def set_fake_mjd(target_mjd):
    import obsbot
    # How many ways do we get the time?
    global ephem_offset
    ephem_offset = 0.
    nownow = ephem.now()
    ephem_offset = obsbot.mjd_to_ephem_date(target_mjd) - nownow

    obsbot.mjdnow_offset = 0
    nownow = obsbot.mjdnow()
    obsbot.mjdnow_offset = target_mjd - nownow
    def test_recent(self):
        from obsbot import mjdnow
        from copilot import (get_recent_ccds, get_recent_exposures,

        import obsbot

        # Fake the current time...
        target_mjd = 57603.1

        now = mjdnow()
        self.assertLess(np.abs(now - target_mjd), 0.001)

        ccds = get_recent_ccds(recent = 0.1 * 24 * 60)
        self.assertEqual(len(ccds), 73)

        ccds = get_recent_ccds(recent = 30.)
        self.assertEqual(len(ccds), 15)

        exps = get_recent_exposures(recent = 30.)
        self.assertEqual(len(exps), 15)
        exps = get_recent_exposures(recent = 30., bands=['g','r'])
        self.assertEqual(len(exps), 15)

        gexps = get_recent_exposures(recent = 30., bands=['g'])
        self.assertEqual(len(gexps), 6)

        rexps = get_recent_exposures(recent = 30., bands=['r'])
        self.assertEqual(len(rexps), 9)

        xexps = get_recent_exposures(recent = 30., bands=[])
        self.assertEqual(xexps, None)
        gsee, rsee, G, R = recent_gr_seeing()
        print('gsee', gsee)
        print('rsee', rsee)
        print('G', G)
        print('R', R)

        self.assertLess(np.abs(gsee - 1.360), 0.001)
        self.assertLess(np.abs(rsee - 1.374), 0.001)
        self.assertEqual(len(G), 5)
        self.assertEqual(len(R), 5)
    def __init__(self, J1, J2, J3, opt, nom, obs, tiles):
        super(Mosbot, self).__init__(opt.rawdata, backlog=False,
        # How many exposures ahead should we write?
        self.Nahead = 10
        self.timeout = None
        self.J1 = J1
        self.J2 = J2
        self.J3 = J3
        self.opt = opt
        self.nom = nom
        self.obs = obs
        self.tiles = tiles

        self.scriptdir = os.path.dirname(opt.scriptfn)
        # Create scriptdir (one path component only), if necessary
        if len(self.scriptdir) and not os.path.exists(self.scriptdir):
        self.seqnumfn = 'seqnum.txt'
        self.seqnumpath = os.path.join(self.scriptdir, self.seqnumfn)
        self.expscriptpattern  = 'expose-%i.sh'
        self.slewscriptpattern = 'slewread-%i.sh'

        self.planned_tiles = OrderedDict()

        if opt.write_script:
            # Default to Pass 2!
            J = [J1,J2,J3][opt.passnum - 1]
            self.write_initial_script(J, opt.passnum, opt.exptime,
                                      opt.scriptfn, self.seqnumfn)
            self.n_exposures = len(J)
            self.n_exposures = 0

        self.bot_runtime = mjdnow()

        self.latest_meas = None

        self.last_forced = None
        self.sequence_offset = 0
    def test_longtime(self):
        from copilot import main, Copilot
        from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table
        from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import mjdtodate
        from obsdb.models import MeasuredCCD
        from obsbot import mjdnow
        import tempfile

        dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ['MOS3_DATA'] = dirname

        args = self.mos_args + ['--n-fwhm', '10']
        args += ['--plot-filename', 'longtime.png']
        copilot = main(cmdlineargs=args, get_copilot=True)

        T = fits_table(os.path.join(self.testdatadir, 'mosaic-db.fits'))

        # Move all the exposures' times so that the latest one is now-longtime
        mjdoffset = (mjdnow() -
                     (copilot.longtime + 5.) / 86400.) - max(T.mjd_obs)
        T.mjd_obs += mjdoffset

        for t in T:
            m, created = MeasuredCCD.objects.get_or_create(
                filename=t.filename, extension=t.extension)
            for c in T.get_columns():
                setattr(m, c, t.get(c))
            m.object = m.object.strip()
            m.obstype = m.obstype.strip()

        copilot.lastNewFile = mjdtodate(max(T.mjd_obs))

        # Change the mjd_obs times so that it's *not* longtime.
        copilot.opt.plot_filename = 'longtime2.png'
        copilot.lastNewFile += datetime.timedelta(0, 10.)

        print('Longtime:', copilot.longtime)
def main(cmdlineargs=None, get_copilot=False):
    global gSFD
    import optparse
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog')

    # Mosaic or Decam?
    from camera import (nominal_cal, ephem_observer, default_extension,
    nom = nominal_cal
    obs = ephem_observer()
    plotfn_default = 'recent.png'
    parser.add_option('--ext', default=default_extension,
                      help='Extension to read for computing observing conditions: default %default')
    parser.add_option('--extnum', type=int, help='Integer extension to read')
    parser.add_option('--rawdata', help='Directory to monitor for new images: default $MOS3_DATA if set, else "rawdata"', default=None)

    parser.add_option('--n-fwhm', default=None, type=int, help='Number of stars on which to measure FWHM')
    parser.add_option('--no-db', dest='db', default=True, action='store_false',
                      help='Do not append results to database')

    parser.add_option('--no-focus', dest='focus', default=True,
                      action='store_false', help='Do not analyze focus frames')
    parser.add_option('--fits', help='Write database to given FITS table')
    parser.add_option('--plot', action='store_true',
                      help='Plot recent data and quit')
    parser.add_option('--plot-filename', default=None,
                      help='Save plot to given file, default %s' % plotfn_default)

    parser.add_option('--nightplot', '--night', action='store_true',
                      help="Plot tonight's data and quit")

    parser.add_option('--qa-plots', dest='doplots', default=False,
                      action='store_true', help='Create QA plots')

    parser.add_option('--keep-plots', action='store_true',
                      help='Do not remove PNG-format plots (normally merged into PDF)')
    parser.add_option('--mjdstart', type=float, default=None,
                      help='MJD (UTC) at which to start plot')

    now = mjdnow()
    parser.add_option('--mjdend', type=float, default=None,
                      help='MJD (UTC) at which to end plot (default: now, which is %.3f)' % now)

    parser.add_option('--skip', action='store_true',
                      help='Skip images that already exist in the database')

    parser.add_option('--threads', type=int, default=None,
                      help='Run multi-threaded when processing list of files on command-line')

    parser.add_option('--fix-db', action='store_true')

    parser.add_option('--tiles', default=tile_path,
                      help='Tiles table, default %default')

    parser.add_option('--no-show', dest='show', default=True, action='store_false',
                      help='Do not show plot window, just save it.')

    if cmdlineargs is None:
        opt,args = parser.parse_args()
        opt,args = parser.parse_args(cmdlineargs)
    if not opt.show:
        import matplotlib

    imagedir = opt.rawdata
    if imagedir is None:
        imagedir = os.environ.get('MOS3_DATA', 'rawdata')

    rawext = opt.ext
    if opt.extnum is not None:
        rawext = opt.extnum
    assert(rawext is not None)
    from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table
    tiles = fits_table(opt.tiles)

    from django.conf import settings
    import obsdb

    import pylab as plt

    markmjds = []

    if opt.nightplot:
        opt.plot = True

        if opt.plot_filename is None:
            opt.plot_filename = 'night.png'

        # Are we at Tololo or Kitt Peak?  Look for latest image.
        o = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().order_by('-mjd_obs')
        cam = o[0].camera
        print('Camera:', cam)

        if opt.mjdstart is not None:
            sdate = ephem.Date(mjdtodate(opt.mjdend))
            sdate = ephem.Date(datenow())
        (sunset, eve12, eve18, morn18, morn12, sunrise) = get_twilight(
            cam, sdate)
        if opt.mjdstart is None:
            opt.mjdstart = ephemdate_to_mjd(sunset)
            print('Set mjd start to sunset:', sunset, opt.mjdstart)
        if opt.mjdend is None:
            opt.mjdend = ephemdate_to_mjd(sunrise)
            print('Set mjd end to sunrise', sunrise, opt.mjdend)

        print('Evening twi18:', eve18, markmjds[-1])
        print('Morning twi18:', morn18, markmjds[-1])
        print('Evening twi12:', eve12, markmjds[-1])
        print('Morning twi12:', morn12, markmjds[-1])
    if opt.plot_filename is None:
        opt.plot_filename = plotfn_default

    if opt.fits:
        ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all()
        print(ccds.count(), 'measured CCDs')
        T = db_to_fits(ccds)
        print('Wrote', opt.fits)
        return 0

    if opt.fix_db:

        from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table
        tiles = fits_table('obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits')

        now = mjdnow()
        #ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all()
        #ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().filter(mjd_obs__gt=now - 0.25)
        ccds = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.all().filter(mjd_obs__gt=57434)
        print(ccds.count(), 'measured CCDs')
        for ccd in ccds:
                hdr = fitsio.read_header(ccd.filename, ext=0)
                # band = hdr['FILTER']
                # band = band.split()[0]
                # ccd.band = band

                set_tile_fields(ccd, hdr, tiles)

                print('Fixed', ccd.filename)
                import traceback

        return 0

    if opt.plot:
        plot_recent(opt, nom, tiles=tiles, markmjds=markmjds, show_plot=False)
        return 0
    print('Loading SFD maps...')
    sfd = SFDMap()
    if len(args) > 0:
        mp = None
        if opt.threads > 1:
            gSFD = sfd
            from astrometry.util.multiproc import multiproc
            mp = multiproc(opt.threads)

        if opt.skip:
            fns = skip_existing_files(args, rawext)
            fns = args
        if mp is None:
            for fn in fns:
                process_image(fn, rawext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles)
            sfd = None
                   [(fn, rawext, nom, sfd, opt, obs, tiles) for fn in fns])
        plot_recent(opt, nom, tiles=tiles, markmjds=markmjds, show_plot=False)
        return 0

    copilot = Copilot(imagedir, rawext, opt, nom, sfd, obs, tiles)

    # for testability
    if get_copilot:
        return copilot

    return 0
def plot_recent(opt, nom, tiles=None, markmjds=[], **kwargs):
    import obsdb

    if opt.mjdend is None:
        # Now
        mjd_end = mjdnow()
        mjd_end = opt.mjdend
    if opt.mjdstart is None:
        # an hour ago
        mjd_start = mjd_end - 3600. / (24*3600.)
        mjd_start = opt.mjdstart
    # mjd_start <= mjd_obs <= mjd_end
    mm = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.filter(mjd_obs__gte=mjd_start,

    if not len(mm):
        print('No measurements in MJD range', mjd_start, mjd_end)

    camera = mm[0].camera
    allobs = obsdb.MeasuredCCD.objects.filter(camera=camera)

    plotfn = opt.plot_filename

    (sunset, eve12, eve18, morn18, morn12, sunrise) = get_twilight(
        camera, ephem.Date(mjdtodate(mjd_end)))

    #print('Evening twi18:', eve18, markmjds[-1])
    #print('Morning twi18:', morn18, markmjds[-1])
    #print('Evening twi12:', eve12, markmjds[-1])
    #print('Morning twi12:', morn12, markmjds[-1])
    plot_measurements(mm, plotfn, nom, allobs=allobs,
                      mjdrange=(mjd_start, mjd_end), markmjds=markmjds,

    planfn = 'mosbot-plan.fits'
    if not os.path.exists(planfn) or tiles is None:

    import pylab as plt
    from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table
    P = fits_table(planfn)
    mlast = mm.order_by('mjd_obs').last()

    mrecent = mm.order_by('-mjd_obs')[:10]
    I = (tiles.in_desi == 1) * (tiles.z_done == 0)
    plt.plot(tiles.ra[I], tiles.dec[I], 'k.', alpha=0.05)
    I = (tiles.in_desi == 1) * (tiles.z_done > 0)
    plt.plot(tiles.ra[I], tiles.dec[I], 'k.', alpha=0.5)
    plt.plot([m.rabore for m in mm], [m.decbore for m in mm], 'm.')

    I = np.flatnonzero(P.type == '1')
    I = I[:10]
    plt.plot(P[I].ra, P[I].dec, 'k^', alpha=0.3)
    I = np.flatnonzero(P.type == '2')
    I = I[:10]
    plt.plot(P[I].ra, P[I].dec, 'ks', alpha=0.3)
    I = np.flatnonzero(P.type == '3')
    I = I[:10]
    plt.plot(P[I].ra, P[I].dec, 'kp', alpha=0.3)

    plt.plot(mlast.rabore, mlast.decbore, 'mo')

    I = np.flatnonzero(P.type == 'P')
    plt.plot(P[I].ra, P[I].dec, 'm*-', ms=12)

    plt.xlabel('RA (deg)')
    plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)')

    ralo = min(P.ra.min(), min([m.rabore for m in mrecent]))
    rahi = max(P.ra.max(), max([m.rabore for m in mrecent]))
    declo = min(P.dec.min(), min([m.decbore for m in mrecent]))
    dechi = max(P.dec.max(), max([m.decbore for m in mrecent]))
    dr = rahi - ralo
    dd = dechi - declo
    plt.axis([ralo-0.1*dr, rahi+0.1*dr, declo-0.1*dd, dechi+0.1*dd])

    fn = 'radec.png'
    print('Wrote', fn)