class Remote(object):
    Entry point to remote access to data
    Mainly offer a simpler interface and a dataaccess harmonisation
    Plus symbol check and complete, timezone, currency conversion
    Plus reindexage ?
    def __init__(self, country_code=None):
            country_code: str
                This information is used to setup International object
                and get the right local conventions for lang, dates and currencies
                None will stand for 'fr'
        #self.locatioon = world.International(country_code)
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

    def fetch_equities_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Use Yahoo and google finance service to fetch
        current infromations about given equitiy names
            args: tuple
                company names to consider
            kwargs['level']: int
                Quantity of information level
            snapshot: pandas.DataFrame
                with names as columns and informations as index
        equities = args
        if not equities:
            equities = kwargs.get('symbols', [])
        level = kwargs.get('level', 0)
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if not level:
            # default level, the lightest
            snapshot = snapshot_yahoo_pandas(symbols)
        elif level == 1:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_light(symbols)
        elif level == 2:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_heavy(symbols)
            raise ValueError('Invalid level of information requested')

        # Give columns back equities names requested
        snapshot.columns = equities
        return snapshot

    def _localize_data(self, data):
        Inspect data and applie localisation
        on date and monnaie values
        assert isinstance(data, pd.Dataframe) or isinstance(data, dict)
class Remote(object):
    Entry point to remote access to data
    Mainly offer a simpler interface and a dataaccess harmonisation
    Plus symbol check and complete, timezone, currency conversion
    Plus reindexage ?
    def __init__(self, country_code=None):
            country_code: str
                This information is used to setup International object
                and get the right local conventions for lang, dates and currencies
                None will stand for 'fr'
        #self.locatioon = world.International(country_code)
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

    def fetch_equities_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Use Yahoo and google finance service to fetch
        current infromations about given equitiy names
            args: tuple
                company names to consider
            kwargs['level']: int
                Quantity of information level
            snapshot: pandas.DataFrame
                with names as columns and informations as index
        equities = args
        if not equities:
            equities = kwargs.get('symbols', [])
        level = kwargs.get('level', 0)
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if not level:
            # default level, the lightest
            snapshot = snapshot_yahoo_pandas(symbols)
        elif level == 1:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_light(symbols)
        elif level == 2:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_heavy(symbols)
            raise ValueError('Invalid level of information requested')

        # Give columns back equities names requested
        snapshot.columns = equities
        return snapshot

    def _localize_data(self, data):
        Inspect data and applie localisation
        on date and monnaie values
        assert isinstance(data, pd.Dataframe) or isinstance(data, dict)
class OptimalFrontier(PortfolioManager):
    Compute with R the efficient frontier and pick up the optimize point on it
    def __init__(self, parameters):
        PortfolioManager.__init__(self, parameters)
        # Database access for symbols retrieving
        self.feeds = DataFeed()

        # R stuff: R functions file and rpy interface
        self.r = robjects.r
        portfolio_opt_file = '/'.join((os.environ['QTRADE'], 'neuronquant/ai/opt_utils.R'))

    def optimize(self, date, to_buy, to_sell, parameters):
        symbols     = []
        allocations = dict()

        # Considere only portfolio positions + future positions - positions about to be sold
        positions = set([t for t in self.portfolio.positions.keys() if self.portfolio.positions[t].amount]).union(to_buy).difference(to_sell)
        if not positions and to_sell:
            for t in to_sell:
                allocations[t] = - parameters.get('perc_sell', 1.0)
            return allocations, 0, 1
            self.log.error('** No positions determined')
        if len(positions) == 1:
            return {positions.pop(): parameters.get('max_weigths', 0.2)}, 0, 1
        for p in positions:

        loopback    = parameters.get('loopback', 50)
        source      = parameters.get('source', 'yahoo')
        start       = pd.datetime.strftime(date - pd.datetools.BDay(loopback), format = '%Y-%m-%d')
        date        = pd.datetime.strftime(date, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
        r_symbols   = self.r('c("{}")'.format('", "'.join(symbols)))
        r_names     = self.r('c("{}.Return")'.format('.Return", "'.join(symbols)))
        data        = self.r('importSeries')(r_symbols, start, date, source=source)
        frontier = self.r('getEfficientFrontier')(data, r_names, points = 500, Debug   = False, graph = False)
        if not frontier:
            self.log.warning('No optimal frontier found')
            return dict(), None, None
            mp       = self.r('marketPortfolio')(frontier, 0.02, Debug      = False, graph = False)
            self.log.error('** Error running R optimizer')
            return dict(), None, None
        self.log.debug('Allocation: {}'.format(mp))
        #FIXME Some key errors survive so far
        for s, t in zip(symbols, positions):
            allocations[t] = round(mp.rx('.'.join((s, 'Return')))[0][0], 2)
        er   = round(mp.rx('er')[0][0], 2)
        eStd = round(mp.rx('eStd')[0][0], 2)
        self.log.debug('Allocation: {}\nWith expected return: {}\tand expected risk: {}'.format(allocations, er, eStd))

        return allocations, er, eStd
class DataLiveSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids

    def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data = data
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids  = kwargs.get('sids', data['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data['index'][0])
        self.end   = kwargs.get('end', data['index'][-1])

        self.fake_index = pd.date_range(self.start, self.end, freq=pd.datetools.BDay())

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.remote = Fetcher()
        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        return {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'price'),
            'currency': (str, 'currency'),
            'perc_change': (float, 'perc_change'),
            'volume': (int, 'volume'),

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
        index = self.data['index']
        selector = (index.day > current_dt.day) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour > current_dt.hour)) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour == current_dt.hour) & (index.minute >= current_dt.minute))
        #NOTE Not an equal size issue ?
        for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, index[selector]):
            while (current_dt.minute != dt.minute) or (current_dt.hour != dt.hour) :
                current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
                print('Waiting {} / {}'.format(current_dt, dt))
            #for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, self.data['index']):
            for sid in self.data['tickers']:
                if sid in self.sids:
                    symbol = self.feed.guess_name(sid).lower()
                    #FIXME Erros because no markets specifie, use light=True and add market
                    #snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol, light=False)
                    snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol, light=True)
                    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
                    log.debug('Data available:\n{}'.format(json.dumps(snapshot,
                                                           sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))))
                    if not snapshot:
                        log.error('** No data snapshot available, maybe stopped by google ?')
                    event = {
                        'dt': fake_dt,
                        'trade_time': dt,
                        'sid': sid,
                        'price': float(snapshot[symbol]['last']),
                        'currency': snapshot[symbol]['currency'],
                        'perc_change': float(snapshot[symbol]['perc_change']),
                        'volume': int(snapshot[symbol]['volume']),
                    yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data
class Remote(object):
    Entry point to remote access to data
    Mainly offer a simpler interface and a dataaccess harmonisation
    Plus symbol check and complete, timezone, currency conversion
    Plus reindexage ?
    def __init__(self, country_code=None):
            country_code: str
                This information is used to setup International object
                and get the right local conventions for lang,
                dates and currencies. None will stand for 'fr'
        #self.locatioon = world.International(country_code)
        self.datafeed = DataFeed()

    #NOTE with args and kwargs ?
    def fetch_equities_daily(self, equities, ohlc=False,
                             r_type=False, returns=False, **kwargs):
        if len(equities) == 0:
            return pd.DataFrame()
        if isinstance(equities, str):
            equities = equities.split(',')
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if ohlc:
            data = load_bars_from_yahoo(stocks=symbols, **kwargs)
            data.items = equities
            data = load_from_yahoo(stocks=symbols, **kwargs)
            data.columns = equities

            #NOTE Would it work with a pandas panel ?
            if returns:
                data = ((data - data.shift(1)) / data).fillna(method='bfill')
            if r_type:
                data = convert_to_r_matrix(data)

        return data

    def fetch_equities_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Use Yahoo and google finance service to fetch
        current infromations about given equitiy names
            args: tuple
                company names to consider
            kwargs['level']: int
                Quantity of information level
            snapshot: pandas.DataFrame
                with names as columns and informations as index
        equities = args
        if not equities:
            equities = kwargs.get('symbols', [])
        level = kwargs.get('level', 0)
        #TODO Symbols are usualy reused, cach them
        symbols = [self.datafeed.guess_name(equity) for equity in equities]

        if not level:
            # default level, the lightest
            snapshot = snapshot_yahoo_pandas(symbols)
        elif level == 1:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_light(symbols)
        elif level == 2:
            snapshot = snapshot_google_heavy(symbols)
            raise ValueError('Invalid level of information requested')

        # Give columns back equities names requested
        snapshot.columns = equities
        return snapshot

    def _localize_data(self, data):
        Inspect data and applie localisation
        on date and monnaie values
        assert isinstance(data, pd.Dataframe) or isinstance(data, dict)
class OptimalFrontier(PortfolioManager):
    Compute with R the efficient frontier and pick up the optimize point on it
    def __init__(self, parameters):
        PortfolioManager.__init__(self, parameters)
        # Database access for symbols retrieving
        self.feeds = DataFeed()

        # R stuff: R functions file and rpy interface
        self.r = robjects.r
        portfolio_opt_file = '/'.join(
            (os.environ['QTRADE'], 'neuronquant/ai/opt_utils.R'))

    def optimize(self, date, to_buy, to_sell, parameters):
        symbols = []
        allocations = dict()

        # Considere only portfolio positions + future positions - positions about to be sold
        positions = set([
            t for t in self.portfolio.positions.keys()
            if self.portfolio.positions[t].amount
        if not positions and to_sell:
            for t in to_sell:
                allocations[t] = -parameters.get('perc_sell', 1.0)
            return allocations, 0, 1
            assert (positions)
            self.log.error('** No positions determined')
        if len(positions) == 1:
            return {positions.pop(): parameters.get('max_weigths', 0.2)}, 0, 1
        for p in positions:

        loopback = parameters.get('loopback', 50)
        source = parameters.get('source', 'yahoo')
        start = pd.datetime.strftime(date - pd.datetools.BDay(loopback),
        date = pd.datetime.strftime(date, format='%Y-%m-%d')
        r_symbols = self.r('c("{}")'.format('", "'.join(symbols)))
        r_names = self.r('c("{}.Return")'.format('.Return", "'.join(symbols)))
        data = self.r('importSeries')(r_symbols, start, date, source=source)
        frontier = self.r('getEfficientFrontier')(data,
        if not frontier:
            self.log.warning('No optimal frontier found')
            return dict(), None, None
            mp = self.r('marketPortfolio')(frontier,
            self.log.error('** Error running R optimizer')
            return dict(), None, None
        self.log.debug('Allocation: {}'.format(mp))
        #FIXME Some key errors survive so far
        for s, t in zip(symbols, positions):
            allocations[t] = round(mp.rx('.'.join((s, 'Return')))[0][0], 2)
        er = round(mp.rx('er')[0][0], 2)
        eStd = round(mp.rx('eStd')[0][0], 2)
            'Allocation: {}\nWith expected return: {}\tand expected risk: {}'.
            format(allocations, er, eStd))

        return allocations, er, eStd
class Simulation(object):
    ''' Take a trading strategie and evalute its results '''
    def __init__(self, data=None, flavor='mysql', lvl='debug'):
        #NOTE Allowing different data access ?
        self.data          = data
        if not data:
            self.feeds         = DataFeed()
        self.backtest_cfg  = None
        self.algo_cfg      = None
        self.manager_cfg   = None
        self.monthly_perfs = None

        self.server        = ZMQ_Dealer(id=self.__class__.__name__)

    def configure(self, bt_cfg=None, a_cfg=None, m_cfg=None):
        ''' Reads and provides a clean configuration for the simulation '''

        if not bt_cfg:
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Backtester module, the terrific financial simukation')
            parser.add_argument('-v', '--version',
                                version='%(prog)s v0.8.1 Licence rien du tout', help='Print program version')
            parser.add_argument('-d', '--delta',
                                type=str, action='store', default='D',
                                required=False, help='Delta in days betweend two quotes fetch')
            parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm',
                                required=True, help='Trading algorithm to be used')
            parser.add_argument('-m', '--manager',
                                required=True, help='Portfolio strategie to be used')
            parser.add_argument('-b', '--database',
                                action='store', default='test',
                                required=False, help='Table to considere in database')
            parser.add_argument('-i', '--initialcash',
                                type=float, action='store', default=100000.0,
                                required=False, help='Initial cash portfolio value')
            parser.add_argument('-t', '--tickers',
                                action='store', default='random',
                                required=False, help='target names to process')
            parser.add_argument('-s', '--start',
                                action='store', default='1/1/2006',
                                required=False, help='Start date of the backtester')
            parser.add_argument('-e', '--end',
                                action='store', default='1/12/2010',
                                required=False, help='Stop date of the backtester')
            parser.add_argument('-ex', '--exchange',
                                action='store', default='s&p500',
                                required=False, help='list of markets where trade, separated with a coma')
            parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote',
                                help='Indicates if the program was ran manually or not')
            parser.add_argument('-l', '--live',
                                help='makes the engine work in real-time !')
            parser.add_argument('-p', '--port',
                                action='store', default=5570,
                                required=False, help='Activates the diffusion of the universe on the network, on the port provided')
            args = parser.parse_args()

            self.backtest_cfg = {'algorithm'   : args.algorithm,
                                 'delta'       : args.delta,
                                 'manager'     : args.manager,
                                 'database'    : args.database,
                                 'tickers'     : args.tickers.split(','),
                                 'start'       : args.start,
                                 'end'         : args.end,
                                 'live'        : args.live,
                                 'port'        : args.port,
                                 'exchange'    : args.exchange,
                                 'cash'        : args.initialcash,
                                 'remote'      : args.remote}
            self.backtest_cfg = bt_cfg

        if isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['start'], str) and isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['end'], str):
            ###############test = pd.datetime.strptime('2012-02-01:14:00', '%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M')
            self.backtest_cfg['start'] = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(self.backtest_cfg['start'], '%Y-%m-%d'))
            self.backtest_cfg['end']   = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(self.backtest_cfg['end'], '%Y-%m-%d'))
        elif isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['start'], pd.datetime) and isinstance(self.backtest_cfg['end'], pd.datetime):
            if not self.backtest_cfg['start'].tzinfo:
                self.backtest_cfg['start'] = pytz.utc.localize(self.backtest_cfg['start'])
            if not self.backtest_cfg['end'].tzinfo:
                self.backtest_cfg['end'] = pytz.utc.localize(self.backtest_cfg['end'])
            raise NotImplementedError()

        self.read_config(remote=self.backtest_cfg['remote'], manager=m_cfg, algorithm=a_cfg)

        return self.backtest_cfg

    def read_config(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.manager_cfg = kwargs.get('manager', None)
        self.algo_cfg = kwargs.get('algorithm', None)

        if kwargs.get('remote', False):
            self.server.run(host='', port=self.backtest_cfg['port'])

            # In remote mode, client sends missing configuration through zmq socket
            if (not self.manager_cfg) or (not self.algo_cfg):
                log.info('Fetching backtest configuration from client')
                msg = self.server.receive(json=True)
                log.debug('Got it !')

            # Set simulation parameters with it
            assert isinstance(msg, dict)
            if self.manager_cfg is None:
                self.manager_cfg = msg['manager']
            if self.algo_cfg is None:
                self.algo_cfg    = msg['algorithm']

            # Reading configuration from json files
            config_dir = '/'.join((os.environ['QTRADE'], 'config/'))
                # Files store many algos and manager parameters,
                # use backtest configuration to pick up the right one
                if self.manager_cfg is None:
                    self.manager_cfg = json.load(open('{}/managers.cfg'.format(config_dir), 'r'))[self.backtest_cfg['manager']]
                if self.algo_cfg is None:
                    self.algo_cfg    = json.load(open('{}/algos.cfg'.format(config_dir), 'r'))[self.backtest_cfg['algorithm']]
                log.error('** loading json configuration.')

        # The manager can use the same socket during simulation to emit portfolio informations
        self.manager_cfg['server'] = self.server
        log.info('Configuration is Done.')

    def run_backtest(self):
        # No configuration, no backtest man
        if self.backtest_cfg is None or self.algo_cfg is None or self.manager_cfg is None:
            log.error('** Backtester not configured properly')
            return 1

        #'''_____________________________________________________________________    Parameters    ________
        if self.backtest_cfg['tickers'][0] == 'random':
            assert(len(self.backtest_cfg['tickers']) == 2)
            self.backtest_cfg['tickers'] = self.feeds.random_stocks(int(self.backtest_cfg['tickers'][1]), exchange=self.backtest_cfg['exchange'].split(','))

        if self.backtest_cfg['live']:
            #dates = pd.date_range(self.backtest_cfg['start'], self.backtest_cfg['end'], freq=self.backtest_cfg['delta'])
            #NOTE A temporary hack to avoid zipline dirty modification
            periods = self.backtest_cfg['end'] - self.backtest_cfg['start']
            dates = pd.date_range(pd.datetime.now(), periods=periods.days + 1, freq=self.backtest_cfg['delta'])
            if dates.freq > pd.datetools.Day():
                #fr_selector = ((dates.hour > 8) & (dates.hour < 17)) | ((dates.hour == 17) & (dates.minute < 31))
                us_selector = ((dates.hour > 15) & (dates.hour < 22)) | ((dates.hour == 15) & (dates.minute > 31))
                dates = dates[us_selector]
            if not dates:
                log.warning('! Market closed.')
            data = {'tickers': self.backtest_cfg['tickers'], 'index': dates.tz_localize(pytz.utc)}
            data = self.feeds.quotes(self.backtest_cfg['tickers'],
                                     start_date = self.backtest_cfg['start'],
                                     end_date   = self.backtest_cfg['end'])
            assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)
            assert data.index.tzinfo

        #___________________________________________________________________________    Running    ________
        log.info('\n-- Running backetester...\nUsing algorithm: {}\n'.format(self.backtest_cfg['algorithm']))
        log.info('\n-- Using portfolio manager: {}\n'.format(self.backtest_cfg['manager']))

        backtester = BacktesterEngine(self.backtest_cfg['algorithm'],
        self.results, self.monthly_perfs = backtester.run(data,

        return self.results

    def rolling_performances(self, timestamp='one_month', save=False, db_id=None):
        ''' Filters self.perfs and, if asked, save it to database '''
        #TODO Study the impact of month choice
        #TODO Check timestamp in an enumeration
        #TODO Implement other benchmarks for perf computation (zipline issue, maybe expected)

        #NOTE Script args define default database table name (test), make it consistent
        if db_id is None:
            db_id = self.backtest_cfg['algorithm'] + pd.datetime.strftime(pd.datetime.now(), format='%Y%m%d')

        if self.monthly_perfs:
            #TODO New fields from zipline: information, sortino
            perfs  = dict()
            length = range(len(self.monthly_perfs[timestamp]))
            index  = self._get_index(self.monthly_perfs[timestamp])
            perfs['Name']                 = np.array([db_id] * len(self.monthly_perfs[timestamp]))
            #perfs['Period']               = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['period_label'] for i in length])
            perfs['Period']               = np.array([pd.datetime.date(date)                                      for date in index])
            perfs['Sharpe.Ratio']         = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['sharpe']                  for i in length])
            perfs['Sortino.Ratio']        = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['sortino']                 for i in length])
            perfs['Information']          = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['information']             for i in length])
            perfs['Returns']              = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['algorithm_period_return'] for i in length])
            perfs['Max.Drawdown']         = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['max_drawdown']            for i in length])
            perfs['Volatility']           = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['algo_volatility']         for i in length])
            perfs['Beta']                 = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['beta']                    for i in length])
            perfs['Alpha']                = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['alpha']                   for i in length])
            perfs['Excess.Returns']       = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['excess_return']           for i in length])
            perfs['Benchmark.Returns']    = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['benchmark_period_return'] for i in length])
            perfs['Benchmark.Volatility'] = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['benchmark_volatility']    for i in length])
            perfs['Treasury.Returns']     = np.array([self.monthly_perfs[timestamp][i]['treasury_period_return']  for i in length])
            #TODO Get it from DB if it exists
            raise NotImplementedError()

            data = pd.DataFrame(perfs, index=index)
            import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

        if save:
        return data

    def overall_metrics(self, timestamp='one_month', metrics=None, save=False, db_id=None):
        Use zipline results to compute some performance indicators and store it in database
        perfs = dict()

        # If no rolling perfs provided, computes it
        if metrics is None:
            metrics = self.rolling_performances(timestamp=timestamp, save=False, db_id=db_id)
        riskfree = np.mean(metrics['Treasury.Returns'])

        #NOTE Script args define default database table name (test), make it consistent
        if db_id is None:
            db_id = self.backtest_cfg['algorithm'] + pd.datetime.strftime(pd.datetime.now(), format='%Y%m%d')
        perfs['Name']              = db_id
        perfs['Sharpe.Ratio']      = tsu.get_sharpe_ratio(metrics['Returns'].values, risk_free = riskfree)
        perfs['Returns']           = (((metrics['Returns'] + 1).cumprod()) - 1)[-1]
        perfs['Max.Drawdown']      = max(metrics['Max.Drawdown'])
        perfs['Volatility']        = np.mean(metrics['Volatility'])
        perfs['Beta']              = np.mean(metrics['Beta'])
        perfs['Alpha']             = np.mean(metrics['Alpha'])
        perfs['Benchmark.Returns'] = (((metrics['Benchmark.Returns'] + 1).cumprod()) - 1)[-1]

        if save:
        return perfs

    #TODO Save returns
    def get_returns(self, benchmark=None, timestamp='one_month', save=False, db_id=None):
        returns = dict()

        if benchmark:
            benchmark_symbol = self.feeds.guess_name(benchmark)
            if benchmark_symbol:
                benchmark_data  = get_benchmark_returns(benchmark_symbol, self.backtest_cfg['start'], self.backtest_cfg['end'])
                raise KeyError()
            #TODO Automatic detection given exchange market (on command line) ? Or s&p500 as only implemented in zipline currently (but not for long !)
            raise NotImplementedError()

        #NOTE Could be more efficient. But len(benchmark_data.date) != len(self.results.returns.index). Maybe because of different markets
        dates = pd.DatetimeIndex([d.date for d in benchmark_data])

        returns['Benchmark.Returns']  = pd.Series([d.returns for d in benchmark_data], index=dates)
        returns['Benchmark.CReturns'] = ((returns['Benchmark.Returns'] + 1).cumprod()) - 1
        returns['Returns']            = pd.Series(self.results.returns, index=dates)
        returns['CReturns']           = pd.Series(((self.results.returns + 1).cumprod()) - 1, index=dates)

        df = pd.DataFrame(returns, index=dates)

        if save:
            raise NotImplementedError()
            self.feeds.stock_db.saveDFToDB(df, table=db_id)

        if benchmark is None:
            df = df.drop(['Benchmark.Returns', 'Benchmark.CReturns'], axis=1)
        return df

    def _get_index(self, perfs):
        #NOTE No frequency infos or just period number ?
        start = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(perfs[0]['period_label'] + '-01', '%Y-%m-%d'))
        end = pytz.utc.localize(pd.datetime.strptime(perfs[-1]['period_label'] + '-01', '%Y-%m-%d'))
        return pd.date_range(start - pd.datetools.BDay(10), end, freq=pd.datetools.MonthBegin())

    def _extract_perf(self, perfs, field):
        index = self._get_index(perfs)
        values = [perfs[i][field] for i in range(len(perfs))]
        return pd.Series(values, index=index)

    def __del__(self):
        del self.server
class DataLiveSource(DataSource):
    Yields all events in event_list that match the given sid_filter.
    If no event_list is specified, generates an internal stream of events
    to filter.  Returns all events if filter is None.

    Configuration options:

    sids   : list of values representing simulated internal sids
    start  : start date
    delta  : timedelta between internal events
    filter : filter to remove the sids
    def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(data['index'], pd.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex)

        self.data = data
        # Unpack config dictionary with default values.
        self.sids = kwargs.get('sids', data['tickers'])
        self.start = kwargs.get('start', data['index'][0])
        self.end = kwargs.get('end', data['index'][-1])

        self.fake_index = pd.date_range(self.start,

        # Hash_value for downstream sorting.
        self.arg_string = hash_args(data, **kwargs)

        self._raw_data = None

        self.remote = Fetcher()
        self.feed = DataFeed()

    def mapping(self):
        return {
            'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
            'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
            'price': (float, 'price'),
            'currency': (str, 'currency'),
            'perc_change': (float, 'perc_change'),
            'volume': (int, 'volume'),

    def instance_hash(self):
        return self.arg_string

    def raw_data_gen(self):
        current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
        index = self.data['index']
        selector = (index.day > current_dt.day) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour > current_dt.hour)) \
                | ((index.day == current_dt.day) & (index.hour == current_dt.hour) & (index.minute >= current_dt.minute))
        #NOTE Not an equal size issue ?
        for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, index[selector]):
            while (current_dt.minute != dt.minute) or (current_dt.hour !=
                current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
                print('Waiting {} / {}'.format(current_dt, dt))
            #for fake_dt, dt in zip(self.fake_index, self.data['index']):
            for sid in self.data['tickers']:
                if sid in self.sids:
                    symbol = self.feed.guess_name(sid).lower()
                    #FIXME Erros because no markets specifie, use light=True and add market
                    #snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol, light=False)
                    snapshot = self.remote.get_stock_snapshot(symbol,
                    import ipdb
                    log.debug('Data available:\n{}'.format(
                                   separators=(',', ': '))))
                    if not snapshot:
                            '** No data snapshot available, maybe stopped by google ?'
                    event = {
                        'dt': fake_dt,
                        'trade_time': dt,
                        'sid': sid,
                        'price': float(snapshot[symbol]['last']),
                        'currency': snapshot[symbol]['currency'],
                        'perc_change': float(snapshot[symbol]['perc_change']),
                        'volume': int(snapshot[symbol]['volume']),
                    yield event

    def raw_data(self):
        if not self._raw_data:
            self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
        return self._raw_data