    stepinfo, update_stepinfo = tc.create_stepinfo()
    stop_fit = lambda: (tc.error_non_decreasing(
        stepinfo, tolerance) or tc.max_iterations_reached(stepinfo, max_iter)
                        or tc.less_than_equal(step_size, step_min))

    this_sigma = sigma.copy()
    n_parameters = len(sigma)
    step_errors = np.empty([n_parameters, 2])
    while not stop_fit():
        for i in range(0, n_parameters):
            # Try shifting each parameter both negatively and positively
            # proportional to step_size, and save both the new
            # sigma vectors and resulting cost_fn outputs
            this_sigma[i] = sigma[i] + step_size
            step_errors[i, 0] = cost_fn(this_sigma)
            this_sigma[i] = sigma[i] - step_size
            step_errors[i, 1] = cost_fn(this_sigma)
            this_sigma[i] = sigma[i]
        # Get index tuple for the lowest error that resulted,
        # and keep the corresponding sigma vector for the next iteration
        i_param, j_sign = np.unravel_index(step_errors.argmin(),
        err = step_errors[i_param, j_sign]

        # If change was negative, try reducing step size.
        if err > stepinfo['err']:
                "Error got worse, reducing step size from: %.06f to: "
                "%.06f", step_size, step_size * step_change)
            step_size *= step_change

        # If j is 1, shift was negative, otherwise it was 0 for positive.
        if j_sign == 1:
            sigma[i_param] = this_sigma[i_param] = sigma[i_param] - step_size
            sigma[i_param] = this_sigma[i_param] = sigma[i_param] + step_size


        if stepinfo['stepnum'] % 20 == 0:
            log.debug("sigma is now: %s", sigma)

    log.info("Final error: %.06f\n", stepinfo['err'])
    return sigma
def dummy_fitter(sigma, cost_fn, bounds=None, fixed=None):
    This fitter does not actually take meaningful steps; it merely
    varies the first element of the sigma vector to be equal to the step
    number. It is intended purely for testing and example purposes so
    that you can see how to re-use termination conditions to write
    your own fitter.
    # Define a stepinfo and termination condition function 'stop_fit'
    stepinfo, update_stepinfo = tc.create_stepinfo()
    stop_fit = lambda : (tc.error_non_decreasing(stepinfo, 1e-5) or
                         tc.max_iterations_reached(stepinfo, 1000))

    while not stop_fit():
        sigma[0] = stepinfo['stepnum']  # Take a fake step
        err = cost_fn(sigma)
        update_stepinfo(err=err, sigma=sigma)

    return sigma
def coordinate_descent(sigma, cost_fn, step_size=0.1, step_change=0.5,
                       step_min=1e-5, tolerance=1e-5, max_iter=100,
                       bounds=None, **kwargs):

    if bounds is not None:
        bounds = list(zip(*bounds))

    stepinfo, update_stepinfo = tc.create_stepinfo()
    stop_fit = lambda : (tc.error_non_decreasing(stepinfo, tolerance)
                         or tc.max_iterations_reached(stepinfo, max_iter)
                         or tc.less_than_equal(step_size, step_min))

    this_sigma = sigma.copy()
    n_parameters = len(sigma)
    step_errors = np.empty([n_parameters, 2])
    log.info("CD intializing: step_size=%.2f, tolerance=%e, max_iter=%d",
             step_size, tolerance, max_iter)
    this_steps = 0
    while not stop_fit():
        for i in range(0, n_parameters):
            if bounds is None:
                lower = np.NINF
                upper = np.inf
                lower = bounds[i][0] if bounds[i][0] is not None else np.NINF
                upper = bounds[i][1] if bounds[i][1] is not None else np.inf
            # Try shifting each parameter both negatively and positively
            # proportional to step_size, and save both the new
            # sigma vectors and resulting cost_fn outputs
            this_sigma[i] = sigma[i] + step_size
            if this_sigma[i] > upper:
                this_sigma[i] = upper
            step_errors[i, 0] = cost_fn(this_sigma)
            this_sigma[i] = sigma[i] - step_size
            if this_sigma[i] < lower:
                this_sigma[i] = lower
            step_errors[i, 1] = cost_fn(this_sigma)
            this_sigma[i] = sigma[i]
        # Get index tuple for the lowest error that resulted,
        # and keep the corresponding sigma vector for the next iteration
        i_param, j_sign = np.unravel_index(
                                step_errors.argmin(), step_errors.shape
        err = step_errors[i_param, j_sign]

        # If change was negative, try reducing step size.
        if err >= stepinfo['err']:
            log.info("Error worse, reducing step size from %.06f to %.06f",
                     step_size, step_size * step_change)
            step_size *= step_change
            this_steps = 0
            this_steps += 1
            if this_steps > 10:
                log.info("Increasing step size from %.06f to %.6f",
                         step_size, step_size / np.sqrt(step_change))
                this_steps = 0
                step_size /= np.sqrt(step_change)

        # If j is 1, shift was negative, otherwise it was 0 for positive.
        if j_sign == 1:
            sigma[i_param] = this_sigma[i_param] = sigma[i_param] - step_size
            sigma[i_param] = this_sigma[i_param] = sigma[i_param] + step_size

        log.debug("step=%d", stepinfo["stepnum"])
        if stepinfo['stepnum'] % 20 == 0:
            log.debug("sigma is now: %s", sigma)

    log.info("Final error: %.06f (step size %.06f)\n",
             stepinfo['err'], step_size)

    return sigma