def _get_I_total(R0, d, t):
    A = np.ln(R0)
    B = np.ln(1+ d) 
    mu = 0.5 * A / B
    I = 0.5 * np.exp( 0.25 * A**2 / B * np.sqrt( np.pi / B))
    I = I * np.sqrt(B) * (np.erf(t - mu)- np.erf(-mu))
    return I
def _get_I_total(R0, d, t):
    A = np.ln(R0)
    B = np.ln(1 + d)
    mu = 0.5 * A / B
    I = 0.5 * np.exp(0.25 * A**2 / B * np.sqrt(np.pi / B))
    I = I * np.sqrt(B) * (np.erf(t - mu) - np.erf(-mu))
    return I
    def _black_scholes(self, nopt, price, strike, t, rate, vol):
        mr = -rate
        sig_sig_two = vol * vol * 2

        P = price
        S = strike
        T = t

        a = log(P / S)
        b = T * mr

        z = T * sig_sig_two
        c = 0.25 * z
        y = invsqrt(z)

        w1 = (a - b + c) * y
        w2 = (a - b - c) * y

        d1 = 0.5 + 0.5 * erf(w1)
        d2 = 0.5 + 0.5 * erf(w2)

        Se = exp(b) * S

        call = P * d1 - Se * d2
        put = call - P + Se

        return (call, put)
    def __init__(self,
                 func=lambda x: np.sin(x),

        (pb_freq, pb_bits, pb_chns) = pg.mixer.get_init()

        self.freq = freq

        self.multiplier = int(freq * length)
        #self.multiplier = freq * length
        self.length = max(1, int(float(pb_freq) / freq * self.multiplier))
        self.lin = np.linspace(0.0,
        #self.lin2 = np.linspace(0.0,m

        #self.lin = np.linspace(0.0, )

        #self.ary = np.sin(self.lin * 2.0 * np.pi)
        self.ary = func(self.lin * 2 * np.pi)

        fade_fac = 1.
        fadeout_len = min(50, int(len(self.lin) * 0.01))
        self.fadein = np.arctan(self.lin / fade_fac) / (np.pi / 2.)

        #self.fadeout= (1. + np.arctan(- ( self.lin - self.lin[-fadeout_len])/fade_fac )/(np.pi/2.))
        self.fadein = np.erf(self.lin)
        self.fadeout = 0.5 - np.erf(self.lin - self.lin[-50]).astype('f2') / 2.
        self.fadeinout = np.multiply(self.fadein, self.fadeout)
        self.ary = np.multiply(self.fadeinout, self.ary)

        norm = abs(1. / self.ary.max())
        self.ary = self.ary * norm
        norm2 = abs(1. / self.ary.min())
        self.ary = self.ary * norm2

        # If mixer is in stereo mode, double up the array information for
        # each channel.
        if pb_chns == 2:
            self.ary2 = np.repeat(self.ary[..., np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
            self.ary2 = self.ary
        if pb_bits == 8:
            snd_ary = self.ary2 * vol * 127.0
            self.sound = pg.sndarray.make_sound(snd_ary.astype(np.uint8) + 128)
        elif pb_bits == -16:
            snd_ary = self.ary2 * vol * float((1 << 15) - 1)
            self.sound = pg.sndarray.make_sound(snd_ary.astype(np.int16))
            print "Sound playback resolution unsupported (either 8 or -16)."
            return None
文件: generate.py 项目: nrad/Pythonia
  def __init__(self, func = lambda x:  np.sin(x ) ,freq=440  , vol=1.0,  random=False,
                  length=def_length ):

    (pb_freq, pb_bits, pb_chns) = pg.mixer.get_init()

    self.multiplier  = int(freq * length)
    #self.multiplier = freq * length
    self.length = max(1, int(float(pb_freq) / freq * self.multiplier))
    self.lin    = np.linspace(0.0, self.multiplier, self.length, endpoint=False)
    #self.lin2 = np.linspace(0.0,m

    #self.lin = np.linspace(0.0, )

    #self.ary = np.sin(self.lin * 2.0 * np.pi)
    self.ary = func(self.lin*2*np.pi)

    fadeout_len = min(50, int(len(self.lin)*0.01 ))
    self.fadein= np.arctan(self.lin/fade_fac)/(np.pi/2.)

    #self.fadeout= (1. + np.arctan(- ( self.lin - self.lin[-fadeout_len])/fade_fac )/(np.pi/2.))
    self.fadein  =  np.erf( self.lin  )
    self.fadeout =  0.5 - np.erf(self.lin- self.lin[-50]).astype('f2')/2.
    self.fadeinout = np.multiply(self.fadein, self.fadeout)
    self.ary = np.multiply(self.fadeinout,self.ary)

    norm = abs(1./self.ary.max())
    self.ary = self.ary* norm
    norm2 = abs(1./self.ary.min())
    self.ary = self.ary*norm2

    # If mixer is in stereo mode, double up the array information for
    # each channel.
    if pb_chns == 2:
        self.ary2 = np.repeat(self.ary[..., np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
        self.ary2 = self.ary
    if pb_bits == 8:
        snd_ary = self.ary2 * vol * 127.0
        self.sound= pg.sndarray.make_sound(snd_ary.astype(np.uint8) + 128)
    elif pb_bits == -16:
        snd_ary = self.ary2 * vol * float((1 << 15) - 1)
        self.sound= pg.sndarray.make_sound(snd_ary.astype(np.int16))
        print "Sound playback resolution unsupported (either 8 or -16)."
        return None
def _broaden_wmp_polynomials(E, dopp, n):
    r"""Evaluate Doppler-broadened windowed multipole curvefit.

    The curvefit is a polynomial of the form :math:`\frac{a}{E}
    + \frac{b}{\sqrt{E}} + c + d \sqrt{E} + \ldots`

    E : Real
        Energy to evaluate at.
    dopp : Real
        sqrt(atomic weight ratio / kT) in units of eV.
    n : Integral
        Number of components to the polynomial.

        The value of each Doppler-broadened curvefit polynomial term.

    sqrtE = np.sqrt(E)
    beta = sqrtE * dopp
    half_inv_dopp2 = 0.5 / dopp**2
    quarter_inv_dopp4 = half_inv_dopp2**2

    if beta > 6.0:
        # Save time, ERF(6) is 1 to machine precision.
        # beta/sqrtpi*exp(-beta**2) is also approximately 1 machine epsilon.
        erf_beta = 1.0
        exp_m_beta2 = 0.0
        erf_beta = np.erf(beta)
        exp_m_beta2 = np.exp(-beta**2)

    # Assume that, for sure, we'll use a second order (1/E, 1/V, const)
    # fit, and no less.

    factors = np.zeros(n)

    factors[0] = erf_beta / E
    factors[1] = 1.0 / sqrtE
    factors[2] = (factors[0] * (half_inv_dopp2 + E) + exp_m_beta2 /
                  (beta * np.sqrt(np.pi)))

    # Perform recursive broadening of high order components.  range(1, n-4)
    # replaces a do i = 1, n=3.  All indices are reduced by one due to the
    # 1-based vs. 0-based indexing.
    for i in range(1, n - 4):
        if i != 1:
            factors[i +
                    2] = (-factors[i - 2] * (i - 1.0) * i * quarter_inv_dopp4 +
                          factors[i] * (E + (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2))
            # Although it's mathematically identical, factors[0] will contain
            # nothing, and we don't want to have to worry about memory.
            factors[i + 2] = factors[i] * (E +
                                           (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2)

    return factors
def register_element_ops():
    binary_op_list = [
        ["mul", lambda a, b: a * b],
        ["add", lambda a, b: a + b],
        ["sub", lambda a, b: a - b],
        ["div", lambda a, b: a / (b + 1e-4)],
            lambda a, b: torch.pow(a, b),
            lambda a, b: np.power(a, b),
        ],  # no fuson triggered
        ["max", lambda a, b: torch.max(a, b), lambda a, b: np.maximum(a, b)],
        ["min", lambda a, b: torch.min(a, b), lambda a, b: np.minimum(a, b)],

    unary_op_list = [
        ["erf", lambda x: torch.erf(x), lambda x: np.erf(x)],
        ["exp", lambda x: torch.exp(x), lambda x: np.exp(x)],
        ["sin", lambda x: torch.sin(x), lambda x: np.sin(x)],
        ["cos", lambda x: torch.cos(x), lambda x: np.cos(x)],
            "rand_like", lambda x: torch.rand_like(x),
            lambda x: np.random.rand(*x.shape)

    for split_input, binary_op in itertools.product([True, False],
        # Make a copy of ElementBench
        if len(binary_op) == 2:
            [op_str, op_pt_func] = binary_op
            op_np_func = op_pt_func
        elif len(binary_op) == 3:
            [op_str, op_pt_func, op_np_func] = binary_op
        split_str = "split" if split_input else "shared"
        op_str = split_str + "_" + op_str
        bm_cls = type("ElementBench_" + op_str, (ElementBench, ), {})
        bm_cls.op_str = op_str
        bm_cls.binary_op_pt_func = op_pt_func
        bm_cls.binary_op_np_func = op_np_func
        bm_cls.split_input = split_input

    for split_input, unary_op in itertools.product([True, False],
        # Make a copy of ElementBench
        if len(unary_op) == 2:
            [op_str, op_pt_func] = unary_op
            op_np_func = op_pt_func
        elif len(unary_op) == 3:
            [op_str, op_pt_func, op_np_func] = unary_op
        split_str = "split" if split_input else "shared"
        op_str = split_str + "_" + op_str
        bm_cls = type("ElementBench_" + op_str, (ElementBench, ), {})
        bm_cls.op_str = op_str
        bm_cls.unary_op_pt_func = op_pt_func
        bm_cls.unary_op_np_func = op_np_func
        bm_cls.split_input = split_input
 def int_local_time(self, t, K):
     """Explicit form for the integral of the local time between 0 and t
     dJ = self.dJ(0, K)
     J = self.J(0, K)
     return dJ * np.exp(-J**2 / (2 * t)) * np.sqrt(
         2 / np.pi) * np.sqrt(t) + dJ * J * (np.erf(J /
                                                    (np.sqrt(2 * t))) - 1)
def _broaden_wmp_polynomials(E, dopp, n):
    r"""Evaluate Doppler-broadened windowed multipole curvefit.

    The curvefit is a polynomial of the form :math:`\frac{a}{E}
    + \frac{b}{\sqrt{E}} + c + d \sqrt{E} + \ldots`

    E : Real
        Energy to evaluate at.
    dopp : Real
        sqrt(atomic weight ratio / kT) in units of eV.
    n : Integral
        Number of components to the polynomial.

        The value of each Doppler-broadened curvefit polynomial term.

    sqrtE = np.sqrt(E)
    beta = sqrtE * dopp
    half_inv_dopp2 = 0.5 / dopp**2
    quarter_inv_dopp4 = half_inv_dopp2**2

    if beta > 6.0:
        # Save time, ERF(6) is 1 to machine precision.
        # beta/sqrtpi*exp(-beta**2) is also approximately 1 machine epsilon.
        erf_beta = 1.0
        exp_m_beta2 = 0.0
        erf_beta = np.erf(beta)
        exp_m_beta2 = np.exp(-beta**2)

    # Assume that, for sure, we'll use a second order (1/E, 1/V, const)
    # fit, and no less.

    factors = np.zeros(n)

    factors[0] = erf_beta / E
    factors[1] = 1.0 / sqrtE
    factors[2] = (factors[0] * (half_inv_dopp2 + E)
                  + exp_m_beta2 / (beta * np.sqrt(np.pi)))

    # Perform recursive broadening of high order components.  range(1, n-4)
    # replaces a do i = 1, n=3.  All indices are reduced by one due to the
    # 1-based vs. 0-based indexing.
    for i in range(1, n-4):
        if i != 1:
            factors[i+2] = (-factors[i-2] * (i - 1.0) * i * quarter_inv_dopp4
                + factors[i] * (E + (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2))
            # Although it's mathematically identical, factors[0] will contain
            # nothing, and we don't want to have to worry about memory.
            factors[i+2] = factors[i]*(E + (1.0 + 2.0 * i) * half_inv_dopp2)

    return factors
def erf(f=Ellipsis):
    erf(x) yields a potential function that calculates the error function over the input x. If x is
      a constant, yields a constant potential function.
    erf() is equivalent to erf(...), which is just the error function, calculated over its inputs.
    f = to_potential(f)
    if is_const_potential(f): return const_potential(np.erf(f.c))
    elif is_identity_potential(f): return ErfPotential()
    else: return compose(ErfPotential(), f)
 def expected_improvement(self, fref, f, s):
     if s > 0.0:
         if self.MIN[self.nfg]:
             y = (fref - f)/s
             y = (f - fref)/s
         cdf = 0.5*(1.0 - np.erf(-y/np.sqrt(2.0)))
         pdf = 1.0/np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi)*np.exp(-0.5*y**2.0)
         ei = s*(y*cdf + pdf)   
         ei = 0.0
     return ei
def grid_coherence(U, res, f0, model='Pierson-Moskowitz'):
    """ Calculates the coherence time of a resolution cell

        :param U: wind velocity at reference height
        :param res: grid size [m]
        :param f0: carrier frequency [Hz]
        :param model: Model used, defaults to Pierson-Moskowitz (currently
                      the only one implemented)

    tau_c = 3.29 * const.c / f0 / U / np.sqrt(np.erf(2.688 * res / U**2))
    return tau_c
def whrankHamm(q_codes, db_codes, q_feats, fmu, fstd, w_type='ones'):
    if w_type == 'ones':
        weights = np.ones_like(q_feats)
    elif w_type == 'q':
        weights = np.abs(q_feats)
    elif w_type == 'std':
        weights = np.ones_like(q_feats) / fstd
    elif w_type == 'q_std':
        weights = np.abs(q_feats) / fstd
    elif w_type == 'erf':
        Pr = 0.5 * (1 + q_codes * np.erf((-q_feats-fmu) / (np.sqrt(2)*fstd)))
        weights = np.log((1 - Pr) / Pr)
    num1 = q_codes.shape[0]
    num2 = db_codes.shape[0]
    distMat = np.zeros((num1, num2))
    for i in range(num1):
        codediff = np.abs(np.tile(q_codes[i], (num2, 1)) - db_codes) / 2
        distMat[i] = np.dot(weights[i], codediff.transpose())
    return distMat
    def __init__(self, alpha=2, Mach=10, epsilon=0.2, b=0.4,
                 phi_t=1/3., alpha_vir=1., Beta=20,
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.b = b
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.Mach = Mach

        self.alpha_vir = alpha_vir
        self.phi_t = phi_t
        self.Beta = Beta

        # eqn19
        self.s_t = 0.5 * (2*np.abs(self.alpha) - 1) * self.sigma_s**2
        self.C = (np.exp(0.5 * (self.alpha-1)
                         * self.alpha * self.sigma_s**2)
                  / (self.sigma_s * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)))
        self.N = 2 * (1 + np.erf((2*np.log(self.s_t) +
                      + (2*self.C * np.exp(-self.s_t*self.alpha))/self.alpha)**-1
 def value(self, x):
     return np.erf(flattest(x))
    def test_unary_fun(self):

        import math

        data = [1., 2., 3.]
        c = np.array(data)

        d = np.acos(c / 3)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.acos(data[i] / 3))

        d = np.asin(c / 3)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.asin(data[i] / 3))

        d = np.atan(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.atan(data[i]))

        d = np.sin(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.sin(data[i]))

        d = np.cos(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.cos(data[i]))

        d = np.tan(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.tan(data[i]))

        d = np.acosh(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.acosh(data[i]))

        d = np.asinh(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.asinh(data[i]))

        d = np.atanh(c / 3.1)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.atanh(data[i] / 3.1))

        d = np.sinh(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.sinh(data[i]))

        d = np.cosh(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.cosh(data[i]))

        d = np.tanh(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.tanh(data[i]))

        d = np.ceil(c * 2.7)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.ceil(data[i] * 2.7))

        d = np.floor(c * 2.7)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.floor(data[i] * 2.7))

        d = np.erf(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.erf(data[i]))

        d = np.erfc(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.erfc(data[i]))

        d = np.exp(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.exp(data[i]))

        d = np.expm1(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.expm1(data[i]))

        d = np.gamma(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.gamma(data[i]))

        d = np.lgamma(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.lgamma(data[i]))

        d = np.log(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.log(data[i]))

        d = np.log10(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.log10(data[i]))

        d = np.log2(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.log2(data[i]))

        d = np.sqrt(c)
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.sqrt(data[i]))

        # slices
        data = [1., 2., 3.]
        c = np.array(data + data)

        d = np.cos(c[::2])
        mm = data + data
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            self.assertEqual(ei, math.cos(mm[2 * i]))

        # 2d array
        data = [1., 2., 3.]
        c = np.array([data, data])

        d = np.cos(c)
        mm = [data, data]
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            for j, eij in enumerate(ei):
                self.assertEqual(eij, math.cos(mm[i][j]))

        # 2d array slices
        data = [1., 2., 3.]
        c = np.array([data + data, data + data])

        d = np.cos(c[:, ::2])
        mm = [data + data, data + data]
        for i, ei in enumerate(d):
            for j, eij in enumerate(ei):
                self.assertEqual(eij, math.cos(mm[i][2 * j]))
def gauss_cdf(z):
    return 0.5 * (1 + np.erf(z / np.sqrt(2)))
def Phi(x):
    """ cumulative gaussian fct """
    return (np.erf(x * 0.7071067811865475) * 0.5 + 0.5)
def derived_error_function(N, P):
    alpha = N / P
    return 1 / 2 * (1 - np.erf((1 + alpha) / math.sqrt(2 * alpha)))
def gauss_cdf(z):
    return 0.5 * (1 + np.erf(z / np.sqrt(2)))
 def value(self, x): return np.erf(flattest(x))
 def jacobian(self, x, into=None):
def V(x):
    return - (k/16) * np.exp(-8 * (x ** 2)) - ((e2/(2 * (8 ** 0.5))) * np.sqrt(np.pi)) * (np.erf( (8 ** 0.5)* (x - xb)) - np.erf((8 ** 0.5) *( x + xb)))