    # llvmlite ir.IntType specialises the formatting of the constant for a
    # cpython bool. A NumPy np.bool_ is not a cpython bool so force it to be one
    # so that the constant renders correctly!
    if isinstance(pyval, np.bool_):
        pyval = bool(pyval)
    lty = context.get_value_type(ty)
    return lty(pyval)

# View

def scalar_view(scalar, viewty):
    """ Typing for the np scalar 'view' method. """
    if (isinstance(scalar, (types.Float, types.Integer))
            and isinstance(viewty, types.abstract.DTypeSpec)):
        if scalar.bitwidth != viewty.dtype.bitwidth:
            raise errors.TypingError(
                "Changing the dtype of a 0d array is only supported if the "
                "itemsize is unchanged")

        def impl(scalar, viewty):
            return viewer(scalar, viewty)

        return impl

overload_method(types.Float, 'view')(scalar_view)
overload_method(types.Integer, 'view')(scalar_view)
def constant_integer(context, builder, ty, pyval):
    lty = context.get_value_type(ty)
    return lty(pyval)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# View

def scalar_view(scalar, viewty):
    """ Typing for the np scalar 'view' method. """
    if isinstance(scalar, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
            viewty, types.abstract.DTypeSpec):
        if scalar.bitwidth != viewty.dtype.bitwidth:
            raise errors.TypingError(
                "Changing the dtype of a 0d array is only supported if the "
                "itemsize is unchanged")

        def impl(scalar, viewty):
            return viewer(scalar, viewty)

        return impl

overload_method(types.Float, "view")(scalar_view)
overload_method(types.Integer, "view")(scalar_view)