    def load_traces(self):
        replace the traces in dummySample with the one generated from scg_content
        strokes = scginkparser.parse_scg_ink_file(self.content, self.id)

        #for st in strokes:
            #print st

        traces = self.traces

        trace_id_int = 0
        for st in strokes:
            coords = np.zeros((2, len(st)))
            idx = 0
            for x_y in st:
                coords[:, idx] = [float(x_y[0]), float(x_y[1])]
                idx += 1
            traces[trace_id_int] = Stroke(trace_id_int, coords)
            trace_id_int += 1

        # //Compute bounding box of the input expression
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = get_bounding_box(traces)  # bounding box for the whole math expression

        # Just in case there is only one point or a sequence of	points perfectly aligned with the x or y axis
        if x_max == x_min: x_max = x_min + 1;
        if y_max == y_min: y_max = y_min + 1;

        self.w_h_ratio = float(x_max - x_min) / (y_max - y_min)
        # Renormalize to height [0,100] keeping the aspect ratio
        H = 100.0
        W = H * (x_max - x_min) / (y_max - y_min)
        for trace_key, trace_v in traces.iteritems():
            trace_v.calc_coords_h10000(H, W, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
# Get a sheet by name
ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name('hw_record')

# Print the sheet title
print ws['A1'].value, ws['B1'].value, ws['C1'].value

print ws['A2'].value, ws['B2'].value, ws['C2'].value

print 'length of record: ', len(ws['A'])

scg_id = int(ws['A2'].value)
scg_content = ws['B2'].value

strokes = scginkparser.parse_scg_ink_file(scg_content, scg_id)

for st in strokes:
    print st

traces = {}

trace_id_int = 0
for st in strokes:
    coords = np.zeros((2, len(st)))
    idx = 0
    for x_y in st:
        coords[:, idx] = [float(x_y[0]), float(x_y[1])]
        idx += 1
    traces[trace_id_int] = Stroke(trace_id_int, coords)
    trace_id_int += 1