 def _group_to_neo(self, nix_group):
     neo_attrs = self._nix_attr_to_neo(nix_group)
     neo_segment = Segment(**neo_attrs)
     neo_segment.rec_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(
     self._neo_map[nix_group.name] = neo_segment
     return neo_segment
def proc_src_comments(srcfile, filename):
    '''Get the comments in an src file that has been#!N
    processed by the official
    matlab function.  See proc_src for details'''
    comm_seg = Segment(name='Comments', file_origin=filename)
    commentarray = srcfile['comments'].flatten()[0]
    senders = [res[0] for res in commentarray['sender'].flatten()]
    texts = [res[0] for res in commentarray['text'].flatten()]
    timeStamps = [res[0, 0] for res in commentarray['timeStamp'].flatten()]

    timeStamps = np.array(timeStamps, dtype=np.float32)
    t_start = timeStamps.min()
    timeStamps = pq.Quantity(timeStamps - t_start, units=pq.d).rescale(pq.s)
    texts = np.array(texts, dtype='S')
    senders = np.array(senders, dtype='S')
    t_start = brainwaresrcio.convert_brainwaresrc_timestamp(t_start.tolist())

    comments = Event(times=timeStamps, labels=texts, senders=senders)
    comm_seg.events = [comments]
    comm_seg.rec_datetime = t_start

    return comm_seg
def proc_src_comments(srcfile, filename):
    '''Get the comments in an src file that has been#!N
    processed by the official
    matlab function.  See proc_src for details'''
    comm_seg = Segment(name='Comments', file_origin=filename)
    commentarray = srcfile['comments'].flatten()[0]
    senders = [res[0] for res in commentarray['sender'].flatten()]
    texts = [res[0] for res in commentarray['text'].flatten()]
    timeStamps = [res[0, 0] for res in commentarray['timeStamp'].flatten()]

    timeStamps = np.array(timeStamps, dtype=np.float32)
    t_start = timeStamps.min()
    timeStamps = pq.Quantity(timeStamps - t_start, units=pq.d).rescale(pq.s)
    texts = np.array(texts, dtype='S')
    senders = np.array(senders, dtype='S')
    t_start = brainwaresrcio.convert_brainwaresrc_timestamp(t_start.tolist())

    comments = EventArray(times=timeStamps, labels=texts, senders=senders)
    comm_seg.eventarrays = [comments]
    comm_seg.rec_datetime = t_start

    return comm_seg
    def read_segment(self, lazy=False, cascade=True, load_spike_waveform=True):
        Read in a segment.

            load_spike_waveform : load or not waveform of spikes (default True)


        fid = open(self.filename, 'rb')
        globalHeader = HeaderReader(fid, GlobalHeader).read_f(offset=0)

        # metadatas
        seg = Segment()
        seg.rec_datetime = datetime.datetime(
        seg.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)

        for key, val in globalHeader.iteritems():
            seg.annotate(**{key: val})

        if not cascade:
            return seg

        ## Step 1 : read headers
        # dsp channels header = spikes and waveforms
        dspChannelHeaders = {}
        maxunit = 0
        maxchan = 0
        for _ in range(globalHeader['NumDSPChannels']):
            # channel is 1 based
            channelHeader = HeaderReader(fid, ChannelHeader).read_f(offset=None)
            channelHeader['Template'] = np.array(channelHeader['Template']).reshape((5,64))
            channelHeader['Boxes'] = np.array(channelHeader['Boxes']).reshape((5,2,4))
            dspChannelHeaders[channelHeader['Channel']] = channelHeader
            maxunit = max(channelHeader['NUnits'], maxunit)
            maxchan = max(channelHeader['Channel'], maxchan)

        # event channel header
        eventHeaders = { }
        for _ in range(globalHeader['NumEventChannels']):
            eventHeader = HeaderReader(fid, EventHeader).read_f(offset=None)
            eventHeaders[eventHeader['Channel']] = eventHeader

        # slow channel header = signal
        slowChannelHeaders = {}
        for _ in range(globalHeader['NumSlowChannels']):
            slowChannelHeader = HeaderReader(fid, SlowChannelHeader).read_f(offset=None)
            slowChannelHeaders[slowChannelHeader['Channel']] = slowChannelHeader

        ## Step 2 : a first loop for counting size
        # signal
        nb_samples = np.zeros(len(slowChannelHeaders))
        sample_positions = np.zeros(len(slowChannelHeaders))
        t_starts = np.zeros(len(slowChannelHeaders), dtype='f')

        #spiketimes and waveform
        nb_spikes = np.zeros((maxchan+1, maxunit+1) ,dtype='i')
        wf_sizes = np.zeros((maxchan+1, maxunit+1, 2) ,dtype='i')

        # eventarrays
        nb_events = { }
        #maxstrsizeperchannel = { }
        for chan, h in iteritems(eventHeaders):
            nb_events[chan] = 0
            #maxstrsizeperchannel[chan] = 0

        start = fid.tell()
        while fid.tell() !=-1 :
            # read block header
            dataBlockHeader = HeaderReader(fid , DataBlockHeader ).read_f(offset = None)
            if dataBlockHeader is None : break
            chan = dataBlockHeader['Channel']
            unit = dataBlockHeader['Unit']
            n1,n2 = dataBlockHeader['NumberOfWaveforms'] , dataBlockHeader['NumberOfWordsInWaveform']
            time = (dataBlockHeader['UpperByteOf5ByteTimestamp']*2.**32 +

            if dataBlockHeader['Type'] == 1:
                nb_spikes[chan,unit] +=1
                wf_sizes[chan,unit,:] = [n1,n2]
            elif dataBlockHeader['Type'] ==4:
                nb_events[chan] += 1
            elif dataBlockHeader['Type'] == 5:
                #continuous signal
                fid.seek(n2*2, 1)
                if n2> 0:
                    nb_samples[chan] += n2
                if nb_samples[chan] ==0:
                    t_starts[chan] = time

        ## Step 3: allocating memory and 2 loop for reading if not lazy
        if not lazy:
            # allocating mem for signal
            sigarrays = { }
            for chan, h in iteritems(slowChannelHeaders):
                sigarrays[chan] = np.zeros(nb_samples[chan])
            # allocating mem for SpikeTrain
            stimearrays = np.zeros((maxchan+1, maxunit+1) ,dtype=object)
            swfarrays = np.zeros((maxchan+1, maxunit+1) ,dtype=object)
            for (chan, unit), _ in np.ndenumerate(nb_spikes):
                stimearrays[chan,unit] = np.zeros(nb_spikes[chan,unit], dtype = 'f')
                if load_spike_waveform:
                    n1,n2 = wf_sizes[chan, unit,:]
                    swfarrays[chan, unit] = np.zeros( (nb_spikes[chan, unit], n1, n2 ) , dtype = 'f4' )
            pos_spikes = np.zeros(nb_spikes.shape, dtype = 'i')
            # allocating mem for event
            eventpositions = { }
            evarrays = { }
            for chan, nb in iteritems(nb_events):
                evarrays[chan] = {
                    'times': np.zeros(nb, dtype='f'),
                    'labels': np.zeros(nb, dtype='S4')
            while fid.tell() !=-1 :
                dataBlockHeader = HeaderReader(fid , DataBlockHeader ).read_f(offset = None)
                if dataBlockHeader is None : break
                chan = dataBlockHeader['Channel']
                n1,n2 = dataBlockHeader['NumberOfWaveforms'] , dataBlockHeader['NumberOfWordsInWaveform']
                time = dataBlockHeader['UpperByteOf5ByteTimestamp']*2.**32 + dataBlockHeader['TimeStamp']
                time/= globalHeader['ADFrequency']

                if n2 <0: break
                if dataBlockHeader['Type'] == 1:
                    unit = dataBlockHeader['Unit']
                    pos = pos_spikes[chan,unit]
                    stimearrays[chan, unit][pos] = time
                    if load_spike_waveform and n1*n2 != 0 :
                        swfarrays[chan,unit][pos,:,:] = np.fromstring( fid.read(n1*n2*2) , dtype = 'i2').reshape(n1,n2).astype('f4')
                    pos_spikes[chan,unit] +=1
                elif dataBlockHeader['Type'] == 4:
                    # event
                    pos = eventpositions[chan]
                    evarrays[chan]['times'][pos] = time
                    evarrays[chan]['labels'][pos] = dataBlockHeader['Unit']
                    eventpositions[chan]+= 1

                elif dataBlockHeader['Type'] == 5:
                    data = np.fromstring( fid.read(n2*2) , dtype = 'i2').astype('f4')
                    sigarrays[chan][sample_positions[chan] : sample_positions[chan]+data.size] = data
                    sample_positions[chan] += data.size

        ## Step 4: create neo object
        for chan, h in iteritems(eventHeaders):
            if lazy:
                times = []
                labels = None
                times = evarrays[chan]['times']
                labels = evarrays[chan]['labels']
            ea = EventArray(
            if lazy:
                ea.lazy_shape = nb_events[chan]

        for chan, h in iteritems(slowChannelHeaders):
            if lazy:
                signal = [ ]
                if globalHeader['Version'] ==100 or globalHeader['Version'] ==101 :
                    gain = 5000./(2048*slowChannelHeaders[chan]['Gain']*1000.)
                elif globalHeader['Version'] ==102 :
                    gain = 5000./(2048*slowChannelHeaders[chan]['Gain']*slowChannelHeaders[chan]['PreampGain'])
                elif globalHeader['Version'] >= 103:
                    gain = globalHeader['SlowMaxMagnitudeMV']/(.5*(2**globalHeader['BitsPerSpikeSample'])*\
                signal = sigarrays[chan]*gain
            anasig =  AnalogSignal(signal*pq.V,
                sampling_rate = float(slowChannelHeaders[chan]['ADFreq'])*pq.Hz,
                t_start = t_starts[chan]*pq.s,
                channel_index = slowChannelHeaders[chan]['Channel'],
                channel_name = slowChannelHeaders[chan]['Name'],
            if lazy:
                anasig.lazy_shape = nb_samples[chan]
        for (chan, unit), value in np.ndenumerate(nb_spikes):
            if nb_spikes[chan, unit] == 0: continue
            if lazy:
                times = [ ]
                waveforms = None
                t_stop = 0
                times = stimearrays[chan,unit]
                t_stop = times.max()
                if load_spike_waveform:
                    if globalHeader['Version'] <103:
                        gain = 3000./(2048*dspChannelHeaders[chan]['Gain']*1000.)
                    elif globalHeader['Version'] >=103 and globalHeader['Version'] <105:
                        gain = globalHeader['SpikeMaxMagnitudeMV']/(.5*2.**(globalHeader['BitsPerSpikeSample'])*1000.)
                    elif globalHeader['Version'] >105:
                        gain = globalHeader['SpikeMaxMagnitudeMV']/(.5*2.**(globalHeader['BitsPerSpikeSample'])*globalHeader['SpikePreAmpGain'])                    
                    waveforms = swfarrays[chan, unit] * gain * pq.V
                    waveforms = None
            sptr = SpikeTrain(
            sptr.annotate(unit_name = dspChannelHeaders[chan]['Name'])
            sptr.annotate(channel_index = chan)
            for key, val in dspChannelHeaders[chan].iteritems():
                sptr.annotate(**{key: val})

            if lazy:
                sptr.lazy_shape = nb_spikes[chan,unit]

        return seg
    def read_block(
            # the 2 first keyword arguments are imposed by neo.io API
        Return a Block.

        def count_samples(m_length):
            Count the number of signal samples available in a type 5 data block
            of length m_length


            # for information about type 5 data block, see [1]
            count = int((m_length - 6) / 2 - 2)
            # -6 corresponds to the header of block 5, and the -2 take into
            # account the fact that last 2 values are not available as the 4
            # corresponding bytes are coding the time stamp of the beginning
            # of the block
            return count

        # create the neo Block that will be returned at the end
        blck = Block(file_origin=os.path.basename(self.filename))
        blck.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)

        fid = open(self.filename, 'rb')

        # NOTE: in the following, the word "block" is used in the sense used in
        # the alpha-omega specifications (ie a data chunk in the file), rather
        # than in the sense of the usual Block object in neo

        # step 1: read the headers of all the data blocks to load the file
        # structure

        pos_block = 0  # position of the current block in the file
        file_blocks = []  # list of data blocks available in the file

        if not cascade:
            # we read only the main header

            m_length, m_TypeBlock = struct.unpack('Hcx', fid.read(4))
            # m_TypeBlock should be 'h', as we read the first block
            block = HeaderReader(
                fid, dict_header_type.get(m_TypeBlock, Type_Unknown)).read_f()
                'm_length': m_length,
                'm_TypeBlock': m_TypeBlock,
                'pos': pos_block

        else:  # cascade == True

            seg = Segment(file_origin=os.path.basename(self.filename))
            seg.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)

            while True:
                first_4_bytes = fid.read(4)
                if len(first_4_bytes) < 4:
                    # we have reached the end of the file
                    m_length, m_TypeBlock = struct.unpack('Hcx', first_4_bytes)

                block = HeaderReader(
                    fid, dict_header_type.get(m_TypeBlock,
                    'm_length': m_length,
                    'm_TypeBlock': m_TypeBlock,
                    'pos': pos_block

                if m_TypeBlock == '2':
                    # The beggining of the block of type '2' is identical for
                    # all types of channels, but the following part depends on
                    # the type of channel. So we need a special case here.

                    # WARNING: How to check the type of channel is not
                    # described in the documentation. So here I use what is
                    # proposed in the C code [2].
                    # According to this C code, it seems that the 'm_isAnalog'
                    # is used to distinguished analog and digital channels, and
                    # 'm_Mode' encodes the type of analog channel:
                    # 0 for continuous, 1 for level, 2 for external trigger.
                    # But in some files, I found channels that seemed to be
                    # continuous channels with 'm_Modes' = 128 or 192. So I
                    # decided to consider every channel with 'm_Modes'
                    # different from 1 or 2 as continuous. I also couldn't
                    # check that values of 1 and 2 are really for level and
                    # external trigger as I had no test files containing data
                    # of this types.

                    type_subblock = 'unknown_channel_type(m_Mode=' \
                                    + str(block['m_Mode'])+ ')'
                    description = Type2_SubBlockUnknownChannels
                    block.update({'m_Name': 'unknown_name'})
                    if block['m_isAnalog'] == 0:
                        # digital channel
                        type_subblock = 'digital'
                        description = Type2_SubBlockDigitalChannels
                    elif block['m_isAnalog'] == 1:
                        # analog channel
                        if block['m_Mode'] == 1:
                            # level channel
                            type_subblock = 'level'
                            description = Type2_SubBlockLevelChannels
                        elif block['m_Mode'] == 2:
                            # external trigger channel
                            type_subblock = 'external_trigger'
                            description = Type2_SubBlockExtTriggerChannels
                            # continuous channel
                            type_subblock = 'continuous(Mode' \
                                            + str(block['m_Mode']) +')'
                            description = Type2_SubBlockContinuousChannels

                    subblock = HeaderReader(fid, description).read_f()

                    block.update({'type_subblock': type_subblock})

                pos_block += m_length

            # step 2: find the available channels
            list_chan = []  # list containing indexes of channel blocks
            for ind_block, block in enumerate(file_blocks):
                if block['m_TypeBlock'] == '2':

            # step 3: find blocks containing data for the available channels
            list_data = []  # list of lists of indexes of data blocks
            # corresponding to each channel
            for ind_chan, chan in enumerate(list_chan):
                num_chan = file_blocks[chan]['m_numChannel']
                for ind_block, block in enumerate(file_blocks):
                    if block['m_TypeBlock'] == '5':
                        if block['m_numChannel'] == num_chan:

            # step 4: compute the length (number of samples) of the channels
            chan_len = np.zeros(len(list_data), dtype=np.int)
            for ind_chan, list_blocks in enumerate(list_data):
                for ind_block in list_blocks:
                    chan_len[ind_chan] += count_samples(

            # step 5: find channels for which data are available
            ind_valid_chan = np.nonzero(chan_len)[0]

            # step 6: load the data
            # TODO give the possibility to load data as AnalogSignalArrays
            for ind_chan in ind_valid_chan:
                list_blocks = list_data[ind_chan]
                ind = 0  # index in the data vector

                # read time stamp for the beginning of the signal
                form = '<l'  # reading format
                ind_block = list_blocks[0]
                count = count_samples(file_blocks[ind_block]['m_length'])
                fid.seek(file_blocks[ind_block]['pos'] + 6 + count * 2)
                buf = fid.read(struct.calcsize(form))
                val = struct.unpack(form, buf)
                start_index = val[0]

                # WARNING: in the following blocks are read supposing taht they
                # are all contiguous and sorted in time. I don't know if it's
                # always the case. Maybe we should use the time stamp of each
                # data block to choose where to put the read data in the array.
                if not lazy:
                    temp_array = np.empty(chan_len[ind_chan], dtype=np.int16)
                    # NOTE: we could directly create an empty AnalogSignal and
                    # load the data in it, but it is much faster to load data
                    # in a temporary numpy array and create the AnalogSignals
                    # from this temporary array
                    for ind_block in list_blocks:
                        count = count_samples(
                        fid.seek(file_blocks[ind_block]['pos'] + 6)
                        temp_array[ind:ind+count] = \
                            np.fromfile(fid, dtype = np.int16, count = count)
                        ind += count

                sampling_rate = \
                    file_blocks[list_chan[ind_chan]]['m_SampleRate'] * pq.kHz
                t_start = (start_index / sampling_rate).simplified
                if lazy:
                    ana_sig = AnalogSignal([],
                                           sampling_rate = sampling_rate,
                                           t_start = t_start,
                                           name = file_blocks\
                                           file_origin = \
                                           units = pq.dimensionless)
                    ana_sig.lazy_shape = chan_len[ind_chan]
                    ana_sig = AnalogSignal(temp_array,
                                           sampling_rate = sampling_rate,
                                           t_start = t_start,
                                           name = file_blocks\
                                           file_origin = \
                                           units = pq.dimensionless)

                ana_sig.channel_index = \
                ana_sig.annotate(channel_name = \
                ana_sig.annotate(channel_type = \


        if file_blocks[0]['m_TypeBlock'] == 'h':  # this should always be true
            blck.rec_datetime = datetime.datetime(\
                10000 * file_blocks[0]['m_time_hsecond'])
            # the 10000 is here to convert m_time_hsecond from centisecond
            # to microsecond
            version = file_blocks[0]['m_version']
            if cascade:
                seg.rec_datetime = blck.rec_datetime.replace()
                # I couldn't find a simple copy function for datetime,
                # using replace without arguments is a twisted way to make a
                # copy
        if cascade:
            populate_RecordingChannel(blck, remove_from_annotation=True)

        return blck
    def read_block(self,
                   # the 2 first keyword arguments are imposed by neo.io API
                   lazy = False,
                   cascade = True):
        Return a Block.


        def count_samples(m_length):
            Count the number of signal samples available in a type 5 data block
            of length m_length


            # for information about type 5 data block, see [1]
            count = int((m_length-6)/2-2)
            # -6 corresponds to the header of block 5, and the -2 take into
            # account the fact that last 2 values are not available as the 4
            # corresponding bytes are coding the time stamp of the beginning
            # of the block
            return count

        # create the neo Block that will be returned at the end
        blck = Block(file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename))
        blck.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)

        fid = open(self.filename, 'rb')

        # NOTE: in the following, the word "block" is used in the sense used in
        # the alpha-omega specifications (ie a data chunk in the file), rather
        # than in the sense of the usual Block object in neo

        # step 1: read the headers of all the data blocks to load the file
        # structure

        pos_block = 0 # position of the current block in the file
        file_blocks = [] # list of data blocks available in the file

        if not cascade:
            # we read only the main header

            m_length, m_TypeBlock = struct.unpack('Hcx' , fid.read(4))
            # m_TypeBlock should be 'h', as we read the first block
            block = HeaderReader(fid,
            block.update({'m_length': m_length,
                          'm_TypeBlock': m_TypeBlock,
                          'pos': pos_block})

        else: # cascade == True

            seg = Segment(file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename))
            seg.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)

            while True:
                first_4_bytes = fid.read(4)
                if len(first_4_bytes) < 4:
                    # we have reached the end of the file
                    m_length, m_TypeBlock = struct.unpack('Hcx', first_4_bytes)

                block = HeaderReader(fid,
                block.update({'m_length': m_length,
                              'm_TypeBlock': m_TypeBlock,
                              'pos': pos_block})

                if m_TypeBlock == '2':
                    # The beginning of the block of type '2' is identical for
                    # all types of channels, but the following part depends on
                    # the type of channel. So we need a special case here.

                    # WARNING: How to check the type of channel is not
                    # described in the documentation. So here I use what is
                    # proposed in the C code [2].
                    # According to this C code, it seems that the 'm_isAnalog'
                    # is used to distinguished analog and digital channels, and
                    # 'm_Mode' encodes the type of analog channel:
                    # 0 for continuous, 1 for level, 2 for external trigger.
                    # But in some files, I found channels that seemed to be
                    # continuous channels with 'm_Modes' = 128 or 192. So I
                    # decided to consider every channel with 'm_Modes'
                    # different from 1 or 2 as continuous. I also couldn't
                    # check that values of 1 and 2 are really for level and
                    # external trigger as I had no test files containing data
                    # of this types.

                    type_subblock = 'unknown_channel_type(m_Mode=' \
                                    + str(block['m_Mode'])+ ')'
                    description = Type2_SubBlockUnknownChannels
                    block.update({'m_Name': 'unknown_name'})
                    if block['m_isAnalog'] == 0:
                        # digital channel
                        type_subblock = 'digital'
                        description = Type2_SubBlockDigitalChannels
                    elif block['m_isAnalog'] == 1:
                        # analog channel
                        if block['m_Mode'] == 1:
                            # level channel
                            type_subblock = 'level'
                            description = Type2_SubBlockLevelChannels
                        elif block['m_Mode'] == 2:
                            # external trigger channel
                            type_subblock = 'external_trigger'
                            description = Type2_SubBlockExtTriggerChannels
                            # continuous channel
                            type_subblock = 'continuous(Mode' \
                                            + str(block['m_Mode']) +')'
                            description = Type2_SubBlockContinuousChannels

                    subblock = HeaderReader(fid, description).read_f()

                    block.update({'type_subblock': type_subblock})

                pos_block += m_length

            # step 2: find the available channels
            list_chan = [] # list containing indexes of channel blocks
            for ind_block, block in enumerate(file_blocks):
                if block['m_TypeBlock'] == '2':

            # step 3: find blocks containing data for the available channels
            list_data = [] # list of lists of indexes of data blocks
                           # corresponding to each channel
            for ind_chan, chan in enumerate(list_chan):
                num_chan = file_blocks[chan]['m_numChannel']
                for ind_block, block in enumerate(file_blocks):
                    if block['m_TypeBlock'] == '5':
                        if block['m_numChannel'] == num_chan:

            # step 4: compute the length (number of samples) of the channels
            chan_len = np.zeros(len(list_data), dtype = np.int)
            for ind_chan, list_blocks in enumerate(list_data):
                for ind_block in list_blocks:
                    chan_len[ind_chan] += count_samples(

            # step 5: find channels for which data are available
            ind_valid_chan = np.nonzero(chan_len)[0]

            # step 6: load the data
            # TODO give the possibility to load data as AnalogSignalArrays
            for ind_chan in ind_valid_chan:
                list_blocks = list_data[ind_chan]
                ind = 0 # index in the data vector

                # read time stamp for the beginning of the signal
                form = '<l' # reading format
                ind_block = list_blocks[0]
                count = count_samples(file_blocks[ind_block]['m_length'])
                buf = fid.read(struct.calcsize(form))
                val = struct.unpack(form , buf)
                start_index = val[0]

                # WARNING: in the following blocks are read supposing taht they
                # are all contiguous and sorted in time. I don't know if it's
                # always the case. Maybe we should use the time stamp of each
                # data block to choose where to put the read data in the array.
                if not lazy:
                    temp_array = np.empty(chan_len[ind_chan], dtype = np.int16)
                    # NOTE: we could directly create an empty AnalogSignal and
                    # load the data in it, but it is much faster to load data
                    # in a temporary numpy array and create the AnalogSignals
                    # from this temporary array
                    for ind_block in list_blocks:
                        count = count_samples(
                        temp_array[ind:ind+count] = \
                            np.fromfile(fid, dtype = np.int16, count = count)
                        ind += count

                sampling_rate = \
                    file_blocks[list_chan[ind_chan]]['m_SampleRate'] * pq.kHz
                t_start = (start_index / sampling_rate).simplified
                if lazy:
                    ana_sig = AnalogSignal([],
                                           sampling_rate = sampling_rate,
                                           t_start = t_start,
                                           name = file_blocks\
                                           file_origin = \
                                           units = pq.dimensionless)
                    ana_sig.lazy_shape = chan_len[ind_chan]
                    ana_sig = AnalogSignal(temp_array,
                                           sampling_rate = sampling_rate,
                                           t_start = t_start,
                                           name = file_blocks\
                                           file_origin = \
                                           units = pq.dimensionless)
# todo apibreak: create ChannelIndex for each signals
#                ana_sig.channel_index = \
#                            file_blocks[list_chan[ind_chan]]['m_numChannel']
                ana_sig.annotate(channel_name = \
                ana_sig.annotate(channel_type = \


        if file_blocks[0]['m_TypeBlock'] == 'h': # this should always be true
            blck.rec_datetime = datetime.datetime(\
                10000 * file_blocks[0]['m_time_hsecond'])
                # the 10000 is here to convert m_time_hsecond from centisecond
                # to microsecond
            version = file_blocks[0]['m_version']
            blck.annotate(alphamap_version = version)
            if cascade:
                seg.rec_datetime = blck.rec_datetime.replace()
                # I couldn't find a simple copy function for datetime,
                # using replace without arguments is a twisted way to make a
                # copy
                seg.annotate(alphamap_version = version)
        if cascade:

        return blck
    def read_segment(self, lazy=False, cascade=True, load_spike_waveform=True):


        fid = open(self.filename, "rb")
        globalHeader = HeaderReader(fid, GlobalHeader).read_f(offset=0)

        # metadatas
        seg = Segment()
        seg.rec_datetime = datetime.datetime(
        seg.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)

        if not cascade:
            return seg

        ## Step 1 : read headers
        # dsp channels header = sipkes and waveforms
        dspChannelHeaders = {}
        maxunit = 0
        maxchan = 0
        for _ in range(globalHeader["NumDSPChannels"]):
            # channel is 1 based
            channelHeader = HeaderReader(fid, ChannelHeader).read_f(offset=None)
            channelHeader["Template"] = np.array(channelHeader["Template"]).reshape((5, 64))
            channelHeader["Boxes"] = np.array(channelHeader["Boxes"]).reshape((5, 2, 4))
            dspChannelHeaders[channelHeader["Channel"]] = channelHeader
            maxunit = max(channelHeader["NUnits"], maxunit)
            maxchan = max(channelHeader["Channel"], maxchan)

        # event channel header
        eventHeaders = {}
        for _ in range(globalHeader["NumEventChannels"]):
            eventHeader = HeaderReader(fid, EventHeader).read_f(offset=None)
            eventHeaders[eventHeader["Channel"]] = eventHeader

        # slow channel header = signal
        slowChannelHeaders = {}
        for _ in range(globalHeader["NumSlowChannels"]):
            slowChannelHeader = HeaderReader(fid, SlowChannelHeader).read_f(offset=None)
            slowChannelHeaders[slowChannelHeader["Channel"]] = slowChannelHeader

        ## Step 2 : a first loop for counting size
        # signal
        nb_samples = np.zeros(len(slowChannelHeaders))
        sample_positions = np.zeros(len(slowChannelHeaders))
        t_starts = np.zeros(len(slowChannelHeaders), dtype="f")

        # spiketimes and waveform
        nb_spikes = np.zeros((maxchan + 1, maxunit + 1), dtype="i")
        wf_sizes = np.zeros((maxchan + 1, maxunit + 1, 2), dtype="i")

        # eventarrays
        nb_events = {}
        # maxstrsizeperchannel = { }
        for chan, h in iteritems(eventHeaders):
            nb_events[chan] = 0
            # maxstrsizeperchannel[chan] = 0

        start = fid.tell()
        while fid.tell() != -1:
            # read block header
            dataBlockHeader = HeaderReader(fid, DataBlockHeader).read_f(offset=None)
            if dataBlockHeader is None:
            chan = dataBlockHeader["Channel"]
            unit = dataBlockHeader["Unit"]
            n1, n2 = dataBlockHeader["NumberOfWaveforms"], dataBlockHeader["NumberOfWordsInWaveform"]
            time = dataBlockHeader["UpperByteOf5ByteTimestamp"] * 2.0 ** 32 + dataBlockHeader["TimeStamp"]

            if dataBlockHeader["Type"] == 1:
                nb_spikes[chan, unit] += 1
                wf_sizes[chan, unit, :] = [n1, n2]
                fid.seek(n1 * n2 * 2, 1)
            elif dataBlockHeader["Type"] == 4:
                # event
                nb_events[chan] += 1
            elif dataBlockHeader["Type"] == 5:
                # continuous signal
                fid.seek(n2 * 2, 1)
                if n2 > 0:
                    nb_samples[chan] += n2
                if nb_samples[chan] == 0:
                    t_starts[chan] = time

        ## Step 3: allocating memory and 2 loop for reading if not lazy
        if not lazy:
            # allocating mem for signal
            sigarrays = {}
            for chan, h in iteritems(slowChannelHeaders):
                sigarrays[chan] = np.zeros(nb_samples[chan])

            # allocating mem for SpikeTrain
            stimearrays = np.zeros((maxchan + 1, maxunit + 1), dtype=object)
            swfarrays = np.zeros((maxchan + 1, maxunit + 1), dtype=object)
            for (chan, unit), _ in np.ndenumerate(nb_spikes):
                stimearrays[chan, unit] = np.zeros(nb_spikes[chan, unit], dtype="f")
                if load_spike_waveform:
                    n1, n2 = wf_sizes[chan, unit, :]
                    swfarrays[chan, unit] = np.zeros((nb_spikes[chan, unit], n1, n2), dtype="f4")
            pos_spikes = np.zeros(nb_spikes.shape, dtype="i")

            # allocating mem for event
            eventpositions = {}
            evarrays = {}
            for chan, nb in iteritems(nb_events):
                evarrays[chan] = np.zeros(nb, dtype="f")
                eventpositions[chan] = 0

            while fid.tell() != -1:
                dataBlockHeader = HeaderReader(fid, DataBlockHeader).read_f(offset=None)
                if dataBlockHeader is None:
                chan = dataBlockHeader["Channel"]
                n1, n2 = dataBlockHeader["NumberOfWaveforms"], dataBlockHeader["NumberOfWordsInWaveform"]
                time = dataBlockHeader["UpperByteOf5ByteTimestamp"] * 2.0 ** 32 + dataBlockHeader["TimeStamp"]
                time /= globalHeader["ADFrequency"]

                if n2 < 0:
                if dataBlockHeader["Type"] == 1:
                    # spike
                    unit = dataBlockHeader["Unit"]
                    pos = pos_spikes[chan, unit]
                    stimearrays[chan, unit][pos] = time
                    if load_spike_waveform and n1 * n2 != 0:
                        swfarrays[chan, unit][pos, :, :] = (
                            np.fromstring(fid.read(n1 * n2 * 2), dtype="i2").reshape(n1, n2).astype("f4")
                        fid.seek(n1 * n2 * 2, 1)
                    pos_spikes[chan, unit] += 1

                elif dataBlockHeader["Type"] == 4:
                    # event
                    pos = eventpositions[chan]
                    evarrays[chan][pos] = time
                    eventpositions[chan] += 1

                elif dataBlockHeader["Type"] == 5:
                    # signal
                    data = np.fromstring(fid.read(n2 * 2), dtype="i2").astype("f4")
                    sigarrays[chan][sample_positions[chan] : sample_positions[chan] + data.size] = data
                    sample_positions[chan] += data.size

        ## Step 3: create neo object
        for chan, h in iteritems(eventHeaders):
            if lazy:
                times = []
                times = evarrays[chan]
            ea = EventArray(times * pq.s, channel_name=eventHeaders[chan]["Name"], channel_index=chan)
            if lazy:
                ea.lazy_shape = nb_events[chan]

        for chan, h in iteritems(slowChannelHeaders):
            if lazy:
                signal = []
                if globalHeader["Version"] == 100 or globalHeader["Version"] == 101:
                    gain = 5000.0 / (2048 * slowChannelHeaders[chan]["Gain"] * 1000.0)
                elif globalHeader["Version"] == 102:
                    gain = 5000.0 / (2048 * slowChannelHeaders[chan]["Gain"] * slowChannelHeaders[chan]["PreampGain"])
                elif globalHeader["Version"] >= 103:
                    gain = globalHeader["SlowMaxMagnitudeMV"] / (
                        * (2 ** globalHeader["BitsPerSpikeSample"])
                        * slowChannelHeaders[chan]["Gain"]
                        * slowChannelHeaders[chan]["PreampGain"]
                signal = sigarrays[chan] * gain
            anasig = AnalogSignal(
                signal * pq.V,
                sampling_rate=float(slowChannelHeaders[chan]["ADFreq"]) * pq.Hz,
                t_start=t_starts[chan] * pq.s,
            if lazy:
                anasig.lazy_shape = nb_samples[chan]

        for (chan, unit), value in np.ndenumerate(nb_spikes):
            if nb_spikes[chan, unit] == 0:
            if lazy:
                times = []
                waveforms = None
                t_stop = 0
                times = stimearrays[chan, unit]
                t_stop = times.max()
                if load_spike_waveform:
                    if globalHeader["Version"] < 103:
                        gain = 3000.0 / (2048 * dspChannelHeaders[chan]["Gain"] * 1000.0)
                    elif globalHeader["Version"] >= 103 and globalHeader["Version"] < 105:
                        gain = globalHeader["SpikeMaxMagnitudeMV"] / (
                            0.5 * 2.0 ** (globalHeader["BitsPerSpikeSample"]) * 1000.0
                    elif globalHeader["Version"] > 105:
                        gain = globalHeader["SpikeMaxMagnitudeMV"] / (
                            0.5 * 2.0 ** (globalHeader["BitsPerSpikeSample"]) * globalHeader["SpikePreAmpGain"]
                    waveforms = swfarrays[chan, unit] * gain * pq.V
                    waveforms = None
            sptr = SpikeTrain(times, units="s", t_stop=t_stop * pq.s, waveforms=waveforms)
            if lazy:
                sptr.lazy_shape = nb_spikes[chan, unit]

        return seg