def test_pca():

    p = np.array([[4., 2., 0.6],
                 [4.2, 2.1, 0.59],
                 [3.9, 2.0, 0.58],
                 [4.3, 2.1, 0.62],
                 [4.1, 2.2, 0.63]])

    RES_COV = np.array([[0.025, 0.0075, 0.00175],
                        [0.0075, 0.0070, 0.00135],
                        [0.00175, 0.00135, 0.00043]])

    RES_EIGV = np.array([[ 0.93676841,  0.34958469, -0.0159843 ],
                        [ 0.34148069, -0.92313136, -0.1766902 ],
                        [ 0.0765238 , -0.16005947,  0.98413672]])

    RES_EIGS = np.array([0.0278769, 0.00439387, 0.0001592])
    eigs, eigv = pca(p)

    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(eigs, RES_EIGS))
    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(eigv[:,0], RES_EIGV[:,0]) or np.allclose(eigv[:, 0], -1. * RES_EIGV[:, 0]))
    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(eigv[:,1], RES_EIGV[:,1]) or np.allclose(eigv[:, 1], -1. * RES_EIGV[:, 1]))
    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(eigv[:,2], RES_EIGV[:,2]) or np.allclose(eigv[:, 2], -1. * RES_EIGV[:, 2]))
def principal_direction_extent(tree):
    '''Calculate the extent of a tree, that is the maximum distance between
        the projections on the principal directions of the covariance matrix
        of the x,y,z points of the nodes of the tree.

            tree : a tree object


            extents : the extents for each of the eigenvectors of the cov matrix
            eigs : eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
            eigv : respective eigenvectors of the covariance matrix
    # extract the x,y,z coordinates of all the points in the tree
    points = np.array([value[COLS.X: COLS.R]for value in val_iter(ipreorder(tree))])

    # center the points around 0.0
    points -= np.mean(points, axis=0)

    # principal components
    _, eigv = pca(points)

    extent = np.zeros(3)

    for i in range(eigv.shape[1]):

        # orthogonal projection onto the direction of the v component
        scalar_projs = np.sort(np.array([np.dot(p, eigv[:, i]) for p in points]))

        extent[i] = scalar_projs[-1]

        if scalar_projs[0] < 0.:
            extent -= scalar_projs[0]

    return extent