def calculate_rst(b_minus,
    """Calculate the coefficient of the rst"""
    perturbation = P.polypow(zero(1), p)
    s2, r0 = solve_diophantine(P.polymul(perturbation, a_minus),
                               P.polymul(delay(d), b_minus),
                               P.polymul(a_m, a0))
    b_m_plus, _ = solve_diophantine(P.polymul(delay(d), b_minus),
                                    P.polypow(zero(1), r_e + 1), a_m)
    t0 = P.polymul(a0, b_m_plus)
    r = P.polymul(r0, a_plus)
    s = P.polymul(s2, P.polymul(b_plus, perturbation))
    t = P.polymul(t0, a_plus)

    print("R = ", ", ".join(map(str, r)))
    print("S = ", ", ".join(map(str, s)))
    print("T = ", ", ".join(map(str, t)))

    return r, s, t
文件: d2d.py 项目: yurochka/dsptools
def d2d(b, a, T):
    nb = len(b)
    na = len(a)
    b_new = _polytustin(b, T)
    a_new = _polytustin(a, T)
    if nb > na:
        a_new = polymul(a_new, polypow([1, (T - 1) / (T + 1)], nb - na))
    elif na > nb:
        b_new = polymul(b_new, polypow([1, (T - 1) / (T + 1)], na - nb))
    return b_new / a_new[0], a_new / a_new[0]
文件: d2d.py 项目: yurochka/dsptools
def _polytustin(a, T):
    n = len(a)
    if sum(a[1:]) == 0:
        return a
    a_new = 0
    num = [(T - 1) / (T + 1), 1]
    den = [1, (T - 1) / (T + 1)]
    for i in range(n):
        pnum = polypow(num, i)
        pden = polypow(den, n - 1 - i)
        a_new = polyadd(a_new, a[i] * polymul(pnum, pden))
    return a_new
def smoothing_poly_lnprior(poly, degree, xmin, xmax, gamma=1):
    A smoothing prior that suppresses higher order derivatives of a polynomial,
    poly = a + b x + c x*x + ..., described by a vector of its coefficients,
    [a, b, c, ...].

    Functional form is:

    ln p(poly coeffs) =
      -gamma * integrate( (diff(poly(x), x, degree))^2, x, xmin, xmax)

    So it takes the `degree`th derivative of the polynomial, squares it,
    integrates that from xmin to xmax, and scales by -gamma.
    # Take the `degree`th derivative of the polynomial.
    poly_diff = P.polyder(poly, m=degree)
    # Square the polynomial.
    poly_diff_sq = P.polypow(poly_diff, 2)
    # Take the indefinite integral of the polynomial.
    poly_int_indef = P.polyint(poly_diff_sq)
    # Evaluate the integral at xmin and xmax to get the definite integral.
    poly_int_def = (
        P.polyval(xmax, poly_int_indef) - P.polyval(xmin, poly_int_indef)
    # Scale by -gamma to get the log prior
    lnp = -gamma * poly_int_def

    return lnp
def smoothing_poly_lnprior(poly, degree, xmin, xmax, gamma=1):
    A smoothing prior that suppresses higher order derivatives of a polynomial,
    poly = a + b x + c x*x + ..., described by a vector of its coefficients,
    [a, b, c, ...].

    Functional form is:

    ln p(poly coeffs) =
      -gamma * integrate( (diff(poly(x), x, degree))^2, x, xmin, xmax)

    So it takes the `degree`th derivative of the polynomial, squares it,
    integrates that from xmin to xmax, and scales by -gamma.
    # Take the `degree`th derivative of the polynomial.
    poly_diff = P.polyder(poly, m=degree)
    # Square the polynomial.
    poly_diff_sq = P.polypow(poly_diff, 2)
    # Take the indefinite integral of the polynomial.
    poly_int_indef = P.polyint(poly_diff_sq)
    # Evaluate the integral at xmin and xmax to get the definite integral.
    poly_int_def = (P.polyval(xmax, poly_int_indef) -
                    P.polyval(xmin, poly_int_indef))
    # Scale by -gamma to get the log prior
    lnp = -gamma * poly_int_def

    return lnp
def probability(dice_number, sides, target):
    powers = [0] + [1] * sides
    poly = polypow(powers, dice_number)
        return round(poly[target] / sides ** dice_number, 4)
    except IndexError:
        return 0
    def __init__(self, history, order, order_s, diff, diff_s, period, seed=42):
        self.order = order  # AR order p
        self.order_s = order_s  # seasonal AR order P
        self.diff = diff  # non-seasonal difference order d
        self.diff_s = diff_s  # seasonal difference order D
        self.period = period  # seasonal period s

        # original series [X_{t-1}, X_{t-2}, ..., X_{t-(p+s*P+d+s*D)}]
        self.X = np.zeros(order + period * order_s + diff + period * diff_s)
        trunc = list(reversed(history))[:order + period * order_s + diff +
                                        period * diff_s]
        self.X[:len(trunc)] = trunc
        self.X = deque(self.X,
                       maxlen=order + period * order_s + diff +
                       period * diff_s)

        # compute (1-B)^d (1-B^s)^D
        self.diff_polycoef = polypow([1, -1], diff)  # (1-B)^D
        self.diff_s_polycoef = polypow([1] + [0] * (period - 1) + [-1],
                                       diff_s)  # (1-B^s)^D
        self.diff_multiply = self._polymul(self.diff_polycoef,
        # differenced series [Y_{t-1}, Y_{t-2}, ..., Y_{t-(p+s*P)}]
        self.Y = self._compute_backshift(self.diff_multiply, self.X)
        assert len(self.Y) == order + period * order_s
        self.Y = deque(self.Y, maxlen=order + period * order_s)

        self.c = 1
        self.X_max = 2
        self.D = 2 * self.c * np.sqrt(order + order_s)
        self.G = self.D * (self.X_max**2)
        self.lambda_ = 1.0 / (order + order_s) if order + order_s != 0 else 1.0
        self.eta = 0.5 * min(4 * self.G * self.D,
                             self.lambda_)  # learning rate
        self.epsilon = 1.0 / (self.eta * self.D)**2
        self.A = np.matrix(np.diag([1] * (order + order_s)) *
                           self.epsilon)  # hessian matrix
        if seed:
        self.gamma = np.matrix(np.random.uniform(
            -self.c, self.c, (order, 1)))  # parameters g_1, g_2, ..., g_p
        if seed:
        self.gamma_s = np.matrix(
                -self.c, self.c,
                (order_s, 1)))  # seasonal parameters gs_1, gs_2, ..., gs_P
 def test_polypow(self):
     for i in range(5):
         for j in range(5):
             msg = "At i=%d, j=%d" % (i, j)
             c = np.arange(i + 1)
             tgt = reduce(poly.polymul, [c] * j, np.array([1]))
             res = poly.polypow(c, j)
             assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt), err_msg=msg)
 def test_polypow(self):
     for i in range(5):
         for j in range(5):
             msg = "At i=%d, j=%d" % (i, j)
             c = np.arange(i + 1)
             tgt = reduce(poly.polymul, [c]*j, np.array([1]))
             res = poly.polypow(c, j) 
             assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt), err_msg=msg)
def YofS(YZn, YZd, omega1, omega2):
    #Convert Y(Z^2) to Y(S)/S by using EQN(2)
    Z2n = np.array([1, 0, omega2**2])
    Z2d = np.array([1, 0, omega1**2])

    #Numerator and denominator of Y(Z^2) will have the same even order
    YSn = np.array([])
    YSd = np.array([])
    N_Order = len(YZd)//2
    for i in range(N_Order + 1):
        temp = np.polymul(np_pp.polypow(Z2n, N_Order - i), np_pp.polypow(Z2d, i)) 
        YSn = np.polyadd(YSn, YZn[2*i]*temp)   
        YSd = np.polyadd(YSd, YZd[2*i]*temp)

    #Ysd constant term is always zero and therefore..
    YSd = YSd[:-1]
    return YSn, YSd
def berlekampTest(prime, poly):
    m = len(poly) - 1
    u = [0, 1]
    for i in range(0, m // 2):
        u = P.polydiv(P.polypow(u, prime), poly)[1] % prime
        d = gcd(P.polysub(u, [0, 1]) % prime, poly, prime)
        #print(P.polysub(u, [0, 1]) % prime, poly, d)
        if not np.array_equal(np.array([1.]), d):
            return False
    return True
def diePmf(dice, sides):
    # Source: http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2013/04/29/rolling-dice-for-normal-samples-python-version/
    # Create an array of polynomial coefficients for
    # x + x^2 + ... + x^sides
    p = ones(sides + 1)
    p[0] = 0
    p /= sides
    # Extract the coefficients of p(x)**dice and divide by sides**dice
    pmf = polypow(p, dice)
    #cdf = pmf.cumsum()
    return pmf
def magic(sides, dices, health, points):
    # Prob of getting a sum of k is the coefficient of x^k in
    # ((x + x^2 + ... + x^m)/m)^n
    # m = sides per dice
    # n = number of dices

    p = ones(sides + 1)
    p[0] = 0
    p /= sides
    p = polypow(p, dices)
    # Get cumulative sum to get prob
    cdf = p.cumsum()
    k = health - points - 1
    return 1 - cdf[k] if k <= len(cdf) and k > 0 else 1 if k < 0 else 0
def roll(d_num, sides, target):
    :param d_num: number of dices OR max size of each part of composition
    :param sides: sides of dice OR number of parts of composition
    :param target: number to get through rolling a single roll OR power in power 
    series (or integer n for composition)
    :return: rounded probability
    polynomial = (poly1d([1 for e in range(0, sides + 1)]) - 1)
    poly_coeffs = polypow(polynomial.coefficients[::-1], d_num)
    if target + 1 > len(poly_coeffs):
        return 0
    num_of_compositions = poly_coeffs[target]
    probability = num_of_compositions / (sides**d_num)
    return round(probability, 4)
def probability(dice_number, sides, target):
    Using numpy polynomial
    The number of ways to obtain x as a sum of n s-sided dice
    is given by the coefficients of the polynomial:

    f(x) = (x + x^2 + ... + x^s)^n

    # power series (note that the power series starts from x^1, therefore
    # the first coefficient is zero)
    powers = [0] + [1] * sides
    # f(x) polynomial, computed used polypow in numpy
    poly = polypow(powers, dice_number)
    return poly[target] / sides**dice_number if target < len(poly) else 0
    def __init__(self, pol1, pol2):
        Composes two polynomials (i.e., `pol1'(`pol2')) with distinct covariance

        Considering we have polynomials

            f(x) = \\sum_i a_i x^i,
            g(x) = \\sum_j b_j x^j,

        with variances \\sigma_f and \\sigma_g when evaluated (see
        coll_dyn_activem.maths.Polynomial), we compute

            \\sigma_fg(x) = \\sigma_f(g(x))
                + \\sigma_g(x) \\times [ \\sum_i i a_i g(x)^{i-1} ]^2,

        as the variance of the composed polynomial f(g) evaluated at x. We
        stress that this considers no correlations between the coefficients of
        the polynomials.

        (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propagation_of_uncertainty#Non-linear_combinations)

        pol1 : coll_dyn_activem.maths.Polynomial
            First polynomial.
        pol2 : coll_dyn_activem.maths.Polynomial
            Second polynomial.

        pol : coll_dyn_activem.maths.Polynomial
            Composed polynomial.

        self._pol1, self._pol2 = pol1, pol2
        self.deg = self._pol1.deg * self._pol2.deg  # degree of composed polynomial

        # WARNING: numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyadd and polypow considers
        #          arrays as polynomials with lowest coefficient first,
        #          contrarily to polyval and polyfit.
        _pol1, _pol2 = self._pol1.pol[::-1], self._pol2.pol[::-1]

        self.pol = np.zeros((1, ))  # composed polynomial
        for i in range(pol1.deg + 1):
            self.pol = polyadd(self.pol, _pol1[i] * polypow(_pol2, i))

        self.pol = self.pol[::-1]
def starsbars(totalLimit,boxLimit,boxNum):
    # Init a list of coeffs
    polyCoeff = [0]*(boxLimit+1)
    polyCoeff[boxLimit] = -1
    polyCoeff[0] = 1
    # Poly Coeff should be 1-x^boxLimit

    # Expand the polynomial to be (1-x^boxLimit)^boxNum
    expandedPolyCoeff = poly.polypow(polyCoeff,boxNum)

    # Get terms that are valid
    validPolyCoeff = expandedPolyCoeff[:totalLimit]

    # Get teh powers of the valid terms
    powers = [i for i,v in enumerate(validPolyCoeff) if (v)]
    # Get the coeffs of the valid terms
    coeffs = [v for i,v in enumerate(validPolyCoeff) if (v)]

    # substituting the generative function
    finalpowers = [(i * -1)+totalLimit for i in powers]
    # print(finalpowers)

    # Better explanation: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1922819/stars-and-bars-with-bounds
    # Here we have limit = 127, cap = 63, entities = 6
    # [x^limit](1-x^cap)^entities * sum(k+entities-1/entities-1)x^k
    # expressing the above you get the following
    # [x^limit]x^{384}-6x^{320}+15x^{256}-20x^{192}+15x^{128}-6x^{64}+1 * sum(k+entities-1/entities-1)x^k
    # we can then apply [x^{p-q}]A(x)=[x^p]x^{q}A(x)
    # [x^{-257}]-6[x^{-193}]+15[x^{-129}]-20[x^{-65}]+15[x^{-1}]-6x^{63}+[x^127] * sum(k+entities-1/entities-1)x^k
    # because negative exponents dont do anything we can simplify to
    # -6[x^{63}]+[x^127] * sum(k+entities-1/entities-1)x^k
    #  which simplifies to -6(68 nCr 5)+(132 nCr 5)
    # 241888308

    # For this case we need to
    # sum all posibilites from 0 to limit
    finalAnswer = 0
    for idx,value in enumerate(finalpowers):
        finalAnswer+= coeffs[idx]*C(finalpowers[idx]+boxNum-1, boxNum-1,False)
    if finalAnswer == 0:
        # This is just to count the posibility of no EVs
    # print(finalAnswer)
    return finalAnswer
    def _get_sufficient_sk_power(self, max_power):
        """Generate an list of secret key polynomial raised to 1...max_power.

            max_power: heighest power up to which we want to raise secretkey.

            A 2-dim list having secretkey powers.
        sk_power = [[] for _ in range(max_power)]

        sk_power[0] = self._secret_key

        for i in range(2, max_power + 1):
            for j in range(len(self._coeff_modulus)):
                sk_power[i - 1].append(
                    poly.polypow(self._secret_key[j], i).astype(int).tolist())
        return sk_power
    def initControl(self):
        self.ts = 0.005
        # Right motor
        # self.k = 45
        # self.tau = 0.100
        # Left motor
        self.k = 48
        self.tau = 0.095

        self.gd = cnt.tf(self.k, [self.tau, 1, 0]).sample(self.ts)

        c = np.exp(-self.ts / self.tau)

        b_minus = self.k * np.array(
            [self.ts - self.tau * (1 - c), self.tau * (1 - c) - c * self.ts])
        b_plus = np.ones(1)
        a_minus = zero(1)
        a_plus = zero(c)
        a_m = P.polypow(zero(0.7), 2)
        self.r, self.s, self.t =\
            map(poly2tf, calculate_rst(b_minus, b_plus, a_minus, a_plus, a_m,
                                       d=1, p=1))
        self.time = np.linspace(0, 0.99, 100)
def dice_polypow_gmpy2(faces, num):
    """ Numpy polynomial power function (iterated convolve). With gmpy2. """
    return P.polypow(array([mpz(1)]*faces, dtype=object), num)
文件: __init__.py 项目: Bankq/CS6998
def polypow(cs, pow, maxpower=None):
    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polypow
    return polypow(cs, pow, maxpower)
                    gr = re.split("\+|-", comps[k])
                    gr = [
                        re.search("\d*$", g).group() if "x" in g else "0"
                        for g in gr
                    gr = [int(g) if g != "" else 1 for g in gr]
                    fCoef = [
                        cf.pop() if g in gr else 0 for g in range(max(gr) + 1)
                    c = npp.Polynomial(coef=fCoef)
                    k += 1
                    pol = npp.polymul(pol, c).any()
                elif op.startswith("^"):
                    g = int(op[1:])
                    pol = npp.polypow(pol, g).any()

            res = ""
            g = pol.degree()
            for i in [int(q) for q in pol.coef[::-1]]:
                if i != 0:
                    if g > 0:
                        a = ""
                        if g != pol.degree():
                            a += "+" if i > 0 else ""
                        a += "" if i == 1 else "-" if i == -1 else str(i)
                        b = a + "x" + ("" if g == 1 else "^" + str(g))
                        res += b
                        res += str(i) if i < 0 else "+" + str(i)
                g -= 1
文件: __init__.py 项目: 1950/sawbuck
def polypow(cs, pow, maxpower=None) :
    from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polypow
    return polypow(cs, pow, maxpower)
def rolldice_sum_prob(sum_, dice_amount):
    return (P.polypow([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dice_amount)
            ).item(sum_ - dice_amount) / (6**dice_amount) if (
                sum_ <= 6 * dice_amount) else 0.0
def probability(dice_number, sides, target):
    if target < 1 or target > dice_number * sides:
        return 0.0000
    prob = polynomial.polypow([0] + [1] * sides, dice_number)
    return round(prob[target] / sides ** dice_number, 4)
    def get_beta(self, p, p0):
        p2 = nppoly.polypow(p, 2)
        p02 = nppoly.polypow(p0, 2)

        return (self.integrate(p2, self.intlims[0], self.intlims[1]) /
                self.integrate(p02, self.intlims[0], self.intlims[1]))
def get_probs(n_dice, n_turns):
    p = [1 / n_dice] * n_dice
    return polypow(p, n_turns)
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polypow
from numpy import ones

sides = 6
dice = 2

# Create an array of polynomial coefficients for
# x + x^2 + ... + x^sides
p = ones(sides + 1)
p[0] = 0

# Extract the coefficients of p(x)**dice and divide by sides**dice
pmf = sides**(-dice) * polypow(p, dice)
cdf = pmf.cumsum()
print cdf
    def get_alpha(self, p):
        p2 = nppoly.polypow(p, 2)
        xp2 = nppoly.polymulx(p2)

        return (self.integrate(xp2, self.intlims[0], self.intlims[1]) /
                self.integrate(p2, self.intlims[0], self.intlims[1]))
def eof_p_opt(sch, max_degree=None, debug=False, capacity=None):
    :param sch: Input scheme.
    :param max_degree: Max degree of result polinomial.
    :param debug: If True debug information will be printed due to process.
    :return: First max_degree+1 members of polinomial EOF(p) for input scheme.
    n = sch.inputs()
    m = sch.elements()

    if capacity is None:
        capacity = min([2 ** sch.inputs(), 32])

    nonerror = (0,) * m

    if max_degree is None:
        max_degree = m

    sch_process = d.make_process_func(sch, capacity=capacity)

    if debug:
        start = time.time()
        counter = 0
        while time.time() - start < 1:
            output_true = sch_process((0,) * n, (0,) * m)
            counter += 1
        process_time = (time.time() - start) / counter

        inputs = 2 ** n / capacity
        errors = sum(choose(m, degree) for degree in range(max_degree + 1))
        estimated_time = process_time * inputs * errors
        print("Estimated time eof_p: ", estimated_time)

    poly = Polynomial([Fraction(0, 1)])
    input_prob = Fraction(1, 2 ** n)
    p = Polynomial([Fraction(0, 1), Fraction(1, 1)])
    sum_poly = Polynomial([Fraction(0, 1)])
    for input_values in inputs_combinations(n, capacity=capacity):
        output_true = sch_process(input_values, nonerror)
        if debug:
        for degree in range(max_degree + 1):
            error_prob = Polynomial(polypow(p.coef, degree, maxpower=100)) * Polynomial(
                polypow((1 - p).coef, m - degree, maxpower=100)
            # print(error_prob.coef)
            errors_number = 0
            if debug:
                print(len(list(combinations(range(m), r=degree))))
            for error_comb in combinations(range(m), r=degree):
                error_vec = [0] * m
                for i in error_comb:
                    error_vec[i] = 2 ** capacity - 1
                output_error = sch_process(input_values, error_vec)
                errors = [i ^ j for i, j in zip(output_true, output_error)]
                errors_number += ones(reduce(or_, errors))
            if debug:
            if errors_number:
                poly += errors_number * input_prob * error_prob
    result = list(poly.coef)
    # removing trailing zeros
    while not result[-1]:
    return result